№ 1 (61), 2014
Regional Bulletin of the East
тек сөз мағынасын түрлендіруінде емес, сөз тұлғасын қосымша атаулының бәрі
де түрлендіреді, олар арасындағы өзгешелік жалғаулар тек сөз тұлғасын ғана
түрлендірсе, жұрнақтардың оған қоса сөз мағынасын да өзгерте алуында [2].
Мұндай тұжырымдар ғалым еңбектерінің әр тұсында кездесіп отыра-
ды. А. Байтұрсынұлы оқулықтары – қазақ тілінде жазылған тұңғыш еңбектер.
Соған қарамастан ықшамды түрде баяндала тұрса да, көптеген мәселелерді
өте білгірлікпен, көрегендікпен айта алған. Ғалымның енгізген терминдерінің
барлығы дерлік күні бүгінге дейін еш өзгеріссіз қолданылып жүр. «Тіл – құрал»
еңбегі кейінгі қазақ тілі морфологиясының ғылыми негіздерінің қалыптасып,
дамуына сара жол салды. Сөйтіп, морфология ғылымының бастауы А.
Байтұрсынұлы еңбектерінен басталады.
1. Мұхтаров С. Ахмет Байтұрсынұлы және қазақ тіл біліміндегі сөз таптастыру
проблемасы / С. Мұхтаров // Ахметтану тағылымдары. – Алматы: Ғылым, 1998. – 6, 7,
9, 10, 294 б.
2. Қордабаев Т. Қазақ тілі білімінің қалыптасу, даму жолдары / Т. Қордабаев. –
Алматы: Рауан, 1995. – 54, 95, 96, 174 б.
3. Ильминский Н.И. Материалы к изучению киргизского наречия / Н.И. Ильмин-
ский. – Казань, 1861. – 4, 581 с.
4. Ильминский Н.И. Грамматика алтайского языка / Н.И. Ильминский. – Казань,
1869. – 3, 256 с.
5. Байтұрсынұлы А. Тіл тағылымы / А. Байтұрсынұлы. – Алматы, 1992. – 154, 189,
191, 197, 199-263, 446 б.
6. Байтұрсынов А. Тіл – құрал. – Орынбор, 1914. – 294 б.
7. Қордабаев Т. Сөздерді тапқа бөлу тарихынан / Т. Қордабаев // Қазақстан мектебі.
– 1984. – №7.
8. Исаев С. Қазіргі қазақ тіліндегі сөздердің грамматикалық сипаты / С. Исаев. –
Алматы: Рауан, 1998. – 56, 303 б.
9. Жұбанов Қ. Қазақ тілі жөніндегі зерттеулер / Қ. Жұбанов. – Алматы: 1966. –
213, 297 б.
1. Muhtarov S. A. Baitursynuly zhane kazak til bilimindegy soz taptastyru problemasy.
Ahmettanu tagylymdary. Almaty, 1998, 294 (in Kaz).
2. Kordabaev T. Kazak til biliminin kalyptasu, damu zholdary. Almaty, 1995, 174 (in
3. Ilminski N.I. Materialy k usutsheniu kirgizskogo naretshija. Kasan, 1861, 581 (in
4. Ilminski N.I. Grammatika altaiskogo jazyka. Kazan, 1869, 256 (in Russ).
5. Baitursynuly A. Til tagylymy. Almaty, 1992, 446 (in Kaz).
6. Baitursynuly A. Til – kural. Orynbor, 1914, 294 (in Kaz).
7. Kordabaev T. Sozderdy tapka bolu tarihynan. Almaty, 1984, №7 (in Kaz).
8. Isaev S. Kazak tilindegy sozderdyn grammatikalik sipaty. Almaty, 1998, 303 (in
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы · Региональный вестник Востока № 1 (61), 2014
9. Zhubanov K. Kazak tili zhonindegy zertteuler. Almaty, 1966, 297 (in Kaz).
UDК 81’1’373.611
S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
The paper presents different languages comparative study, contrastive research has a
theoretical applied and practical significance.
Keywords: lexical system, native language, different degrees, paradigmatic relations,
stylistically neutral.
Мақалада әртүрлі құрылымды тілдерді салыстырмалы зерттеуде теориялық,
практикалық және қолданбалы мақсаттарға байланысты мағлұматтар алуға болатыны
Түйін сөздер: лексикалық система, ана тілі, әртүрлі деңгей, парадигматикалық
байланыс, стилистикалық бейтараптылық.
