Content. Studying key ideas and categories of Modern Philosophy, its basic principles, laws and
mechanisms of cognitive activity.
Considering ethical problems of the development of science and technology, basic spiritual values
and their importance for professional activity.
Extension and improvement of students’ knowledge in heuristic and methodological spheres of
- knowledge of the role of Philosophy as
worldview and basic concepts of the scientific
knowledge; its essence and interrelation of philosophical
and general scientific worldview;
- knowledge of core principles, laws and mechanisms of
the cognitive activity.
- knowledge of current ethical problems of modern
society and their importance for the professional
- skills of non-biased comprehension of realias of
modern socio-cultural situations from the point of view
of critical thinking methodology;
science by
mastering scientific and methodological potential of Modern Philosophy. Forming the idea of the
objective law of existence and the development of the community, state, civil society and
individuals, of the principles of tolerance and intercultural dialogue as conditions of existence of a
global society. Developing the students’ culture of critical thinking and their skills of independent
reflection on their own methodological problems.
- skills to use knowledge of principles, laws and
categories of Philosophy in the process of solving
professional scientific tasks;
- mastering skills of creative and critical thinking and
applying of tools of critical thinking to the analysis of
scientific, cultural, social and political phenomena and
Social-communicative module
PIK 2201
Psychology of interpersonal
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : none
The aim: students’ awareness of the role and place of psychological knowledge about interpersonal communication
in the modern world, revealing their importance in the process of becoming a professional in their chosen specialty.
Content: Systematization of students’ knowledge through the study of the major paradigms, theories, and concepts of
modern psychology of interpersonal communication. The theoretical and empirical study of the interpersonal
communication psychological problems based on the study of cognitive processes, mental states and individual
psychological characteristics of the individual. Basic categories and concepts of social psychology, methodological
foundations of social psychology, the basic theories, concepts and principles of social psychology, the nature, content
and form of psychic phenomena, laws of their dynamics, methods and techniques of researching interpersonal
communication, the essence of the new psychological techniques and technology of studying interpersonal
knowledge of mental phenomena of interpersonal communication
in the accordance of the cognitive processes and regulatory
- knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations of
modern psychology of interpersonal communication ;
- knowledge of the basic concepts and categories of modern
psychology of interpersonal communication ;
- the ability to adequately apply the acquired psychological
knowledge in interpersonal communication ;
- the ability to investigate individual human characteristics in terms
of interpersonal communication in order to identify his personal
attributes and form his psychological characteristics;
- the ability to competently build a system of relationships with
others in the context of interpersonal communication and group
interaction ;
- skills of interpersonal communication psychological research,
implementation, analysis , processing of the data and correct
interpretation of the results ;
- the ability to develop practical recommendations to help improve
the individual in terms of interpersonal communication ;
- the ability to estimate and adjust interpersonal communication in
order to harmonize the individual and his relationship with others .
TPP 2202
Political Science
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : none
The aim: To introduce to the basics of politics, power and power relations, the political system of the Republic of
Content: Political systems and forms of government, and institutions, the political processes in Kazakhstan and in the
world. Program documents and the President's Addresses, strategic directions of home and foreign policy of the
Republic of Kazakhstan. The idea of a global world as the new world order, an understanding of the major tendencies
in world politics and international relations, contribution to the national security strengthening and terrorism and
extremism prevention.
- the ability to express attitude and to exercise social and political
activity to resist various forms of manipulation;
- the ability of a tolerant professional interaction and adaptation to
the new conditions, taking into account the socio-cultural,
ideological, political and religious differences.
ELSU 2203
Ethics of personal and social
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : none
The aim: to introduce students to ethical standards, moral principles and human values in the social activity.
Content: The systematic understanding of the ways of forming and improving ethical standards in various areas of
professional activity. Formation for future professionals of knowledge about the basic ethical concepts, regularities of
forming ethical conduct in the process of a person’s socialization. Introduction to the basic stages and tendencies in the
development of ethics. Revealing the contents of fundamental ethical guidelines that form the moral position of an
- knowledge of basic ethical concepts and categories;
- skills of independent moral orientation in society, indicating a
sufficient level of ethical maturity;
- knowledge of principles and methods of finding the best ethical
decisions in difficult situations of everyday life;
- skills of assessment of their own actions and the behavior of
others in terms of ethics and morality norms;
-skills to behave in society and communicate with citizens in
accordance with the rules of etiquette.
