№3(79)/2015 Серия педагогика

Білім беру мекемелерінде дарынды балалардың

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Білім беру мекемелерінде дарынды балалардың  
психологиялық-педагогикалық қамсыздандыру ерекшеліктері 
Мақалада  білім  беру  мекеменің  жағдайындағы  дарынды  балалармен  жұмыс  жасау  барысында 
психологиялық-педагогикалық  мүмкіндіктер, сонымен қатар педагог пен дарынды баланың өзара іс-
қатынасының ерекшеліктері  қарастырылған. Психологиялық жұмыстың рөлі мен орнын ұғыну, яғни, 
балалардың  күрделі  жəне  көп  қырлы  дарындылық  құбылыстарын  біртұтас  қамтамасыз  ететін 
факторлар, дарынды балаларды оқытуды жетілдіру заңдылығы болып табылады. 
S.S.Seitenova, S.E.Doszhanova, K.T.Medeubaeyva 
Features of psychological-pedagogical support of gifted children  
in educational institutions  
The article discusses the possibility of psychological and pedagogical support of gifted children in terms of 
educational institutions, as well as the peculiarities of interaction between the teacher and the gifted child. 
Awareness of the role of psychological work as a factor that provides a holistic approach to the complex and 
diverse phenomenon of children's giftedness, in the process of improving education for gifted children oc-
curred naturally. 
1  Dal V. Dictionary of  Great Russian language, IV, Moscow: Russkiy yazyk, 1980, p. 272. 
2  Zeer E.F. Psychology of professional education, textbook, 2-ed., Moscow: Publ. house of Moscow psycho-social institution, 
Voronezh: Publ. house of the NGO «MODEK», 2003. 
3  Children's talent as the goal, the means and the result of educational practice, edit. V.B.Novichkova, Moscow: Perspektiva, 
4  Bogoyavlenskaya D.B. The basic modern concepts of creativity and talent, Voronezh: NPO «MODEK», 1997, 448 p. 
5  Semenova N.V. Actual problems of educational psychology: Materials of the second regional scientific-practical conference, 
Nizhny Novgorod: NGC, 2001, p. 86–89. 
6  Babayeva Yu.D. Personal problems of gifted children and especially their self assesment / psychology of gifted children and 
adolescents, Moscow: Publ. center «Akademiya», 1996, 416 p. 
7  Sinyagina N.Yu., Chirkovskaya E.G. Student-centered educational process and the development of giftedness, edit. 
A.A.Derkach, I.V.Kalish, Moscow: Publ. center «Akademiya», 2001, 258 p. 

Серия «Педагогика». № 3(79)/2015 
UDC 811.111:378.096
A.Sh.Tazhikeyeva, N.T.Mun, V.Yu.Shershneva  
Yе.A.Buketov Karaganda State University
(E-mail: nuray28@mail.ru) 
Communicative language competence  
as a purpose and result of education 
The article considers the main issues of formation of communicative language competence as a purpose and 
result of education. It is noted that one of the trends of recent years is the revision of concepts relating to not 
only educational content, but also rethinking its goals and results. In this regard, the reorientation of education 
evaluation takes place shifting from the concepts of «readiness», «education», «common culture» to the con-
cepts «competence» and «proficiency». To determine the methodological differences between the subject- 
knowledge and competence approaches, it’s necessary to define the conceptual content of the two terms that 
form the basis of this approach: «competence» and «proficiency».   
Key words: Competence, competence approach, foreign language teaching, learners, multilingual education, 
English language teaching, foreign language learning. 
For the first time the definition of communicative competence was given by D.Haymz. He stated that 
the statement has its own rules, which are subject to the rules of grammar, and learning, and their acquisition 
provides the ability to use the language in the process of communication. Then A. Hollidey defined commu-
nicative competence as an internal willingness and ability to verbal communication. Later, the description of 
communicative competence was given by Van Eck, who singled out the components of communicative 
• linguistic component — knowledge of vocabulary and grammar rules
• socio-linguistic component — the ability to use and interpret linguistic forms in accordance with the 
situation, context; 
• discourse component — the ability to understand and logically  build separate statements in order to 
achieve semantic  communication; 
• strategic component — the ability to use verbal and nonverbal strategies to compensate for missing 
• socio-cultural component — a certain degree of familiarity with socio-cultural context; 
• social component — the desire and willingness to cooperation with others, ability to manage a situa-
tion [1]. 
Therefore, competence is much broader than the most profound knowledge and in-depth skills, although 
it is formed on their basis. 
It is still difficult to solve the problem of criteria for assessing the formation of competences and proce-
dures of the assessment process. The active search for technology to solve this problem is under way abroad 
and at research and educational institutions of our republic. 
Researchers identify different types of competence for different types of activity. For example, the 
Council of Europe (1990) highlights strategic, social, sociolinguistic, language and learning competences for 
language competence / proficiency. At the same time, in Russia the book  by  L.A. Petrovskaya appeared, 
which  considered not only communicative competence itself, but also offers specific forms of training for 
the formation of «personality traits» [2]. Competence is much wider than the amount of knowledge and 
skills, as it implies experience of independent activity on the basis of the strongest skills of in-depth 
knowledge acquired not only at school, but also through self-education, in a club, from the mass media - un-
der the influence of the whole educational area, natural, economic, social and cultural environment. 
The fullest description of communicative competence belongs to L. Bachmann and V. Rivers. He uses 
the term «communicative language skills» and calls the following competencies: 
• language (linguistic) competence — producing statements in a foreign language is possible only on 
the basis of acquired knowledge and understanding of a language as a system; 
• discourse competence — coherence, logical statements; 
• pragmatic competence — ability to transmit communicative content in accordance with the social con-

