1.O. Spengler «The Decline of the West». 1 V. – M.,1993,– Р.264.
2.O. Spengler «The Decline of the West». 1 V. – M.,1993,– Р.155.
3.«Pоlis», 1994, №1. – Р. 5-7.
4.«Islam zhane orkenyet», 2013,№2. – Р.10-11.
5.«Islam zhane orkenyet», 2013, №2. – Р. 12.
Абдиханова А.Е., 2 курс магистранты
(Алматы қ., Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университеті)
Ислам өркениеті – ғаламдық кеңістікте
Бұл мақалада Орталық Азия мен Қазақстандағы Ислам Өркениеті негізінің дамуы
және тарихи, экономикалық жағдайы туралы мәселе қарастырылған.
Түйін сөздер: Ислам өркениеті, Қазақстан, Орталық Азия, «Алтын миллиард»,
«Хадерлэнд сызығы», «әлемнің еуропалануы», интеграция, деградация, түркі қоғамы,
Абдиханова А.Е., магистрант 2 курса
(г. Алматы, Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет)
Цивилизация ислама – в глобальном пространстве
В данной статье были рассмотрены развития базиса и исторические,
экономические состояния Исламской цивилизации в Центральной Азии и Казахстане.
Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар
педагогикалық университеті Хабаршы №4 (52), 2014 ж.
Ключевые слова: Исламская цивилизация, Казахстан, Центральная Азия, «Золотой
миллиард», «Линия Хадерлэнда», «европизация вселенной», интеграция, деградация,
тюркское общество, базис.
UDK 316 А 12
M.Z. Abdrakhmanova – master
(Kazakh State Women’s Teacher
Training University)
Unfortunately, nowadays a lot of marriages break up. For many men and
women divorce turns into a nightmare because it is often connected with quarrels and partition
of property. Sometimes a wife and a husband can become real enemies arguing about who will
take the flat or the car after their separation. If they have small children, everything becomes
even more complicated and painful.
Personally, I am convinced that it is wise of young people to conclude marriage contract.
Marriage contract is a mutual consent about mutual rights and duties before marriage, in
marriage and after it. The contract takes effect on the date of the civil marriage ceremony. It
regulates property relationship between spouses and determines their rights and duties. What is
more, marriage contract can determine property rights and duties of spouses as parents. It is
very convenient that spouses can change their marriage contract during their marriage. They
also have the right to cancel it. However, some people say that a person who concludes
marriage contract shows that he or she does not trust his or her spouse. And if there is no trust
in the family, it is likely to break up. Besides, when young people are going to get married, they
should think about love, not money. But I still believe that both men and women should be
responsible and they should think about their futureTo conclude, it's up to you to decide
whether to conclude marriage contract or not. But in my opinion, it makes people's lives easier
in case of divorce and helps avoid quarrels.
Keywords: social work, social policy, social protection, model, law, program, state,
economy, principle, social security, social problem.
According to the National Center For Health Statistics, in almost half of all marriages
involving a bride who is 18 years old or younger at the time of the marriage, separation or
divorce occurs within 10 years. The average age when Kazakhstan women got married in 2011
made 24.3 years, citing Kazakhstan Statistics Agency.
About 33,100 women (24.4%) under 20
got married in 2011. A larger part of the women (75,700 women - 55.8%) who got married in
2011 were aged between 21 and 25. Only 26,900 women (19.8%) aged 26 and up got married
last year.
According to the Agency, the average age of the brides did not increase very much in
2011. The average age of women who got married for the first time in 2009 made 24.2 years.
Marriages in Kazakhstan are registered in Civil Registry Office. Young people can get legally
married only after they reach the age of 18. Religious marriages done by priests or imams are
welcomed in Kazakhstan, but are not considered official unless registered in the Civil Registry
Office in Kazakhstan [1].
Казахский государственный женский
педагогический университет Вестник №4 (52), 2014 г.