KR 2204
Culture and Religion
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : none
The aim: introduction to the main cultural and religious peculiarities of Kazakhstan, consideration
of the evolution of Kazakhstan peoples’ cultural and religious traditions.
Content: Methods of Cultural Studies and Religions Studies applied for researching Kazakhstan
regions’ cultural and religious phenomena; concept of “dialogue” as one of the basic categories of
the 20-21 century humanities, as well as peculiarities of theoretical language of describing its
fundamental existential and socio-cultural parameters, boundaries and horizons. Specific features of
man’s metaphysical and religious experience as ontological bases of a dialogue.
- knowledge of scientific world outlook, ethnic and
cultural tolerance;
- the ability to make comparative analysis of the
hierarchy of core values of the past and present
religious and unreligious world outlook;
- the ability to predict perspectives of possible
interaction of philosophy, religion, science and arts in
the process of solution of the main world-outlook
- the ability to identify synchronic and diachronic
interconnections of regional cultural phenomena, to
identify their causes and effects;
- skills of tolerant behavior, social and professional
interaction taking into account ethno-cultural and
confessional differences.
OPS 2205
General and Applied Sociology
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : none
The aim: to form a general idea of the contemporary society; to make the students aware of social
processes taking place both in the world and Kazakhstan (issues of stratification, social inequality,
poverty and wealth, social, religious, economic and political conflicts).
Content: Character of social interactions between people, social and group differences between
them. Main laws of society development, basic sociological concepts, methods of sociological
research, contemporary sociological theories, main trends and results of contemporary research in
- the ability to make independent analysis of the
processes and phenomena taking place in the society;
- the ability to dynamically use alternative, new or
innovative sociological approaches in solution of
professional issues;
- the ability to express one’s thoughts in oral and written
forms correctly and reasonably;
- the ability to use the gained knowledge in certain
- skills of social interaction: collaboration, tolerance and
- skills of social prognosis and strategic planning, public
speech, argumentation, conducting discussion and
BZhCh 2206
Safety of human life
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : none
The aim: acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for creating proper
living environment and labour conditions, identification of negative impacts of living environment,
elaboration and realisation of protective measures to secure the man and living environment from
negative impacts.
Content: Basic natural and techno-sphere dangers, their properties and features, types of impact of
harmful and dangerous factors on the man and natural environment, methods of protection. Bases of
theoretical analysis and prediction of hazard phenomena and processes.
- knowledge of protection measures from natural and
techno-sphere disasters within the sphere of professional
- the ability to make decisions within the limits of one’s
competence and authority in emergency situations (ES);
- the ability to identify the major dangers of man’s
living environment, to assess the risk of their realization.
- knowledge of protection methods and safety
technologies in emergency situations.
EUR 2207
Environment and Sustainable
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : none
The aim: to provide students with systematic and practical knowledge on ecology and stable
development, protection of environment and rational environmental management to train qualified
specialists with a wide range of skills.
Content. Basic regularities of life forms’ interaction with the environment; mechanisms of
ecosystems and biosphere stability and functioning; place and role of ecology in modern economic,
political and social problems solution; modern global economic problems, their causes, stages of
formation and consequences. Special place in the discipline is given to stable development of nature
and society, international cooperation in the sphere of environmental safety
-the ability to identify and analyze natural and human-
caused ecological processes and to find the ways of their
- the ability to understand modern concepts and
strategies of stable mankind development aimed at
systematic changing of traditional forms of management
and people’s lifestyle in order to preserve stable
biosphere and society development without disastrous
-the ability to use in practice the obtained knowledge of
basic regularities of life forms’ interaction with the
environment in order to preserve stable development;
- skills to analyze ecological processes, to set specific
targets and priorities of stable nature and society
KP 2208
Kazakh law
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : none
The aim: to study the peculiarities of Kazakhstan legal system, to study the main regulations of
basic norms of legal documents in the RK.
Content. Legal system in Kazakhstan, conceptual issues of basic regulations in the RK.
