IET 3: “Food biotechnology”
SW 3501
Scientific writing (каз/рус/анг)
1 credits/2 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
ability to write scientific articles and to participate in scientific
discussions in a Kazakh/Russian/foreign language
- ability to write scientific articles and to participate in scientific discussions in a
Kazakh/Russian/foreign language;
BLRB 3502
Basics of Lab research in
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites : IHim 1401
The purpose of discipline is to teach students the acquisition of
knowledge about the basics of scientific and laboratory research,
study and development of methods of biotechnological
experiments on micro-organisms, animal and plants processing,
and analysis of the results.
As a result of the discipline the student will know: The basic biotechnological
methods for determining and monitoring the parameters of technological processes;
technology and the general principles of the most common biochemical processes;
methods of research, design and experimental work in the industry;
Students should be able to:
- to make biotechnology experiment using laboratory equipment (microscopes, the
bioreactor, thermostats, sterilizers, etc.); model biotechnological processes based
on laboratory research and knowledge of biotechnology equipment.
Students should use: methods of analysis processes and their impact on the quality
of the products of biosynthesis; computer methods of data collection, storage and
EB 3503
Еcology biotechnology
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: ESD 2207
The purpose of discipline is to introduce students with the main
polluters of the environment, the path of their migration,
accumulation and transformation in ecosystems, methods of
detection and quantification of environmental pollutants, with the
methods and approaches of the various ecosystem restoration
specific biotechnological methods, with the methods of waste
treatment, disposal and waste emissions .
As a result of study the discipline the student will know:
- Basic biotechnology sewage-contaminated soil, air for a healthier environment;
methods and approaches used for recycling and disposal of waste.
Students will be able to:
- use the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the use of various
biotechnological methods for remediation of contaminated ecosystems; develop of
new treatment technologies based on the use of microorganisms, food processing
wastes, and plants.
Student will be able to use: the methods of simulation studies to evaluate various
biotechnology used in the treatment of polluted ecosystems.
FBAS 3504
Food biological active supplements
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Bio 2308
Biotechnological bases of receiving biologically active agents from
animal, vegetable and microbiological raw materials. The
characteristic of biologically active agents of food used in
-to have skills of carrying out microbiological control of raw materials and finished
goods, on development of new types of biologically active agents, production of
food and treatment-and-prophylactic appointment.
- to know technologies of receiving dietary supplement from animal, vegetable and
microbiological raw materials.
- to own methods of quantitative and quality standard food dietary supplement.
TRPP 3505
Technologies of receiving of plant-
growing products
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: BPB 2415
The basic principles in creation of technologies of receiving
products from vegetable raw materials. The equipment and control
of technological processes of receiving products from vegetable
raw materials.
- to be able to estimate in practice quantitative and quality indicators of foodstuff,
according to the international and national standards;
TB 3506
Technical biochemistry
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Bio 2308
In the module a profound idea is given of biochemical criteria of
vegetable raw materials quality, of biochemical value of the major
consumer properties of raw materials - biological (physiological),
nutrition, fodder and nutritional value, technological advantage,
comprehensibility, etc. The specified biochemical signs in
aggregate define quality of vegetable raw materials and the final
product. The course acquaints the student with the basic principles
of enrichment of raw materials missing components and in the
ways of achievement of balance of valuable biochemical properties
of raw materials in modern food and fodder technologies.
- to know theoretical bases of physiology and biochemistry of plants, including
growth and development physiology, biochemistry of biological macromolecules –
proteins (enzymes), carbohydrates, lipids, etc., and also biochemistry of secondary
- to be able to identify and analyze the valuable substances containing in plants
- to own methods of research of structure and properties vegetable raw materials.
- to have skills of use of cultural plants and wild flora valuable properties of
Kazakhstan in food, fodder technologies, and also in pharmacology,
phytopathology, etc.
MFP 4507
Microorganisms of fermentative
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Bio 2308
The purpose of the module is acquaintance of students with
technology of fermentative productions, methods and processes of
processing of different types raw materials in fermentation
In the module general characteristics of fermentation and its types,
microorganisms application, the main regularities of reproduction
and growth of yeast and other cultures of microorganisms are
given: stages of development and ways of cultivation; relationship
of microorganisms; Characteristics of the enzymes applied in
fermentative productions, their properties and classification are
given. Bases of spirit fermentation are studed: structure, chemical
composition of a barmy cell; characteristics and races of the yeast
applied in fermentative productions, and also the chemical
reactions underlying spirit fermentation.
to know the technological bases of fermentative production;
to be able to use methods and technologies of processing of different types raw
materials in fermentation products.
PMP 4508
Production of microbial proteins
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Bio 2308
The course gives an idea of prospects and economic feasibility of
microorganisms application in the production technology of food
and fodder protein.
Technologies of receiving protein of unicells are considered: use of
alcohols and hydrogen for receiving protein; use of monocelled
algas for receiving protein.