Due to the increase in the marriages of young people, there is a controversial debate
whether young people should getting married at early age. While some people believe this has a
number of negative effects on our lives, the others disagree.(This is my suggested
There are a lot of advantages for marriage at early age, which is considered between 19
years old and 22 years old. The greatest advantage of getting married at a young age is that
people can have more time to have children, especially those who want a big family. That is
because young people at a very early age are more likely tobe able to produce more offspring
than old people . Another benefit is that young people can get as much emotional support as
they need from their partners and their woes and difficulties can also be shared between them.
In fact, some people believe that they are at more ease to reveal their concern to their spouses
than to other people. Occasionally, when the difficulties arise, advice and suggestions can be
sought from the partners as well as the encouraging words. Moreover, people are able to learn
to shoulder responsibilities at an early age. For instance, they have to stop relying on their
parents and learn to depend on themselves and bear the responsibility of managing their own
On the other hand, getting married at young age has many disadvantages too, particularly
those who are from 10 years old to 18 years old. The main disadvantage is thatthey miss
out the fun of teenage life. It will deprive them of their youth. Thus, they cannot live their life
as a normal child as the others who are at the same age. In addition, bringing up children may
be difficult for young parents, because their knowledge of child care and attention to children
may not be enough. Therefore, they will not be able to provide the appropriate care for their
The simple concept of opening joint checking and savings accounts and sharing money
can be a struggle for some newlyweds. Suddenly, every purchase a person makes affects
another person. Couples have to think for two when making their purchases now, which can be
difficult for some. If both partners in the marriage work, the couple also must adjust to
budgeting their combined income on a weekly or monthly basis. As a part of that, couples
might struggle to spend money equally. Moreover, they might miss the independence that came
with managing their money individually, which can put strain on a young marriage.
Tackling debt is often a priority for newlyweds, particularly for those couples who have
amassed a great deal of debt. If the couple financed their wedding themselves, they might
spend the first months or even years of their marriage paying it off, which puts an immediate
strain on their finances. Moreover, if one spouse has debt related to school loans or credit card
bills, the other spouse suddenly assumes an equal responsibility for those bills, which can lead
to resentment. The spouse who has to inherit debt might blame her partner for impacting the
couple's overall financial stability.
The wedding is the first step on a long journey for the couple, and it is likely that the
couple has goals for their married life. Some couples might hope to start a family right away,
while others might want to buy a house or travel. All of these goals are an expense, so
newlyweds might immediately start saving so that they can plan for the future. Saving money,
which often leaves little disposable income, can frustrate the newlyweds in addition to other
financial strains.[2]
Responsible consumers should know their credit score, and if the credit scores of the
newly married couple vary greatly, it can lead to financial problems in a marriage. For
example, if the wife has a high credit score of 830, and her husband has a lower credit score
around 580, the couple's finances could be impacted for years to come. The next time they try
to open a credit card or buy a car or home, the couple will feel the negative financial effects of
Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар
педагогикалық университеті Хабаршы №4 (52), 2014 ж.
the husband's lower credit score. The wife might blame her husband, and the husband might
feel guilty that his past financial indiscretions put the couple in this position.
Studies conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health and other research
institutions have shown that most people reach a state of mental maturity at about age 25.
Before that time, people make decisions based on emotions and instincts rather than on
consequences and objective reasoning. Young people between the ages of 18-24 are typically
unprepared for the emotional commitment and the compromise that a marriage requires.
Many people who marry young experience problems in dealing with their new spouse's
family. While these difficulties are common in all marriages, lack of social and emotional
experience and maturity can make relating to in-laws and relatives more difficult. That is
particularly true if the young people are still in the process of learning how to be independent
from their own parents.
Not all young marriages fail, and many develop into deep and lasting relationships. Many
however do not. When deciding whether to marry at a young age, consider the financial,
emotional and familial issues and implications that go hand and hand with your choices.