Theoretical bases of rule-of-law state formation, democratic society and social state. Basic trends of
Kazakhstan’s law policy conception in 2010-2020 and ”The Strategy “Kazakhstan - 2050”.
-knowledge of legal system peculiarities in Kazakhstan
in historical and law context and in current situation of
national legal system integration into the world system
of laws;
-the ability to apply scientific and theoretical knowledge
in daily activity in defending constitutional rights and
OE 2209
Principles of Economics
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : none
The aim: to form scientific concepts of basic categories, ideas and regularities of economy
Content. Socio-economic relations. Basic micro and macroeconomic indices, their computing
methods. The mechanism of market pricing, competition and economic development trends. Basis of
economic development of modern international economic relations system and world market
development trends.
- knowledge of the basic economic reorganizations in
the society, logics and interconnection of phenomena
and processes in the society life;
-the ability to apply systematic knowledge in economy
in professional activity.
ITB 2301
Information technologies in
3 Credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
Studies of the Structure PC device. Information technology store the data presented in the computer.
Files and directories.
File System. Software development, its structure.
Operating systems and engineering works and functions. Algorithms and flowcharts.
Interface User. Technological solutions of the problem PC. MS Word text editor. Technology for
creating and editing documents. Excel MS table editor.
The basic technology for creating, editing desks.
-knowledge in the field of devices, personal computing and
technology for their work, knowledge of algorithms - the
ability razrabotyvat software and individual programs;
- Working knowledge of operating systems, different tools;
- Possess a sufficient level of
word processing and spreadsheets and applications
BFiz 3302
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisite : Physics, human
physiology and animals
2 +0 +1
Purpose: to give students a deep and fundamental knowledge about objects and features of
biophysical processes and phenomena, principles of biophysical approach to biological processes; to
acquaint with the basic laws and principles of Biophysics.
Main tasks:
-to give the students the knowledge of basic biophysical sections of Biophysics;
-an understanding of the fundamental laws and applied research of Biophysics;
-describe the most important achievements of the Biophysics and about the prospects for its
students form the basis of the theoretical and applied thinking, allowing the use of advances in
biology, biophysics.
KNOW Basics of Cell Biophysics, and holistic systems;
basic physical laws underlying biological processes and
phenomena; the first and second laws of thermodynamics;
Hess's law, principles and Prigogine. and e. Bauer;
mechanisms of bioelectric and photobiological processes;
Fundamentals of radiobiology and radiation mechanisms
of defeat; mechanisms generating biological rhythms;
principles of electrical conductivity of Biosystems; the
main biophysical methods.
Be able to: apply the theoretical knowledge and practical
skills in the practice of their own research.
Bioch 2417
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisite: None
The aim of the course – study the structure and properties of important biological compounds:
proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, and their chemical reactions in the organism and the
Objectives of the course:
- the formation of the students a certain amount of knowledge and skills in the field of biochemistry;
- the acquisition of knowledge by the main classes of biological agents (their structure, properties
and mechanisms of their functioning);
- the acquisition of knowledge about the basic metabolic pathways in the organism;
- the development of modern methods of students laboratory tests;
After studying the discipline of students must:
have an understanding of the structure, properties and
functions of the main classes of biological compounds,
be able to take this knowledge as a system of interrelated
ideas logically, be ready to act rationally and
independently, in accordance with its science-based
conclusions, observations and experiences obtained in the
performance of practical tasks.
be familiar with basic methods of biochemical research
Bot 1101
Вotany 1
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisite: None
The course examines current problems of structural botany. The
purpose of this course is to study the structure of the plant cell,
morphology and anatomy of plants. Students learn the structure of the
plant cell, organography and structural features of plant, life forms and
their ecomorphs.
- knowledge of the characteristics of the morphology and anatomy of plants;
- ability to use knowledge of structural botany in issues of taxonomy and classification
of plants.
Bot 1201
Botany 2
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisite: None
The course examines important issues of classification, systematization
and nomenclature of plants.
- studying the biological characteristics of lower and higher plants;
major taxonomic groups of algae, fungi, lichens, vascular plants
(arhegonialy, flowering);
- consider the principles of classification and systematization;
- determine the practical and theoretical values of plants
-knowledge of the structural features of the lower and higher plants;
- the ability to use knowledge of plant taxonomy in solving theoretical and practical
issues and implementation of research.
