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В  данной  статье  представляется  опытведения    личных  дневников  на  уроках  английского 

языка сцелью раскрытия  данного вида заданиякак способа развития голоса учеников. Под голосом 

учеников подразаумевается собсвенные идеи, мысли, знания и опыт учащихся. Это имеет огромное 

значение,  так  как  настоящие  навыки  необходимы  для  успешной  сдачи  стандартизированных 

тестов.  Кроме  того,  развитие  голоса  учащихся  является  важным  фактором  не  только  для 

личностного роста, но также это способствует созднию положительной и теплой атмосферы на 

уроке,  что  в  свою  осередь  вдет  к  общему  академическому  прогрессу.  В  иследовании 31 ученикам 

девятого  класса  специализирванной  средней  школы  было  дано  задание  производить  записи  в  

тетерадях-журналах  на  определенные  темы    во  время  урока.  Затем  журналы  были  собраны  и 

проанализированы  под  средством  специально  сконструированнных  схем.  Результаты  работы 

показали  развитие  голоса  учеников,  которое  было  отражено  в  большом  разнообразии,  наиболее 

интересным  из  которого  является    креативность.  В    конце  статьи  даются  практические 

рекоммендации    по  использовано  данного  инвационного  для  преподования  английского  языка  в 

Казаххстане метода для способствванию развитию голоса учеников. 

Ключевые  слова:  задание  по  ведению  журналов,  голос  учеников,  письмо  для  обучения, 

выражение мнения, креативность 


This articleexplores experience with a journal writing activity held in English as a Foreign 

Language (EFL) classroom and focuses on its role indevelopment of student voice. The aim was to explore 

journal writing as a means to help develop students’ voices,which is considered here as  representation of 

learners’ own ideas, opinions, and knowledge. Thisis of great importance for students, sincethey are to be 

demonstrated for the successful passing international standardized tests.Moreover, the development of a 

learner’s voice is an important factor, not only for their personal growth, but also it tends to contribute to 

create positive and warm atmosphere in the classroom that lead to general academic improvement. In 

theresearch, ninth grade students in a specialized secondary school were assigned to write entries in the 

journals during the lessons on particular topics. Later, the journals were collected and analyzed through 

specifically constructed schemes, including those that are based on a revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. The results 

of the study revealed the development of students’ voices in a number of different way including evaluating, 

creativity, and formatting. This article aims to describe the most interesting, in the author’s opinion, part of 

the findings – creativity aspect. Eventually, there are some practical recommendations on how journal 

writing activity may be better incorporated in EFL classroom. 

 Keywords: journal writing activity, students’ voices, writing to learn, evaluation, creativity 


The problem and solution 

Having a teaching experience of almost 6 years I have witnessed a number of problematic 

situations between a teacher and a student, which happened due to a gap in communication and a 

lack of dialogue.As for my personal view on teaching, it becomes more and more clear that student 

centered approach turns to be one of the most effective ways to make a positive effect not only on 

learning, but also on personal growth of students. Among other suggestions, this approach 

presupposes a communication between a learner and a teacher as equal and respectful partners. 

However, when it comes into practice, it is quite complicated to implement it in a full extend. A 

teacher can be highly committed to his work and the approach, but there are always some practical 

issues, such as little time in class,business, and paper work, etc. As a result, I noticed that there was 

a lack of student voices in the classroom, and absence of opportunity to be heard and understood 

lead young people to make wrong decisions, which is why it is very important for educators to 

prevent any negative outcomes. In a more general perspective, abovementioned issue might be one 

of the reasons of high child suicide level in Kazakhstan.  

Solution to the problem was found in journal writing activity [9]. According to Bagheri and 

Pourgharib [1,3520-3525], journal writing could encourage students to communicate ideas both in 

writing and speaking. It might allow checking the progress of all students only in 10 minutes 

without serious loss of time and delays in the realization of learning program. However, more 

important is that theory suggested evidence of important role of writing journals in developing 

students’ voices [2, 179-201]. The main feature of journals was its free-writing nature. As such, 



they could be used for diverse purposes such as class starters and as a vehicle for posing and solving 

problems, summarizing important aspects of a lesson; to monitor students’ progress in the class, and 

giving students the opportunity to write to each other about concerns and questions raised in the 

class, among others purposes. Even though journal activity presupposes short quick writing tasks 

this does not necessarily mean that students are not given enough time and space, that could 

contradict writing to learn approach. The accent here is made on frequency of tasks, not an amount 

within each entry.  