Consider, as well, your reason for wanting to marry in the first place. People of any age who
enter into a marriage with realistic expectations are more likely to achieve a successful
Families are divided and on such a base as an objective risk of social vulnerability , and
hence the need for financial support from the state , special benefits and services ( in this
category include, in particular , the families of single mothers ). Specific difficulties
experienced family conscripts with children and the family in which one parent refuses to pay
child support , families with disabled children , families with parents with disabilities , and the
family from taking children into care or custody; families with children . As a rule, difficult
economic conditions are families with young children under the age of three years. Are of a
special student families with children: in most cases they are actually dependent parents. In
addition to families in need of special support from the government , shall be assigned a family
of refugees and IDPs with minor children .
Types and forms of social assistance can be divided into emergency, ie aimed at the
survival of the family (Emergency, emergency social assistance, immediate removal of children
from families at risk or left without parental care) and socio-economic, aimed at maintaining
stability family, the social development of the family and its members.
All social work with young families is carried out mainly through the territorial social
services to help young people .
Distinguish the basic forms and methods of social work service with young families.
Information work: identifying, collecting, collating and making available to the interested
departments and agencies of official statistics and operational information obtained from
various sources ( clinics, hospitals , dispensaries, schools, law enforcement, social welfare,
sobering-up stations, ships , employment , housing and operational offices, mail, etc.), young
families in need of social assistance, or the facts which require intervention of social service,
organizing telephone «hotline» for emergency treatment of citizens in cases requiring a written
consultation of experts, the creation of « bank data» for young families and single people in
need of social patronage.
Work to ensure employment of members of young families, the study of the labor market,
information on job vacancies for employment, training and retraining.
Methodical work: the study of innovative effective forms and methods of staff
departments and institutions of social work, its compilation and dissemination in the workplace,
Казахский государственный женский
педагогический университет Вестник №4 (52), 2014 г.
training of employees and familiarize them with the advanced domestic and foreign experience
in social work; collection and systematization of the information, the literature on social issues,
legislative and other legal acts, the organization using them.
Advertising and outreach: advertising services provided by departments and agencies in
social work, objectives and content provided by social assistance; propaganda in the local
media, strengthening and supporting young families, publication of leaflets, manuals, etc. to
help a young family on various issues of its activity.
Analytical and predictive work: the study of demographics, trends and causes of social
and family trouble, public opinion about the quality and range of social assistance to young
families , current and future needs in it, development on this basis, proposals to update and
improve social work, social planning development, integration of population factors and
indicators for housing and socio -cultural heritage. Medical and social work: individual work to
prevent bad habits ( drinking, smoking, drug use, sedentary lifestyle, etc.), training of members
of young families to have a child, youth career guidance based on their health status;
Work on the removal of nervous and mental and physical stress, prevention and
prevention of diseases associated with congestion of the nervous and muscular systems ,
learning best practices for physical and mental culture. These activities can be done in the
social and psychological services , health centers and traditional medicine, as well as in other
sectors and departments of social services.
Socio – pedagogical work: social patronage young families with dysfunctional
psychological and socio-pedagogical conditions, assisting in family education, teaching parents
to overcome errors and conflicts with children, family conflicts.
Creating the conditions for creating an environment of communication and leisure of
youth , encouraging the family, youth tourism, the development of modern forms of education
of the person. These services include leisure centers, travel agencies and tourism, women's and
youth clubs, clubs and business meetings[3].
At this stage of development of the theory of social work recognizes it difficult to
formulate a definition that are exhausted to the entire content of the concept of social work.
Social work is considered in terms of facilitating the implementation of social rights of
individuals, groups, etc. Sense of social work – this activity is to provide assistance to
individuals, families, groups of social rights and compensation for physical, mental, intellectual
-tion, social and other disadvantages to full-valuable social function.
