Module 2. Management and Marketing
Men 1404
3 Credits /5 ECTS
aim of the course - to disclose soderanie management , forms the
body of knowledge on the management.
- The ability to use the basic provisions of the various schools of management in
professional activities
Prerequisites: Principles of Economics,
History of Economic Thought
2 +1 +0
objective of the course - to develop specific skills of the various
types of management, analysis and design of control systems.
-will have the knowledge and understanding of the implementation of the
marketing management of the enterprise, including the planning, organization,
motivation and control of industrial, commercial and financial processes;
Mar 1405
3 Credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Principles of Economics,
History of Economic Thought
2 +1 +0
discipline studies the modern concepts and marketing activities of
the company in the face of increasing competition, defines the
scope of professional liability marketer. Is the mechanism of goal
setting and implementation of marketing with the use of marketing
techniques and tools to provide long-term goals of the company.
Particular attention is paid to making marketing decisions relating
to segmentation, positioning, promotion, product performance
management and price range.
Objective of the course - the study of the theoretical foundations
of marketing and acquisition categories, concepts, practical skills
in the use of the elements and principles of marketing in the
company's businesses and operations.
- will have the knowledge and understanding of determining the effectiveness of
marketing planning and controlling of the enterprise, as well as the economic
evaluation of marketing decisions.
- be able to: produce, select, process and analyze market research data,
presenting the results of research and analysis to the professional and popular
-to own: the ability to use techniques of marketing research in practice, skills,
information on marketing topics from different types of sources, including the
Internet and foreign literature.
GB 1406
Government and Business
3 Credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Principles of Economics,
History of Economic Thought
2 +1 +0
The main purpose of teachingcourse theis to graduate possessed
sufficient knowledge on the state of relations with business and on
this basis could choose the most effective methods and problem-
solving tools to improve these relations.
nature and complexity of these problems are largely dependent on
the direction of economic policy at the given period and the
definition of the methods of its implementation in a mixed
- The ability to use the basic provisions of the various schools of management in
professional work
-to know:
- The role of government in solving the problems of economic growth and the
development of civil society
- Terms of business development in various sectors of the economy
- Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating administrative and
organizational basis for the development of entrepreneurship, small and
medium-sized businesses
- Criteria for the management
- the legal basis for state business and its role in the market economy.
Module 9. Marketing - Management
Pr 1407
3 Credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Principles of Economics,
History of Economic Thought
2 +1 +0
The main purpose of teaching is to develop knowledge of the
principles and approaches of pricing, the ability to use business
management methods and tools to ensure its pricing effective
objectives of the course are:
- the formation of a clear idea on pricing as an integral part of
developing market relations in Russia
-the generation of knowledge on key problems of market pricing
such as alternative methods for the determination of prices for
different types of pricing strategy, especially education regulated
and free prices; pricing characteristics on becoming the market and
in the market system
-the development of practical skills in the use of legal materials in
the design of prices.
- Know the tactics and strategies of competition
-to master the ability to independently acquire and use new knowledge and skills
in the field of marketing pricing, the pricing methodology and practical skills to
develop a pricing strategy and tactical pricing decisions allowing for the
domestic market and the specific situation
BO 1408
Business Organization
3 Credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Principles of Economics,
History of Economic Thought
2 +1 +0
aim of the course - to help students systemic, holistic view of
Technology business organization, the development of theoretical
and practical knowledge required to start a business in the modern
economy, and the acquisition of practical skills in the use of this
- To study the legal framework of business organization
-to understand the features of the different legal forms of business
-to understand conditions, principles and steps of creating their
own business
- to understand the importance and role of entrepreneurial ideas in
the creation of business
-to reveal the structure and content of the resource supply business
-to know: the content of the main problems related to ensuring the
- the principles of acceptance and implementation of economic and management
decisions in the field of
business;-modernforms and methods organization of business, modern
management techniques in the field of
business;-knowlegislation business in Kazakhstan
- be able to: identify the economic problems in the analysis of specific situations
in the business to offer their solutions and evaluate the expected
- to develop and validate the forms of effective business decisions;
2 Course/ 3 semester
2.Social-С ommunicative module
PIC 2201
2 cr / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: None
1+1 +0
Module purpose: interpersonal communication — this informal
interaction which happens in private or in small groups. In the
course of interpersonal communication we talk, we listen, we
answer, we share the feelings and we form the relations.
Knowledge and ability: the analysis of interpersonal communication — is the
analysis of under what conditions and by means of what means of
representation, idea, knowledge, mood, i.e. subjective experience of one subject
can be moved and is more or less precisely interpreted by another. Identification
and the description of various preconditions and conditions successful (or, on
the contrary, unsuccessful, complicated) communications becomes a research
problem thereby.