A.Sh.Tazhikeyeva, N.T.Mun, V.Yu.Shershneva 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
• spoken competence — ability  to talk coherently without stress, in a natural pace, without lingering 
pauses to search for language forms; 
• socio-linguistic competence — ability to choose language forms, «to know when to speak and when 
not to, when, where and in what manner»; 
• strategic competence — ability to use communication strategies to compensate for missing knowledge 
in a real language communication; 
• speech-thinking competence — willingness to establish communicative content at the result of 
speech-thinking activity, interaction of problems, knowledge and research [3]. 
Another researcher R.P. Milrood added informative competence to this classification, which is consid-
ered as an important component of communicative competence and the most important condition for inclu-
sion in the process of communication. According to his point of view, it is necessary to shape information 
framework  for the development of informative competence , i.e. the set of necessary concepts, such as estab-
lished knowledge, language picture of the world, background and general outlook. The scientist defines 
communicative competence in a broad sense as an «area of successful communication» that exists as 
knowledge of the subject and the ability to extract a language out of memory, communication skills within 
the meaning of actions in the situation of communication, the usage of language outside the learning situa-
tion. The successful usage of  competence approach to language learning means that students know a lan-
guage, demonstrate communication skills and are able to operate successfully in the real world [4]. 
Classification of competencies presented in the table doesn’t claim to have the comprehensive coverage 
of competence types. Our challenge is the need to classify the components directly included in the concept of 
«communicative language competence», or could have significant influence on the formation and develop-
ment of competence in the language. In this regard, we consider these components from a pedagogical point 
of view, as a phenomena of the same order, interconnected ones, that are able to transform, to move from one 
to another (table). 
T a b l e  
Classification of components of communicative language competence 
Types of competence 
1 2 
Social Ability to communication, teamwork, conflict resolution and identification, understanding of 
others sociability, tolerance, social responsibility
Ability to identify and build the strategy and tactics of communication, to dwell on the future; 
Knowledge and skills related to the phenomena of the world  in their objective significance 
at the level of lexical and grammatical units; 
It involves the development of the necessary knowledge of a language as a sign system and a 
social phenomenon, its structure, development and functioning; 
Mastering the basic norms of the literary language, enriching vocabulary and grammatical 
structure of speech of learners; the formation of the ability to analysis and assessment of 
linguistic phenomena and facts; possess the necessary knowledge of linguistics as a science 
Practical skills of speech material selection and variety of forms corresponding with profes-
sional goals, conscious professional attitude to the linguistic material, motivation, willing-
ness to achieve results; 
Ability to the adequate understanding of the picture of the world, understanding other lan-
guages and other cultures, harmony and comfortable existence in a multicultural society, 
dignified behavior, respect for the culture of other nations, the adequacy of its development 
and appropriation; 
Possibility of speech activity In accordance with the objectives of the communicative skills 
of cooperation, the perception of critics, provision and acceptance of feedback between the 
addressees of speech; 
Ability to apply skills of constructing persuasive speech in conjunction with  language mate-
rial in a situation of real communication; 
Ability to be responsible from positions of language policy, to participate in joint decision-
making, manage conflicts nonviolently, to participate in the operation and improvement of 
democratic public institutions; 
Ability and opportunity to build discourse in educational, professional, social purpose, to 
build the logic of verbal behavior of participants of communication; 

