Мендалиева Д.К., Талапова Р.Т.
Решение задач по химии – как метод обучения и средство контроля
В статье рассматривается использования решении задач для усвоения и
закрепления нового материала при решении задач по химической дисциплине.
В работе показано определение степени усвоения материалов и использование
исследовательских методов обучения при решении экспериментальных задач для
формирования химических компетентности учащихся. Для успешного приобретения
навыков решения задач по разной теме предложены задачи трехуровневый сложности.
Ключевые слова: Знания, решение задач, контроль, компотентность,
методы, уравнение
Mendalieva D.K., Talapova R.T.
Solving problem in chemistry as a means of controlling and training method
The article discusses the use of problem-solving method for learning and retention of
new material in the solution of problems on Chemical discipline.
The article shows the definition of the degree of assimilation of materials and the
use of research methods training in solving experimental problems for the formation of
chemical competence of pupils. The successful acquisition of skills for solving different
tasks topic proposed a three-tiered complexity.
Keywords: knowledge, solving problem, control, competence, method, eguation.
БҚМУ Хабаршы №4-2016ж.
UDC 37.025.7:376(045)
Galiyev T.T. – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor,
S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University
Abdyrov A.M. – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor,
S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University
E-mail: abdyrov@rambler.ru
Aldabergenova S.S. – Master of Engineering, PhD student,
S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University
E-mail: ASS_1982@mail.ru
Aldabergenova A.S. – Master of Philology,
S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University
E-mail: Arinov_1982@mail.ru
Abstract. The article focuses on the issue of shaping learners’ systems thinking
skills in the context of traditional education using specially elaborated system methods that
are implemented based on the standard textbook. Applying these methods naturally
complements the existing learning process and contributes to an efficient development of
learners’ intellectual capabilities and the necessary skills for a holistic discovery of the
world. The learning process provides training in a number of specific skills for having a
comprehensive approach to organizing and implementing cognitive, theoretical and
practical activity, while providing opportunities for learners to acquire and apply various
forms of activity and actions which contribute to improve the efficiency and quality of
learning, the learner’s competitive ability as well as to intensify the learning process. Along
with achieving the main learning goal and providing learners with new knowledge, skills and
practices, the proposed techniques and methods include the implementation of the acquired
knowledge in research and art.
Keywords: Learning process; comprehensive approach; systems as a means of
achieving a goal.
Introduction. One of the objectives of the present article is to highlight the
importance of shaping comprehensive and global thinking habits among young people and
professionals, which are necessary, today, for the good functioning of society, state and
humanity in general. As an example, Kazakhstan has never set such a goal. Besides, the national
system of education lacks learning programs and methods that are required to achieve it.
The implementation of the comprehensive approach includes not only the
elaboration of some proper learning methods, but also their application by the learners. A
systematic use of these methods in the learning process and independent work contributes
to the shaping of some specific system representations. One special feature of this approach
is that it is in line with traditional education and constitutes its developing component. The
very process of shaping systems thinking has a considerable impact on the learners’
intellectual capabilities. Besides, experiments have shown that this process contributes to
build consistency of generated knowledge and of the corresponding subject matter thinking.
A targeted shaping of systems thinking and perceptions among the learners along
with their acquiring and implementing relevant methods and activities is one of the key
factors of the learning process intensification.
The use of standard textbooks and learning materials increases the efficiency of
shaping systems thinking and approach knowledge and skills. At the same time, these
learning materials are interpreted as a holistic information system, and we suggest that the
already mentioned comprehensive methods should be used when dealing with it.
БҚМУ Хабаршы №4-2016ж.
The notion of systems thinking used in our research. Our own research has shown
that the implementation of the systems approach to the learning process is one of the major
conditions to build systems thinking in learning.
The authors of the study [1] state that the systems approach modifies the way of
defining the subject, the research program, knowledge frameworks, their interrelation
guidelines, the logics of cognitive movement within the subject, the way of building a
theoretical picture. In this respect, systems thinking makes it possible to find one’s way in
the ever-increasing knowledge flows, gives an opportunity to select knowledge to one’s
liking and to integrate them with a view to builda tentative basis for dealing with various issues
emerging from a new research subject and with finding a way to tackle them.
A common methodological position of systems thinking is to interpret the entities of
any science from one and the same viewpoint in one of their universal forms of being: in the form
of systems perceived as a whole in union with their parts’ inner complexity and organized nature.
“If a learner has a well-shaped tentative representation of a subject’s systems
foundations, he will find it easy to make sense of new knowledge; he can catalogue them
by subject, by this subject’s level structures; he is also able to determine the appearance of new
features in these structures’ elements ad relationships, to pick necessary information out of the
totality of knowledge with a view to construct the subject and solve respective tasks, and to
accentuate the “trunk” part of the studied subject at different levels of learning” [1].