TAPS 2202
2 cr / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: None
1+1 +0
Module purpose: to study essence of policy, its nature, value of
policy for the personality and society, between classes, the nations
and the states; between the personality, society and state. The
theoretical political science reveals and investigates a number of
a) regularities of emergence, functioning and development of
political interests of social subjects, their interactions with
economic and other social interests;
b) regularities of emergence, functioning and change of character
and maintenance of the political power and state;
c) regularities of functioning and development of political activity,
political relations, political processes;
d) ways of knowledge of the political
the phenomena, a ratio in them rational (conscious) and
proportional (unconscious).
Knowledge and ability: private political problems to analyze developing in
society at this concrete moment a political situation, promotes the constructive
solution of actual practical problems of political life of society, develops and
offers a practical advice and recommendations to participants of political events
in the solution of the current political problems and the conflicts.
The scientific analysis and development of practical recommendations are
carried out by applied political science in spheres:
- regulations of political conflicts and achievement of necessary social
consensus (consent);
- organizations and carrying out the electoral companies;
- formations of public opinion and use of mass media.
EPSS 2203
Ethics of personal and social success
2 cr / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: None
1+1 +0
Module purpose: individual success in social space. And the
modest makeweight "in social space" assumes that problems of
success and success won't be and can't be considered separately
from other plots of social ethics connected with concepts of justice,
freedom, public safety, economic efficiency, etc.
Knowledge and ability: to create public system where situations of experience
of success will be most available to everyone and where successes of individuals
and groups will directly promote general welfare.
CR 2204
Culture and Religion
2 cr / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: None
1+1 + 0
Module purpose: achievement in the analysis of religion of such
sciences as history, sociology, psychology, philosophy, philology,
anthropology, etc.
Knowledge and ability: to choose that area for researches, which to you more
to liking – from rituals of the African tribes to problems of modern society.
Everything depends on your personal preferences at observance of one condition
– the religion has to be the main subject of your interest.
GAS 2205
General and Applied Sociology
2 cr / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: None
1+1 +0
Module purpose: studying of the main stages of formation and
sociology development (background and social and philosophical
sociological theories. Society, social institutes and interactions.
Social groups and communities.
Knowledge: global problems of social life and universal values. Theories of the
average level (sociology of communications, education sociology, youth
sociology, economic sociology, religion sociology, etc.). Social conflicts and
logic of their permission. Methodology and methods of sociological research.
Ability to develop programs of sociological research. Methods of collecting
sociological information. Analysis and equipment of processing of empirical
sociological researches.
HS 2206
Human safety
2 cr / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: None
1+1 +0
Module purpose: studying of legislative and legal acts in the field
of health and safety. Tasks, the principles of construction and civil
defense (CD) functioning in RK. Classification of dangerous and
harmful factors. Radiation hazard. Protection against ionizing
radiation. Chemical danger. Devices of radiation and chemical
survey, radiation control. Current state of a technosphere and
technospherical safety.
Knowledge: protection of the person and habitat against harmful and dangerous
factors of a natural and technogenic origin. Classification of emergency
situations of various character. Stability of functioning of objects of economy in
emergency situations. Possession of the basic principles and ways of protection
of the population in emergency situations peace and a wartime. Rendering the
pre-medical help at emergency situations. Organization of events on population
evacuation. Protection against weapons of mass destruction. Organizational
and practical security measures at earthquakes. Protection of the population at
natural disasters, fires, accidents and explosions on production objects.
Ability to use bases of an organization and carrying out a wrecking. Emergency
situations of social character. Psychological aspects of emergency situations.
ESD 2207
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: None
1+1 +0
Module purpose: studying a place and ecology roles in the
Autekologiya: ecological factors, optimum and minimum zones.
Demekologiya: characteristics of population, fluctuation and
regulation of number of population. Sinekologiya: interaction
types in communities, trophic structure of community and
ecological pyramids. Functions of ecosystems: power exchange
and circulation of substances, integrity and stability of ecosystems,
ecological suktsessiya.
Knowledge: concepts about a biocenosis, a biogeocenosis, an ecosystem. Types
of land and water ecosystems. The doctrine about the biosphere and a
noosphere. Live substance of the biosphere and its function.
Ability to use natural resources and rational environmental management.
Conservation and environmental problems of the present. Ecodevelopment
KL 2208
Kazakhstan law
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: None
1+1 +0
Module purpose: studying of the main concepts and category of
the state and right. Legal relations. Lawful behaviour and offense.
Legal responsibility. Bases of a constitutional law of the Republic
of Kazakhstan. Bases of administrative law of the Republic of
Kazakhstan. Bases of civil law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Bases of a family law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bases of the
organization and activity of law enforcement agencies.
