1. Титова И.М. Методические основы гуманизации развивающего обучения химии – СПб.: ГУПМ, 1994. – 85 с.
2. Ушинский К.Д. «О элементах нравственности в воспитании». Избр.пед.соч. Том 11. – М., 1954.
3. Коменский Я.А. Обучение нравственности. Великая дидактика.
В этой статье рассматриваются жизненная необходимость смещения акцента с технократического подхода к
изучению естественных наук на знакомство со способами получения научных знаний, расширение представлений об
этических проблемах научного познания.
This article looks at the vital necessity of shifting the focus from a technocratic approach to the study of the natural
sciences to explore the methods of scientific knowledge, comprehensive idea of the ethical issues of scientific knowledge.
M.Ashirimbetova – MA, senior lecturer, Suleyman Demirel University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Abstract. The concept of communicative competence, based on the knowledge of the rules of language
structure and language use within a given culture is among essential skills. And in order to be aware of cultural
peculiarities and be communicatively competent it is necessary to take into consideration various communicative
and cultural aspects of different nations. The author of the article dwells upon cultural aspect of Kazakh national
communicative behavior, non-verbal communication and communicative distance during the communication
Keywords: Kazakh, national peculiarities, non-verbal communication, communicative distance, handshake,
tactile contacts
When considering language, culture and communication, it is important to understand that these three concepts
are closely interrelated and consequently must not be investigated solitarily. The language – culture interaction is
the main factor of human society development. Language is the mirror of culture reflecting the real world
surrounding the human, their real life conditions. It also reflects social cognition mentality, national character,
lifestyle, traditions, customs, moral value system and worldview of a nation. The language stores cultural values –
in lexis, grammar, idioms, proverbs, folklore, and literature, written and oral speech. It is also the means for
transferring this heritage from generation to generation [4]. In the first decade of the XXI century communication
research gained popularity and there appeared a new trend in linguistics research. The approach that regarded
language as a cultural code rather than a tool of communication was called anthropocentric. Language is viewed
as a creation of another peculiar reality inhabited by a person. Modern science is characterized by integrative
approach to the study of a certain subject connected to a human. Language is connected to psychology, culture,
and activity of the latter. The communicative integrative approach allows disclosing of the most common aspects
of subject research patterns.
Communicative, speech behavior is mostly dependent on mentality. Mentality here is used as a notion
synonymous to the one of national character. Mentality is a worldview of a certain ethnical group, the way they
perceive the world, and their dominant values. Today different researchers variously describe national character.
All of us got used to the idea that we only communicate when we speak. However, even as we enter a room
without saying a word people around you will understand that you, for example, don’t have the mood. Thus, there
exist two types of communication: verbal and nonverbal. Verbal is when communication is realized via verbal
context and means, i.e. words, sounds, interjections; and nonverbal – through gestures and mimicry. Every
country and every nation have their own communication style, their own words they say in a particular situation
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Педагогические науки», №1 (37), 2013 г.
and their own gestures they show in certain moments. That is why certain things among representatives of one
nation are done and said in a certain and particular way. That is why scientists and linguistics turn to
communication research as it reflects the identity and the peculiarities of a nation and a country.
Comparative linguistic in the century of globalization became a new trend in the study of languages. During
the period when every nation is trying to preserve peculiarities and distinctive feature of their cultures the study of
culture is of utmost importance. People are doing their best not to become a faceless race of Earth inhabitants.
Thus representatives of every nation are studying the history and their own roots in order to understand the deeper
reasons why certain things are done or said in one culture while look and sound absolutely different in another.
Nowadays, the shift of the scope of linguistics toward the communicative aspect caused the shift of the
necessity in relevant information about that or another nation, its culture and communication in particular as
communication plays one of the most important roles in shaping of a nation and understanding of it by
representatives of another nation.
The concept of communicative competence [5], based on one's knowledge of the rules of language structure
and language use within a given culture is among essential skills. And in order to be aware of cultural peculiarities
and be communicatively competent it is necessary to take into consideration various communicative and cultural
aspects of different nations. Culture is a complex set of interconnected traditions and norms which influence the
life of any nation. Most of social phenomena, including communication, communicative distance and
communicative etiquette can be explained from a cultural point of view as having a deep historical background.
