UDC 378.09:004.7
S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
In article problems of realization of the principle of an individualization in the conditions
of high school training where the importance is given to adaptation of graduates of schools
to higher education institution conditions are investigated; to motives of a choice of higher
education institution; to quality of school education. On the basis of empirical data readiness
of educational process of higher education institution for realization of an individualization
of training (contents of curricula and programs is investigated; application of technologies of
training, etc.).
Keywords: тraining individualization, principle of an individualization of training, in-
dividual educational strategy of training, technology of an individualization of high school
Мақалада индивидуализация ұстанымының жүзеге асырылу мәселелері жоғары
оқу орнында оқу саласында зерттеледі. Осы арада мектеп түлектерінің жоғары оқу
орнында оқуға бейімделуіне, жоғары оқу орнын таңдау себептеріне, мектеп білімінің
сапасына маңызды көңіл бөлінеді. Эмпиризмдік деректер негізінде жоғары оқу
орнының оқу үдерісі саласында (оқу жоспарының және бағдарламаның мазмұны; оқу
технологиясының қолданылуы және басқалар) индивидуализацияның жүзеге асырылу
даярлығы зерттеледі.
Түйін сөздер: оқудың индивидуализациясы, оқу индивидуализациясының
ұстанымы, индивидуализациялық оқудың оқытылу стратегиясы, жоғары оқу орнында
білім алудың индивидуализацияларының технологиялары.
№ 1 (61), 2014
Regional Bulletin of the East
В статье исследуются проблемы реализации принципа индивидуализации в усло-
виях вузовского обучения, где важное значение уделяется адаптации выпускников школ
к условиям вуза; мотивам выбора вуза; качеству школьного образования. На основе эм-
пирических данных исследуется готовность учебного процесса вуза к реализации инди-
видуализации обучения (содержание учебных планов и программ; применение техно-
логий обучения и др.).
Ключевые слова: индивидуализация обучения, принцип индивидуализации обу-
чения, индивидуальная образовательная стратегия обучения, технологии индивидуали-
зации вузовского образования.
Kazakhstan integration into the world educational space requires change in the
contents of specialists training, in the methods and forms of interaction of education
process subjects, transitions from front forms of education to personality-oriented.
The realization of individualizing education principle can contribute to the de-
velopment of cognitive and professional students’ abilities which is successfully ap-
plied in our country in secondary schools of new type – lyceums and gymnasiums.
It is very important not to “miss” a potential talent during the period of adapta-
tion to university conditions of education. Individual approach to each student is nec-
essary at this very stage.
The notion of school leavers adaptation at the university is understood by psy-
chological-pedagogical science a new organization of mental activity, on the one hand
and the skill of every personally to associate his value system, stereotypes, models
of behavior with the offered one, on the other hand. Three forms of adaptations are
singled out – professional, social-economic and didactic, understanding under profes-
sional adaptation – arrangement to high school structure, contents and components
of educational process at the university, peculiarities of the chosen profession; under
social psychological – the formation of positive constructive relationship with faculty
and group mates; under didactic – acquiring the forms, methods of university educa-
tion. Besides there are physiological and medical aspects, connected with organism
rebuilt, being applied to new conditions and regime of life.
Adaptation period and success to new conditions depend on the stability of ethic
qualities (industry, kindness, etc.), social experience range, how adequately a school
leaver percepts social requirements to his manner. And also from some individual char-
acteristics of a personality: extroversion, communicability, optimism, endurance and
stamina. Analyzing the difficulties of adaptation period of first year students we con-
ducted a questionnaire among 600 first year students of historical, linguistic, physics-
math, natural-geographical, music-pedagogical and general technical departments of
East-Kazakhstan state university. Data processing allowed to single out the following
groups of basic difficulties of adaptation: absence of skills of independent work (74%
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы · Региональный вестник Востока № 1 (61), 2014
of being questioned); inaptitude to perform psychological self regulation of behavior
and activity, aggravating absence of habitual every day pedagogic control (64% of
students); the search of optimal regime of labor and rest in new conditions (58%);
negative experience, connected with leaving school collective with their expressed
mutual help and moral support. (56%); uncertainty of profession choice motivation,
insufficient training for it (42%); living conditions organization and self management
at the hostel (39%). Many of the students being questioned singled out several groups
of adaptation difficulties, so the the general number of the answers is more than 100 %.
