IET 2. Hydrobiology and Ichthyology
NN 2301
Scientific writing (каз/рус/анг)
1 кредит/2 ECTS
Пререквизиты: нет
the ability to write research papers and participate in scientific
discussions in the Kazakh / Russian / foreign language
the ability to write research papers and participate in scientific discussions in the
Kazakh / Russian / foreign language;
Hydrobiological methods and
ichthyological research
3 credits/3 ECTS
CG2411, CI2413
The course pointed to theoretical knowledge on hydrocole
investigations in natural water bodies, assessments of biological
productivity and hydrobiological techniques of indication of human
impacts. The aim of course is to teach students to techniques of
hydrobiolgical and ichthyological investigations
- knowledge of basis techniques applied in hydrobiology and ichthyology, sanitary
hydrobiology and assessment of productivity of water bodies
- abilities to analyze to hydrocoles communities, fish morphology and biology
Bioproductivity of water bodies
3 credits/3 ECTS
CG2411, CI2413
TFRZ4423 (1+2+0)
The course pointed to understanding of general processes of organic
matter productivity in natural water bodies. Comprehension of food
webs and nets in water ecosystems.
- knowledge of cycles of matter and participation of different organisms in this
process in water bodies, essential factors impact on biological productivity
- abilities to assess potential and real productivity of different kinds of water
-skills to recognize general assemblages of water organisms, to calculate total
productivity and fish productivity of natural water bodies
Sanitarian hydrobiology
3 credits/3 ECTS
CG2411,CI2413 (1+1+1)
The course pointed to sanitarian assessment of natural and artificial
water bodies.
Biological methods of waste water purification. Ecological
knowledge on essential sanitarian parameters of natural and artificial
water bodies; diversity of water indicator organisms;
abilities to control sanitary state of water reservoirs;
- skills on hydrobiological analysis of water
Genosystematics of hydrobionts
3 credits/3 ECTS
CG2411, CI2413
The course pointed to comprehension of basis on molecular genetic
relationships of hydrocoles. DNA reassociation, DNA-DNA
molecular hybridization, DNA restriction, PCR-analysis
- knowledge on general techniques in gene systematic of water organisms,
importance of knowledge on systematic for evolutionary theory and practice;
- abilities to choice techniques of genetic analysis according to investigation
purposes and practical problems;
- skills of analysis and interpretation of data of biochemical investigation of
organisms genotype
Fish biology and ecology
3 credits/3 ECTS
CI2413 (1+2+0)
The course pointed to knowledge of fish biology and ecology.
- knowledge of regularities on fish biology and ecology;
- ability to recognize essential groups of fishes by their biological and ecological
- skills on techniques of fish biological particularities investigation
Population biology
2 credits/3 ECTS
TFRZ4423 CI2413
1 +1+0
The course pointed to comprehension of population theory.
Population as essential form of natural occurrence. Population as
essential form of diversity protection, management and regulation.
- knowledge on population theory, population definition, population types and
- ability to recognize essential features of animal population, reveal population
- skills on fish grow and age investigation
Monitoring of water bodies
3 credits/5 ECTS
The discipline studies complex system of an assessment and the
forecast of change of a condition of reservoirs under the influence of
anthropogenous influences. Features of carrying out local, regional
or global monitoring are considered. Criteria of the organization of
the biospheric reserve.
Role of monitoring of reservoirs in preservation of a biodiversity of
its fauna
- knowledge of anthropogenous impacts on reservoirs;
- ability of carrying out local, regional or global monitoring.
- skills of techniques of a complex assessment of reservoirs
The behavior of
3 credits/5 ECTS
CI2413 (1+2+0)
The course considers the general questions on studying of behavior
of fishes in natural and artificial conditions.