В статье рассматривается сопоставительное исследование разносистемных язы-
ков в практическом и теоретическом ключе.
Ключевые слова: лексическая система, родной язык, разные уровни, парадигма-
тические отношения, стилистическая нейтральность.
The language as a system-structural organized unit and communication means
and language units are closely connected. As they are different in quality structurally,
semantically, functionally and practically, language units have only their own means
and capabilities in communicative implementation of the language. Phraseological
units in this meaning take the special position, because it is impossible to make sen-
tences, statements using only phraseological units. Words, the units of lexical system
do not have such block systems in the organization of speech and communication.
Phraseological system of the language is also the result of generalization and
systematization of scientific-linguistic researches in phraseology. In real observation
there is only oral or written speech. It means that there are only concrete, real single
phraseological units, but not all the totality of the phraseological units of the language.
This totality can be ascertained only by the examination of all the phraseological units
in the speech, communications and dictionaries.
The existence of all the language’s units in two forms and types as the units of
№ 1 (61), 2014
Regional Bulletin of the East
the language and using it in speech are relevant to phraseological units too[1]. In this
case there is direct parallelism between the term linguistic system and others subsys-
tems of the language, including the phraseological system of the language. The follow-
ing terms are typical to the system of the language in general: the levels units of the
language levels, different types of paradigmatic, syntagmatic, hierarchical, derivation
relations. [2].These traits, characteristics, relations are also typical to the phraseologi-
cal level.
Phraseological units are considered only in one form of existence: in the lan-
guage system or in paradigmatics. Speaking in the native language or other languages
for communication the language must be present virtually as an abstract generalized
system of invariants of different levels, with a variety of paradigmatic, syntagmatic,
hierarchical and derivational relations between units of its various levels. The speech
and communication cannot be organized without this. In other words, should be avail-
able for this purpose required levels or sub-system of the language: phonological,
morphological, lexical [2].
Phraseology is not a part of this system, because we can speak in the native
language or in the foreign language without using phraseological units. But it is only
theoretically, in reality it is not so, because when people communicate in their native
language, they use a variety of types of set phrases like expressive and non-expressive,
like imaginative and non-imaginative, like idiomatic and non-idiomatic. There is ob-
jective reason for it: in each language there is a developed system of phraseological
units, which develops during all the history of formation and functioning of the lan-
guage. There is not full language without phraseological units, because they perform
their special functions. All the different problems, issues, which are connected with
the role of phraseological units in the language, speech, communication, the pecu-
liarities of their status is studied by the special field of linguistics – phraseology. [4].
As the units of the whole language or separate levels of the language, phraseological
units also make the system of heterogeneous, but connected by different relations and
different degrees of proximity or remoteness from each other. Such relations between
the units of any levels are called paradigmatic, which are one of the system generating
factors of the language. They are the base of nominative language system’s or any sub-
system’s segmentation of the language, including phraseological system of the lan-
guage to separate categories, classes, groups. In the scope of which there are relations
and connections between their units. The base of unification of one or another units of
the language to a certain categories, including macro and micro fields, is always some
generality, which is inherent to each unit of corresponding unification in different level
and form. Such base, as a rule, is meaning, notion and function. The language is exists
and operates to fix and express the results of human’s consciousness, linguistic and
vocal sense, meaning, notion, which are existing in every linguistic sign, both in the
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы · Региональный вестник Востока № 1 (61), 2014
language’s unit and unit of the speech. At the heart of the field approach as a way of
learning a language is precisely this regularity of the language.
The developers of this method is considered as the language of the field, espe-
cially combining of the words that expressed the same meaning or referring to the same
conceptual space, or to the same semantic field. One of the first lexical fields was the
field of relationship, which describes the types of connections and relations that exist
between the words in the given field. The concept of linguistic field in their treatment
had methodological meaning and theoretical significance. With the help of this tool,
namely, the field, the language drop-down from the same point of view as a systematic
device with a variety of systemic, paradigmatic relations. In addition, a research tool
of the field was intended to confirm the theoretical postulate that not a single word has
its own independent value, and it only gets in the field. The specific meaning of the
word in this case depends on the neighbors - the words of one semantics, what other
qualities surround it [3].
Volume, content, structure, of linguistic field depends on many different factors.