The main objective of social work with young families at the beginning of the new
millennium is to continue the development and improvement of Vania available forms ,
methods, techniques and methods of activities used by an expert to solve the social problems of
our clients , encouraging improving their own forces for change unfavorable situation.
Content of social work is to contribute to the functioning of the individual, family or
group , or that social stratum problematic population. The family, as the most universal,
comprehensive social institution reflects the almost all social problems and poverty, and social
maladjustment and difficulties large and disabled, and the specificity of the situation of
refugees , and violence against children and women, and young motherhood, and more.
Social problems are manifested in the family is quite versatile. To a large extent the main
challenges and the need for professional help families depend on its type. Among the
problematic include young families, social work which is carried out mainly by social
protection of young people. We therefore consider this question in detail.
It took a lot of effort and time to modern society established the term «young family».
This does not mean that formed some special type of family. Its problems form a part of the
Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар
педагогикалық университеті Хабаршы №4 (52), 2014 ж.
range of problems of the modern family. Therefore relevant to the young family is determined
by the social policy, which is carried out in respect of the family institution as a whole.
The criterion for a young family, first and foremost, is the order of marriage – the first
joint life expectancy – up to three years of age and borders spouses – from 18 to 30 years. In its
structure, the modern young family is complete, a typical family and social risk. The latter type
are incomplete, the family of single and teenage mothers , those families where the father goes
to military service , students' families , as well as families in which one member is disabled. Of
these, the most numerous group of parent and student families .
Social problems are manifested in the family is quite versatile. To a large extent the main
challenges and the need for professional help families depend on its type.
Provide social service enterprises, institutions, organizations and other legal entities of
various forms of ownership that carry social services, as well as citizens involved in business
for social services without legal entity.
Main objectives and tasks of social work with young families include: development and
implementation of measures to strengthen the young family as a social unit reproductive ;
adaptation young family in a transition to a market economy , improving the material, moral
and spiritual condition of a young family , the creation and development of services
psychosocial care of a young family , the creation of favorable conditions for the combination
of social and family home features a young family , and stimulating business activity youth
organization of family leisure and recreation.
Much of social work with young families is carried out mainly through the territorial
social assistance service youth. They use the following basic forms and methods of social work
with young families : In the form of counseling , information, methodology, promotional,
analytical and forecasting, medical and social, socio-educational, social rehabilitation and other
works they use a variety of methods of social work with young families including the collection
of official statistics and operational information for young families in need of social assistance,
or the facts that require the intervention of a social service, work to ensure employment of
members of young families, the study of the labor market , et, studying the trends and causes of
social and family trouble. Particularly acute is the problem of providing housing for young
families. In the current economic situation due to the sharp decline in the construction of
municipal housing, the rising cost of building materials, the vast majority of the privatization of
housing for young families are deprived of virtually no prospect for improvement of living
1.SI Journal Citation Reports Ranking: 2012: 20/38 (Social Work); 26/38 (Family
2.Gibelman M. (1995). What Social Workers Do (4th ed.). Washington, DC. NASW
3.NASW (2000) Social Work Speaks (5th ed.). Washington, DC NASW Press.
4.Social Work Practice with Families: A Resiliency-Based Approach.
Абдрахманова М.З., магистрант
(Алматы қ., Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университеті)
Жас отбасы мәселелерін шешу барысында қолданылатын әлеуметтік
жұмыстың әдістері мен түрлері
Казахский государственный женский
педагогический университет Вестник №4 (52), 2014 г.
Бұл мақалада қазіргі жас отбасыларының әлеуметтік мәселелері талқыланған.
Сонымен қатар әлеуметтік жұмыс әдістері мен тәсілдерінің мәселені шешу барысында
атқаратын қызметі жазылған.
Түйін сөздер: әлеуметтік жұмыс, әлеуметтік саясат, әлеуметтік қамсыздандыру,
үлгі, заң, бағдарлама, мемлекет, экономика, қағида, әлеуметтік қызмет, әлеуметтік
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