Content. Studying key ideas and categories of Modern Philosophy,
- knowledge of the role of Philosophy as
worldview and basic concepts of the scientific knowledge; its essence and
interrelation of philosophical and general scientific worldview;
- knowledge of core principles, laws and mechanisms of the cognitive activity.
- knowledge of current ethical problems of modern society and their importance for
the professional activity;
- skills of non-biased comprehension of realias of modern socio-cultural situations
from the point of view of critical thinking methodology;
- skills to use knowledge of principles, laws and categories of Philosophy in the
process of solving professional scientific tasks;
- mastering skills of creative and critical thinking and applying of tools of critical
its basic principles, laws and mechanisms of cognitive activity.
Considering ethical problems of the development of science and
technology, basic spiritual values and their importance for
professional activity.
Extension and improvement of students’ knowledge in heuristic
and methodological spheres of science by
mastering scientific and methodological potential of Modern
Philosophy. Forming the idea of the objective law of existence and
the development of the community, state, civil society and
individuals, of the principles of tolerance and intercultural dialogue
as conditions of existence of a global society. Developing the
students’ culture of critical thinking and their skills of independent
reflection on their own methodological problems.
thinking to the analysis of scientific, cultural, social and political phenomena and
PIC 2201
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : none
The aim: students’ awareness of the role and place of psychological
knowledge about interpersonal communication in the modern world, revealing
their importance in the process of becoming a professional in their chosen
Content: Systematization of students’ knowledge through the study of the
major paradigms, theories, and concepts of modern psychology of
interpersonal communication. The theoretical and empirical study of the
interpersonal communication psychological problems based on the study of
cognitive processes, mental states and individual psychological characteristics
of the individual. Basic categories and concepts of social psychology,
methodological foundations of social psychology, the basic theories, concepts
and principles of social psychology, the nature, content and form of psychic
phenomena, laws of their dynamics, methods and techniques of researching
interpersonal communication, the essence of the new psychological techniques
and technology of studying interpersonal communication.
knowledge of mental phenomena of interpersonal communication in the accordance of the
cognitive processes and regulatory conditions;
- knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations of modern psychology of
interpersonal communication ;
- knowledge of the basic concepts and categories of modern psychology of interpersonal
communication ;
- the ability to adequately apply the acquired psychological knowledge in interpersonal
communication ;
- the ability to investigate individual human characteristics in terms of interpersonal
communication in order to identify his personal attributes and form his psychological
- the ability to competently build a system of relationships with others in the context of
interpersonal communication and group interaction ;
- skills of interpersonal communication psychological research, implementation, analysis ,
processing of the data and correct interpretation of the results ;
- the ability to develop practical recommendations to help improve the individual in terms of
interpersonal communication ;
- the ability to estimate and adjust interpersonal communication in order to harmonize the
individual and his relationship with others .
TAPS 2202
Theoretical and Applied Political
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : none
The aim: To introduce to the basics of politics, power and power relations,
the political system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Content: Political systems and forms of government, and institutions, the
political processes in Kazakhstan and in the world. Program documents and
the President's Addresses, strategic directions of home and foreign policy of the
Republic of Kazakhstan. The idea of a global world as the new world order, an
understanding of the major tendencies in world politics and international
relations, contribution to the national security strengthening and terrorism and
extremism prevention.
- the ability to express attitude and to exercise social and political activity to resist various forms of
- the ability of a tolerant professional interaction and adaptation to the new conditions, taking into
account the socio-cultural, ideological, political and religious differences.
EPSS 2203
Ethics of personal and social
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : none
The aim: to introduce students to ethical standards, moral principles and
human values in the social activity.
Content: The systematic understanding of the ways of forming and improving
ethical standards in various areas of professional activity. Formation for future
professionals of knowledge about the basic ethical concepts, regularities of
forming ethical conduct in the process of a person’s socialization. Introduction
to the basic stages and tendencies in the development of ethics. Revealing the
contents of fundamental ethical guidelines that form the moral position of an
- knowledge of basic ethical concepts and categories;
- skills of independent moral orientation in society, indicating a sufficient level of ethical maturity;
- knowledge of principles and methods of finding the best ethical decisions in difficult situations of
everyday life;
- skills of assessment of their own actions and the behavior of others in terms of ethics and
morality norms;
-skills to behave in society and communicate with citizens in accordance with the rules of
CR 2204
Culture and Religion
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : none
The aim: introduction to the main cultural and religious
peculiarities of Kazakhstan, consideration of the evolution of
Kazakhstan peoples’ cultural and religious traditions.
