Specialty 5B050700 – Management
Discipline name, credits, prerequisites
Purpose, objectives, summary of course
Competences (learning outcomes)
History of Kazakhstan
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: None
1+1 +0
Module purpose: to history of state and law of the Republic of
Kazakhstan it is directed on studying of process of origin, formation
and state and right development. Conclusions and judgments of this
science are based on the analysis of the exact facts and really taken
place events of state and legal life of Kazakhstan. The place and role of
science of the state and the right of Kazakhstan among other sciences
are defined by that it represents realization of historical approach of
research of the state and legal phenomena from the moment of their
emergence till today. It logically recreates and restores an objective
picture of evolution of state and legal systems, establishments and the
institutes existing and existing in the territory of the Republic. The
protokazakh medieval states and their legal systems were fixed and
studied both foreign travellers, and local observers and originators of
dynasty historiographies.
Knowledge: the different parties of activity of the Kazakh horde are available
in official documents, in various written sources of foreign and local observers,
in works of national creativity. During edge colonization by the Russian
Empire there were the numerous works of different character describing with
different degree of reliability and objectivity a political system and legal
relations in the region. In the conditions of the Soviet power of a problem of
national statehood in Kazakhstan were studied in special scientific institutions
from class and party positions.
Ability in modern conditions to carry out studying of history of state and law of
the Republic, relying on the research experience summed up in this direction
and knowledge for a reconstruction of an objective picture of history of state
and law of the country.
3 Credits / ECTS
Prerequisites: none
0+3 +0
Module purpose: expansion of a basic word stock of common words
and phrases,
mastering by grammatical forms and designs at the level of their use in
speech. Mastering by a basic word and terminological stock in the
specialty. Creation of various types of speech activity: conversation,
communicative, functional aspects. Reproduction adapted and a
producing simple pragmatical texts, dialogical and monological, in an
oral and written form, on the subjects actual for social and professional
spheres, on different types of speech activity: speaking, audition,
reading, letter.
Knowledge: development of educational and professional speech: a)
development of skills of reading, hearing, literature making an abstract in the
specialty; b) different drawing up the scientific and educational texts close to
texts of textbooks and lectures, dialogues and monologues on educational and
professional subjects; c) intensive training in the main functional and semantic
types of statements: to monologue description, monologue narration,
monologue - a reasoning, dialogue conversation, dialogue - discussion.
Professional Kazakh (Russian) language
Ability to develop scientific and professional speech: the active, generalized,
volume formation of skills and abilities in the field of scientific and professional
Professional-focused foreign language
3 Credits / ECTS
Prerequisites: none
0 +2 +1
Module purpose: phonetic, spelling, lexical, grammatical norms of a
studied foreign language. Phonetics: pronunciation and rhythmic-
features of a foreign language, reception and reproduction of sound
system of speech. Spelling: sound alphabetic system of language, basic
spelling rules. Lexicon: word-formation models; basic word stock of
2500 units of basic language, and also the terms corresponding to a
profile of specialty; Lexicon differentiation on scopes of application.
Knowledge: the main parts of speech – a noun, an adjective, an adverb, a verb,
an article, a pronoun, a pretext; structure of a simple and compound sentence;
main models of word formation. Reading: formation of skills of fact-finding,
search, studying and viewing reading. Speaking: skills of dialogical and
monological speech within studied subjects. Letter: development of skills of a
consecutive statement of thoughts, reasonings, and also information when
writing compositions and letters of personal and business character.
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