The maintenance of a course includes also sections on technology
of utilization and processing of organic industrial, household and
agricultural wastes for receiving microbic protein and production of
feed additives for poultry farming and animal farm.
- to know methods of preparation and sterilization of nutrient mediums, crops and
cultivation of yeast;
- to know extent of influence of quantity and qualitity of a sowing material,
structure of a nutrient medium (with various sources of carbon and nitrogen) on
processes of accumulation of a biomass.
- possession of methods of definition of quantity of a biomass: crude and absolutely
BNSMP 4509
fermented milk products
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Bio 2308
The main sources of raw materials for receiving sour-milk
products, the characteristic and their features are studied.
Theoretical bases of production of sour-milk products in the world.
Chemical, physical and microbiological, biochemical and colloidal
processes by production of fermented milk products. Medical and
specific properties of various national fermented milk products.
- to know technological bases of production of fermented milk products ;
- to know medical and specific properties of national fermented milk products ;
- to be able to determine physical and chemical, microbiological, biochemical
parameters of national fermented milk products;
materials of foodstuff
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: BMB 2414
The course gives an understanding of the basic principles and
methods of sanitation and hygiene in food inspection. It examines
the methods of sanitary-microbiological food control; characterized
sanitary indicative microorganisms as indicators of health troubles,
introduces the methods of their determination. The information on
the microflora of the milk and milk products, meat and egg
products, fish and fish products, bee products, plant products and
canned products.
Students at the end of the course should know: the principles of health and
microbiological assessment of food quality; characterization of sanitary-indicative
microorganisms; microflora of milk and milk products, meat and egg products,
fish and fish products, bee products, plants products;
Be able to:determine the titer and the index of sanitary-indicative microorganisms
in dairy products package; - determine the titer and the index of sanitary-indicative
microorganisms in meat, sausage, fish products; determine the titer and the index
of sanitary-indicative microorganisms in poultry products and eggs; determine the
titer and the index of sanitary-indicative microorganisms in drinking water and soft
Must own the: Skills for the ongoing health and bacteriological control of food;
Skills in sanitary and bacteriological test equipment; Methods of determining the
sanitary-indicative microorganisms in food.
"Microbiological control of Food
productions" practical experience
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: BMB 2414
The practical work provides studying of sanitary and hygienic
requirements to the industrial equipment and productions;
principles of organization of aseptic production; the receptions,
hits of microorganisms providing an exception in production
process and products;
Definition of sanitary and indicative microorganisms in foodstuff.
-Knowledge of sanitary-microbiological and sanitary and hygienic requirements to
the industrial equipment and productions;
-Ability to characterize sanitary and indicative microorganisms as indicators of
sanitary trouble;
-own of receive skills of carrying out sanitary and microbiological control in
laboratories and production, methods of conservation, sterilization and the
disinfection, applied in the food industry
IET 4: "Genetics technology"
SW 3501
Scientific writing (каз/рус/анг)
1 credits/2 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
ability to write scientific articles and to participate in scientific
discussions in a Kazakh/Russian/foreign language
- ability to write scientific articles and to participate in scientific discussions in a
Kazakh/Russian/foreign language;
BLRB 3502
Basics of Lab research in
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites : IHim 1401
In the module the experimental methods of researches applied in
biotechnology of microorganisms, plants and animals are
- to know laboratory methods and ways of their application in biotechnological
- to own equipment of statement of experiment;
- to be able to plan experiments according to the purposes and research problems
EB 3503
Еcology biotechnology
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: ESD 2207
The purpose of discipline is to introduce students with the main
polluters of the environment, the path of their migration,
accumulation and transformation in ecosystems, methods of
detection and quantification of environmental pollutants, with the
methods and approaches of the various ecosystem restoration
specific biotechnological methods, with the methods of waste
treatment, disposal and waste emissions .
As a result of study the discipline the student will know:
- Basic biotechnology sewage-contaminated soil, air for a healthier environment;
methods and approaches used for recycling and disposal of waste.
Students will be able to:
- use the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the use of various
biotechnological methods for remediation of contaminated ecosystems; develop of
new treatment technologies based on the use of microorganisms, food processing
wastes, and plants.
Student will be able to use: the methods of simulation studies to evaluate various
biotechnology used in the treatment of polluted ecosystems.
MGBB 3504
Molecular-genetical basics of
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: GMG 2412
The course examines modern methods of biotechnology, molecular
and cellular mechanisms of genetic and cell engineering. Some new
methods for gene mapping, diagnosis of disease, the potential
commercial production of protein products of human genes, genetic
-to know: Genetic bases of biotechnology, the principles and techniques of genetic
Be able to: apply theoretical and practical knowledge for planning experiments and
Have skills: handling devices amplification, DNA sequencing and other laboratory
equipment used in biotechnology. Have skills: service organization protect plants
from pests and diseases, prepare projections of disease occurrence.