Content: Methods of Cultural Studies and Religions Studies
applied for researching Kazakhstan regions’ cultural and religious
phenomena; concept of “dialogue” as one of the basic categories of
the 20-21 century humanities, as well as peculiarities of theoretical
language of describing its fundamental existential and socio-
cultural parameters, boundaries and horizons. Specific features of
man’s metaphysical and religious experience as ontological bases
of a dialogue.
- knowledge of scientific world outlook, ethnic and cultural tolerance;
- the ability to make comparative analysis of the hierarchy of core values of the
past and present religious and unreligious world outlook;
- the ability to predict perspectives of possible interaction of philosophy, religion,
science and arts in the process of solution of the main world-outlook problems;
- the ability to identify synchronic and diachronic interconnections of regional
cultural phenomena, to identify their causes and effects;
- skills of tolerant behavior, social and professional interaction taking into account
ethno-cultural and confessional differences.
GAS 2205
General and Applied Sociology
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : none
The aim: to form a general idea of the contemporary society; to
make the students aware of social processes taking place both in the
world and Kazakhstan (issues of stratification, social inequality,
poverty and wealth, social, religious, economic and political
Content: Character of social interactions between people, social
and group differences between them. Main laws of society
development, basic sociological concepts, methods of sociological
research, contemporary sociological theories, main trends and
results of contemporary research in sociology.
- the ability to make independent analysis of the processes and phenomena taking
place in the society;
- the ability to dynamically use alternative, new or innovative sociological
approaches in solution of professional issues;
- the ability to express one’s thoughts in oral and written forms correctly and
- the ability to use the gained knowledge in certain situations;
- skills of social interaction: collaboration, tolerance and respect;
- skills of social prognosis and strategic planning, public speech, argumentation,
conducting discussion and debate.
S HL2206
Safety of human life
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : none
The aim: acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills
necessary for creating proper living environment and labour
environment, elaboration and realisation of protective measures to
secure the man and living environment from negative impacts.
Content: Basic natural and techno-sphere dangers, their properties
and features, types of impact of harmful and dangerous factors on
the man and natural environment, methods of protection. Bases of
theoretical analysis and prediction of hazard phenomena and
- knowledge of protection measures from natural and techno-sphere disasters
within the sphere of professional activity;
- the ability to make decisions within the limits of one’s competence and authority
in emergency situations (ES);
- the ability to identify the major dangers of man’s living environment, to assess
the risk of their realization.
- knowledge of protection methods and safety technologies in emergency situations.
ESD 2207
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : none
The aim: to provide students with systematic and practical
knowledge on ecology and stable development, protection of
environment and rational environmental management to train
qualified specialists with a wide range of skills.
Content. Basic regularities of life forms’ interaction with the
environment; mechanisms of ecosystems and biosphere stability
and functioning; place and role of ecology in modern economic,
political and social problems solution; modern global economic
problems, their causes, stages of formation and consequences.
Special place in the discipline is given to stable development of
nature and society, international cooperation in the sphere of
environmental safety
-the ability to identify and analyze natural and human-caused ecological processes
and to find the ways of their regulation;
- the ability to understand modern concepts and strategies of stable mankind
development aimed at systematic changing of traditional forms of management and
people’s lifestyle in order to preserve stable biosphere and society development
without disastrous crisis;
-the ability to use in practice the obtained knowledge of basic regularities of life
forms’ interaction with the environment in order to preserve stable development;
- skills to analyze ecological processes, to set specific targets and priorities of
stable nature and society development.
KL 2208
Kazakh law
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : none
The aim: to study the peculiarities of Kazakhstan legal system, to
study the main regulations of basic norms of legal documents in the
Content. Legal system in Kazakhstan, conceptual issues of basic
regulations in the RK.
Theoretical bases of rule-of-law state formation, democratic society
and social state. Basic trends of Kazakhstan’s law policy
conception in 2010-2020 and ”The Strategy “Kazakhstan - 2050”.