First, because, that serves as the basis of allocation of the field and unification of the
members of the field: what type of linguistic meaning, concepts, language function,
and what degree of generalization they have. In this case, there is onomasiological ap-
proach in learning the language or units of an appropriate level of the language. The
point of linguistic analysis is to identify generalized meaning or concept or language
category, function, and the goal is to build all the units and processes that focus on
expression and representation. The point of linguistic analysis is defined generalized
meaning or concept or language category, function, and the goal is to build all the
units and processes that focus on expression and representation. Composition, that is,
quantitative and qualitative aspects of units representatives field depends not only on
the nature, degree of generalization of hyper lexeme field, but also on the cognitive
elaboration and evaluation of the corresponding space, the field of human thinking
in a particular language. How much and which units are united by a particular field
depends on it. However, the release of the field and the establishment of the field, al-
most onomasiological approach analysis of the field is not completed. The main task
is ahead, namely, the establishment of the field structure and types of semantic rela-
tions and connections between all the members, units within the corresponding field.
But in this case we are dealing with semasiological approach and analysis of the field,
because we start from the existing in the field of linguistic units and investigate the
semantic features and semantic relations with other units in the field, the nature and
quality of their semantic characteristics and relations. Such relations and connections
within the system of the field in linguistics are called paradigmatic relations and con-
nections [1].
Every linguistic field has it’s own structure, namely: center, transitional zone,
№ 1 (61), 2014
Regional Bulletin of the East
periphery. In the center of the field are usually that units, which have more generic
sense of field semantics, which are most regular and stylistically neutral units and oc-
cur when it is carry on one or another correspond semantic or conceptual sphere. For
example, if we take such semantic or conceptual sphere as “thinking, to think”, will
occur the following word in the German language: denken, ueberlegen, nachdenken;
in the English language – to think, to consider; in the Russian language - думать,
размышлять; in the Kazakh language - oilay. They express this concept in the most
generic type and are used when affect this semantic area. However, in every languages,
including named four languages, there are a lot of other words and word combina-
tions, including phraseological units, which are connected with the concept “think-
ing”, “to think”, but which are not generic in their sense, but have additional semantic,
valuation, expressive, figurative, stylistic, regional, peculiarities. They are differ from
which, that take the center in the structure of the given field. For example, in the Ger-
man language there are such words and word combinations as gruebeln, knobeln, tuef-
feln, sich Gedanken machen, sich den Kopf zerbrechen, in the English language - turn
over in one’s mind, in the Russian language – pologat, Kazakh language - karastyry.
They are certainly situated not in the center of the field of “thinking”, but either in the
certain place of transitional zone, or in the periphery, surrounded by the certain field
units, because they are differ semantically from the units of the field’s center and from
each other. Linguistic fields can be different, because the known world and world ar-
eas are studied cogitatively in different degrees of generality and differentiation, from
different points of view, and it directly influences on the quantity and the structure of
linguistic fields.
In the history of linguistic onomasiologic approach in learning the language carry
out in a different areas and manifestation: in the theory of nomination, in the connec-
tion with the functioning of the language and the necessity of the choice of the means
of nomination, the means of expression of certain linguistic, under the necessity of the
developing of thesaurus, during the learning the language as a system and systematic
relations in the language. One of the most bright spheres of the manifestation is the
concept of linguistic field, which has direct relation to the problematics in linguistic as
the language and consciousness, the language and thinking.
Historically, the idea of the theory of the field goes back exactly to that think-
ing, is a perfect reflection of the world through the language and initially fixed in the
language. In this sense we have in mind, in thinking something that exists in the native
language. Between the ideal image of the world and the language means of expression
there is a complete parallelism. In many languages the real objective world is presented
in perfect shape, but in many ways different, because each in its own way divides the
world. The language fields, that is a means of expressing language, cover completely
what he knows and is reflected by some people in a particular area of the real world in
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы · Региональный вестник Востока № 1 (61), 2014
a particular field of knowledge [1]. Among the variety of linguistic expressions, con-
cepts and values in terms of linguistic fields, the units of vocabulary words have been
considered at first. Therefore, the first type of linguistic fields, which was operated by
linguistics were lexical-semantic or lexical field. They promoted the systematic dissec-
tion of vocabulary system, systematic relations in the vocabulary and the formation of a
picture of the lexical-semantic system of the language in terms of the lexical-semantic
fields. This is ensured by the fact that each semantic field under which originally meant
lexical or lexical-semantic field is a definite ordered piece, a fragment in the lexical or
lexical-semantic system. However, one should always remember that it is a reflected
by consciousness, thinking of people, in its language, a piece of reality: «The field 1.