Z.A. Reshetova asserts that learning to think systematically is a socially recognized
need. The current learning practices are not, however, aimed to build this skill among the
learners. Shaping the learners’ theoretical thinking skills in modern scholarly
generalizations, which are expressed by the systems approach principles, is a major issue in
the learning process. The systems approach is interpreted as a methodological basis for
introducing the subject matter of an academic discipline and for organizing the acquisition
process in the form of a theoretical activity aimed at researching the subject as a system.
The very process of such an activity forms the systematic methods and technologies, which
act for the learners as a cognitive tool, whose acquisition becomes a cognitive way of
making sense of a subject [2].
The systematic way of organizing and implementing cognitive, theoretical and
practical activity, based on the systems approach, in the process of interiorizing activity
becomes one of the ways of systems thinking.
We define systems thinking as an indirect and generalized reflection of real life,
which is based on the consistency principle and is related to the implementation of the
systems approach in human cognitive, theoretical and practical activity.
Methods and techniques for shaping systems thinking in learning. One of the
fundamental ideas of the present study is to show the importance of implementing into the
education system the systems approach as a research, construction and implementation
methodology of all education system components as systems and, above all, of the
integrated activity organization of the learners.
In our experiments, the process of forming systems thinking skills, among others,
has been carried out within the context of a conventional lesson using a standard textbook.
Fig. 1 shows the overview a working combination of traditional and innovative training,
which ensures not only a remarkable achievement of the aims and objectives of a lesson,
but also the development of systems thinking skills and of the systems approach to the
learners’ cognitive and other activities. What is meant here is the introduction of an
unconventional, supplementary kind of training, aimed at implementing the systems approach, at
considerably improving the efficiency and quality of the learning process itself, and, finally, at
emphasizing the learners’ independent and creative involvement in the learning process.
The study of the learning material based on the systems approach has been carried
out using specially developed methods and techniques, including:
1. An accelerated analysis of the textbook and its components as systems with a
view to conduct an in-depth study of them and, subsequently, synthesize, specify,
БҚМУ Хабаршы №4-2016ж.
generalize, systematize, create a conceptual system model of the studied information, make
conclusions, reflect on them, etc.
It has been suggested that, for a quicker immersion into the studied material, the
learners should make use of the textbook’s table of context, which were later used to create
a conceptual model of the studied material’s system.
2. A consistent, thorough and extended analysis of the original learning material
(i.e. presented in a textbook) as a system, synthesis, specification, synthesis and systematization of the
revealed information, construction of the conceptual model of the information system under study,
interpretation of the obtained model, conclusions, reflection on them.
The above-mentioned work with the studied information has been supplemented
with practical work on using the acquired knowledge at the “standard” level, at that of
creativity and at that of research. Besides, the learners carried out, with a view to develop
their self-management skills, self-organization of learning, self-control and self-assessment of the
acquired knowledge and skills using special three-level evaluation cards. Advanced, intermediate and
low levels have been established as criteria.
3. System structurization, study and “twisted” presentation of information about the
investigated entity. In line with the given method, the manifold study of the investigated entity and
of its components has been carried out using the following kinds of activity and actions:
- analyzing the entity and its components;
- modelling and monitoring (original and modified) conditions for the entity’s
existence, functioning and evolution;
- studying and monitoring (exterior and inner) factors, which are capable of modifying the
status of the entity and of its components, along with consequences of these factors’ impact;
- monitoring the condition of the entity and of its components;
- practical work on meeting the challenged, implementing the acquired knowledge at
“standard” (knowledge and skills meeting the education standards), creativity and research levels;
- identifying and studying problems and challenges, problem-solving;
- scientific research on various issues related to the studied entity and its
components, research methods, results managements, etc.;
- predicting the future condition of the entity and of its components;
- investigating and taking into consideration other experiences, acquiring our own
experience (including the use of the systems approach in cognitive and other activity);
- improving the entity and its components, methods of studying it, etc.
A key element in implementing the method of system structurization, the manifold study
“twisted” presentation of information about the investigated subject was the learners’ acquisition of
the above-mentioned types of activity and actions along with corresponding thinking patterns.
4. Identifying and studying the hierarchy and the hierarchical relationships of the
investigated entity’s system. Non only vertical relationships (paragraph-chapter-unit-
textbook-science/branch of science, to which the given textbook belongs) have been established
and monitored during the learning process, but also the horizontal ones (for example, relationships
between paragraphs in the context of the studied chapter, etc.).
5. Studying the evolution dynamics of the studied entity and of its components as
systems, and the conditions of the super-system, to which the studied entity’s system
belongs. The entity under investigation, its super- and sub-systems are being studied, taking
into consideration their past, present and future conditions. It is suggested that the methods
proposed by us and/or other methods should be used to analyze, systematize and generalize
the obtained information.
Any entity can be studied as a whole, if investigated not only in its original
condition, but also considering its functioning and behaviour under different conditions and
under the influence of factors that are capable of modifying its current condition. This kind of
examination of the entities under consideration is extremely rare, especially, in high school.
6. Identifying, in learning materials, and studying entities that have connections with other
systems and super-systems, no matter if these entities had been previously studied or not.
