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Using the Future Indefinite Tense (Жалпы келер шақтың қолданылуы)

Cases of using (Қолданылуы)

Examples (Мысалдар)

1. Іс-əрекеттің болашақта

I shall return to Moscow in a few days. We shall not see him till Monday.

He will take English lessons twice a week. I shall write a letter tomorrow.

Мен Мəскеуге бірнеше күннен кейін ораламын.

Біз оны дүйсенбіге дейін көрмейміз.

Ол ағылышын тілі сабағын аптасына екі рет алады.

Мен хатты ертең жазамын.

2. Іс-əрекеттің жасалуы: а) Етістік Present Continuous to go + инфинитив

ə) Келер шактағы сенімді жэне қалау іс- əрекеттерін беру үшін Present Continuous қолданылады

б) Present Indefinite келер шақ формасында to leave, to start, to sail, to arrive, to return, to go, to come етістіктері арқылы жасалады

в) Созылыңқы емес іс- əрекеттерді беру үшін Future Continuous қолданылады

I am going to send him a telegram.

He is taking his examination on Friday.

They are leaving for Leningrad to-night.
The steamer sails


He will be meeting us at the station.

I shall be writing to him tomorrow.

Мен оған телеграмма салуға барамын.

Ол жұма күні емтихан тапсырады.

Олар Ленинградка бүгін кешкісін кетеді.
Кеме ертең жүреді.

Ол бізді вокзалда қарсы алады.

Мен оған ертең жазамын.

Conjugating the Future Indefinite Tense (Жалпы келер шақтың жасалуы) [«shall, will» + V1]

Singular (Жекеше)

Plural (Көпше)

Affirmative sentences (Болымды сөйлемдер)


shall work


shall work


will work


will work


will work


will work


will work


will work

Negative sentences (Болымсыз сөйлемдер)


shall not work


shall not work


will not work


will not work


will not work


will not work


will not work


will not work

Interrogative sentences (Сұраулы сөйлемдер)

Shall Will

Willi Will Will

1 work? you work?

he work? she work? it work?

Shall Will


we work? you work?

they work?

Interrogative-negative sentences (Сұраулы-болымсыз сөйлемдер)

Shall Will


Will Will

1 not work? you not work?

he not work?

she not work? it not work?

Shall Will


we not work? you not work?

they not work?

Shortened forms (Қысқарган түрі)

Singular (Жекеше)

Plural (Көпше)

Affirmative sentences (Болымды сөйлемдер)

I'll [ail] work You'll [ju:l]work He'll [hi:l] work She'll [Ji:l] work

We'll [wi:l] work You'll [ju:l] work They' 11 [t'eil] work

Negative sentences (Болымсыз сөйлемдер)

1 shan't [Ja:nt] work

I'll not work

You won't [wount] work You'll not work

He won't [wount] work

He'll not work

She won't [wount] work She'll not work

It won't [wount] work

It'll not work

We shan't [Ja:nt] work

We'll not work

You won't [wount] work You'll not work

They won't [wount] work

They'll not work

Interroqative-neqative sentences (Сұраулы-болымсыз сөйлемдер)

Shan't 1 work?

Won't you work?

Won't he (she, it) work?

Shan't we work?

Won't you work? Won't they work?

Cases of using (Қолданылуы)

Examples (Мысалдар)

Future Indefinite in The Past Tense формасы сөйлеу мезетінің өткен шақта болып, іс- əрекеттің келер шақта аяқталатынын білдіреді

I said that I should go

there the next day.

He asked them whether they would take part in the work.

Мен онда келесі күні барамын деп айттым. Ол олардан жұмысқа қатысасыңдар ма деп сұрады.


  1. Complete each sentence using a verb from the list in the present simple form. Then match each sentence a to j with a description 1 to 10 of where you might read or hear it.









take off

take place

aMrs Douglas retires at the end of this term, and we wish her all happiness for the future.

bThere has been a change to the schedule and your flight now ……………. at 18.40

cThe exhibition ………………… until 31 December. Don’t miss it!

dThe match ……………… at the o’clock, so please be here by two.

eThe opening ceremony ……………….. on 27 July.

fSaturday 18 March. The Sun ……………. at 6.08

gThe licence for this software ……………… one year from the agreement date. hThis offer ……………on 30 September so buy now to avoid disappointment! iThe 4.30 to York …………… from Platform 1. Cross the footbridge at the end of this platform.

jDoors ……………………………. at 18.00

  1. Complete each sentence using a verb form the list in the present continuous form.

arrive come give hold leave meet pick up serve show take

aWe are holding a science fair next weekend. There will be displays of students’ work, and a guest speaker.

bProfessor Tamsin Anderson …………………………….. from Cambridge to talk to us.

cShe ………………………….. a talk on the Genome Project on Saturday morning.

dIn the afternoon she ………………………. us a film. eThen at 5.30 we …………………… tea and cakes.

fHave you head from Dr Anderson? ‘Yes. She ………………….at 6.00 on Friday evening’ ‘ ………… anyone………………………. her at the station?’

gDavid and his parents …………………….her ……………….and …………..her to the hotel.’

h‘And after the conference?’ ‘She ……………..on Sunday at 12.30’

3 Underline the correct form.

a‘ Be careful with that test tube. It will break/ breaks.’

b‘ The egg is cracking. The baby bird will come out / is going to come out / comes out’

c‘ Can you hurry up please. The film will start / is going to start/ starts’

d‘ Carry this very carefully’. ‘ Don’t worry, I’m not dropping it/ I won’t drop it’ e‘We’re playing/ We’ll play football this football this afternoon. Do you want to play too?’

f‘This dictionary cost 150$, but the red one is cheaper’ g‘Ok , I’ll take/ I’m taking/ I’m going to take the red one’
h‘ Have you decided about next year yet’

‘ Yes, I’ll studying / I’ll going to study / I’ll study journalism. Well, that’s the plan anyway’

i‘Ok, bye for now’

j‘Bye, I’ll see you / I’ll going to see you / I’ll seeing you at the same time on Friday.’

4 Complete the sentence with a phrase from the list

I’ll be waiting I’ll be watching I’ll be starting I’ll be catching I’ll be lying I’ll be living I’ll be going I’ll be working

aNext Tuesday at this time I’ll be lying on the list.

……………………. outside the cinema at 7.30. See you then!

bAll tomorrow afternoon ……………………… on my history project.

cThis time next week ……………………………my holiday!

dIn three years’ time ………………………. Into the army.

eDon’t phone at 9.00, because …………………. The match then.

fIn time years’ time, I expect …………………… in my own flat.

gThis time tomorrow……………………….. the plane to Brazil!

5 Complete each sentence using will have (done) or won’t have (done)+ the verb in brackets, according to your opinion.

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