S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
The paper presents different languages comparative study, contrastive research has a
theoretical applied and practical significance.Forms of knowledge about the world presented
in comparative phraseological units appear as a certain types of structures of knowledge rep-
resentation, as the types of concepts.
Keywords: linguistics, interlingual phraseological Equivalents, phraseological units.
Мақалада әртүрлі құрылымды тілдерді салыстырмалы зерттеуде теориялық,
практикалық және қолданбалы мақсаттарға байланысты мағлұматтар алуға болады.
Әлемнің тілдегі бейнесі әртүрлі жүйедегі тілдердің концептерінде компаративті
фразеологизмдер арқылы көрініс табады
Түйін сөздер: тіл білімі, тіларалық сәйкестіктер, фразеологиялық бірліктер.
В статье рассматривается сопоставительное исследование разносистемных язы-
ков в практическом и теоретическом ключе. Языковая картина мира представлена в кон-
цептах компаративными фразеологизмами в разноструктурных языках
Ключевые слова: языкознание, межъязыковые эквиваленты, фразеологические
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The close relation and communion between the thinking and the language, con-
ceptual and linguistic world image, the unity of the human mind and the human lan-
guages in its deep basis is reflected in the fact that the diversity of languages and
significant differences in their structure cannot possibly affect the mental activities
of people. It does not influence on people’s ability to master any language, the ability
of people to understand each other and to make translates from the one language to
another language. It should be emphasized, that the world image, is specially formed
during the learning and reflection of the world, but not derived from the meanings of
the words, phrases, phraseological units, suggestions, texts, discourse.
The linguistic world image in this sense exists not due to the semantics, content
of the language and linguistic, vocal formation, but only as linguistically explicated
formally reflected and predictive world image or conceptual world view. In this un-
derstanding there is no the linguistic world images, that are based on the semantics of
the language, but there are the linguistic world images, which are objectified by the
language. Only such linguistic world images are real. The linguistic world image as
a self-reflection of the language, semantics, content of the language, idioms - it’s not
the language world images, but the linguistic world images. The support in such dif-
ferentiation of the world image we find from other authors. As was already mentioned,
the picture of the world is the informative, positive phenomenon, and as such it is not
derived from the values of various (and often considered in isolation) lexical variants
and even the global semantic system of the language, which is the product of cogni-
tive activity. Therefore unlikely to be consistent to consider the differences in lexical
nominative fragments of different languages as the probable cause of the existence of
the linguistic world images. However, one cannot deny the fact that the nominative
means of any language, their different combinations illustrate the changes that occur
in the conceptual world image [1].
The theoretical value of the work lies in the fact that the study of interlanguage
phraseological equivalents will make some changes in some of the postulates of gen-
eral and comparative phraseology, which became almost axiomatic in the theory of
phraseology, for example, phraseological ethnisity, uniqueness of phraseological units,
nonmodelable essence of phraseological units, nonverbal essence of phraseological
units. The theoretical significance of this study lies in the fact that the study of inter-
language phraseological equivalents in different languages
significantly enriches the
theoretical linguistics universals, typological linguistics, and thus a united basis of
phraseological system as a component of a single universal language.
Current development of linguistic science is characterized by its wide enough
multidirection, in particular as for the language in general and the different aspects -
systematic and structural, functional, anthropocentric, cultural linguistic, pragmatic,
communicative, cognitive and typological.
G.K. KAPYSHEVA, MARION GREIN. 4 (72) 2016. P. 196-202
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
Comparative sphere of linguistics, in particular, a comparative study of different
systems, structurally and genetically related and unrelated languages, including the
phraseology of their system is very relevant in the Kazakh linguistics.
Phraseological component of a language takes a special part in any language
for various reasons: it is in demand of the system inside, by outer linguistic factors
and functionally. Not only the features of the language nature of phraseological units
itself, but also of other levels of the language system, as well as universal and national
peculiarities of different languages
and their speakers are reflected in phraseological
system and its units called phraseological ones.
Consideration of phraseology and phraseological system of one of different lan-
in terms of linguistic universals - this is a new trend in linguistics. Traditionally
the phraseology is considered in linguistics as a system and language section, reflect-
ing primarily the national cultural identity of that language carriers. However phraseo-
logical language system has universal qualities and properties at different levels of the
intralinguistic phraseological units organization, its functioning, in various aspects of
existence, development, interaction with other languages, qualities and characteristics,
inherented in most languages
and unique phraseological ethnical properties, which are
peculiar to only one, particular language or a group of related languages, but absent in
all other languages. Linguistic universals raises linguistics as a science to a new level,
giving it a new cognitive quality, improving its cognitive, methodological capabilities,
expanding its horizons, as it involves all the new languages, compares multiple related
and unrelated languages.
