OTH 3 "Genetics and Cytology"
3 Credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Mathematics,
Purpose of the course - to give knowledge of biostatistics needed to analyze the
results of scientific research, education of statistical thinking. The course sets out
the basic mathematical and statistical methods used in biological research, are the
patterns of distribution of random variables, methods of grouping large amounts
of data, engineering calculations and evaluation of selected indicators, the
correlation analysis.
- Know the location of biometrics and the limits of its use in the biological
research, basic statistical methods and concepts, terminology and symbols of
- Be able to plan a science experiment, analyze and process the results, make
- Have the skills of statistical analysis, the ability to work with mathematical
and statistical tables.
Medical Genetics
3 Credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Biochemistry,
Histology and Cytology,
Genetics (1+0+2)
Aim of the module is to develop knowledge about the latest achievements and
methods of medical genetics as an important branch of human genetics that
studies the role of genetic factors in the occurrence of human pathology. The
course examines the clinical cytogenetics of chromosomal syndromes, clinical
genetics and genetic diseases, ailments with hereditary pre-disposition, the
problems of genetic counseling.
- Know of genetic approaches to diagnosis, treatment and prevention of
genetic ailments, principles of genetic counseling;
- To have the skills of drafting family trees to determine the mode of
disease’s inheritance, evaluate environmental impact on the manifestation of
hereditary traits based on the twin method, determination of the frequency
hereditary disease cases based on methods of population genetics, analysis of
X-sex chromatin as a rapid diagnostic method of numerical disorders in sex
chromosomes, metaphase analysis of human cells to generate normal human
karyotype and reveal chromosomal pathology.
Ecological Genetics
3 Credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Physics,
Chemistry, Mathematics,
Botany, Zoology, Genetics,
Molecular Biology.
Purpose of the course - to show the role of genetic factors in response of human
body to various environmental agents. The course develops rapid tests for
assessing mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of various chemical compounds used
in the national economy, medicine, and ordinary everyday life, the genetic data
highlighting the significance of monitoring extermal pollutions to the
environment, preventive medicine, and demography.
- Know basic functioning of the genetic systems and ecological relations in
the biosphere, principal types and classification of environmental mutagenic
factors, the establishment and classification of ecological and genetic
monitoring, methods of data collection, storage and processing of
environmental and genetic information; basic principles of ecological
- Be able to carry out full-scale and pilot ecological and genetic studies, have
the skills of analyzing genetic risk of human impact on the environment,
perform analytical work and issue documentation for ecological evaluation.
Population Genetics
3 Credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Cell Biology,
Genetics, Molecular Biology.
Purpose of the course - to provide knowledge on laws of succession and changed
genetic composition of populations across generations based on current
evolutionary forces within the population and show that unreasonable human
intervention may disturb the equilibrium in the system, causing extinction of
unique species of plants and animals, what requires protection of the existing gene
- Know the basic properties and structure of populations, patterns of
inheritance in panmictic populations, major factors driving altered genetic
- Be able to quantify the genetic variation in populations as a result of the
influence of genetic drift, mutation pressure, migration, isolation and natural
pool for a population of organisms in their natural habitats. The course studies
genotypic composition of the population and key factors of evolutionary process
as a process of mutation, natural selection, migration, isolation, genetic drift,
which affect the change of the composition in space and time.
- Aquire the skills of finding out the allelic and genotypic frequencies in
Private histology
3Credits /5 ECTS.
Prerequisites: - Cytology,
Genetics, Molecular Biology.
The module focuses on the detailed study of histological structure of all bodies,
their development during the embryonic period of regeneration of body functions,
ultra structure of all cell types, specific organ function: the emergence of
differences between cells and tissues, their change during ontogeny, leading to
specialization, the relationship of cell proliferation and differentiation when
forming fabrics.
-knowledge of the detailed histological structure of all organs, embryonic
development, regeneration, organ function, cellular ultrastructure of all types,
providing the specific function of the authority.