-knowledge of legal system peculiarities in Kazakhstan in historical and law context
and in current situation of national legal system integration into the world system of
-the ability to apply scientific and theoretical knowledge in daily activity in
defending constitutional rights and freedoms.
PE 2209
Principles of Economics
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : none
The aim: to form scientific concepts of basic categories, ideas and
regularities of economy functioning.
macroeconomic indices, their computing methods. The mechanism
of market pricing, competition and economic development trends.
Basis of economic development of modern international economic
relations system and world market development trends.
- knowledge of the basic economic reorganizations in the society, logics and
interconnection of phenomena and processes in the society life;
-the ability to apply systematic knowledge in economy in professional activity.
ITB 2301
Informational Technologies in
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Mat 1301
The structure of the physical and logical device PC, its
characteristics. Information storage technology, data representation
in the computer. Files and directories. Your file system. Software
technology, its structure. Operating systems, the technology works
and functions.
Boolean functions, graphs. Algorithms and flowcharts. Shell. User
interface. Technology solutions to the problem PC. User interface.
Working with the file system. Text editor MS Word. Technology to
create and edit documents. Table Editor MS Excel. The basic
technology of creating, editing, work tables .
- knowledge in the field of personal computing devices and technologies for their
work, algorithms, software technology and assign individual programs;
- working knowledge
students must possess of operating systems, a sufficient level of various utilities,
theoretical and word processing practical and spreadsheet knowledge applications
BFiz 3302
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Fiz 1303
The purpose of teaching the course "Biophysics" - to give students
a deep and broad knowledge about objects and features of the
biophysical processes, the basics of biophysical approach to
biological processes and phenomena, familiarize with the basic
laws and principles of biophysics.The main tasks of teaching the
- to give students a general biological biophysical knowledge of the
- to provide an understanding of the fundamental laws of
- talk about the most important achievements of Biophysics and the
- form the basis of the students theoretical and applied thinking,
allowing the use of achievements in biology biophysics.
- After studying this discipline, which included lectures and performing practical
-know basics of Cell Biophysics, and of the whole organism, the main physical laws
underlying biological laws and phenomena, the first and second laws of
thermodynamics, Hess's Law, the principles of Prigogine and E.Bauera,
mechanisms of bioelectric and photobiological processes basics of radiobiology and
radiation damage mechanisms , the mechanisms of generation of biological
-to be able to: apply the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the practice of
their own research.
-Ability to use scientific and educational purposes major modern biophysical
methods: spectroscopy, photoluminescence, calorimetry, EPR, NMR, laser,
hemiluminescence, FEC rheography, rheoencephalography etc....
- knowledge of the theoretical foundations of physical-chemical and chemical-
physical characteristics biosystem within biophysical approach to biological
processes and phenomena;
-knowledge of basic, fundamental interactions and reactions of ions, molecules and
supramolecular complexes underlying physiological processes and biological
phenomena, the main objectives and the laws of biophysics, and the direction of the
main sections of Biophysics and basic research methods.
Fiz 1303
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The module covers the study of such chapters of contemporary
physics as mechanics, molecular physics and thermodynamics,
electrostatics, electromagnetism, optics, atomic and nuclear physics
due to solving professional tasks on the base of knowledge of
physics. Study of the discipline include theoretical classes
(lectures) and practical classes (laboratory works). Development of
physiological feelings: sensation, perception, representation,
memory, thinking, imagination. Mental conditions: ability,
character and temperament of people.
Students must be able to generalize and systematize scientific information,
critically explain different processes in a system, to project ways of realization of
research programs, be able to work with big volumes of scientific information, to
work with different sources of information independently, be able to formulate and
solve research problems which require deep professional knowledge.
Also students must know main experimental, theoretical and numerical methods of
investigations, well-known mathematical approaches and their applications to
solving of scientific problems, be able to analyze and interpret results
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
Studying of elements of linear algebra and analytical geometry.