Communicative language competence… 
Серия «Педагогика». № 3(79)/2015 
1 2 
Informational Ability to handle technology of finding and selecting information, understanding of their 
application, knowledge of the sides and ways of critical judgment concerning new infor-
mation promoted by the mass media and advertising; 
It requires mastering all kinds of speech activity and culture basics of speaking and writing, 
basic skills of using language in the vital areas for age and communication situations; 
Key Ability to mobilize acquired knowledge and skills in a situation of real communication as 
well as practical experience in order to achieve the desired result; 
It involves understanding a language as a form of expression of the national culture, the rela-
tionship of language and history of people, cultural identity language, possession of norms of 
speech etiquette, culture of international communication. 
When we speak about the communicative competence, some psychologists and linguists use two con-
cepts to define the same phenomenon: «communicative competence» and «communicative proficiency».  
According to V. Sokolova these concepts should be distinguished. She believes that «in a broad sense com-
municative competence is presented as the ability to communicate, communicative competence — as the 
realization of this ability in the form of specific skills». Hence, the concept «communicative proficiency» is 
defined as: «This is an array of knowledge and skills in the field of verbal and non-verbal means for the ade-
quate perception and reflection of reality in different situations of communication» [5; 99]. 
Justifying the concept of key competencies in communicating in the Kazakh, Russian, Uighur and 
Uzbek languages, K.L. Kabdolova takes into account «... kinds of speech activity and forms of speech: 
• development of  the ability to perceive oral communication; 
• development of  the ability to reproduce oral communication; 
• development of  the ability to perceive a written message; 
• development of  the ability to reproduce a written message; 
• development of  the interest in learning the language of an ethnic group, as well as creation of favora-
ble attitudes toward culture and civilization in terms of a language space» [6; 111]. 
Another researcher N.Sh. Gallyamova considers the communication process as a special form of activi-
ty, a complex hierarchical organized structure with its own laws and mechanisms. This is a complex multi-
faceted process that can act as at the same time as a process of interpersonal interaction, and informational 
process, and as people's attitudes and influence on each other. This activity acts as a dialectical unity of its 
two sides: the inner side — speech activity and outer side — verbal behavior. The form of manifestation of 
verbal communication is verbal behavior of interlocutors and its content is their speech activity. «Thus, 
communicative competence determining successful communication is a complex multi-dimensional catego-
ry, which is a synthesis of linguistic, cultural, psychological and social knowledge. Successful communica-
tion involves not just mastery of language, linguistic skills, but skills related to the knowledge of the laws of 
verbal communication with all its components» [7; 134]. 
The knowledge and skills of the strategic plan are complemented by abilities and skills of a particular 
character: the speaker’s ability to simulate the listener’s world and in accordance with that to organize their 
speech; the listener’s ability to penetrate into the communicative intent of the speaker, and in connection 
with this plan for their communicative behavior; mastering of speech strategies and tactics that determine the 
deployment of speech communication, knowledge of genre peculiarities of speech strategies and tactics, the 
ability to read the interlocutor’s nonverbal behavior. All this makes it possible to look for patterns of ade-
quate, effective communication not only in the moral and ethical categories, language structures and 
intralinguistic system links, but also deeper — in certain cognitive and socio-cultural and psychological pat-
terns underlying on the ground of communication. 
Summing up all said above, we should note that the communicative competence, that ensures the suc-
cess of the communication process, consists of several levels: 
 Basic knowledge of linguistic laws and rules of the language studied that ensure the formation of 
thought and its expression in a statement; 
 Knowledge of the laws of logical thinking, that are responsible for the display and interpretation of 
reality in the content of a speech utterance; 
 Knowledge of the laws and norms of communicative behavior, the mastery of which allows us to 
achieve the speaker’s optimum speech influence on the recipient  and in accordance with adequate 
conditions of communication to build their verbal behavior; 