RG 3505
Radiation genetics
Course of radiation genetics depicks the mechanisms and assess the
-Should know: the impact of radiation studies on the formation of modern genetics
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: GMG 2412
impact of exposure to radiation on biological objects, basic laws of
radiation mutagenesis, the physical nature of radiation, the effect of
ionizing radiation on hereditary apparatus. In describing
mutagenesis one examines the impact of ionizing radiation, UV
rays, basic chemical mutagens on a living organism. Methods of
mutational processes research and their applications in genetics,
plant breeding and biotechnology, as well as the application of their
advances in medicine, agriculture and biology are presented as
as a science, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects of radiation exposure.
Should be able to: evaluate the mechanism of action of radiation on biological
object to use the methods of radiation genetics in genetics, plant breeding and
biotechnology, to use the achievements of radiation genetics in medicine,
agriculture and biology.
Should manage: theory and applied aspects of the mutation and radiation processes,
the genetic basis of their impact on the environment and practice.
BGA 3506
Basics of genetics analysis
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: GMG 2412
This course covers some genetic aspects of individual development
of living organisms at the site of genetic studies of the fruit fly
understanding of the molecular genetics control of all phases of
development in ontogeny after oocyte maturation and research on
the combination of features of the body. Also will be considered
genes that control the development of the Drosophila mutations
and their mechanism of action and to introduce students to the
genetics of the fruit fly - Drosophila and achievements in the field
of experimental embryology and modern molecular biology.
The students will know the basic rules for working with the object of genetic
research - the fruit fly,
-should be able to use the knowledge gained in the study of the discipline in solving
problems in the study of individual development of organisms and study the basic
genetic patterns.
- work with the object of genetic studies Drosophila;
- use knowledge for solving issues within the study of individual development of
organisms and the study of the basic genetic laws.
CHA 4507
Cytogenetics of Human and Animal
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: GMG 2412 2/0/1
This course covers the basic principles of cytogenetic methods for
studying chromosomes, modern advances in the study of structural
and functional organization of metaphase chromosomes in normal
and pathological conditions.
-to know: the features of structural and functional organization of chromosomes,
reproduction of the chromosomes and the mechanisms of chromosome aberrations
and crossing-over.
-to be able: to apply knowledge gained in practical research in the field of medical
genetics and biotechnology.
-to have skills in analysis of X-chromatin, metaphase cells and the construction of
the karyotype.
BF 4508
Basics of Phytopathology
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: BPB 2415 2/1/0
The course examines the genetic basis of plant pathology, types of
diseases that occur in food, especially cereal crops, the causes and
sources of their origin, the ways and means of their control
mechanisms of interaction of crops and diseases, and the effects of
genotype and relationship with the environment . As well as
elimination pathway resistant varieties of plants in breeding.
-to know: the theoretical and practical bases of immunity and quarantine, the means
and methods of plant protection of the infectious agent causes and circumstances of
their occurrence, patterns of development, diffusion, mass outbreaks (epiphytoties),
common anatomical and physiological changes in plant organisms.
-be able to: use the theoretical knowledge to implement the science and practice
competently carry out experiments and organize activities to monitor the spread of
disease, as well as own methods of breeding resistant varieties of plants.
-have skills: service organization protect plants from pests and diseases, prepare
projections of disease occurrence.
BFG 4509
Basics of pharmacology genetics
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: GMG 2412
Pharmacogenetics - the section of medical genetics and
pharmacology, to study the dependence of reactions to drugs by
hereditary factors. Any pharmacogenetic reactions develop on the
basis of comprehensive genetic polymorphism in human
populations, evolutionary formed until now used pharmacological
agents. Course objective: to study the nature of diseases and drug
effects, the dependence of reactions to drugs on hereditary factors
and to introduce the methods of molecular diagnostics.
pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic mechanisms of the
sensitivity of the individual organism to drugs and how to identify
high genetic risk for multifactorial diseases.
-have skills: The acquisition of knowledge and development of skills to diagnose
the most common form of hereditary diseases.
-to introduce the methods of a medication for typing, using which an individual can
be attributed to a particular phenotype metabolism.
SCB 4510
Stem cells biotechnology
In the course all-biological basics of biotechnology of stem cells,
-to have an understanding of: modern methods of animal biotechnology reveal
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: BAB 2416
classification, sources and ways of their receiving, and also a scope
and ethical standards of using are covered. Differentiation
mechanisms, marking of stem cells, prospects of application of
cellular technologies in various areas of medicine, including an
organ transplantation, test of medicines, etc. are studied.
The purpose of course teaching – acquaintance to technology of
the stem cells, the latest developments of biotechnology of stem
cells, studying of modern approaches of receiving the stem cells
applied to studying of theoretical problems of biology and health
care. Tasks: formation of ideas of the person stem cells; knowledge
acquisition about cellular therapy; receiving ideas of potentially
effective use of cellular biotechnology for the scientific and
practical purposes; receiving ideas of creation of genetically
modified stem cells and their use for studying of mechanisms of
implementation of genetic information during processes of a
morphogenesis and cellular differentiations, etc.
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