Linguistics of universals analyzes and is interested in features that allow you to
combine a variety of languages
or languages. Establishing similarities and differences
in languages
of different types is one of the central problems of linguistics. In the early
days of its development, linguistics was interested in more languages
in relation to
their origin. The nature and type of language were based on the construction of any
language to any original condition. In recent years, the study of a common language
was made by identifying similarities on the basis of certain characteristics or specially
selected groups, justified from the standpoint of linguistics universals and typological
linguistics. Languages
are grouped due to the nature of the spatial distribution and jux-
taposition, their local contacts, which is the subject of the so-called areal linguistics or
on the basis of their internal consistency - the actual typological features, which is the
subject of typological linguistics.
The summary for all the above can be formulated in the following generaliza-
1. Methodological basis of identifying of language universals form a complex
inductive-deductive method of analysis of language, linguistic phenomena and their
properties in terms of their similarities and differences.
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2. It is not always necessary to divide the universals to “language ones” and
“linguistic ones”.
3. According to its logical form language universals have many implications. In
every case their analysis includes quantitative, statistical relationship between them.
Implication-universals are considered scientifically as informative, even though inves-
tigation of the possibility of identifying and set of “absolute universals.” They form a
set of basic parameters that must be the basis of case studies and is an ancillary.
4. Based on the close relationship of linguistics universals and typological lin-
guistics, typological analysis of phraseological system is considered as an effective
approach and method for identifying and set of phraseological universals.
5. The implication being set in the typological analysis of phraseological sys-
tems does not represent a universal in the narrow sense of the word, because there is
no evidence of excluded cases.
In the analysis of the national language features are included, as it is known,
on the one hand, those which are caused by the national culture of the people and a
speaker, and those that relate to the internal organization and structure of the language
system. The first and the second are not the same and should not be confused.
Many of the objects and phenomena of the physical world are imprinted in the
consciousness, mind, reason, and memory of all the people. This leads to the fact that
we are dealing with almost two not identified and no identifiable levels: 1) the linguis-
tic level, 2) cognitive level.
In the history of linguistic onomasiologic approach in learning the language
carry out in a different areas and manifestation: in the theory of nomination, in the
connection with the functioning of the language and the necessity of the choice of the
means of nomination, the means of expression of certain linguistic, under the neces-
sity of the developing of thesaurus, during the learning the language as a system and
systematic relations in the language. One of the brightest spheres of the manifestation
is the concept of linguistic field, which has direct relation to the problematics in lin-
guistic as the language and consciousness, the language and thinking. Historically, the
idea of
the theory of the field goes back exactly to that thinking, is a perfect reflection
of the world through the language and initially fixed in the language. In this sense we
have in mind, in thinking something that exists in the native language. Between the
ideal image of the world and the language means of expression there is a complete par-
allelism. In many languages
the real objective world is presented in perfect shape, but
in many ways different, because each in its own way divides the world. The language
fields, that are a means of expressing language, cover completely what he knows and
is reflected by some people in a particular area of the real world in a particular field of
knowledge. Among the variety of linguistic expressions, concepts and values
in terms
of linguistic fields, the units of vocabulary words have been considered at first.
G.K. KAPYSHEVA, MARION GREIN. 4 (72) 2016. P. 196-202
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
If between phraseological units of different languages there are no compliances,
there is nothing to compare. In other words, the comparative linguistics assumes exis-
tence between the compared language facts of communities, similarities in an obliga-
tory measure, instead of full distinction. The character and that and others, their typol-
ogy, it is necessary to reveal during the comparative, typological analysis. Equally it
belongs and to comparative phraseology, in line with which phraseological units of the
most different languages is exposed to the analysis.
Interlingual phraseological equivalence of German, English, Russian and Ka-
zakh languages requires full compliance of derivation base, prototypes correlated of
phraseological equivalents in different languages at the lexical, grammatical levels,
and there is full compliance of their shaped base. In phraseological field of the word
“fear”, there is founded the structural-typological species in four compared languages.
In quantitative terms, they are few; they have shaped a common framework that is
particularly branching.
The total number of interlingual phraseological equivalence types of study in
three languages - about 600. As shaped base in favor types of interlingual phraseologi-
cal equivalence lexical components that represent, as a rule, the reaction of the human
organism to fear or consequences caused by fear. Because the physiology and biology
of the human body is the same in all people regardless of the race and language, and a
phrase conceptualization consequences of fear in the human body has a high similarity
and analogy, and most of all are expressed in the derivation basis. The most typical
consequences of the fear’s impact on the human body, phraseological conceptualiza-
tion which can lead to interlingual phrase equivalent to the first degree of similarity in
the studied four languages, include the following:
1. Trembling in the corresponding parts of the body, the human body or sub-
stantive in the nature trembling. Trembling in people with the fear of spreading, as a
rule, on his knees, his hands, the whole body. It is therfore logical that in different lan-
guages arise idioms semantics of fear is in this component of the structure of the deri-
vation base of interlingual phraseological equivalence. If the same syntactic structure
in interlingual phraseological equivalence in different languages such, it is going to
the similarity between the folds of the first degree. Interlingual phraseological equiva-
lence of this type are characterized by a high degree of usability, and so they turn in
all languages encountered in the phraseological patterns in the expression of fear and
characteristics of fear, for example: “jemandem zittern die Knien - one’s knees knock
together – кoleny drozhat - tisesy dirildedy”. These interlingual phraseological equiva-
lence semantics of the word «fear» in three studied languages have full compliance
derivation base and on lexical and syntactic, and on phrase semantic levels. However,
there is one small, grammatical distinction: the lexical component is in German, Eng-
lish and Russian languages in the plural, and in the Kazakh language in the singular.