It was pointed out that not all first year students manage easily and at once to the new
conditions. Dynamic stereotype is a physiological mechanism of habitual behavior is
rebuilt applicably to the new conditions with different students with different speed,
taking in average about 6 months, that is the whole first semester and a part of the sec-
ond. At the same time this is the period that determines students’ future work.
We have also studied the question about the factors that influenced the students’
choice of the university, about the school leavers’ readiness to the studies in it and
about the difficulties of these studies. 500 first year students were questioned, includ-
ing 70 lyceum leavers.
For the question of the questionnaire “Which factors influenced your choice
of the profession most?” – the students’ and lyceum leavers’ answers (the answers
are marked in brackets) were distributed in the following way: family – 41% (16%);
teachers – 36% (51%); mass media – 31% (26%); friends – 9% (6%); the choice was
made by myself – 6% (25%). Data analysis gives the evidence about high efficiency
of the work conducted in the lyceum on the formation of professional direction of a
To check the assurance of the students about their vocation there was a question
about the motives of profession choice. Ordinary school leavers’ answers and lyceum
leavers’ answers divided in the following way: aspired to interesting and substantial
life – 38% (62%); was sure in the abilities in this area 22% (51%); education makes
a person more independent in life –21% (21%); interest to mental work professions –
19% (86%); material factors – 8% (2%). The answers to control question that checked
the attitude to the profession: “If you had to choose the profession again, what would
you choose?” were as follows: would choose to study at the same university – 54%
(86%); another – 18% (2%); work according to the chosen specialty – 8% (3%); work
somewhere – 6% (0%); study somewhere – 14% (9%). These data allow to make a
conclusion about the fact that the formation of professional interests and inclinations
happens significantly spontaneously, the most of school leavers choose the university
without knowing their abilities and devotion. While lyceum leavers made their choice
consciously enough.
Evaluation school training for study at the university, 24% of school leavers
№ 1 (61), 2014
Regional Bulletin of the East
and 86 lyceum leavers consider it satisfactory: school gave them knowledge, skills,
abilities, brought up necessary character traits – assiduity, discipline, ability to work
independently, overcome difficulties, the sense of responsibility, collectivism. Basic
claims to school on the part of school leavers of traditional educational establishments
are as follows: we were not taught to take good notes, computer skills (86%), work
with reference and bibliographical literature (64%), work at oneself, analyze a big
amount of information (46%), plan and distribute the time correctly (48%), study with-
out systematic everyday control (37%). Students’ answers prompt a lot how education
in secondary school should be changed so that the transition to the university is easier
– to train for independent work, make closer the principle of material explanation in
high school to university, systematically teach to work with the originals, reference
books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, introduce lecture courses and teach to make notes,
introduce credit system. This was done in due time at the lyceum. Moreover, the analy-
sis of lyceum leavers’ answers about the readiness for the study at the university al-
lowed to single out a number of other difficulties of study. First of all, 74% of first year
students point out the absence of the classmates creative attitude towards their stud-
ies, reproductive character of material presentation by them at seminar and laboratory
classes; 6,1% point out great difference in the level of course students’ training, and
some lectures taking into account this fact try to keep to the “happy medium”; 58%
underlined a paradox decrease of their own tempo of knowledge increase and classes
load in comparison with lyceum; 39 % did not find the area of their scientific inter-
ests application. It is remarkable that these are the facts at the background of positive
picture in general – 100% of lyceum leavers progress and 80 % - knowledge quality.
