The answer for the student who intends to major in a scicncc is obvious.
His hope is to derive information to use as a tool in making a living.
There is an answer, however, beyond the fact that the coursc may be
The period of the teens and early twenties is a crucial one in life. It is
during this time that the student is approaching intcllcctual and emotional
maturity and is physically in his prime. It is also at this time that he is
striving to discover what meaning and purpose
there may be in life; he is
about to comc to the conclusion that other people actually exist as important
entities rather than adjuncts to his personal welfare; and it is now that with
freshly opening eyes he seeks to put the world into an understandable
perspective. At no other time than this is the mind so supple and so capablc
of amendment.
If there is any real lack peculiar to the age, it is the
lack of all kinds of
experience. Years at college should provide the social and personal
cxpcricnccs to fill this gap. The first year at collcgc may also be one of
keen disillusionment, as the student discovers that the professors arc not
the gods who hold the final answers to all being and meaning in their
august persons.
The particular and important scrvicc that the chcmistry tcachcr can
make is the contribution o f facts to the building materials of personal
philosophy. Certainly, the best and finest house requires the most materials
for its construction, and the most complete and satisfactory o f personal
philosophies must be housed in a framework of fact, however gaudily it
may later be dccoratcd with the furniture of speculation.
This wc can do: provide the student with some ideas conccming the
structure of matter, the finitcness of the kinds of matter, and the changes
matter can undergo. To this, it is hoped, may be added an appreciation for
the orderliness of nature and simple laws which govern the infinite
proliferation of her works. One should be careful to present known facts
as the facts of experience and experiment and stress the idea that the guiding
light of theory must be confirmed by the bench of physical manipulation.
Words and Word-Combinations to Be Memorized
be about, age, beyond, certainly, conclusion, fill, framework, fresh, gap,
govern, guide, infinite, intend, tack, major, other than, person, philosophy,
purpose, real, service, tool
Ex. 5. Give the Russian equivalents for the following:
intend to do smth., derive information, make a living, the period o f
the teens, a crucial period, intcllcctual maturity, be about to conclude,
personal welfare, be capablc o f amendment, the lack of all kinds o f
experience, years at collcgc, fill the gap, provide smb. with smth., to
undergo changes, the orderliness of nature, guiding light o f theory,
physical manipulation
выбирать профессию, курс общей химии, очевидный ответ, на*
дежда получить информацию, цель в жизни, личное благополучие,
недостаток опыта, важная услуга; идеи, касающиеся структуры ве
щества; простые законы, следует быть осторожным, представлять
факты как..., подчеркивать мысль, подтвердить факт, удовлетвори
тельное объяснение
Ex. 7. Fill in the blanks with articles where ncccssary.
— student hopes to derive... information to use
a s... tool in making
... living. 2 .... period of the teens and early twenties is characterized by
... lack of all kinds o f ... experience. 3 .... first year a t ... college may be
... period o f ... disillusionment. 4
student discovers th a t... professors
are n o t... gods. 5— chcmistry tcachcr can provide... student with some
fundamental ideas concerning ... matter.
Ex. 8. Give synonyms for the following:
actual, aim, apparent, obtain from, comc nearer, too, find out, try to,
give, of course, nice, thought, emphasize, lead
Ex. 9. Givp antonyms for the following:
ask, late, comc, now, with, excess, best, earlier, careless, finite
Ex. 10. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. The methods cmplycd depend upon the system under consideration.
2. It is owing to the dissociation o f acetic acid that
the solution bccomcs
alkaline. 3. Discussed in the prccccding chapter is the behaviour of
systems formed of two components. 4. It is not improbable that the ratio
o f the concentrations of a given substancc, distributed between two
phases, will be constant. 5. It is not until the solution forms a column of
h that water enters the tube.
. Neither can one suppose that the
vapour obeys the law'. 7. Sodium acetate in water docs undergo a partial
. Given in the following table arc the values of the
solubility. 9. To be sure, the most interesting thing about the conduct of
hydrogen is its affinity for oxygen. 10. Putting it another way, the reverse
proccss to that of oxidation is callcd reduction. 11. Although there can
be at least as many alcohols as there arc hydrocarbons, only a few of
these are of importance. 12. Generally speaking, not all chcmical reactions
arc accompanied by a release of energy. 13. Kinctically, chcmical activity
is due to collisions o f the molcculcs o f the reacting substanccs.
14. Surprising as it may Seem, compounds containing the sodium ion arc
almost ccrtain to be soluble. IS. The greater the acidity, the greater is
the capacity for holding anions. 16. To sum up, the halogens, as a group,
form one of the most striking examples of family relationship found in
the periodic table. 17. Generally speaking, it is among the spontaneous
Ex. 6. Give the English equivalents for the following:
processes of nature, many of them chcmical, that wc find energy for
doing our work. 18. A changc in velocity is callcd an acceleration. 19. The
greater the applied force, the greater the changc in velocity — that is to
say, the greater the acceleration.
Ex. 11. Translate the scntcnccs into English without using a dictionary.
1. Обычно человек становится студентом, если он надеется зани
маться наукой или получит>> информацию, которую он может исполь
зовать, чтобы зарабатывать себе на жизнь. 2. Юность — самый бла
гоприятный период для этого. 3. Иногда в первые годы обучения
студент испытывает разочарование. 4. В этом случае желательно по
думать, правилен ли был выбор профессии. 5. Одна нз основных це
лей образования — ознакомиться с фундаментальными теориями и
новыми идеями в избранной области.
Ex. 12. Answer the following questions:
1. What question do students often ask themselves? 2. Why is the
period of the teens and early twenties regarded as a crucial period of one’s
life? 3. Why may the first year at collcgc be the period of disillusionment?
4. What service can the chcmistry tcachcr make? 5. What knowledge is
the chcmistry student provided with?
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