«Роль средств мультимедиа в формировании навыков устной речи на английском языке на начальном этапе обучения»

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ВКР Жестерева К.М.

Т: We’ll ᅟ better ᅟ listen ᅟ to ᅟ a ᅟ cassette. ᅟ You’ll ᅟ hear ᅟ people ᅟ speak ᅟ in ᅟ a ᅟ street. ᅟ Follow ᅟ them ᅟ closely ᅟ and ᅟ try ᅟ to ᅟ imitate ᅟ in ᅟ pauses. ᅟ (Аудиозапись ᅟ носителей ᅟ языка ᅟ “How ᅟ to ᅟ ask ᅟ for ᅟ directions ᅟ and ᅟ give ᅟ answers”)
6. ᅟ Составление ᅟ собственных ᅟ диалогов, ᅟ используя ᅟ карту ᅟ Лондона.
T: ᅟ Now ᅟ make ᅟ up ᅟ your ᅟ dialogues ᅟ using ᅟ the ᅟ maps. ᅟ Choose ᅟ a ᅟ place ᅟ to ᅟ visit ᅟ and ᅟ practise ᅟ similar ᅟ dialogues. ᅟ
7. ᅟ Составление ᅟ рекламы ᅟ (учащимся ᅟ предлагается ᅟ составить ᅟ рекламу ᅟ наиболее ᅟ интересных ᅟ достопримечательностей ᅟ Лондона, ᅟ предлагается ᅟ также ᅟ выбрать ᅟ победителей, ᅟ т.е. ᅟ тех ᅟ учащихся, ᅟ у ᅟ которых ᅟ самая ᅟ удачная ᅟ реклама). ᅟ
Т: ᅟ I ᅟ suggest ᅟ you ᅟ should ᅟ make ᅟ an ᅟ advertisement ᅟ of ᅟ the ᅟ most ᅟ popular ᅟ London’s ᅟ sights ᅟ using ᅟ the ᅟ following ᅟ patterns. ᅟ (Слайд 10)
P: ᅟ patterns ᅟ

  1. Don’t ᅟ miss ᅟ a ᅟ unique ᅟ chance ᅟ of ᅟ getting ᅟ acquainted ᅟ with…

  2. You’ll ᅟ enjoy ᅟ visiting…

  3. You ᅟ can ᅟ be ᅟ a ᅟ witness ᅟ visiting…

  4. Make ᅟ up ᅟ your ᅟ choice ᅟ and ᅟ you’ll ᅟ be ᅟ provided ᅟ with ᅟ many ᅟ hours ᅟ of ᅟ pleasure.

  5. If ᅟ you ᅟ wish ᅟ to ᅟ extend ᅟ your ᅟ knowledge ᅟ on ᅟ history ᅟ (art)…

  6. Welcome ᅟ to…

  7. Visiting… ᅟ you’ll ᅟ have ᅟ an ᅟ opportunity ᅟ to ᅟ appreciate…

  8. Why ᅟ not ᅟ see, ᅟ visit…

  9. Visiting… ᅟ is ᅟ of ᅟ great ᅟ historical ᅟ value.

  10. You’ll ᅟ be ᅟ impressed ᅟ visiting… ᅟ

8. ᅟ Просмотр ᅟ фрагмента ᅟ видеофильма ᅟ о ᅟ Лондоне.
T: ᅟ You’ll ᅟ see ᅟ a ᅟ part ᅟ of ᅟ a ᅟ film ᅟ “An ᅟ Enjoyable ᅟ Trip ᅟ to ᅟ London”. ᅟ You ᅟ should ᅟ answer ᅟ the ᅟ question: ᅟ “What ᅟ differs ᅟ London ᅟ from ᅟ all ᅟ other ᅟ cities?”
You ᅟ may ᅟ use ᅟ the ᅟ following ᅟ word ᅟ combination ᅟ while ᅟ answering:
– ᅟ London ᅟ can ᅟ boasts…
– ᅟ You ᅟ can ᅟ be ᅟ a ᅟ witness ᅟ of ᅟ spectacular ᅟ ceremonies ᅟ of…
– ᅟ A ᅟ lot ᅟ of….add ᅟ to ᅟ beauty ᅟ of ᅟ London…
– ᅟ To ᅟ have ᅟ its ᅟ own ᅟ charm ᅟ and ᅟ unique ᅟ character
– ᅟ It’s ᅟ really ᅟ lovely, ᅟ amazing, ᅟ beautiful, ᅟ fantastic, ᅟ magnificent, ᅟ fascinating, ᅟ great ᅟ city. ᅟ (Слайд 11)
9. ᅟ Исполнение ᅟ песни.
Т: As ᅟ any ᅟ trip ᅟ is ᅟ impossible ᅟ without ᅟ a ᅟ good ᅟ song.
I ᅟ suggest ᅟ singing ᅟ a ᅟ lovely ᅟ song ᅟ “Yellow ᅟ Submarine” ᅟ by ᅟ the ᅟ Beetles. ᅟ It ᅟ will ᅟ make ᅟ our ᅟ journey ᅟ more ᅟ enjoyable. ᅟ
10. ᅟ Подведение ᅟ итогов ᅟ урока. ᅟ Оценки.
Учащиеся ᅟ отвечают ᅟ на ᅟ вопросы ᅟ учителя:
– ᅟ What ᅟ was ᅟ interesting ᅟ at ᅟ the ᅟ lesson?
– ᅟ Was ᅟ the ᅟ lesson ᅟ useful ᅟ for ᅟ use? ᅟ
11. ᅟ Домашнее ᅟ задание.
Т: ᅟ Write ᅟ a ᅟ letter ᅟ to ᅟ the ᅟ pupils ᅟ of ᅟ Henry ᅟ Box ᅟ Comprehensive ᅟ School ᅟ giving ᅟ thanks ᅟ for ᅟ their ᅟ invitation ᅟ and ᅟ inform ᅟ them ᅟ of ᅟ the ᅟ day ᅟ of ᅟ your ᅟ arrival. ᅟ Inform ᅟ about ᅟ the ᅟ places ᅟ you’d ᅟ like ᅟ to ᅟ visit. ᅟ (Слайд 12)

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