knowledge of theoretical bases of studying of behavior of fishes in natural and
artificial habitat;
-abilities to make experiments on studying of behavior of fishes and hydrobionts
- skills of methods of research of behavior of fishes in various conditions of
2 credits/3 ECTS Пререквизиты:
CI2413 (1+1+0)
The purpose of a subject consists in formation of professional,
academic and social and personal competences of ozerovedeniye
Main objective of the course «Limnology»
- studying of a current state and a hydrological mode of lakes in the
Republic of Kazakhstan, establishment of geographical regularities
of development and functioning of natural hydroecosystems, the
forecast of their condition and preservation on the near-term
-knowledge of the main regional features of the lakes of Kazakhstan, - formations
of a hydrological mode of lakes in modern conditions;
main field and laboratory methods of research of lakes; regularities of a natural and
anthropogenous evtrofirovaniye of lakes;
-abilities to carry out the analysis of the lake inventory, literary, share and
statistical sources on a condition and a hydrological mode of lakes;
- skills of techniques of carrying out batimetrichesky shooting of lakes and methods
of carrying out the complex limnological characteristic of the lake with use of
modern methods of researches and GIS-technologies.
Hydrocoles acclimatization
3 credits/3 ECTS
The course pointed to knowledge on theory and practice of fish and
acclimatization, fish acclimatization practice in the world and the
Kazakhstan, particularities of different species acclimatization,
results of acclimatization and alien organisms impact on native
water fauna are considered.
- knowledge on history of acclimatization in the Kazakhstan water bodies,
advantages and disadvantages of acclimatization, problems for native fauna
conservation after biological invasions;
- abilities to analyze biological particularities of acclimatization objects to predict
possible impact of new alien species to native fauna and ecosystems; to organize
acclimatization on inland waters;
- skills on water animals transport and breeding and control on alien species number
and distribution
3.4 Interdisciplinary module
Biometry in fishery
2 credits/3 ECTS
Prerequisites: no
The course pointed on knowledge of theory and practice of biometry
and their apply to research works and fishery practice.
- knowledge of theory and practice of biometry and their apply to research works
and fishery practice; essential fish parameters; particularities of commercial fish
- ability to use essential techniques of biometry in research works and fishery
- skills on fish and macro invertebrates metrics, taking common and special metrics;
comparing results of metrics
Basis of statistical analysis
2 credits/3 ECTS
Prerequisites: no
The course pointed on applies of statistical analysis to science
researches and fishery practice. Basis of statistical analysis, kinds of
statistical metrics and techniques of tests of hypothesis are
- knowledge of essential statistics and residuals, reliability of data,
- abilities to apply general statistics to discussion of results of investigation;
- skills on application of the most common statistical computer programs
Discipline code
The name of discipline, the number of
credits prerequisites, the distribution
by type of occupation
The goal, objectives, an outline of the module (course)
Learning Outcomes
(knowledge, skills)
History of Kazakhstan
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
2+1+ 0
The purpose of discipline - to objective historical knowledge
about the main stages of the history of the Republic of
Kazakhstan. The history of Kazakhstan is considered from an
objective position in view of the major methodological
principles (historicism, relevance, specificity), with the
involvement of general scientific knowledge tools (statistics,
classification, educational methods), as well as specific
historical methods (comparative-historical, chronological,
problem, etc.).
- Knowledge of the characteristics of the historical process;
- Possession of information about the major events and
personalities in the history of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- The ability to play a conceptually organized knowledge.
Kazakh (Russian) Language for
Professional Purposes age
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The purpose of discipline - consideration of topical issues,
features and trends of the Kazakh and Russian languages. The
purpose of this course is the study of the official-business
Kazakh (Russian) language. The course program also offers a
familiarity with the document templates for business Kazakh
(Russian) language.
- Knowledge of the characteristics of the Kazakh official-business
- The ability to speak in Kazakh (Russian) language in business.
Foreign Language for Professional
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The purpose of discipline - the development of students in the
perception of language as a source of information and means of
foreign language communication.
- Practical knowledge of grammar and vocabulary of a foreign
language for possession of conversational speech in everyday
speech and writing;
- The ability to actively apply as a foreign language in everyday
and in professional communication. Levels: (Elementary, Pre-
- The ability to carry out interpersonal and intercultural
PhSK 2103
Philosophy of Scientific Knowledge
2 Credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The purpose of discipline - to help students methodology of
scientific knowledge, the ability to conduct research at a high
level, analyze and use different sources of information for
strategic decision-making at the micro and macro level.
