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COLLECTION of Сonferences XXIV «Akhanov readings» 2021

Кілт сөздер: CLIL, технология, білім, мектеп пәндері 
Резюме. В современном мире нет страны, в которой все граждане говорили бы только на одном 
языке. Тот, кто хорошо знает несколько языков (сегодня – это английский язык), чувствует себя 
комфортно в глобализированном мире, такому человеку доступен колоссальный информационный 
поток, что в свою очередь, расширяет возможности для учебы и работы. Поэтому многоязычие в 
Казахстане рассматривается как коммуникативная адаптация студентов, будущих граждан нашей 
страны. Исходя из этого, в данной статье мы рассмотрим один из современных подходов в обучении 
английскому языку (ELT). 
Ключевые слова: CLIL, технология, знание, школьные предметы 
In the field of education, different methods and technologies of teaching foreign languages are 
being developed every time. However, one should not assume that previously developed 
technologies have used up their relevance and effectiveness. One of them is CLIL technology, 
which is beginning to gain momentum in use in some language educational centers and advanced 
schools in Kazakhstan. Initially, it was decided to use this type of technology thanks to the “100 
steps” program, which was concluded and named the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 
The main goal of such a reform of the education system is to increase the competitiveness of 
students and improve the skill of using English in the natural environment. The 79th step of this 
program is the transition of teaching compulsory subjects like computer science, chemistry, biology 
and geography in English in high school and higher education. In this regard, now, teaching 
compulsory subjects using CLIL technology is an important component of the educational process. 
CLIL was invented and developed by David Marsh (scientist, Ph.D., director of an 
organization based at the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland) back in 1994 and stands for Content and 
Language Integrated Learning. Content - means the content of the taught subject, Language is the 
language through which the content of the subject will be taught, Integrated Learning - accordingly 
means the integration of the content of the taught subject and the foreign language. The author of 
this technology noted that CLIL has a dual purpose, like learning a school subject through a foreign 
language, and learning a language through school subjects. However, it is worth highlighting that 
the main goal of CLIL is to teach general knowledge, not multilingualism. The CLIL lesson relies 
on 4 terms starting with the letter C, like content, communication, cognition, culture. Based on this, 
it can be assumed that in the process of learning using CLIL technology, the level of knowledge of 
different cultures increases through communication on various topics, which is in the content of the 
subject. In an integrated lesson, students use their skills and knowledge of different objects, get the 
opportunity to understand, accept and analyze the world from another point of view. Also, they 
acquire skills to accumulate knowledge from various sources.
Integrated lessons are different from ordinary lessons through these descriptions: 
1. Compactness, brevity and clarity of educational material; 
2. Logical coherence, material of integrated disciplines interconnectedness at each stage of 
the lesson; 
3. Extensive information of educational materials used in the lesson capacity. 
Of course, this type of study cannot completely replace the teaching of the subject in the 
native language, but it can significantly complement it. Therefore, the teaching material on the 

subject should be selected at a level of complexity that is slightly lower than the level of subject 
knowledge of students in their native language. The choice of teaching materials depends on the 
structure and specifics of the discipline. At the same time, text-processing tasks should be designed 
with a focus on the content of the subject, involving students in the process of understanding, 
discussing and checking the main idea of the text. Tasks should reflect the features of the linguistic 
form improve their design skills, create conditions for monitoring, evaluation and motivation of 
independent and creative activities of students. All tasks should be aimed primarily at the 
development of communicative skills, i.e. written and oral communication in a foreign language. 
In general, integrated lessons save time, create a holistic picture of the world, and also do not 
repeat one and the same material on different subjects. CLIL lessons, using an exceptional single 
and foreign language, develops all four foreign language-learning skills like listening, speaking, 
reading and writing. By training all of these skills in students, CLIL fosters critical thinking and 
unlocks creativity. An important advantage of CLIL is that the technology develops the speech use 
of a foreign language in a natural environment.
Based on the numerous advantages of this technology, it was decided to hold an open lesson 
at the Republican College of Sports, at the Republican Seminar. Referring to the calendar-thematic 
plan of the 7th grade, we chose a topic for the lesson using CLIL, Section: Music in Our Lives, V.G 
Korolenko "The Blind Musician". Learning objectives achieved for this integrated lesson: 

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