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This does not affect the result of the conceptualization of phraseology, all interlingual
phraseological equivalence express the semantics of «fear» and represent fear through
a physiological consequence, as weak at the knees in fear.
2. Trembling in its product lines, indicative and comparative representation:
“zittern wie Espenlaub - to quake like an aspen leaf - shapyraktai kaltyrady”. As the
data of interlingual phraseological equivalence, trembling associated with an intense
vibration of leaves on the trees. The association of shivering as impact consequence
of fear on the body quite naturally occurs in all people. In this case it is necessary to
talk about self-occurrence data of interlingual phraseological equivalence in each of
four languages, not to borrow, tracing interlingual phraseological equivalence as one
of the main sources of formation, occurrence of the first degree of similarity. The small
difference is found in the version of the interlingual phraseological equivalence in the
Kazakh language. The fact that the interlingual phraseological equivalence of German,
English languages we are talking about a specific type of trembling leaves tree - aspen,
and in the Kazakh language the leaves on trees at all without some categorical or spe-
cies specificity. Apparently, the leaves trembling with particularly strong gusty winds,
and it didn’t escape of the people’s the observation, where the trees are quite varied in
their views. The consciousness of these people celebrated this fact, in particular, that
the derivation based on idioms and phraseological conceptualization of the past has led
to the emergence of the first degree of similarity, that is, high similarity. A trembling
of fear as a consequence is a source of interlingual phraseological equivalence in four
languages: “am ganzen Koerper zittern, drozhat wsem telom, oene boyym dіrіldedі, to
shake to the foundation”. Thus, the trembling is active and universal consequence in
making the phrases on the impact of fear on the human body in phrase semantic «fear»
in the four languages.
3. The reaction of the heart to the fear of its functional and physical entities.
Fixing the nature of the heart’s response to fear and physiological conceptualization of
this fact is in the derivation-base of reaction and universal nature of the relevant type
of reaction to the fear leads to the interlingual phraseological equivalence, which is
studied in four languages. Compare: „das Herz blieb jemandem (fast) stehen - one’s
heart stands still – zhүregіm toktap kala zhazdady“. Between the interlingual phraseo-
logical equivalence of first degree the simililaritys are some differences. These dif-
ferences occur in the interlingual phraseological equivalence of Russian and Kazakh
languages. In the derivation based interlingual phraseological equivalence of Russian
language response of the heart is not expressed by the token straight nomination: “Ste-
hen bleiben, stands still, toktap “ and indirect nomination - metaphorical meaning
of „stopping“, but in essence also expresses the fear of cardiac arrest. In the Kazakh
language somewhat different aspectual point of the heart. The heart of all people re-
acts the same way to fear. This is the free variables or phrases that are subjects to the
G.K. KAPYSHEVA, MARION GREIN. 4 (72) 2016. P. 196-202
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
conceptualization of phraseology, the consequence of which is the appearance of the
interlingual phraseological equivalence of first degree.
4. The next type of the same reactions of people to the fear is sweating. Throw-
ing under the fear into the sweat. Idioms expresses this fact in all four languages,
resulting in different languages appear very similar interlingual phraseological equiva-
lence of first degree, compare: “jemandem bricht der kalte Schweiss aus, wie in Sch-
weiss gebadet sein - to be in a cold sweat / to sweat with fear –cholodny pot vystypil ot
stracha – kara terge tustim”. Sweat is as a consequence of fear in each language basis
for forming at least two types of interlingual phraseological equivalence of first de-
gree. In one of them emphasizes the process of sweating with fear, in a different state
of people in the sweat of fear. These idioms also have their own derivational basis in
every language, as sweat and fear - the universal dependence in humans.
5. The tongue reacts as it loses its mobility and as a major force contributing
to the organization and implementation of human speech. All these moments are cap-
tured human consciousness and fix them in the free variables or phrases. They are in
all four languages, compare the following phraseology: “die Angst laehmte jemandem
die Zunge - his tongue failed him/ smb. has lost command of his (her) tongue; smb.
cannot get the words out- korykkanynan til-shagi bailandy”. Because the language is
physiologically and functionally located in an adjacent relation with other parts of the
human body, there are different but similar idioms in different languages of semantics
„fear“ including the first degree of similarity.
The same biology and physiology reaction of the body and its parts and organs
to fear allow to conclude with certainty that interlanguage phraseological equivalents
of phraseological semantical field of “fear” arose independently from each other in the
four languages. In the system of interlanguage phraseological equivalents of these four
languages there are borrowings and tracings, which for their part are responsible for
the presence of the interlanguage phraseological equivalents in other languages.
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