Introduction in mathematical analysis. Differential calculates of
function of one variable. Function research by means of one
derivative. Concepts about complex numbers. Uncertain, certain,
not own integrals. Functions of several variables
- knowledge of differential and integral calculates;
- ability to apply differential score in mathematical problems of biotechnology at
creation of mathematical models;
- ability on the basis of the carried-out mathematical analysis to develop practical
-to own skills of creation of mathematical models;
Module 1. General Chemistry and Biochemistry
IHim 1401
Inorganic Chemistry
3 credits а/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The study of the foundations of modern chemistry: quantum-
mechanical representations of the structure of atoms, molecules and
chemical bonding structure of matter and the relationship between
the structure and chemical properties of substances,
Competencies (knowledge, skills, competencies), mastered by studying modules: a
student must:
-know: the basic laws of transformation of chemical substances and reactions,
classification and nomenclature of organic compounds, and methods of qualitative
and quantitative analysis, and methods of purification and identification of
unknown substances, the relationship of structure and biological activity
-be able to: predict the properties and interaction of chemical elements and their
compounds, and corresponding to these transformations to solve quantitative
problems, identify the unknown substance, to synthesize, selection of the target
substance from the reaction medium.
-have: skills in the use of chemical and physico-chemical methods to determine the
quality and quantity of substances, preparation of solutions of certain concentration,
to predict the chemical properties of a substance, based on the spatial and electronic
structure of molecules.
AHim 1402
Analitical Chemistry
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The study of the main regularities of course of chemical reactions,
the natural organic compounds possessing biological activity;
methods of research of structure, properties and functions of
organic compounds and their application in research and
- to know methods of identification of unknown substances, interrelation of a
structure and biological activity
- to be able to identify unknown substance, to carry out synthesis, allocation of
target substance from the reactionary environment.
- to have skills of application of chemical and physical and chemical methods for
definition of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of substances; to predict
chemical properties of any substance on the basis of a spatial and electronic
structure of molecules.
LBS 1403
Lowmolecular biological
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IHim 1401
The low molecular biological molecules derived from natural
sources contained carbon, and eventually a new definition of
organic chemistry emerged: organic chemistry is the study of
carbon compounds.
Classes of low-molecular biological compounds. Aliphatic,
carbocyclic and heterocyclic compounds. Structure, properties,
function, distribution in nature. Biologically important heterocyclic
compounds. Mono-functional and hetero-functional natural
compounds structure, chemical properties, and function in the
organisms. Natural biologically active compounds, peptides,
alkaloids, antibiotics.
-Knowledge on the structure, properties and functions of the low-molecular nature
of biological compounds that functioning in all organisms;
-to get research skills of low-molecular biological compounds in natural objects;
evaluate problems, approaches and trends reflecting the current state of natural
To be able to use them in research and practical applications.
Bio 2404
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : LBS 1403
In the process of studying this discipline students should get:
knowledge of the main classes of biological substances (their
structure, properties and mechanisms of their functioning),
knowledge of the basic metabolic pathways in the body, the
relationship of the biological functions and molecular structure, the
idea about connection between the biological molecules and
biotechnological production.
After learning discipline students must know: structure , properties and functions of
the main classes of the important biological substances;
- main metabolic pathways in living organisms;
- interactions between biological function and molecular structure of substance;
- modern methods in scientific biochemical researches;
The students must own:
- skills on the instruments and equipment used in biochemical laboratories;
- methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of nucleic acids, proteins, fats,
carbohydrates, vitamins and hormones in biological material
The student should be able: to apply the received practical skills and knowledge in
various branches of human activity, at performance of the final work;
- to analyze experimental data;
Module 2. Biodiversity of Рlants, Animals and Microorganisms
BP 1405
Biodiversity of Рlants
3 credits/5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
Students will receive representation about features of a structure of
a vegetative cell, tissue and plant’s organs; to know the basic
directions of morphological evolution of plants, biological essence
of reproduction and duplication, age and seasonal changes of
plants. The rate acquaints students with a variety of flora, with
features of a structure and duplication of various regular groups of
the lowest and maximum plants, gives representation about bases of
evolution of flora; shows communications between plants, other
alive organisms and an inhabitancy. Students will receive
representation about a parity of concepts: systematization,
evolution, phylogenezis, systematization and floristics, taxonomic
categories and taxons.
- knowledge on the basic levels of the organization of plants, the reasons of variety
of flora and the basic laws of its formation, modern sights at laws of development
of the organic world are compared. A place and a role of plants in ecological
systems, economic and their natural value.
- to use of the received knowledge in professional work.
- Skill to put scientific questions to carry out research works at wide use of new
techniques. The student is able to apply the received knowledge to the decision of
scientific, industrial and practical problems, to work in laboratory and field
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