To compare, general university index correspondingly 85,5 % and 52,9%. Thorough
analysis of the position of each lyceum leaver in new collectives allows to point out a
number of lyceum leavers adaptation problems at university conditions. First of all it
is a necessity of transition for a new qualitative level of interaction on the whole chain
of cooperation: university administration, department collectives, separate lecturers.
Here a necessity results of “piece” transition of every lyceum leaver to the departments
and sub-departments. As it is very important for a university lecturer to study the per-
sonality of a student, know the peculiarity of his up brining in the family and at school,
his character traits, interests and inclinations, life plans, dominating motives of activ-
ity, the level of ambitions, self evaluation and ability to conscious behavior regulation.
And if at the lyceum all this block is traced by a psychological service in dynamics and
is being corrected, at the university it is usually left unclaimed.
The second problem is the necessity of transferring of the most lyceum gradu-
ates for individual study programs. The fact that 81 out of 152 lyceum lecturers work
at the university, 2 doctors, 34 candidates of science and conduct classes with lyceum
school children supposes courses deep study, active inclusion of lyceum school chil-
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы · Региональный вестник Востока № 1 (61), 2014
dren into research experimental work. It is not always possible at the university among
the mass of first year students allow lyceum graduates not only preserve but increase
education tempo, develop the taste to research. It is not accidentally that 59% pointed
out in the to questionnaire that it was more interesting to study at the lyceum than at
the university. 38 % of graduates point out creative atmosphere and healthy competi-
tion in the lyceum when they wanted to share knowledge they found themselves with
their classmates first and then with the teacher. 24% point out with alarm about care-
less attitude, indifference and inactivity in acquiring knowledge of their new partners
in students’ groups.
A definite step in liquidating the gap between the forms and methods of educa-
tion work at school and university is lecturing the special course “Introduction to the
profession”, introducing the students with methods of teaching at the university, skills
in working with a book, making good notes of the lecture.
Evaluating its practical significance, 69% of freshmen point out that special
course helped them to join the specificity of university education faster. In addition
41% of lyceum leavers are not satisfied with special course contents. Among the pro-
posals of its improvement are the following: “Include interpersonal communication
training to get introduced with group mates faster and closer”, “Improve practical
module, allowing to acquire applied skills”, “Introduce one more discipline about the
foundations of scientific research work”.
With the aim of education individualization studies at the university we also
questioned 216 lecturers and 518 students. Questionnaire data were supplemented by
observations of university education process, conversations, interviews, etc.
The following research objectives were stated: study possible ways of education
contents and technologies design, analyze the ways of taking into account students’
individual peculiarities, used by teachers in education activity; study the methods of
including each student into productive activity on creative acquiring of professional
knowledge and skills.
As the notion “education technology” is relatively new both for students and lec-
turers, we also included the following question in the questionnaire: “Do you see the
difference between technology and didactic system of education methods? What is it
about?” – for lecturers and “How do you understand the word-combination “education
individual strategy?” – for students.
We offered university lecturers to work with some key notions of the problem
of professional education modern contents and technologies design: “education pro-
grams design”, “education management”, “rating control”, “testing”.
The following questions allowed is to study the methods of each student includ-
ing into productive activity and analyze the ways of students’ individual peculiarities
taking into account: “How is it possible to make studies at the university individual-
№ 1 (61), 2014
Regional Bulletin of the East
ized?”, “Which ways of education encouragement and students’ individual peculiari-
ties are more successful in university lecturers experience?, etc. Students expressed
their opinion about such notions as “education technology”, “Professional education
individualization”. Received data bear the evidence of a definite level of these notions
Education technology is connected with analysis and this activity outcomes as-
sessment. Not only the level of academic achievements is being analyzed but also
students’ personal achievements. For this purpose the following question was included
in the lecturers’ questionnaire: “What can lecturers themselves do to increase the pos-
sibility of growth of student each student personality achievements?” Students were
offered open questions, for which we received definite statements about the fact if they
succeeded in realizing their abilities, strengths and see the growth of their achieve-
ments during their studies at previous education establishments (colleges, secondary
professional educational establishments, universities).