A.Sh.Tazhikeyeva, N.T.Mun, V.Yu.Shershneva 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
 Knowledge of cultural character, penetrating into the target language and allowing to form the basics 
of the worldview of other cultures. 
Language competence includes knowledge of language units and the rules of their connections. 
Knowledge of grammar in abstraction from the generation of units of communicative purpose is the database 
of communication acts. From this perspective, language competence is two-sided: it combines language and 
speech, and characterizes a person as a human being, speaking a language and the ability to use a language 
based on grammatical rules. 
Linguistic competence, as opposed to language one, has a nature of knowledge relating to linguistics as 
a science. This aspect is realized by persons engaged in linguistics according to professional interests. 
Subject competence is an integral part of communicative competence. Language reflects the words of 
the objects of the world and the relationship between them and forms a worldview in the speaker's mind. 
Subject competence develops on the basis of mastering common vocabulary. 
Pragmatic competence is the ability of speech activities due to the communicative goals. Pragmatic 
competence involves the selection of language material, the ability to use variation forms. Pragmatic compe-
tence, as a basic component of communicative competence, implies that the speaker is able to communicate 
and can produce any statement, taking into account any condition in which the act of speaking is done, the 
recipient’s status, the object of discussion, etc. On the other hand, pragmatic competence is the choice of the 
necessary forms, including the variant ones, choice of the type of speech, account of functional-stylistic vari-
eties of statements. 
Professional competence is close to pragmatic one. It includes elements of language and subject compe-
tences and implies the possibility of speech activities due to the peculiarities of the speaker's specialty, the 
content of professional duties, the specificity of communicative relationship of the staff and all participants 
to communicative acts. Professional competence requires the selection of language material and the variation 
forms, which correspond to the professional field of communication and reflect the originality of communi-
cants’ specialty. It  means that speech competence is a part of professional competence and its achievement 
is possible on the basis of taking into account the specificity of a profession and the language of a specialty. 
However, a well-known term «professionally-oriented language», which is often referred to the concept of 
professional linguistic competence, we consider it to be one-sided, superficial. 
In linguistics and lingvodidactics there is a concept of thesaurus and thesaurus competence. 
L.K.Zhanalina writes: «Language system is the content of language competence and linguistic picture of the 
world — thesaurus competence. The first one correlates with a language in the current understanding of lin-
guistics and creates a verbal (semantic) level of language identity. The second one is related to the thesaurus 
(cognitive) levels of language identity. It occupies a special position, is correlated with a language as the ex-
isting structure, and with speech, because it is constantly a refined understanding of reality, is deepened, 
supplemented, especially because of speech activity: it is constantly accompanied by the knowledge of the 
speaker and the listener's knowledge. The adequacy of understanding the world picture, the availability of 
thesaurus depend on the competence of understanding another culture, harmony and comfortable existence in 
a multicultural society, dignified behavior, respect for the culture of other nations, the adequacy of its devel-
opment and appropriation. Thesaurus competence connects the first component of language learning — 
knowledge of a language with the second one — the usage of language» [8; 18]. 
It is necessary to agree with the scientists’ opinion in many respects, because it is reasonable, fair and 
convincing. However, in our point of view thesaurus competence can be seen as the main component of 
communicative competence when it comes to learning the second language, understanding of the language 
picture of the other world as the main goal of the learning process. Otherwise, thesaurus competence will be 
considered by us as one of the components of communicative language competence, which may be updated, 
and be a priority at some certain stages of the learning process. 
In our point of view, we the classification of competences in the language should be supplemented by 
an important component — rhetorical competence. Apart from the linguistic and lingvopragmatic aspects of 
teaching, formation of communicative competence should be linked to lingvocultural aspect, implying such 
an organization of language phenomena, which are updated by the cultural factors of thought and word. 
The basis of this organization is the synthesis of linguistic and rhetorical knowledge of the structure of 
rhetoric  as a discipline, integrated lingvorhetoric course, studying native or second language with elements 
of rhetorical knowledge. Regardless of how learning process will be built, we sat one goal — to form a 
communicatively competent language personality possessing rhetorical competence along with the other 
components of communicative language competence. 