- To be able to self-development of new methods of research, and a
change in the scientific research and production profile of their
professional activities;
- To be able to summarize and critically evaluate the results
obtained by domestic and foreign researchers, to identify
promising areas, to make the research program;
- The ability to understand the important philosophical issues.
Psychology of Interpersonal
2 Credits / 3 ECTS
The purpose of discipline - the study of interpersonal
relationships - a functioning communication entities with
consciousness and purposeful activity, which is characterized
- Know the basic model of interpersonal interaction;
- Be able to resolve conflict;
- Be aware of the manipulative psychological mechanisms of
Prerequisites: none
1+1+ 0
by their mutual dependence. Objective of the course - to
acquaint students with a range of concepts, united in the
concept of «interpersonal communication», such as «mutual
understanding", «mutual», «mutual assistance», «empathy»,
Theoretical and Applied Political Science
2 Credits/ 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The purpose of discipline - to get an idea about the main areas
of social life, coupled with the power relations with public-
political organizations of society, political institutions, norms,
principles, which call for the operation of the society, the
relationship between different people, the state and society.
- The ability to use a professional legislative and regulatory acts;
- The ability to play a conceptually organized knowledge;
- The ability to relate the processes of development of the
profession to the socio-economic, cultural, historical, political
situation in Kazakhstan and the world.
Ethics of Personal and Social Success
2 Credits/ 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The purpose of the course - to help students a holistic, systemic
view of the head of professional etiquette in terms of values and
ethical foundations of activity.
- Aware of the ethical bases used by specialists of social work;
- Possess characteristics of ethical regulation of the head, the head
of the code of ethics;
- The ability to analyze and validate the professional and ethical
requirements professiogram head of the institution of the social
sphere, promoting the formation of professionally-relevant features
of his personality.
Culture and Religion
2 Credits/ 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The purpose of discipline - to familiarize students with the main
categories, problems and theoretical and methodological
approaches of modern religion and culture, on the broad
theological and historical material and taking into account the
latest scientific discoveries to give students a general idea of the
development of world religious art and culture from ancient
times to the present days.
- Know the basics of ethical monotheistic religions (Judaism,
Christianity and Islam), and their features in the approaches to the
question of the meaning and purpose of life;
- Be able to navigate in a variety of spiritual and religious
- The ability to actively use this knowledge in practice, to work
independently with texts and use of educational and scientific
General and Applied Sociology
2 Credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The purpose of this discipline – to give to students of
knowledge of theoretical bases and regularities of functioning
of sociological science marking out its specifics. To help to
seize this knowledge in all variety scientific sociological the
direction, schools and concepts. Students will receive general
idea about methods, equipment and procedure of sociological
- to know the main forms of sociological researches and
generalization of the received results;
- to be psychologically and methodologically ready to change of a
look and nature of professional activity; - readiness for the
independent creative activity connected with communication with
people in an official and informal situation.
Human Life Safety
2 Credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
Discipline is designed to teach students the basics of competent
behavior in emergency situations, and the rules of first aid.
- Knowledge of the effects of human exposure to dangerous,
harmful, destructive, traumatic factors of anthropogenic and
natural factors;
- The ability to identify hazardous and harmful factors, and to
develop measures to improve safety and environmental
performance of production activities.
Ecology and Sustainable Development
2 Credits/ 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The discipline aims to form students a holistic understanding of
the basic laws of nature and sustainable development of society.
- Basic knowledge of the principles of conservation and
environmental management;
- The ability to identify hazardous and harmful factors, and to
develop measures to improve safety and environmental
performance of production activities;
- The ability to understand the modern concepts and strategies for
sustainable development of mankind.
Kazakhstan Law
2 Credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The purpose of discipline - to get an idea about the problems of
the theory of state and law, will become familiar with the most
important issues of constitutional law - the concept and essence
of the Constitution, defining the structure of the legal status of a
person, an explanation of constitutional rights, freedoms and
duties of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- The ability to relate to the legislative processes of socio-
economic, cultural, historical, political situation in Kazakhstan and
the world;
- The ability to understand conceptually organized knowledge.