More importantly, journals were places where students could try out their expressive voices 

freely without fear of evaluation. This was one of key aspects in the present action research project 

since I evaluated the process as a whole and students received the highest grade for having 

completed the task and encouraged students to write on a regular basis without being coerced by a 

grade that measured technical aspects of the language such as syntax, grammar, or punctuation, 

what is relevant in learning to write approach. In contrast, writing to learn activities do not have to 

abide by the rules that govern formal writing, nor be submitted for evaluation. As Wright argued, 

“Short daily writing tasks have the potential to lower students’ aversion to writing and boost their 

confidence in using the written word” [10, 1]. In general, the amount of writing that is expected, 

however, and the time allotted for writing to learn activities needs to reflect students’ current levels 

of writing fluency. Students continue to learn to write as they write to learn, improving their writing 

fluency by writing every day.  

The primary purpose of the research was to explore journal writing as a means to help 

develop student voices in an EFL classroom. Voice here means the representation of learners’ own 

ideas, opinions, knowledge and experiences, whereas journal writing is an activity where students 

are assigned to lead special notebooks with the entries on particular topics connected to the class. 

During my investigation I tried to address the following two questions: “Does the use of journaling 

contribute to the development of students’ voices in an EFL classroom?” and “How can journal 

writing help develop students’ voices in an EFL classroom?” 

Although considerable research has been devoted to journal writing and student voice, less 

attention has been paid to the description of the connection of these two ideas. In this study I made 

an attempt to investigate whether the development of voice took place in journal writing activity, or 

at least to describe the activity and suggest recommendations of how it could be used in order to 

achieve positive results in students’ language and mental progress. Likewise, the work and its 

results are important in the Kazakhstani context, since there is no similar research on students’ 

voice as well as on journal writing. Above all, the work has its own implications in the world of 

EFL since there is a gap on investigating voice through the practice of writing journals.   


Above all, the analysis of the literature has also explored that there is a gap in describing 

voice development in journal writing activity. Most of the studies were revealing the progress in 

other spheres such as vocabulary or grammar, while the notion of expressing students’ own views, 

ideas and feelings were merely touched buy not completely covered or investigated. The reasons for 

this might be of different kind, e.g., it could be quite difficult to describe the development of 

thinking skills or ideas. Nevertheless, this study aims to fill in this space by making attempt to 

provide detailed description of voice expressed in the journals. 


Results and Analysis 

There were 31 students who participated in this Journal Writing Activity (JWA) and 29 of 

them agreed to take part in the inquiry. Students were assigned nine official topics during the 

lessons and 252 entries were expected to be analyzed. However, mainly due to the absence in the 

class, 212 assigned entries were collected. In total, however, 239 entries were collected because of 

additional entries, which participants wrote outside the classroom.  

In general, the study showed that journal writing activity contributed to student’s exploration 

of voice, which was expressed in different ways. Also students’ perceptions of the activity turned 

out to be positive, which still did not prevent them from giving some valuable comments on how 

the task could be improved. 


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One of interesting observations were that the participants used ellipses quite often which may 

be a result of frequent use of social network where teenagers use them almost every time instead of 

a period, or might point on conversational character of language.   

The results of Costellanos’ [3] inquiry on journal activity also revealed that students reacting 

to the themes produced forms of art like songs and poems, and experienced the journal as a means 

to express themselves with absolute freedom to write about something they like or know about and 

to say how they feel about it.  

Students’ opinions 

According to students’ opinions one of distinguishing points about the journals is that they 

give a rare opportunity to express themselves. Because of different reasons students mentioned that 

they do not have a chance to talk about their problems, worries, feelings. Some writers said that the 

journal was a tool which helped to understand themselves and their classmates better. It is crucial 

that researchers identified voice in very similar way. When it comes to the difficulties students have 

come across during writing the entries, the main one was that they were lack of vocabulary and 

ideas to write. Even though this was expressed by the minority it means that still the activity should 

be preceded by some discussion and field study.  During the project not all of the topics were 

discussed in advance. Likewise one student complained that the topics were too serious and 

complicated whereas all other participants felt quite comfortable and pleased with the themes 

saying that they were actual an important for life. 

Furthermore, students answered on the question about the activity itself and how it was 

organized. First of all, all of the interviewee said that the instructions given were clear although one 

student replied that it was very strange in the beginning not to have any limit and to write about 

whatever they want on the topic. In addition, students said that it would be better to have this 

activity from the beginning of school year so they could have more practice.  