Under every national tradition which can be commonly known by every representative of a nation there is a
cultural root conditioned historically and can be understood when referring to the national history. This is why
culture and history are tightly connected and one cannot be considered without another. Culture is not something
we are born with, but rather something we learn from our parents, teachers, friends, etc. – something we learn
from the society we live in. Аnd this affects the way we see ourselves – the way we make up our self-identity, the
way we interpret events and make decisions. Culture helps us develop our own norms of what is ‘good’ and ‘bad’
behavior. Culture is dynamic in the sense that it evolves together with the time – our norms and values change as
time passes. However, values referring to morals and ethics, leisure and work, definition of freedom, the
importance of the past, religion and the pace of life are imprinted in a culture so greatly that they persist changes
of time from generation to generation [6].
In the modern world when intercultural communication is an important skill of successful communication in
general there appears an urgent necessity of recognizing our unique national cultural peculiarities and adapting
those in an intercultural context. In order to do so successfully and not to fail in intercultural communication we
need to understand the correlation between our culture and communication patterns.
Culture cannot be considered without a language. Onalbayeva [1] proposes the following functions of culture
and language:
1. Cognitive (gnoseological) function of culture can be noticed in the fields like science, scientific and
technological progress achievements. Via culture human cognizes themselves and the world around. Here a
human enlarges and deepens their knowledge about things like religion and art. The process of gaining new
knowledge via language and through linguistic works we come to know fully the culture of preceding periods and
2. Informational functions fulfills fixation of people’s spiritual and material achievements and carries out their
transmission from generation to generation. And a language here serves as a depository of all the human
knowledge in linguistic units.
3. Communicative function fulfills information exchange between representatives of different social mediums
and individuals and makes intercultural communication possible.
4. Axiological (assessing) provides the system of values of a certain ethnos, nation.
5. Regulatory function maintains balance in a society, preventing social conflicts and providing a rational
existence in a society being based on axiological function.
6. Also there are semiotic (any cultural product can become a symbol of a certain national culture),
expressive-emotive (prayers, sermons, sacral texts – means of ascendancy on the intended receiver of the
message), socializing and individualizing (helps a person realize their potential and apply it in the society)
functions identified [1].
Communicative behavior is a set of traditions and norms people use when communicate – both verbal (words,
phrases, interjections, clichés, etc.) And non-verbal (mimicry, gestures, body language, etc.) aspects. One of the
non-verbal aspects of communicative behavior is communicative distance – the distance between communicants
in the process of information exchange.
There exist the following types of communication distance:
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №1 (37), 2013 г.
a) Intimate distance;
b) Personal distance;
c) Social distance;
d) Public distance.
Let us consider these more closely:
a) Intimate distance between Kazakh people is very short (0 to 20 cm), especially between babies and their
parents, grandparents and grandchildren aged to 10. As children become older the distance grows bigger. And
also the distance between children and their parents depends on the gender of a child. For example, the distance
between a father and his daughter is bigger than the distance between a son and his father, as well as the distance
between the son and his mother is bigger than a distance between the son and his father. The gender influence in
Kazakh society has a great effect on families and distance between the representatives of same gender children
and parents is smaller than the distance between the representatives of those of different genders. This can be
explained by culturally conditioned Eastern notion that a girl is a ‘stranger’ in a family – when she grows older
and gets married she will no longer belong to that family – she will become a daughter of her husband’s family.
And a boy is always considered to be a continuer of a kin.
b) Personal distance ranges from 20-100 cm and the influence of gender can also be noticed: the distance
between girls and boys is bigger than the distance between boys and boys or girls and girls. The distance between
a girl and a girl can be about 20 cm, while the distance between a girl and a boy is twice bigger, i.e. about 40 cm.