Fundamentals of Economics
2 Credits/ 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The purpose of discipline - to learn and become familiar with
the categories of economic science, to identify the relationship
between economic schools. Students will gain understanding of
the basic concepts of economics, the importance of economic
development. Students will learn about the methods of
economic research, the importance of the economy and the
problems in society, the main stages of the development of
economic theory.
- Knowledge of the forms and methods of application of economic
- The ability to use the fundamentals of the economy in their own
Natural Sciences (STEM) module
Information technology for professional
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
1+0 +2
The purpose of discipline - the formation of students' practical
skills in the use of modern information technologies in their
future careers.
- Know the purpose and types of information technologies,
technologies for the collection, storage, processing, transmission,
and distribution of information;
- To be able to process information, using the means of the
application package;
- The ability to investigate the composition, structure, principles of
implementation and operation of information technology.
Foundations of a healthy way of life
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The aim of the program is the formation of valuable
motivational of students' attitudes to health through the
expansion and systematization and personal claiming of
knowledge and skills, focused on the formation and promotion
of healthy lifestyles.
knowledge of the theory and practice of organizational bases health
saving activities
in educational institutions of different types, basic of modern
scientific knowledge on formation of human health, the basic laws
of of natural science disciplines in health saving of activity,
methods of theoretical and experimental studies;
ability to form the conscious use of physical culture, the natural
forces nature and other of factors as restore functionality,
providing active longevity;
possession of the laws of of natural science disciplines in health
saving of activity, methods of theoretical and experiential research,
methods and means of learning certain conditions and assessment
criteria conditions which determine the healthy way of life.
IET 1 ( Physical Education and Sport )
Scientific writing
1 credit / 2 ECTS
(kaz / rus / eng)
Prerequisites: none
0 +1 +0
Students will learn about the research and their role in the
practice of human rights, fundamental concepts of research, the
use of methods of scientific knowledge, the use of logical laws
and regulations; accumulation of scientific information, the
basic concepts, algorithms for the solution of inventive
problems; protection; international certification inventions.
- Be aware of the theoretical and experimental research;
- Be able to apply theoretical knowledge to solve specific practical
- Be able to identify the object of research, formulate the goal, to
make the plan of the study.
BChTS 1502
Bases of the chosen type of sport
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
Aims of the course: To provide students knowledge by the
history of development chosen sport. View the organization
chart controls kind of sports, classifications, systematics, the
terminology, regulations the competition, species sports
knowledge of the history of the chosen sport
knowledge of trends in the development, general and the specific
functions chosen sport
knowledge of the basics of athletic training and competition in the
chosen sport
skills in organizing sports activities in their chosen sport
TTChTS 1503
Teaching technique of the chosen
type of sport
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: BChTS 1502
Aims of the course: To study the sequence of training
technique, tactics, didactic principles of learning, stage of
initial training - the formation of abilities, skills at training to
technique and sports perfection
knowledge of didactic principles of training, means and methods of
knowledge of the sequence of training technique, tactics,
possession of knowledge, skills in sports development in a chosen
possession of methodology of teaching of developmental and of
special exercises in the chosen sport.
Bases of technical and tactical
preparation in the chosen type of
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: BChTS 1502,
TTChTS 1503
The course provides students with knowledge and skills of
tactical training at various stages, in combination with other
kinds of of training on mastering by and retention of tactical
actions in the chosen sport.
knowledge of the basics the theory and methodology of physical
education and sports and PPFP;
the ability of scientific and sound management of physical,
technical and tactical preparation of the case without breaking the
mechanisms of adaptation;
possession of of methodological, psychological, educational,
medical and biological applications of issues can solve scientific
and practical problems of physical culture and sports
Fitness and aerobics
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: ABSM 1413, HPh(ga)
The objectives of the course - inculcating students of
knowledge, skills, and skills to use of means and methods of
improving physical training for the harmonious development of
man, preserve and promote human health, increase efficiency,
extend the active life expectancy.
practical knowledge of the material needed for the preparation of
insruktars, coaches and trainers in improving aerobics and fitness,
possessing of advanced knowledge, the relevant scientific level of
health-enhancing activities in our country and abroad.
the opportunity to conduct classes and mastery of the technique on
fitness and aerobics, pillatesu and Bodifleks;
BPhFPChTS 2506
Bases of physical and functional
preparation in chosen type of sport
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: BChTS 1502,
TTChTS 1503 , ABSM 1413,
HPh(ga) 2416,
The course examines the goals, objectives of physical,
functional, and psychological training in the sport, favorites,
tools and techniques for the development of physical qualities
and optimize the functional training of athletes.