-the ability to identify individual components of body tissue cell types,
compare data by running gistostrukture body functions as well as with its
èmbriogenezom; describe the microscopic preparations.
Pathology of cells and
3 credits/ 5 ECTS.
Prerequisites: Zoo in 1302,
CG 2301, OB 2302 ASh
"Pathology of cells and tissues" is devoted to the study of morphological,
biochemical, and physiological bases of specific and nonspecific responses of
cells and tissues of the human body and animals to various unfavorable factors.
Are violations of the normal structure of organs and tissues that occur in the
animal body during illness. It examines changes in organs and tissues, as well as
the mechanism of these changes when the earliest manifestations of the disease, as
well as the development progresses, the complications and outcomes. Thus, this
course covers not only the pathological processes that occur as a result of
exposure to pathogenic stimuli, but also the processes of recovery and
compensation for lost functions.
know: major historical stages of development of the subject and the tasks,
liaison with other medical-biological disciplines;
The basic concepts used in the pathology of cells and tissues; the role of the
causes, conditions and reactivity in the event of violations of the normal
(morphogenesis), as well as key aspects of the disease;
the causes, manifestations and mechanisms of the development model of
pathological processes that underlie various diseases; the etiology,
pathogenesis, host of the most important outcomes and dystrophic
(destructive), hemodynamic, inflammatory, neoplastic, allergic and other
be able to: be a role model pathological processes in the dynamics of
different etiology and pathogenesis of diseases – Dystrophic (destructive),
hemodynamic, inflammatory, neoplastic, allergic and other;
Correctly interpret the most significant manifestations of diseases, changes in
symptoms in the process of developing the disease, disorders of recovery;
own: knowledge management techniques on model pathological processes,
their causes and conditions of development mechanisms, manifestations and
outcomes when considering individual symptoms, syndromes and diseases;
analysis of major human diseases from the perspective of modern common
usage, the impossible, classification and nomenclature of diseases today, the
application of the principles of prevention, diagnosis and treatment in
different disease groups Dystrophic (destructive), hemodynamic,
inflammatory, allergic, tumor and other nature.
Modern methods of
studying cells and tissue
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: CG 2301, ZhG
2306, AA 2305, AZhF 3301;
MB 3309.
The goal of the course is to give a full picture of the basic techniques of
microscopic examination and structure of cells and tissues; theoretical bases of
modern techniques to teach students the basic cooking techniques of histological
preparations, with further study and description
Know the technique of microscopic preparations; proper sampling, its
fixation, washing, dewatering and pouring the material tissue; be able to work
at microtom; possess basic histological methods of colouring preparations;
"reading skills" histological and electron-diffraction.
Differentiation of cells and
3 credits / 5 ECTS.
Prerequisites: none
The course is devoted to detailed study of histological structure of all bodies, their
development during the embryonic period of regeneration of body functions, ultra
structure of all cell types, providing a specific organ function: a distinction
between cells and tissues, their change during ontogeny, leading to specialization,
proliferation and differentiation of cells forming tissues.
detailed knowledge of histological structure of all organs, embryonic
development, regeneration capacity of body functions, ultra structure of all
cell types, providing the specific function of the authority.
-the ability to identify individual components of body tissue cell types,
compare data by running histostructure body functions as well as with its
èmbriogenesis; describe the microscopic preparations.
-own gistopreparatskills using basic methods of mikroskopirovaniâ, as well
as various Histochemical techniques; Schematic sketches of gistostruktury
body and drawing up reports.
Applied aspects of the
biology of cells and tissues
3 credits / 5 ECTS.
Prerequisites: none
Objective: To study the histological and cytological modern technology with
practical value for medicine, cell and tissue engineering
Tasks: creating a more complete understanding of the structure and function of
cells, principles of differentiation and the formation of tissue systems, the use of
stem cells and cell cultures in medicine, cell and tissue engineering
Know : detailed structure of the cells , the principles of differentiation and
formation of tissue systems , the nature and origin of embryonic
mesenchymal , neuronal , hematopoietic stem cells , the role of stem cells in
regeneration and the relationship with other cell types , obtaining primary cell
cultures , cell transplant crops growth characteristics monolayer and
suspension cell cultures , the use of stem cells and cell cultures in medicine,
cell and tissue engineering.