This can be explained by religious and consequently cultural traditions – tactile contacts between representatives
of different genders are prohibited and personal distance between them should be considerably bigger.
c) Social distance can be from 1 m to 3,5 m. And there are two types of social distance depending on the
situation: official and non-official. Sometimes the distance in non-official situations, for example, at the big dining
table – dastarkhan – is a lot smaller and can be only 15-20 cm. To some extent this is related to Kazakh
hospitality. According to Kazakh traditions dastarkhan, inviting guests does not only imply having a meal – but,
first of all, communication. In order for communication to be full-fledged the hosts invited additional people like
their relatives, neighbors, and people who could support a conversation, make it more lively and interesting –
those who know much, know a lot and can share their rich life experience. That is why Kazakh dastarkhan has
been always populous and, in contrast to, for example, American dining table, empty place was always estimated
as something negative. And for that reason social distance in non-official situations among Kazakhs is always
shorter. When referring to official situations, in a boss – employee conversation in the boss’s office the distance
can range from 1,5 m to 3 m.
d) Public distance between in Kazakh society is from 2,5 to 3 m. However, depending on a communicative
situation, the distance can differ. For example, the distance between a singer and their audience can be bigger than
that between a presenter and the audience.
Zone of personal autonomy and personal space
The notions of personal autonomy zones and personal space at this stage only begin to form among Kazakhs.
Communicative culture of Kazakh people is specified historically – nomadic lifestyle conditioned big personal
space. This was oppressive to some extent: a person could be along with his family and cattle on a large area for a
long time. That is why the situations when somebody intruded a personal space or a zone of personal autonomy
were very rare. However, modern communicative culture and improvement of life standards condition more and
more the formation of notions of personal property and personal space. And there is a tendency that people start to
claim for a personal space.
Physical contact
In communication between representatives of different genders tactile contact is taboo among Kazakh people.
Americans, for example, stop touching their kids by the age of 7-8. Kazakh people smell their children, pat them
on the back, and touch them on their head. In Kazakh culture reverent treatment of children was cultivated. That is
why Kazakh people love children – not only their own children, but children in general. In Kazakh culture
communal children upbringing was practiced (“Қызға қырық үйден тыйым” – “Prohibitions for a girl are from
40 houses” – here we also can see the reflection of gender on upbringing of children by Kazakh society). And
babies were accepted as their own children. Even when the child grows up they were and are (as the situation with
treating and upbringing children hasn’t changed much) treated reverently. One of the respondents told a story
when a 63-year -old man was crying at a funeral of a 86-year-old woman saying: Енді маған ‘Айналайын’
дейтін адам қалмады. (Now there is not a person left who will call me ‘Dear’). And this is also reflected in
folklore. For example, in the song ‘Анашым’ (‘Mother’) there is a line ‘Анасы бар адамдар ешқашан
қартаймайды’ (‘A person who has a mother will never grow old’). This implies that a person who has a mother
will always remain a child for her and will always be treated as a child and reflect the general national attitude of
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Педагогические науки», №1 (37), 2013 г.
Kazakh people towards children’s upbringing – parents, especially mothers, care about their children even after
they grow up, have their own families and children – they remain little in their parent’s eyes.
Handshake, embrace and kiss
Among Kazakh men a handshake is a common action accompanying greeting or and signifying agreement.
Among Kazakh women a handshake is less common and carries the regional character: some women from the
south part of the country tend to shake hands with other women and men when greeting, while women from other
regions tend not to shake hands with either women or men. And there is a difference between a woman's
handshake and a man's handshake: a woman handshake is a kind of imitation of a man's handshake and is
sometimes accompanied by imitation of a kiss. And a man's handshake can be of two types: a handshake with a
hand and a handshake with both hands. Usually peers shake hands with their right hands, while they shake hands
with their both hands with person of older age or of higher position or status. When shaking hands the young
person reaches out his hands first the older person gives his right hand or his both hands. And the younger person
usually bends his body toward hands – this signifies deep respect. A person is of a higher status can also reach out
his both hands in response to signify equal respect.
A man's handshake among peers can be sometimes accompanied by an embrace. This shows good friendly
relationship between people. Sometimes when shaking hands one of the people can slap on the other’s back. In
general, embrace is common among young people. Both, women and men embrace carries a salutary character.
While an embrace between representatives of opposite genders is taboo.
