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COLLECTION of Сonferences XXIV «Akhanov readings» 2021

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1. Э. Сулейменова, М. Ақберди, Г. Койшыбаева Выбор языка и корреляция языковой 
трансмиссии: монография. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2016. – 184 б. 
МРНТИ 16.21.27 

Amangeldina A.S. (Kazakhstan) 
Scientific supervisor: Mambetova M.K. (Kazakhstan) 
Summary: This article is part of a study on the use of the Internet in teaching foreign languages. This 
article introduces the Quizlet platform. This article explains how to use the Quizlet platform in a distance 
learning format. The purpose of this article is to identify the functionality and features of online platforms 
when using this platform in new educational methods. The advantages and disadvantages of distance 
learning in general are also discussed. 
Key words: distance learning, foreign language, online platforms, modern teaching methods, 
educational system, digital technologies 
Резюме: Эта статья является частью исследования об использовании Интернета в обучении 
иностранным языкам. В этой статье представлена платформа Quizlet. В статье рассказывается, как 
использовать платформу Quizlet в формате дистанционного обучения. Цель данной статьи – 
определить функциональные возможности и особенности онлайн-платформ при использовании этой 
платформы в новых образовательных методах. Также рассматриваются преимущества и недостатки 
дистанционного обучения в целом. 
Түйіндеме: Бұл мақала интернетті шет тілін оқытуда қолдану жөніндегі зерттеудің бөлігі 
болып табылады. Бұл мақалада Quizlet платформасы ұсынылады. Мақалада Quizlet платформасының 
қашықтықтан оқыту форматында қалай қолданылатыны талқыланады. Мақаланың мақсаты – жаңа 
білім беру әдістерінде осы платформаны пайдалану кезінде онлайн-платформалардың 
функционалдығы мен ерекшеліктерін анықтау. Жалпы қашықтықтан оқытудың артықшылықтары 
мен кемшіліктеріне де қарастырылған. 
The modern educational space is under the influence of innovative and 
informational processes that take place in society. The Kazakh educational system is faced with the 
transformation of the traditional model of teaching subjects and innovations that underlie modern 
pedagogical concepts. This means that a deep scientific and pedagogical analysis of the 
accumulated experience and effective practice in the system of developing the methodology of 
teaching individual subjects is needed. The change in methodological ideas about the classical form 
of teaching humanitarian disciplines allowed teachers to enter a new practice-oriented approach in 
mastering key competencies, to revise the author’s methods in line with the active inclusion of 
distance methods of work in the educational process. 
Thus, the introduction of digital technologies into the educational space of the modern 
information society becomes mandatory and necessary. 
ain body. 
It is obvious that today there is a huge gap between the educational process and the 
everyday life of students, which significantly reduces motivation and interest in learning and, as a 
result, efficiency. 
It should also be noted that for the younger generation of pupils and students, the real world 
and the virtual world are of great importance. In this connection, once again we have to state the 
fact of the urgent need to modernize the Kazakhstani education system, which is completely 
outdated. Although many educational institutions and individual teachers boldly and with interest 
use new products and digital media technologies, while the overwhelming majority of 
representatives and structures of the Kazakh educational space continue to work "the old fashioned 
way", refusing to introduce and master innovations. 
E-learning (short for Electronic learning) is an e-learning system that aims to transfer 
knowledge using new information technologies, since today computers and the Internet have 
become useful educational tools [1] 
Improving the level of skills and abilities of a teacher is an integral part of professionalism in 
the context of modernization of education. The sooner the idea of a quick transition to advanced 

digital technologies is realized by all teachers, the greater success in teaching young people the 
entire modern educational system will be able to achieve, since the use of digital information 
resources in teaching is becoming the most important feature of optimizing the educational process 
in a modern university. [2] 
There are many special programs and applications aimed at stimulating the cognitive activity 
of students in the process of learning foreign languages. They help to ensure interactivity of 
learning and create a special learning environment. Currently, various educational services can be 
considered as a powerful lever for managing the educational process, therefore, a detailed study of 
interactive platforms of a successful auxiliary tool in the study of foreign languages by students is 
becoming more and more urgent. [3] 
The interactive source "Quizlet" has been singled out from many alternatives. The main 
reason is its use in English lessons.
Quizlet is an interactive vocabulary learning service for different languages. To start using the 
application, you just need to follow the link https://quizlet.com and immediately start learning new 
words, in addition to this, the application is also free. The Quizlet app has a mobile version for ease 
of use, but there are some differences between the site and the app, even though the core idea of the 
service remains the same. From a learner's perspective, Quizlet is an educational service for 
learning new words that is quite fun as students can learn vocabulary while playing. The platform 
has different learning modes. [4] 
Quizlet also allows teachers to keep track of their students' academic programs, as a rating 
function is programmed. From a teacher's perspective, Quizlet provides a well-designed platform 
for creating vocabulary learning sets. Since our language combination is English and Russian, we 
use the following format: a word in English + its translation into Russian/Kazakh + a corresponding 
picture, supplemented by soundю 
We can also create an English-English version in the format: a word in English + its definition 
in English + the corresponding picture, supplemented by soundюThis format has certain drawbacks, 
which we will outline below. 
One of the most convenient functions of this service when creating a training set is the 
automatic display of possible translations of a word and the corresponding picture offered by the 
service. Usually several translations and at least three images are offered automatically. Another 
powerful feature is the ability to import words from Word, Excel, Google Docs, etc. 
We have also created charts on this platform. To do this, it was necessary to upload a picture 
and indicate the conditions. The diagram shows an example of teaching auto parts. If we place the 
cursor over the blue circles in the picture, learners will see words that can be shown with their 
translations or definitions. The main disadvantage of such a function is that there is a limit of 8 
words for each diagram, and if we use the free version, but paying for a specific updated version of 
the teacher allows us to add as many words as we want. 
We had the following modes of using the application at our disposal: 
1. "Flash Cards" mode, which is familiar to most language learners. A card with a new word 
appears on the screen, you have to click on it, the card turns over, and on the back side we see the 
translation or definition of this word, as well as the corresponding picture. 
2. Remember mode is smart, customizable, and adaptive for learners. It offers various tasks 
for learning new vocabulary, using fundamental knowledge, if the student succeeds, the questions 
become more difficult. To begin with, he has to supplement the easy questions, and written 
questions will be asked as he masters. 
3. The "Write" mode includes only the format for translating words from Russian/Kazakh 
into English and vice versa: a word is suggested, supplemented with a picture with a translation. 
4. “Speak” mode focuses on understanding English speech: the word is spoken, and the main 
goal is to record the translation. In addition, there is a graphical hint under the assignment. 
5. Match mode allows students to match words to their translation by dragging and dropping 
the corresponding items with the cursor on top of each other until there is no choice. This mode 
works with a countdown, so every time tasks are completed successfully and quickly, a new time 

record appears. In addition, after the round is completed, a table of the best results of other students 
appears. This mode is built on a competitive basis. 
6. The Test mode is specific to each of the modes mentioned above, as it consists of written 
multiple choice comparison questions and True/False questions. 
7. The "Gravity" mode is created fascinatingly, the words for translation in the form of 
asteroids fall within the programmed time in accordance with the selected level. 
Learning platforms are a kind of breakthrough, a revolution in the education system, which 
greatly facilitates the everyday life of students, and brings some variety. Educational material, 
always available for download, temporal and geographical flexibility, simple and convenient ways 
of interaction between all participants in the educational process – all these are the indisputable 
advantages of digital learning. 

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