Zoo 2403
Invertebrate Zoology 1
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: None
The module considers the biodiversity of invertebrates, the basic laws
of evolution and fuktsionirovaniya animals, biological and ecological
principles of sustainable use of resources.
nobility: main concepts, methods and prospects of development of zoology; varieties of
invertebrate animals and main regularities of their formation; morphology and structure
of systems of bodies, evolution and systematization of the main representatives of
invertebrate animals; place and role of animals in ecological systems, economic,
medical and trade value;
to be able: to use methods in zoological researches, to raise scientific questions;
possession: collecting and preparation of scientific materials on zoology and
mathematical processing of results of field and pilot studies.
Zoo 2404
Vertebrate Zoology 2
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: None
The module considers the biodiversity of vertebrates, the basic laws of
evolution and fuktsionirovaniya animals, biological and ecological
principles of sustainable use of resources.
nobility: main concepts, methods and prospects of development of zoology; varieties of
vertebrate animals and main regularities of their formation; morphology and structure of
systems of bodies, evolution and systematization of the main representatives of
vertebrate animals; place and role of animals in ecological systems, economic, medical
and trade value;
to be able: to use methods in zoological researches, to raise scientific questions;
possession: collecting and preparation of scientific materials on zoology and
mathematical processing of results of field and pilot studies.
ecological principles of rational use of stocks.
K B 1406
Bioresources Kazakhstan
3 credits/5 ECTS
2 +1 +0
The course examines the issues of diversity resources of flora and
fauna; methods for the preparation of these materials and the way the
management and protection of biological resources of Kazakhstan
- knowledge of systematic provision of main types of biological resources; areas of
distribution and place of their dwelling; prospects of researches in Kazakhstan.
- ability to use various methods of the accounting of the main resource types;
competently to develop reproduction and security actions.
- possession of practical skills of use of the conventional bioresources, and also products
(and substances) received from them, skills in carrying out research works when using
the techniques got from others and this course.
Mat 1407
3 Credits/ 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
Study of the elements of linear algebra and analytic geometry.
Introduction to Mathematical Analysis. Differential calculus of
functions of one variable. Investigation of the by using one derivative.
The concepts of complex numbers. Indefinite, definite, improper
knowledge of differential and integral calculus;
- Ability to apply mathematical problems in biotechnology in the construction of
mathematical models
-ability on the basis of mathematical analysis to develop practical recommendations;
Be skilled in the construction of mathematical models.
Him 1408
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: None
2 +1 +0
The module is aimed at the study of the foundations of modern
chemistry: modern classification and nomenclature of inorganic
compounds; ideas about the structure of atoms, molecules and chemical
bonding of the structure of matter and the relationship between the
structure and chemical properties of the substance, the basic laws of
chemical reactions.
know: general patterns of change in the properties of elements and their compounds,
transformation of substances occurring in chemical processes;
be able to: make chemical equations, solve problems and exercises; predict products of
chemical processes;
have: skills to put modeling and experiments to apply this knowledge to the solution of
scientific, industrial and practical problems.
Fiz 1409
3 Credits/ 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
2 +0 +1
The module opens the following sections of modern physics
mechanics, molecular physics and thermodynamics, electrostatics,
electromagnetism, optics, atomic and nuclear physics to solve problems
on the basis of professional knowledge of physics. The module
examines the theoretical and practical aspects of physics.
know: the metric system and the rules for their application, the basic laws of kinematics,
physical fundamentals of mechanics, physical conservation laws; accelerated systems
and the nature of inertial forces, concepts and laws of physics rotating rigid body, the
basic elements of the theory of the gravitational field on the sample, and the electrostatic
fields, oscillatory processes their nature and the methods of description, the wave
processes and their properties; beginning of hydrodynamics, the basic concepts and laws
of thermodynamics and the kinetic molecular theory, principles of solid state physics,
principles of electrostatics and electrodynamics, the laws of the DC and the foundations
of classical electron theory, principles of physics of electromagnetic phenomena
proceeding in the matter, the nature of diffraction and interference of light, structure and
nature of the atom, a basic understanding of quantum mechanics, composition, structure
and transformation of atomic nuclei, the basis of nature of radioactivity.