Owing to the fact that lecturer’s activity on new education technologies acquire-
ment requires great efficiency, creative approach, the questionnaire also contained
questions about the ways, according to students’ opinion, used by the lecturers of in-
dividual peculiarities taking into account and also a question: which lecturers’ activity
can be considered creative.
Taking into consideration the fact that students’ training includes a number of
courses the students were offered a question: “Is the number of courses enough for
your professional training at the university? What changes are possible?” and for lec-
turers: “In your opinion, what disciplines and technologies can train a modern profes-
sional to productive activity?”
The level of understanding by the lecturers such expression as “education tech-
nology” allowed to determine the question of the questionnaire if they see the dif-
ference between a technology and didactic system of education methods and what it
consists of. One-word answers (yes, no) were offered, which we classified in the form
of a table (all numeric data are expressed in % in table 1).
Table 1 – Lecturers’ judgement about the difference between teachnolgy and didactic system
of education methods
Lecturers working
only at the university
Specialists conducting
classes as a part-time job
See the difference
Do not see the difference
Did not answer
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы · Региональный вестник Востока № 1 (61), 2014
30,4% respondents do not only see the difference between technology and di-
dactic system of education methods, but also point out that education technology is
the area of knowledge, connected with the laws of composition, implementation and
assessment of the whole education process taking into account the goals of education.
Some educators point out the difference between the function that technology and
didactic system of methods perform (technology functionally covers the whole educa-
tion process: from the goal to the result, didactic system of methods as a rule realizing
the goal does not take into account the result of the process).
There are opinions among the lecturers that technology and didactic system of
methods have different goals and objectives and here is the most important difference
between them. A number of answers point out that technologies are universal and di-
dactic system of methods are specific enough for a definite course. Thus, received data
record the fact that lecturers’ understanding of the category “education technology” is
at a low level, especially it concerns the specialists conducting classes at the univer-
sity. It were the last who pointed out their anxiety about the fact that they do not have
the possibility to get acquainted with new trends in pedagogy and psychology of high
school and it has some outcomes on their teaching activity efficiency.
Education technology presented as an individual strategy supposes achieving
by the student a definite level of education and also the possibility for student’s inner
personal potentials realization. Offering the students to interpret the sense of the word
combination “individual education strategy” we thought it would be a rather difficult
assignment as this notion is not defined in pedagogic literature. But, nevertheless re-
ceived data analysis has shown that half of the students (49,5%) completed the assign-
ment successfully.
Among offered options the following were the most common: the ways of acquir-
ing professional education in modern conditions (30,5%); education program (9,7%);
taking into account all educational and professional possibilities of the personality
(8,5%); the way of personality self-realization (0,8%).
There are many different approaches today to the notion “education technology”.
Among basic trends two can be singled out: technocratic and personal approach. This
variety predetermined a lot the results that we received having analyzed the students’
answers. Education technology is characterized as a complex of methods, techniques,
and education by 46,3% of students, 10,8% point out author position in determining
the essence of this notion (“it is the system of education developed by the lecturer
itself”). 7,4% of students connect this notion with the use of technical means of educa-
tion and computers. But 35,5% of students could not express their own opinion.
Most lecturers and students questioned by us connect basic trends of transforma-
tions in high school, first of all with establishment of elective professional component
№ 1 (61), 2014
Regional Bulletin of the East
and modern education technologies design.
Received data record that the most of lecturers accept those changes that happen
at a modern university but have some difficulties in specific knowledge and skills on
projecting (74,6% of lecturers point out that).
Personality-oriented pedagogy is based on humanistic trend and has the goal
of free, creative development of a human personality. It is the lecturer who helps the
student in his achievements both academic and personal. In the answer to the ques-
tion “How university education can be individualized” 58,8% offer students to give
the possibility to express themselves in completing creative individual assignments
(reports, course papers, research, diploma project, etc.) 16,9% of lecturers offer to
see a personality in every student, be supported by the knowledge of his individual
peculiarities (without showing herewith how to realize the wish). 10,1% lecturers of-
fer to improve methods and ways of encouraging education and professional activities
in class for the growth of students academic achievements. 14,2% of lecturers did not
answer this question.