Communicative language competence… 
Серия «Педагогика». № 3(79)/2015 
In the works by M.R. Kondubaeva communication is seen as a complex speech activity, including its 
receptive and expressive types. According to the researcher, rhetoric is the science which provides a holistic 
approach to the establishment and development of a bilingual person, combining European and oriental cul-
ture. It is regarded as the norm of humanitarian education as the most important philological science that 
studies the formation of thought and speech, ways of its construction in all areas of speech activity. Rhetori-
cal competence is a necessary component of professional skills of specialists in the humanitarian area [9]. 
In our opinion, we should consider the urgency of rhetorical competence for a personality in a wider 
sense, it is connected not only with  a profession but also with activity in general. Language and speech be-
ing in opposition to each other, make up the language system. In any language system, regardless of the per-
son there is its global component, subjected to the tendency of phylogeny. It is inextricably linked with the 
generative-transformational component of the language system as a whole and the tendency of ontogenesis 
related to dissipative phenomena of the same language system. 
Rhetoric as an independent lingvocultural discipline reflects the characteristics of the speech ideal, his-
torically formed and accepted in a given culture. The course of modern rhetoric allows students to under-
stand both the culture of word and the culture of thought about the subject elected. The syllabus on the sub-
ject of «Rhetoric» is aimed at the development of a multicultural personality, having skills of persuasive 
speech and language competence. 
The main task of the teacher is to provide student’s understanding of  the basic elements of the process 
of verbal communication in order to develop skills that are required for effective speech behavior and solv-
ing communication problems in a real situation of communication. It is important that the acquired 
knowledge and skills were perceived as sufficient, but not complete, and as a basis for future development of 
rhetorical competence, which should last during the life. Rhetorical aspect of language learning means un-
derstanding the principles and methods of work at speech, the ability to put into practice the skills of public 
speaking skills, to convince others by means of language and speech, to demonstrate their competence in the 
form of rhetorical complete speech acts that have persuasive force of impact. 
Rhetorical competence, in our opinion, is the ability to apply in a situation of real communication skills 
in building persuasive speech in conjunction with language material, it is such a level of techniques and prin-
ciples of rhetoric, which ensures the effectiveness of verbal behavior of the individual. 
Scholars in the field of linguodidactics consider a competence as «the ability to select and implement 
programs of verbal communication and behavior on  the background of the cultural context of the country of 
a language studied, as the ability to navigate in different situations, to assess a situation taking into account a 
topic, communication systems that participants of communication may have» [10; 5]. A.E. Carlinsky writes: 
«Competence is a static part and speech activity is a dynamic part of self-organizing communicative system» 
[11; 151]. 
Kazakh scholars in the field of linguodidactics are in the process of finding a particular central core of 
education, which is formed on the basis of core competences. To form and denote them there is a number of 
items, which are not completely linked: fundamental competencies, basic competencies, key qualifications, 
fundamental forms. These concepts are not equivalent, but each of them represents an attempt to approach to 
the level of education. 
For instance, L.N. Karabaeva highlights personal competence, which «... is a regulator of personal 
achievements, pursuits of personal meanings in the communication with students, driving force of self-
discovery, professional development, improvement of skills, sense of activity, development of reflexive abil-
ities and formation of their own didactic style» [12; 13]. The researcher also notes that competence is the 
acquisition of ethnic and socio-psychological standards, stereotypes of behavior, the degree of handling 
communication techniques, and therefore, in communicative methodic systems one should foresee practical 
mastery of communication technique, rules of politeness, norms of behavior along with the mastery of lan-
guage knowledge. 
D.N. Kulibayeva  highlights intercultural communicative competence as one of the basic competences 
in intellectual and creative model of the graduate from the school of international type such as: «Intercultural 
communicative competence as a final, quality result, reflects the mastery of a foreign language and is based 
on the lingvocultural conception of  foreign education, where the subject of mastery is a comprehensive in-
terdisciplinary construct, «other language — other culture-personality», and the purpose and achievable re-
sult in the conditions of  national secondary school is the result of intercultural communicative competence 
with the main components that include the following: conceptual-cognitive, informational- accumulating, 
pragmatic-representing, context-communicative» [13; 272]. 

A.Sh.Tazhikeyeva, N.T.Mun, V.Yu.Shershneva 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
The analysis of research positions demonstrates that competence approach aims at the formation of 
skills and competences  and it presents one of the most effective ways to achieve the result of education, 
which should be implemented firstly, based on the activity theory of learning. The responsibility to the socie-
ty, demand, rather than the distribution of specialists, products, services, professional, not ideological orien-
tation, personal attitude, but not passive performance, competence, rather than formal knowledge — the cri-
teria defined a new perspective on education, the development of personality have nominated the phenome-
non of human activity as the leading category in industrial and social life of society, updated the activity as-
pect in education. 
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А.Ш.Тажикеева, Н.Т.Мун, В.Ю.Шершнева 

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