IDENTIFYING HONEY QUALITY METHODS Baktybayeva F., Kabylbekova D., Bekbergen A. Kazakh National Agrarian University
Abstract. Honey is the product of bees consisting of sugars developed from nectar of
plants or sweet juice of fruits in combination with substances, emitted from salivary glands of a
bee. Bees process nectar, which they collect from flowers of melliferous plants into honey in a
multistage process. The market of honey has to be controlled and need more knowledge,
because of the increasing in the global demand for honey and consequently, for this reason
increasing in honey production.
In this work provided analysis of worldwide and Kazakhstan honey market. Was done
comparison analysis of European and Kazakhstan methods of honey physico-chemical analysis.
Keywords: honey, classification of honey, honey market, worldwide honey production,
physico-chemical analysis.
Introduction In Codex Alimentarius honey is defined as ―the sweet substance produced by the bees (Apis mellifera) from the nectar of blossoms or from secretions on living plants, which the bees
collect, transform and store in honey combs‖ (2001). The definition of honey which is used in
our country does not give such deep information like in Codex Alimentarius, it sounds: honey is
the product of processing by honeybees from nectar or from honeydew (secretion) (Interstate
council of standardization, metrology and certification, 2014).
Figure1. Classification of honey in EU (Codex Alimentarius, 2001).
Figure2. Classification of honey in Kazakhstan (Borovikova L. et. al., 1980).
Materials and methods For a long time it‘s considered as honey is one of the most popular and effective
prophylactics which increases protective function of an organism and allows it to resist to
diseases (Borovikova L. et. al., 1980). Because of that the market of honey and bee products
speedily increased and that‘s why its need a control and learning. The statistical analysis of
worldwide situation and Kazakhstan honey production and comparison picture of physic-
chemical analysis of honey can be seen on the following figures.