University, college, secondary professional education establishment are social
institutes which allow a person to find out his abilities and realize himself at a definite
stage of becoming an adult and personality formation. Data received by us record the
fact that most students (87,6%) during their studies at secondary professional edu-
cation establishments and universities succeeded in realizing some of their abilities.
Among the number of abilities enumerated by the students we singled out several
groups: academic (intellectual); communicative; management; sports; creative. 8,6%
of students answered categorically “did not realize any abilities”. It is explained a
lot by traditional contents and education technologies used in secondary special and
higher education establishments. 38,4% of students consider that a number of educa-
tion courses offered to them at the university is not enough to realize all their personal
and professional opportunities. Among the offers about introducing new disciplines
there as follows: communication psychology; conflict resolution studies; the founda-
tions of activity professionalism; the History of Art; active methods of education and
professional knowledge public relations.
We received the following answer to the question about how often the lectur-
ers use different kinds of methods and ways of education individualization: nearly do
not use (45,3%); seldom (20,9%); often nearly always (28,9%); did not answer the
question (4,9%). In addition students understand individualization as: taking into ac-
count student’s individual peculiarities – 45,8% (if there is a weak auditory perception
the lecturer gives the possibility to work with visual materials, takes into account the
tempo of the work of each; gives assignments according to his abilities, etc.; individual
education – 31,4% (assignments for the classes being missed, consultations, expla-
nation of individual assignment); different kinds of differentiation – 1,7% (work in
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы · Региональный вестник Востока № 1 (61), 2014
groups, pairs, etc.; self education – 2,4%; did not give the answer – 18,7%.
The question about lecturers’ creative activity deeply interested the students as
through the prism of this activity they see their participation, their place as a subject
of educational process. Most respondents (34,3%) point out such characteristics of
lecturer’s creative activity as the search of new means of students’ including into pro-
ductive activity; 21,2% of students are sure that lecturer’s creativity must be directed
to interest and abilities development and also lecturer’s creativity in the use of new
information technologies. A creative lecturer is characteristic of productive commu-
nication, atmosphere of mutual understanding and cooperation creation (14,5%). If
to consider creativity as one of the criteria of being successful in new contents and
education technologies design and also their implementation, students opinions about
their lecturers’ creative activity produce a favorable picture of educational situation at
the university.
We consider that courses contents at a modern university must be built on the
module principle. In addition we uphold the view that a module is a stable systematic
contents characteristics of educational activity reflecting the solution of specific edu-
cational assignments. 24,3% of lectures answered adequately in their questionnaires.
21,7% defined it as module education, module principle as education on the model or
blocks. 48,6% of lectures could not answer this question, these are mostly specialists
working at the university as a part-time job.
Besides stated above we researched the experience of modern technologies, ac-
tive education methods use in the education process; including technologies in the
disciplines curricula; education process efficiency in realizing the objectives of stu-
dents’ professional competency development. On the basis of the analysis being car-
ried out a conclusion was made that education activity logics is not reflected enough
in disciplines education programs that give rise to impossibility to solve efficiently on
contents activity level the task of developing reflexive and project professional abili-
ties of students.
There was no planned diagnosis of students’ professional competency (this phe-
nomenon was found only in 5,9% of programs). According to the forms of education
process organization only 8,6% was organization activity, business games and training
classes. The rest of them correspondingly 57,1% and 27,3% included lectures, semi-
nars and practical classes. Carried out analysis allowed to make a conclusion about
crudity of general for the whole university conceptual foundations of building up the
education process, absence of developing, feed back activity component of curricula
and program contents, unwillingness of the most lecturers of the university to use
the methods of active teaching, absence of scientific-methodical provision of mod-
ern education technologies use. Received data analysis records weak individualiza-
tion principle realization in the conditions of a modern university and the necessity of
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