A kiss between representatives of opposite genders is taboo in Kazakh society and is usually disapproved
when seen in public. A more common kiss is between women which is just an imitation of a kiss carrying a
salutary character. Men do not kiss women’s hands – men and women kiss only children’s hands.
However, today the influence of globalization can be noticed in modern Kazakh society and especially on
young generation – the tradition of tabooed physical and tactile contacts is not followed as strictly as it used to be
a couple decades ago and traditional cultural norms of behavior are undergoing the process of changes.
1. Оналбаева А.Т. Невербальное общение: социальный и национально-культурный контекст, – Алматы, 2010.
2. Стернин И.А. Контрастивная лингвистика: проблемы теории и методики исследования, – М., 2007.
3. Очерк американского коммуникативного поведения. Под ред. Стернина И.А. и Стерниной М.А. – Воронеж:
Изд-во ВГУ, 2001.
4. Тер-Минасова С. Война и мир языков и культур, – М., 2008.
5. Dell Hymes “Models of the interaction of language and social life”. In John Gumperz, and Dell Hymes, eds.,
Directions in Sociolinguistics: The Ethnography of Communication. – New York: Blackwell, 1972, – pp. 35-71.
6. Ryan, S. B. Recognizing Deep Culture’s Influence on Communicative Behavior. Available at:
7. Orlando L. Taylor Cross-Cultural Communication: An Essential Dimension of Effective Education, Revised Edition,
1990. Available at: http://www.maec.org/cross/4.html
8. International Business Wiki website. Available at:
Қазақ бейвербальді коммуникациясының кейбір аспектілері.
Коммуникативтік хабардарлық
ұғымы мәдени контекстте тіл және тілдің құрылымының білімінде негізделінеді,
сонымен бірге адамның негізгі дағдыларының бірі болып табылады. Мәдени өзгешілікті түсіну және коммуникатив-
тік хабардарлықты меңгеру үшін түрлі халықтардың коммуникативтік және мәдени аспектілерін есепке алу керек.
Мақала авторы қазақ ұлттық коммуникативтік мінез-құлқындағы мәдени аспектін талқылайды, сонымен бірге
қарым-қатынас кезіндегі коммуниканттар арасындағы бейвербальді коммуникация және дистанцияны қарастырады.
О некоторых аспектах казахской невербальной коммуникации.
Понятие коммуникативной компетенции
, основанное на знании структуры языка и языка в культурном контекс-
те, является одним из основных навыков человека. Для понимания культурных особенностей и овладения коммуни-
кативной компетенцией необходимо принимать во внимание различные коммуникативные и культурные аспекты
разных этносов. Автор статьи рассматривает культурный аспект казахского коммуникативного поведения, а так же
невербальную коммуникацию и дистанцию между коммуникантами в процессe общения.
Dell Hymes (1972): “Models of the interaction of language and social life”. In John Gumperz, and Dell Hymes, eds.,
Directions in Sociolinguistics: The Ethnography of Communication. New York: Blackwell, 35-71.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №1 (37), 2013 г.
Р.Т. Сулайманова – Ж.Баласагын атындагы КУУнун Педагогикалык кадрларды максаттуу даярдоо
институтунун директору, педагогика илимдеринин кандидаты, профессордун м.а. (Кыргызстан)
Кыргыз Республикасында мугалим адистерди даярдоо системасы өз ара тыгыз байланыштагы:
- мугалим адистерди даярдоо боюнча билим берүү программаларын ишке ашыруучу окуу жайлардан;
- педагогикалык билим берүүнүн ар кыл денгээлдери үчүн түзүлгөн мамлекеттик билим берүү
стандарттарынан жана билим берүү программаларынан;
- мугалим адистерди даярдоо процессин башкаруу органдарынан турат.
Педагогикалык адистерди даярдоочу орто жана жогорку кесиптик окуу жайлары:
- педагогикалык училищелер жана колледждер;
- педагогикалык институттар;
- классикалык типтеги университеттер жана педагогикалык, билим берүү академиялары.
