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COLLECTION of Сonferences XXIV «Akhanov readings» 2021

1. Krashen S. Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 
1981. 150 p. 
2. Spielberger C. D. Manual for the state-trait anxiety inventory. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting 
Psychologists Press, 1983. 160 p. 
3. Horwitz E. K., Horwitz M. B. & Cope J. Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety // The Modern 
Language Journal. 1986. Vol. 70, No. 2. Pp. 125–132. 
4. Bley-Vroman R. The Logical Problem of Foreign Language Learning. Linguistic Analysis. 
Linguistic perspectives on second language acquisition. Ed. By S.M. Gass & J. Schachter. – Cambridge 
University Press, 2015. – 296 p. 

5. Hamers J.F., Blanc M.H.A. Bilinguality and Bilingualism. – Cambridge University Press, 2000. – 
458 c. 
6. Brown H.D. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. – Englewood Cliffs: New Jersey, 
Prentice-Hall, 1980. 
МРНТИ 14.85.09 
Mohsen Khalil (Russia) 
Summary: After COVID-19 pandemic peoples’ life has changed in various fields, education is not an 
exception. The switch from full-time to distance learning has transformed traditional life. Today scientists 
and researchers are talking about digital technology and artificial intelligence in the education field. That is 
why today’s world is known like a digital world, even as an artificial world. This distance is felt in education 
and its process. How can teachers test students’ knowledge from a distance? What structural plan can be 
done for effective foreign language teaching? This article shows a result of a diversified concept in the 
management system of pedagogical approaches after the pandemic in 2019 to 2021. 
words: learning management system, foreign language teaching (FLT), digital technologies, 
artificial intelligence, online education 
Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the education system in Russia. Before 
this situation, university studies could be in full-time/part-time or distance learning.
Still, during the 
pandemic, the leadership banned student presence in universities to reduce the expansion of the 
virus. To continue the academic year, the administration of almost all universities has decided not to 
interrupt the educational process and adapt the methods of distance education.
Many people think that in Russia, higher education is not needed anymore. According to a 
survey conducted in 2016, 65% of Russians, believe that they do not need a higher education due to 
self-realization. After a bachelor’s degree, Russians prefer to have a start-career than continue their 
study in higher degree [1]. But, in 2020, during the pandemic, everything changed. The students 
found more time to study and defend a thesis to obtain a master’s and a doctorate. Distance 
education has given more opportunities to people who want to learn living even far from where the 
university is located. 
It is necessary to mention that this is a new period, and it can be seen as a revolution and not 
just an evolution of technology.
Indeed, a lot has changed since this pandemic. The approaches taken before the pandemic are 
no longer the same as those after the pandemic.
This influence in the world affects education. This field of education divides these two 
different approaches:

Traditional education. This education can be characterized by the material in use: textbooks, 
pencil, and paper, worksheets, and dittos. 

Digital education. It is characterized by the new devices and programs used on the Internet: 
projector, Moodle site to publish content, smartphones, computers, communication platforms 
(Teams, Skype and Zoom), and other websites using the adaptation of artificial intelligence. 
The evolution percentage of distance education is shown on a Figure 1. 

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