Able: to apply this knowledge to improve the level of training in theory and
in practice , to solve biological problems in a different context and have the
ability to establish relationships between the problems and the basic
principles to adequately apply the physical, chemical and biological methods
based on information technology .
Genetic analysis
3 credits / 5 ECTS.
Prerequisites: none
The course provides methods gibridologičeskogo, cytogenetic, genomic,
gibridologičeskogo analysis in populations of hybrid progenies of qualitative and
quantitative traits using variance analysis; methods for determination of
recombination and adhesion genes using genetic methods and mathematical
-to know the methods of selection-genetic mutation, cytogenetic, genomic,
and biological methods of analysis, statistics, patterns of heredity and
variability of biological objects;
-be able to plan research on the genetics of organisms using affordable and
appropriate techniques, and IU perform a comparative genetic analysis of
experiment results.
OTH 4 Molecular biology and biochemistry
Medical Biochemistry
3 credit /5 ECTS
Prerequisite: Biochemistry,
Molecular biology
The purpose of teaching: a knowledge of the main chemical processes that
form the heart of a healthy person, familiarity with some of the molecular
mechanisms, the violation of which can lead to the development of pathological
conditions, the development of the most important methods of laboratory
research, the state of metabolism and the ability to interpret the results of studies.
The tasks of teaching:
1. to aquaint with the biochemical processes that underlie in the functioning of
the organism;
2. to familiarize students with the metabolic system of the organism, the
properties of proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
3. to aquaint with the methods and management capabilities of biochemical
processes in the organism;
4. to form an idea about the basic pathological processes occurring in living
organisms, their causes and methods of diagnosis and correction.
As a result of the discipline the student must
basic biochemical regularities of the organism;
main features of biochemical processes of the organism;
general regularities of metabolism in the organism.
be able to:
use the special biochemical and medical terminology;
work with the literature for biochemists and medical literature.
by standard methods of biochemical research;
interpreting skills analysis of biological fluids (blood, urine, bile, gastric
juice, etc.).
Fundamentals of genetics
of development
3 credit /5 ECTS
individual development
The purpose of the course - to provide knowledge about the patterns of genetic
regulation of individual development. The course examines the achievements of
modern genetics and molecular biology in uncovering the mechanisms underlying
the ontogeny; characteristics of gene interaction in the development, organization
of genetic systems that control development, the features of the functioning of the
genetic systems that control development.
Know the basic mechanisms of regulation of activity and gene expression
in development, the role of homeobox genes in development, molecular and
genetic aspects of determination and transdetermination, especially gene
expression at the tissue level, the molecular-genetic basis of sex
- To be able to use the knowledge of developmental genetics in the analysis
- Have the skills to analyze the morphogenetic changes that occur during
Fundamentals of mutation
3 credits / 5 ECTS.
Prerequisites: Cell
biology, biochemistry,
microbiology and virology,
The purpose of the course - to provide knowledge about the basic patterns and
mechanisms of mutation, on the theoretical and practical values of the mutation
process. The course examines the history of the mutation theory and classification
of mutations, recent advances and research methods of mutation; induced
reasons, the concept of genomic instability; research methods of genomic
instability and using them to solve practical problems in biotechnology, medicine
and ecology.
Know the basic types and classification of mutagenic environmental
factors, the main provisions of the mutation theory, the role of mutation in
evolution, mechanisms of mutation and the factors inducing the occurrence
- Be able to assess the impact of genetic risk to man-made environment;
- Have the skills to monitor and analyze the dynamics of mutational
processes associated with exposure to environmental factors.
hereditary Diseases
3 credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Cell Biology
and Histology,
Biochemistry, Genetics
The purpose of the course - to provide knowledge about the cellular and
molecular genetic basis of the pathology of man. The course examines the
methods of diagnosis of genetic, chromosomal diseases and diseases with
hereditary predisposition, classification of hereditary diseases, methods of
prevention and treatment of hereditary diseases, principles of genetic counseling.