be able to: make the conversion of physical units of the metric system of another one, to
find and develop the necessary in the field of biology physics literature, solve simple
physical tasks, independently develop work instructions for the physical hardware, to
choose the specialization required for scientific or technological problem of physics
consultant and correctly formulate arising in the course of his career issues and
MV 2410
Microbiology and virology
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: None
The course acquaints with representatives of the third kingdom of
wildlife, their properties, a role in the nature and human life, the
principles of classification; their variety, the ultrastructural
organization of a cage, with features of their growth and reproduction
depending on physical and chemical factors, the main properties of
viruses, methods of their allocation, the principles of classification and
a reproduction of viruses.
- to know about the world of microbes, their role in the nature and human life; about the
main properties of microorganisms and viruses, structural organization of a cage; about
the principles of their classification.
- to be able to use microorganisms as objects for scientific researches and the practical
purposes; to work with microbic cultures, to allocate them from objects of environment;
to use microscopic methods when studying microorganisms.
3 Credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Physics,
Chemistry, Ecology.
2 +0 +1
The aim of the module is to develop knowledge about a particular shell
of the Earth - the soil as a natural body, its formation, evolution and
properties of the modes. The course examines the process of soil
formation and environmental factors of soil formation, problems of
protection and rational use of soil resources
- Knowledge of the place and the role of soil in terrestrial ecosystems and agricultural
- The ability to describe the soil profile and diagnostic features to determine the type,
- The ability to assess the condition and level of fertility in terms of physical, chemical,
- The ability to make calculations reserves of humus and plant nutrients, to design
measures for the protection and sustainable use of soil in the economy.
BKT 1309
Cell and Tissue Biology
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
2 +0 +1
The purpose of the course - to give a complete overview of the main
methods of studying the microscopic and ultramicroscopic structure of
cells and tissues, the theoretical foundations of modern histochemical
techniques to teach students the basic techniques of making histological
preparations, followed by their study and description.
to know the technique of making microscopic preparations, proper sampling of material,
its fixation, washing, dehydration, and fill the histological material;
-be able to work on the microtome, own major histological staining methods;
-possess the skills of "reading" histological slides and electron diffraction.
3 credits. / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: None
2 +0 +1
The course focuses on the study of the main tissue systems of animals
and humans: epithelial, tkaeny internal environment, muscular and
nervous, general patterns characteristic of the tissue levels of the
organization, structural features, the development and activity of
specific tissue systems.
knowledge about the origin of tissues in the individual and historical development, on
the morpho-functional classification of tissues for regeneration and the relationship
between different types of tissue.
-ability for histological preparations determine the types of tissues and cells, and to
characterize substance.
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: cell biology,
The aim of the module is to examine the anatomy of the human body
and form of future specialists knowledge about the integrity of the
structure and function of organs and systems of the human body
- Knowledge of the structure of all the internal organs and systems of organs and their
- The ability to classify individual organs, to understand the topography of the organs
and their systems, display on models and natural preparations of structural details.
- Retrieve and analyze information from the literature, the base-information, electronic
- Knowledge of methods of generalization, analysis, perception of information about
holistic representation of the unity of the structure and functioning of a living organism
during its life.
OFR 2313
Fundamentals of Plant
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: None
Fundamentals of Plant
The course includes basic physiology of the following topics: the
structure and function of organelles of eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic
way of oxidation of respiratory substrates, photosynthetic and oxidative
phosphorylation, the physiological role of metabolites of growth and
development of living organisms
know: the theoretical and methodological foundations of Plant Physiology, mechanisms
for interaction of body parts and the body as a whole with the environment, about the
achievements and prospects of the physiology and its practical application.
be able to: apply the knowledge and skills for developing new biotechnological methods
and techniques of management functions of the body.
Human and animal
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: human
anatomy, cytology,
histology, biochemistry
The course "human and animal physiology is one of the basic training
of biologists. Study of the physiological mechanisms of interaction,
regulatory systems enables students to understand the mechanisms
sustaining the constancy of the internal environment and an adequate
response to a changing environment and functional activity.
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