Knowledge: basic financial rights of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bases of the
tax right of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bases of the labour law of the Republic
of Kazakhstan. Bases of criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bases of
the ecological right of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Ability to own the basic land rights of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Criminal
procedure bases and civil procedural rights. International rights bases.
FET 2209
Foundations of Economic Theory 2 cr / 3
Prerequisites: None
1+1 +0
Module purpose: studying of a role of the economic theory in
society development. Main problems of economy. Economic
categories and laws, specific methods of studying of economic
processes. Relations of property and types of economic systems.
Knowledge: laws of formation of the market and specifics of their formation in
the post-socialist countries; main categories and market laws, principles of
individual reproduction; specifics of formation of expenses and their types;
features of the market of factors of production, their prices and income.
Ability to use interrelation of problems of economy on micro and macrolevel,
fundamental laws of functioning
3.2 Basic vocational modules
Module 1. Introduction to Economics
Mac 2401
2 cr / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: Microeconomics ,
Principles of Economics
1 +1 +0
aim of the course - provides an understanding of the internal
device and of the functioning of the modern economy as a single,
integrated and dynamically changing system.
Objectives of the course - to give students a deeper understanding
of the macro-economic processes, such as economic growth,
employment, inflation, currency exchange rate, balance of
payments, external debt, and other ways to control and to achieve
the desired results of the public.
- Understanding the patterns of economic development, the basic principles of
the organization of modern economic life at the macro level
-the possession of the primary economic analysis skills, the ability to analyze
processes, situations, events and issues in the modern economy.
Module 3. Finance and credit
Fin 2402
3 Credits / ECTS
Prerequisites: Principles of Economics,
History of Economic Thought
2 +1 +0
purpose of mastering the discipline is to develop students a solid
knowledge of the concept and features of the financial system,
introduction to the theory and organization of public finance,
finance enterprises of different ownership forms, as well as with
thecharacteristics of financial markets.
- especially the organization of corporate finance different forms of ownership
and management, be able to assess the financial position of the Corporation, to
develop financial plans and projections, and have the skills to make the right
financial decisions in the post-crisis period, the economy in various fields of
operation of corporations.
Module 4. Accounting and Audit
Ac 2404
2 cr / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: Marketing, History of
Economic Thought
1 +1 + 0
goals of discipline are the acquisition of theoretical knowledge
and practical skills audit of business entities as independent control
of proper organization of accounting, organization and functioning
of the internal control system.
Discipline objectives:
- the study of the organization and methodology of accounting
- the study of regulatory accounting
- introduction to International accounting system
- introduction to the organization's management system, the rights
and duties of the Chief Accountant
- the study of accounting policies on various aspects of accounting
- the study of accounting for non-current assets
- to be able to diagnose, predict and manage the funds
- to analyze the process of financial management of enterprises and business
- to form the optimum ratio of financial resources and sources of formation and
Module 5. Quantitative assessment of the economy
Sta 2406
3 Credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Marketing, Management
2 +1 +0
The aim of the course - the understanding of statistical
monitoring, analysis, forecasting, statistical information for
decision-making atlevel
the enterpriseand at the level of state, regional management
- Understand and be able to analyze in general terms the basic economic and
programs in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad
-to know and comply with the requirements of modern law
-navigate the the world, in the socio-economic processes in Kazakhstan and
Module 6. Analytical Marketing System
MR 2407
Marketing Research
3 Credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Marketing, Management
aim of the course is to provide students with the necessary
knowledge and practical skills in the field of marketing research.
This course covers the basic questions of the organization and
- The ability to summarize and critically evaluate the results obtained by
domestic and foreign researchers
-to identify and formulate relevant scientific issues for the Study of the main
2 +1 +0
conduct of market research: the definition of goals and objectives
of the research, the development of the study plan, the content of
the main stages of the study.
Emphasis is on getting the students practical skills in organizing
and conducting market research and analysis obtained during the
study of information.
directions of the types of technology market research
- to own methods of research on domestic and foreign markets, the principles
and tools of marketing information and analysis of the enterprise in whole.
Module 7. Theory and Practice of Marketing Communications
MC 2408
Marketing Communications
3 Credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Marketing, Management
2 +1 +0
purpose of discipline - the development of the students the basic
theory and practice of forming a complex of marketing
Discipline objectives: to
study the content and structure of the process of
marketing communications,
- the ability to develop and analyze the process of marketing communication
- to make an assessment of their effectiveness, to plan and budget of
-must possess the following competencies: know the basic principles of the
development of the communication policy of the enterprise
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