Ключевые слова:будущий специалист,инновация, компетенция, образование.
Summary Innovation and tradition in the education of the formation of the modern teacher Iskakova P. К. –Kh.A.Yasawi International kazakh-turkish university,associate professor of the department of pedagogical science.Fari_77@mail.ru Kerimbaeva B.T. – Kh.A.Yasawi International kazakh-turkish university, PhD, associate professor of the department of pedagogical science.Kerimbaeva-bota@mail.ru The article deals with the modern stage of educational modernization characterized by a fundamental qualitative
changing in the system approach to the development of education. This is a special period of development of education,
when it brought an unprecedented high requirement, calculated on the formation and manifestation of qualitatively new
potential general cultural, intellectual, spiritual, and professional possibilities of the person. The system of education
today is at a turning point of its development and selection of strategic paths and directions of this development largely
determines the prospects not only for domestic education, but also in the whole of our country. At different stages of its
development the society imposes new standards, the requirements of the workforce. This was to the development of the
educational system. Key words: future specialist, innovation, competence, educa
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №2 (50), 2016 ж. 185