Педагогикалык училищелер жана колледждер, жалпысынан алганда, башталгыч класстын
мугалимдерин даярдап чыгаруучу орто кесиптик билим берүүчү жайлар болуп саналат. Окутуу мөөнөтү
бул окуу жайларда күндүзгү бөлүмү үчүн негизги билимдин базасында 2 жыл 10 ай, жалпы орто
билимдин базасында 1 жыл 10 ай. Анткени менен Кыргыз Республикасынын орто кесиптик билим берүү
боюнча адистиктердин классификаторунда орто кесиптик педагогикалык окуу жайларда жалаң гана
башталгыч класстардын мугалимдерин эмес, негизги мектеп үчүн (5-9-класстар үчүн) чет тили, кыргыз
тили жана адабияты, орус тили жана адабияты, математика, информатика, география, тарых, дене тарбия,
социалдык педагогика, мектепке чейинки билим берүү, көркөм өнөр жана чийүү сыяктуу ж.б. адистиктер
боюнча мугалимдерди даярдоо каралган. Андыктан жогорудагы билим берүү документинин жана алдын
ала Билим берүү жана илим министрлигинин кесиптик билим берүү башкармалыгынын макулдугу менен
бекитилген эксперименталдык окуу пландарынын негизинде, аталган адистиктер боюнча билим берүү
ишмердүүлүгүн жүргүзүү укугун күбөлөндүргөн лицензияларга ылайык айрым орто кесиптик
педагогикалык окуу жайларында (И.Арабаев атындагы КМУнун колледжи, Ж.Баласагын атындагы
КУУнун Педагогикалык кадрларды максаттуу даярдоо институтунун орто кесиптик билим берүү бөлүмү,
Ош мамлекеттик педагогикалык институтунун коллежди, Талас мамлекеттик университетинин орто
кесиптик билим берүү бөлүмү, Жалал-Абад педагогикалык колледжи ж.б.) аталган адистиктер боюнча
педагогикалык даярдыктар жүргүзүлүп жатат.
Азыркы күндө орто кесиптик педагогикалык билим берүү боюнча мамлекеттик билим берүү
стандарттары 5 гана адистик боюнча иштелип чыгып бекитилген. Алар: башталгыч класстарды окутуу,
мектепке чейинки билим берүү, социалдык педагогика, дене тарбия, көркөм өнөр жана чийүү. Ал эми
калган башка адистиктер боюнча мамлекеттик билим берүү стандарттарынын жоктугуна байланыштуу
билим берүү жайлары эксперименталдык окуу пландары менен жана Россия федерациясынын билим
берүү стандарттарынын негизинде иш алып барууда.
Белгилей кетүүчү дагы бир жагдай, азыркы күндө Кыргыз Республикасынын педагогикалык орто окуу
жайларында окутуу мөөнөттөрү да ар кыл. Айрымдарында негизги билимдин базасында 2 жыл 10 ай
окутулса, кай бирлеринде 3 жыл 10 ай окутулат. Бул маселе дагы барып келип орто кесиптик билим берүү
боюнча адистиктердин классификаторуна такалат. Себеби анда окутуу мөөнөтү башка адистиктерден
айырмаланып, негизги билимдин базасында 3 жыл 10 ай болсо, жалпы орто билимдин базасында 2 жыл
10 ай. Окуу мөөнөтүн мындай ыксыз узартуу бир жагынан мугалимдик кесипти алууну каалаган улан-
кыздарды андан алыстатса, экинчи жагынан ансыз да жетишсиз болуп жаткан мугалимдик кадрлардын
санын төмөндөтүүгө жол ачат. Андыктан, социалдык зарыл шарттарды эске алуу менен мындай
маселелерди мамлекеттик денгээлде чечүүнүн зарылдыгы туулуп жатат.
Жогорку кесиптик билим берүүгө кабыл алуу эрежелеринен айырмаланып, орто кесиптик
педагогикалык окуу жайларга кабыл алуу бланкалык тест формасында конкурстук негизде жүргүзүлөт.
Бүтүрүү сынактарын ийгиликтүү тапшырган бүтүрүүчүлөр «башталгыч класстын мугалими» деген
квалификацияны алуу менен мамлекеттик үлгүдөгү дипломдун ээси болот.
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