C onclusion. Mastering academic disciplines with the help of electronic portable technology for
the generation of the 2000s is a natural and most effective process in terms of mastering the
material.This means that the electronization and modernization of modern authentic techniques,
their partial transfer "from paper" to a gadget is more than justified.
Such a high interest in mastering the material, perhaps, is explained by the fact that gadgets
are rather a means of entertainment, in respect of which time limits were set for the vast majority of
children, in this case they work at maximum efficiency, since there are no restrictions and
prohibitions – work and do how much consider it necessary. This psychological aspect of the
question, however, deserves further or separate research.
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МРНТИ 16.31.51
Асабаева А.М. (Қазақстан), Джил Нойендорф (АҚШ) Ғылыми жетекші:Мусабекова У.Е. (Қазақстан) САНДЫҚ ӨРКЕНДЕУ КЕЗЕҢІНДЕ ҚАЗАҚСТАНДЫҚТАРДЫҢ ЛИНГВОМӘДЕНИ ТРАНСФОРМАЦИЯСЫ