Knowledge of medical, biological and psychological foundations
and technologies of workouts in chosen sport, the ability to assess
physical ability and functional status of athletes to adequately
choose the means and methods of locomotor for state correction
dealing taking into account their individual characteristics.
BRWChS 2507
Basics of research work in the
chosen of specialization
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: BChTS 1502,
HPh(ga) 2416,
The purpose of discipline: to give students in-depth knowledge
to master main ways of and methods of scientific research used
in modern system of training of qualified specialists.
knowledge of the of research and of methodological activities
related to the conduct of scientific research as a research scientist
laboratories and research institutes in the field of physical
education, rehabilitation, trainer scientific support of sports activity
higher achievements;
The ability to use methodology of scientific research, methods, of
complex research (educational, psychological, physiological,
ability to put scientific problems, creatively and successfully
implement complex integrated solutions, professional tasks with
using modern scientific methodologies of research;
Age peculiarities of preparation in
selected type of sport
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: BChTS 1502,
TTChTS 1503 , ABSM 1413,
HPh(ga) 2416,
The course considers the age features of the functional,
technical, tactical, psychological preparation and characteristics
of planning, organizing long-term preparation of young
athletes, software training and methodological support of the
Knowledge of the physiological and medical control methods
exercise tolerance, recovery tools, the ability to scientifically
manage physical and functional reserves the organism to maintain
health and demonstration high sports results without disruption of
the mechanisms adaptation of the organism.
TPhEM 3509
Treated Physical Education.
Massage .
4 Credits / 6 ECTS
Prerequisites: BChTS 1502,
HPh(ga) 2416, Gym1407
This course provides theoretical and practical understanding of
exercise therapy and massage, physical training facilities and
techniques of massage to treat patients with various diseases
and injuries, rehabilitation and disability, the use of exercise
therapy and massage, in combination with other therapeutic
agents against a background of the regulated regime, and in
accordance with the therapeutic goals.
knowledge of the natural sciences fundamentals necessary for
professional work on physical culture and sport, the ability to apply
facilities exercise therapy and methods of massage for the
treatment of of patients with different diseases and damages of, the
possession of medical and by biological applied questions allowing
decide scientific and practical problems of physical culture and
BPSSChS 3510
Bases of pedagogical and sport skills
in the chosen specialization
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: BChTS 1502,
TTChTS 1503
It is given knowledge of the educational and athletic abilities of
the teacher-coach, instilled self-control means and methods of
preparation, training, skills, scientific organization of labor of
the teacher-coach.
knowledge of the physiological and medical control methods
exercise tolerance, means of restoration, the ability to a
scientifically substantiated manage physical and functional
reserves of the organism to maintain health and demonstrating high
sports results without disruption of the mechanisms adaptation of
the organism.
Management of sports training
process in the selected type of sport
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: BChTS 1502,
TTChTS 1503
The course given theoretical and methodical bases the process
control of sports training in chosen sport. Addresses issues such
as planning, control of efficiency training, model characteristics
of physical readiness.
Competencies: Knowledge of Medical and Biological peculiarities
of the technology workout in chosen sport, the ability to scientific
and soundly manage to physical and technical and tactical training
involved, without breaking the mechanisms adaptation of the
organism, the possession of skills and the use of methods of
physical education, planning, control and correction of the training
PCAChS 4512
Professional coaching activities in
chosen sport
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: BChTS 1502,
TTChTS 1503
The purpose of the course - to give students a thorough
knowledge of planning, organizing, training process, the
competitions, with the inclusion of control research, to assess
the level of preparedness.
Knowledge of the basic requirements for the person skilled in the
field of physical culture and Sports, the ability to assess the
effectiveness of the means and methods of training, critically
evaluate, and adjust their profession; possession of the skills to use
tools and methods of physical training, planning, monitoring and
correction of of training process .
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