Above all, the participants referred to the fact that they have noticed that even in short period 

they have noticed some changes in language. Some wrote that it was easier to write entries in the 

end of the project whereas others did not expect themselves to be able to produce that amount of 

writing. There were also students who stated that they have observed a great improvement in their 

writing as it become more connected and beautiful. All this might point on the benefit in terms of 

raising their awareness and confidence in using foreign language described by the scholars [8, 139-



The results of the study have revealed that journal writing activity helped expressing develop 

students’ voices about their lives by giving space to express their opinions and demonstrating 

creative skills. The findings of the project let me conclude that with some modifications this activity 

can be a very useful tool which may not only enhance standardized exams preparation class, but 

also raise students’ motivation and awareness to EFL writing, give opportunity for self-expression, 

and consequently gain confidence in expressing their voice.  

The major Bloom’s Taxonomy levels which were demonstrated in the journals identified were 

evaluating and creating. However since the data analysis showed low representation of students’ 

degree of using the pre-teaching material other alternative methods of analysis were constructed. 

Thus, creativity was seen by students’ demonstration of doodling and drawing, using ellipsis, text 

language and streams of consciousness. Besides, it must be noted that the journals distinguished by 

some aspects that were individual for some writes. For example inserting quotations, songs and 

poems, stickers; putting signatures, brackets, listing and drawing graphs and addressing the journal.  

The formatting aspect was seen in the large usage of highlighting, color shift and capitalizing. 

Moreover, the large use of first personal pronouns, modal verbs, questions was documented. The 

participants at the same time used interjections, exclamation and imperative sentences quite often. 

The topics selected for the additional entries included such areas as school, belief, family, personal 

dreams and self-criticism. Likewise, the interview showed that students liked the activity and that 

they would like to continue it in the future. Most of the students did expect themselves to write to 



that extend and noted that it was easier to write in the end of the project rather than in the 


Practical Implications 

The analysis of the results of the study permitted to work out the following advice on how to 

employ journal writing activity so that it could it be better used in order to meet the aims of the 

class and needs of the students. These assumptions have been generated basing on positive as well 

as negative experience of the project: 

1.  The activity should be hold for longer period, preferably form the beginning of the 

academic year so that students would have more practice to express their voices.  

2.  The pre-teaching part needs to include explaining and consolidating various markers of 

modality and certainty for students to practice this knowledge in their journals. 

3.  Students need to be asked to write in their entries after some discussion and vocabulary 

covering in the class. It could also be some listening or reading material. This is relevant because 

the participants complained on the lack of vocabulary and ideas. 

4.  The journal entries might be marked only in those cases when students want to have 

grammar or accuracy feedback (among the participants there is only one person who felt like it). 

However it should be done very accurately and accompanied by positive feedback and comments 

with providing examples. In other cases careful study of students grammar and vocabulary errors 

need to lead to appropriate class content management. The assessment of the journal writing task 

should be based on students’ accuracy but need to be focused on accomplishment and may be 

graded in the end of the whole period of activity. 

5.  Responding to students voices might happen in the classroom by focusing on the topics 

students express more concern. In addition small informal interviews might be hold periodically 

where the instructor may ask about the activity or some other personal questions basing on the 

entries’ content.  

6.  Instructor should play of a guide and facilitator showing respect to every opinion and 

encouraging students to write whatever they like. For example, it is very important not to silent 

student’s voice in the classroom by laughing or allowing to laugh on particular ideas expressed by 


7.  Teacher may buy special journal note books to students which will raise their motivation 

and gain students’ concentration on the activity. 

8.  The activity should be taken approximately for 10 minutes and students need to be asked to 

produce at least half of a page. Students who did not finish or have more things to write need to be 

asked to write at home.  

9.  There is also should be freedom for students to write whenever they want to on any topics 

they like outside the class. Students need to estimate their journals as something very personal and 

that is why needed to be welcomed to decorate and organize note books in the way they like.   

To sum up, the journal writing activity, while not taking too many time, gives learners 

opportunity to practice their thoughts, have fun, practice creativity, and express themselves the way 

they like. Above all, the activity may help monitoring students’ accuracy that is also important for 

language development. The data may be studied in many other ways and there is a very big amount 

of directions the inquiry might be headed for continuation. However the analyzed information let us 

conclude, that journal writing activity can be very helpful tool in the given context.  By little 

modifications and careful teacher’s approach the activity might not only enhance teacher-students 

relationships but also would give an opportunity to develop learners’ opinions. 

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