БҚМУ Хабаршы №4-2016ж.
As an example, the second paragraph in Chapter X, entitled “Theory and Practice of
Educational Work in a Professional Education Institution” (“Professional Pedagogy”, a
textbook edited by the education specialist at the Russian Academy of Education S.Y. Batysheva),
is dedicated to the systems and synergetic education theory [3].
The learner must be familiar with certain principles of the systems and synergetic
approaches in order to understand and use in real life this theory. In the above-mentioned
paragraph, the learner will meet such notions as “synergetic condition”, “synergetic contact”,
“synergism”, “synergetic theory of educational interaction”, “synergetic condition of mentality”, etc.,
and he or she will need to go beyond professional pedagogy to understand them.
It is always a difficult challenge to provide such an information system with the
required content, integrity and accessibility for the learners. All systems methods
mentioned in the present study are, nonetheless, employed to explore such entities.
In most cases, the study of unknown entities is presented for informative purposes
only, indicating major directions for further research. As practice shows, some authors use,
when giving supplementary information, a great number of entities having connections to
different super-systems and systems, which considerably reduces the efficiency of studying
specific learning material.
7. A systematic study of specific situations occurring in learning materials as well as
of situations that can be introduced on purpose to reveal some other (i.e. not shown in the
studied material) features of the entity.
8. The implementation of the acquired systems thinking knowledge and skills and
other ways of thinking, of the systems and other (analytical, factorial, practical, forward-
looking, research, etc.) approaches to cognitive and other activity at the “standard” level
(knowledge and skills meeting official education standards), at creativity and research levels.
9. Systems thinking knowledge and skills have been assessed according to three
levels: Low level, Intermediate level, Advanced level
The proposed methods were gradually implemented into the learning process over a
certain period of time, but only after all participants had mastered them, spending most of their
time on getting familiar with the method on system structurization, study and “twisted”
presentation of information about the investigated entity.
All those who participated in the experiments in an effort to master the proposed
methods and types of activity and actions were controlled on an ongoing basis. Special self-study task
cards containing self-management (self-organization, self-control, self-assessment) elements had been
handed out to the participants for this purpose.
The use of three-level cards featuring questions, tasks and assignments of varying
degrees of complexity and meeting relevant education standards along with cards
containing questions, tasks and assignments aimed for creative and research levels,
provided optimal conditions for individualization of the learning process and for control
over the dynamics and outcomes of training.
The study of the entity under investigation (for example, learning material) using
the systems approach methods was first carried out in a conventional, or “static” way
(considering how the material is presented in the textbook), and then under the influence of
exterior conditions and factors.
Main results. The long-standing implementation of the above-mentioned systems
thinking development methods has shown this process’s influence on the increase in the
efficiency and quality of learning, acquisition of knowledge and skills.
Our research has revealed that training based on the systems approach ensures
thorough understanding (up to 98%) of the learning material while reducing time input,
which is due to the intensification of the learning process and the use of specially
elaborated systems methods, as described above.
The acquisition of experience of systems thinking and of the systems approach to
cognitive and other activity has considerably contributed to the speed, efficiency and
quality of analytical, synthetic, research and practical work with the information under
БҚМУ Хабаршы №4-2016ж.
discussion, its understanding, quick generalization, arrangement, concretization and its
unfolding and folding to the system’s conceptual model depending on the set objective.
1. We have developed, in the learning context, the approach consisting in a flexible
combination of traditional and supplementary/developmental teaching based on the systems
approach with the use of specially worked out methods and techniques.
2. The systems approach is implemented on the basis of a standard textbook that is
considered to be an open information system.
3. We have developed and successfully implemented into the learning process the
totality of methods necessary for shaping systems thinking representations and skills and the
systems approach to cognitive, theoretical and practical activities of learners and professionals.
4. Conditions are being created, in the process of shaping systems thinking skills, for
acquiring the recommended types of activity facilitating the integrated discovery of real life.
5. After many years of implementing in to teaching the teaching methods based on the
systems approach, experiment shave established and confirmed a persistent and efficient impact of
shaping the learners’ systems thinking skills on the development of their intellectual capabilities.
6. The researchers have revealed the dependence of the increase in the learners’
growth of efficiency and quality of “subject matter” thinking on the extent to which they
had acquired systems thinking skills.
7. The existence of certain systems representations along with systems thinking
skills is a factor in intensifying the learning process and increasing the efficiency of the
learners’ independent work.
8. The process of implementing learning practices based on the systems approach has
revealed the mechanism of developing the learners’ creativity, the main components of which are:
The proposed systems approach methods as well as a variety of activities that are to
be understood and actively implemented;
Problem, assignment and exercise books featuring three difficulty levels;
Implementation of the acquired knowledge: 1) at the “standard” level (solving
problems and performing tasks that meet the education standard); 2) at the creativity level
(solving problems and performing tasks that demand a creative approach); 3) at the research
level (carrying out learning and scientific research that relate to the entity under study, to
various problems and challenges).
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