The totallity of content units (concepts, words), covering a specific area of the human
experience ... Field semantic 1. A piece actually allocated in the human experience and
theoretically having the correspondence in the given language in a form of more or less
autonomous microsystems» [1]. However, each nation allocates in the real world their
own “pieces” of reality and its various aspects, the moments in the phenomena of this
slice of reality, so the experience of people in the pieces of reality and the perception
of their elements are very different. This is directly related to linguistic fields, then
they are also in many ways not the same in different languages. The number of lexical
and semantic fields in the lexical-semantic system of a particular language is in direct
proportion to the number of words in the lexicon in general and, in particular, from
the words of a generalized semantic type relation, color, quality, thinking, animal, fur-
niture, etc. Lexical-semantic or lexical field is relevant only to the lexical system to a
specific site: «semantic (verbal) field is a lexical paradigm in a structural class, which
occurs when the segmentation of lexical-semantic continuum at different periods, cor-
responding to the words of the language. These segments are directly opposed to each
other on the basis of simple meaning-signs. For example, in the German language the
row jung (young), neu (new), alt (old) make up the verbal field. One verbal field can
be include to another field of the highest level» [2].
In the area of lexical and lexical-semantic fields are developed different ideas,
methods and techniques of isolation and analysis [3]. They were then moved to dif-
ferent areas of human language, and the field approach is widely used in the study of
a variety of language levels and types of linguistic units. For example, in connection
with the study of grammatical semantics, grammatical categories, syntactic functions
are widely used such linguistic terms as morphosemantic, grammar, grammar lexical,
functional semantic fields [4].
Also methodology touched upon the field phraseology, because phraseology, its
areas and units also reflect the reality, definite spheres and areas of real world. In this
sense they are very different from grammatical and lexical system, but they also take
part in the general process of conceptualization and categorization of the world. They
№ 1 (61), 2014
Regional Bulletin of the East
form their phrase semantic fields and come into the defined lexical-phraseological and
functional-semantic fields. Under phrase semantic field we mean a totality of stable
combinations of phraseological units of a language that represent a particular concept
or linguistic meaning and therefore related and belong to one and the same semantic
For example, phrase semantic field of “thinking” combines only set phrases or
phraseological units, expressing by its semantics this feature of human and human ac-
tivity: Auf den Gedanken kommen, eine Idee haben, sich den Kopf zerbrechen.
Studying phrase semantic fields will elucidate the character of phrase semantic
system of a particular language. Particularly valuable in scientific linguistic relation
is the study of phrase semantic fields of different, related and unrelated languages , as
they reveal national characteristics of phrase semantic system of different languages
, the specific of phraseological worldview, cognitive models of phraseological system
of the relevant languages. Phraseology is studying one of the areas of the nomina-
tive systems of language, namely, set phrases as lexical (words), syntactical (the free
or variables phrases) and phraseological (set phrases, phraseological units) means of
nomination. They carry three types of nomination: generalized, species and situational
contextual and specific speech nomination: Mantel, Wintermantel, der rote Mantel.
The first and the second types of nomination can expressed in the nominative language
system only words and set phrases or phraseological units. That is why words and
phraseological units unite on this basis in a single system - lexical and phraseological,
and within it are allocated to various lexical and phraseological fields [3] In the rela-
tions between vocabulary and phraseology, and thus between the lexical and phraseo-
logical fragments of lexical phraseological field is the relation of the phraseological
[1]. Phraseological units, at last, are as a special component a part of certain function-
al-semantic fields, such as functional-semantic field of comparativity. Phrase semantic
fields are still little investigated, in general, as microfields of lexical-phraseological
fields, functional phraseological fields and, in particular, as comparative terms in all
these types of linguistic fields.
1. Makkai A. Idiomaticy as a language universal. Universals of human language. Ed.
by J.H. Greenberg, Standford, 1998 (in Eng).
2. Greenberg J.H. Language universals: a research frontier. In: Greenberg J. language,
culture and communication. Essays by J.H. Greenberg. Selected and introduced by A.S. Dil.
Stanford, 1991 (in Eng).
3. Lakoff G. Linguistik gestalts. In: Papers from the ХIII Regional Meeting of Chicago
Linguistic Society. 13. Chicago, 1997 (in Eng).
4. Jakobson R. Implications of language universals for linguistics. In: Universals of lan-
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Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы · Региональный вестник Востока № 1 (61), 2014
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