Ex. 3. Pay attention to the following way of word-building:
основа слова +
-once (-ence) [ans] —» существительное
-ancex substance, significance, importance
-ence: valcnce, existence, difference, occurrence, dependence
основа слова +
-ment [mant] —» существительное
establishment, experiment, development, statement, argument, measurement
основа слова + -и
>ard(s) (wod(z)] —> наречне
aftcrward(s), forward, eastward(s), homeward(s), downward(s)
Ex. 4. Give the initial forms of the following words and find them in the
proposed, resembling, placcd, discoveries, successes, pairs, occurring,
higher, caused, indicated, changing
Ex. 5. Define what parts of speech the italicized words belong to. Translate
the sentences into Russian.
1. Every
chemical has its own
chemical and physical properties. 2. In
the evening he usually works in his
study. 3. Chemists
study properties of
elements and their compounds. 4.
There is a round table in the middle of
the room. 5. Mendeleyev proposed his periodic
table in 1869.6. There arc
places of interest in St. Petersburg. 7. Mendeleyev
places the elements
in the order of increasing atomic weight.
Text 3 A
The History of the Periodic Table
The final and most important step in the development of the periodic
table was taken in 1869, when the Russian chcmist Dmitry Ivanovich
Mendeleyev (1834-1907) made a thorough study of the relation between
the atomic weights o f the elements and their physical and chcmical
properties, with special attention to valcncc. Mendeleyev proposed a
periodic table containing seventeen columns, resembling in a general way
the present periodic table without the noble gases. In 1871 Mendeleyev
revised this table and placcd a number o f elements in different positions,
corresponding to revised values of their atomic weights.
The “zero” group was added to the periodic table after the discovery
o f helium, neon, argon, krypton and xenon by Lord Rayleigh and Sir
William Ramsay in 1894 and the following years.
The periodic law was accepted immediately after its proposal by
Mendeleyev bccausc of its succcss in making predictions with its use which
were afterward verified by experiment. In 1871 Mendeleyev found that by
changing seventeen elements from the positions indicated by the atomic
weights which had been acccptcd for them into new positions, their properties
could be better correlated with the properties of the other elements.
Most of the elements occur in the periodic table in the order of
increasing atomic weights. There still remain, however, four pairs of
elements in the inverted order of atomic weight; argon and potassium (the
atomic numbers of argon and potassium arc 18 and 19, respectively, whereas
their atomic weights are 39.948 and 39.098), cobalt and nickel, tclluruim
and iodine, and protactinium and thorium. The nature of the isotopes of
these elements is such that the atomic weight of the naturally occurring
mixture of isotopes is greater for the element
of the lower atomic number
in cach of these pairs than for the element of higher atomic number; thus,
argon consists almost entirely (99.6%) of the isotope with mass number
40 (18 protons, 22 neutrons), whereas potassium consists largely (93.4%)
o f the isotope with mass number 39 (19 protons, 20 neutrons). This
inversion o f the order in the periodic system, as indicated by the chcmical
properties of the elements, from that of atomic weight caused much concern
before the atomic numbers o f the elements were discovered, but has now
been recognized as having little significance.
A very striking application of the periodic law was made by Men
deleyev. He predicted the existence of six elements which had not yet
been discovered, corresponding to vacant places in his table. Three of
these elements were soon discovered (they were named scandium, gallium,
and germanium by their discoverers), and it was found that their properties
and the properties of their compounds arc very close to those predicted by
After helium and argon had been discovered, the existence of neon,
krypton, xenon, and radon was clearly indicated by the periodic law, and
the search for those elements in air led to the discovery of the first three of
them; radon was then discovered during the investigation of the properties
of radium and other radioactive substanccs.
Words and Word*Combinations to Be Memorized
acccpt, add, air, application, because of, causc, close, column, compound,
conccm, contain, discovery, entirely, following, gas, however, immediately,
important, increase, inverse, investigation, isotope, largely, lead, mixture,
neutron, noble, occur, pair, physical, propose, proton, recognize, relation,
resemble, respectively, revise, search, significance, soon, step, still, striking,
success, thorough, vacant, valence, value, weight, whereas
Ex. 6. Give the Russian equivalents for the following:
take steps,
make a thorough study, propose, column, in a general way,
corresponding to, the following years, accept a law, immediately, bccausc
of, make predictions, most of, occur, in the order of, still, in the inverted
order, respectively, whereas, almost entirely, largely, causc conccm,
recognize, little significance, application, soon, be close to smth., indicate
clearly, during the investigation, radioactive substanccs
важный шаг, периодическая таблица, отношение, атом
ный вес, между, особое внимание, содержать, инертный газ, пере
смотреть таблицу, ряд элементов,
нулевая группа, добавить к чему-л.,
успех, большинство элементов, в обратном порядке, атомный номер,
смесь изотопов, состоять из, протон, нейтрон, главным образом, боль
шое значение, применение, свободные места в таблице, таким обра
зом, вскоре, химическое соединение, в воздухе, привести к
Ex. 8. Fill in the blanks with prepositions where ncccssary.
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