Know the classification of hereditary diseases, methods of diagnosis,
- To be able to use molecular methods for the determination of gene and
chromosomal diseases in humans, using modern laboratory equipment and
- To have the skills of drawing up family trees to determine the mode of
inheritance of the disease, evaluate the impact of environment on the
manifestation of hereditary traits based on twin method.
genetics of viruses
3 credits / 5 ECTS.
Prerequisites: none
The purpose of the course - to provide knowledge about the structural and
functional organization of the genetic apparatus of viruses. The course examines
the mechanisms of regulation of gene expression, genetic recombination, and
their role in the functioning and evolution of prokaryotes, natural and induced
variability of the virus, selection of practically useful forms, methods and
mathematical models in the study of the variability of the virus DNA, mapping
the genome of viruses.
- Know the modern trends of development of genetics of viruses and its
practical significance, especially the structure and organization of genomes
of prokaryotes and viruses are programmed restructuring of the genetic
material of viruses in ontogeny, the interaction of viruses with each other
and with the host cell;
- Be able to carry out a virtual analysis of the structure and function of
individual genes and genome integrity prokaryotes.
molecular genetics
3 credits / 5 ECTS.
Prerequisites: none
The purpose of the course - to give systematic knowledge about the mechanisms
and characteristics of the transmission and realization of genetic information in
prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms at the molecular level. The course focuses
on the study of the structure and functioning of the genomes of pro-and
eukaryotes, molecular-genetic mechanisms of mutation and DNA repair.
- Know the basic transmission mechanisms and the realization of genetic
information in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, the structure and
function of genomes of prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the theoretical and
practical principles of molecular genetic methods.
- To be able to enjoy all the instruments and materials required for
laboratory research;
- Be familiar with laboratory equipment, design reports of laboratory tests.
3 credits / 5 ECTS.
Prerequisite: Biochemistry,
individual development
The purpose of teaching the discipline "Enzymology": to give students
knowledge of the basic classes of enzyme-catalyzed reactions and their prospects
for their practical application.
Task of teaching the subject "Enzymology" ensure that students receive
information on the following:
• Biology of enzymes
• Advanced understanding of the structure of enzymes as substances of protein
• The principles of classification and nomenclature of enzymes
As a result of the discipline the student must
know: classification and nomenclature of enzymes, their structure and
functioning, as well as modern methods of working with enzymes, the
practical applications of enzymes.
be able to: use information technology in the performance of the
experimental tasks and the analysis of the results and work with the
information in the global computer networks.
own by: the basic methods, techniques, tools, forms the basis of scientific
and applied activities in the field of enzymology,
• Summary of the kinetics of enzymatic catalysis
• Specificity and mechanism of enzymes action
• Practical application of enzymes and their catalyzed processes
Contents: Modern concepts of the structure of enzymes as substances of protein
nature. The principles of classification and nomenclature of enzymes. The main
provisions of the kinetics of enzymatic catalysis. The specificity and mechanism
of action of enzymes. Practical application of enzymes and their catalyzed
Biochemistry and
physiology of membrane
3 credit s/ 5 ECTS.
Prerequisite: Biochemistry,
Citology, Biology
individual development
The purpose of teaching: to study the function, molecular organization
of biological membranes, and the mechanisms of functioning of contained
Discipline objectives:
- To study the structure of biological membranes and their properties;
- To study the function of biological membranes and the prospects for the use of
membrane technology;
- To study the mechanisms of transport of substances across biological
Contents: The membrane organelles. The main components of biological
membranes. The modern concept of biological membranes. Mechanisms transport
of substances across biological membranes. Receptor membrane function. Role
membranes in intercellular communication. The membrane pathology.
As a result of the discipline the student must
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