Тесты для оценки знаний студентов очной формы обучения по дисциплине «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

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1   2   3   4   5   6   7

Test 1 


1. A  

2. В  

6. A  

7. A  

11. A  

12. В  

16. В  

17. A  

21. С  

22. С  


3. В  

4. А  

8. В  

9. А  

13. С  

14. С  

18. В  

19. А  

23. С  


5. В  

10. B  

15. C  

20 A 


Test 2  


1. В  

6. В  

11. В  

16. А,В  


2. B 

7. В  

12. A  

17. A 

3. В  

8. В  

13. A  

18. С  


4. С  

9. D  

14. С  

19. А, С  


5. В  

10. В  

15. А  

20. В  


Test 3 


1. A  

7. В 

2. A  

8. A 


3. A 4. В  

9. D 10. С  


5. В  

11. D  


6. D  

12. С  


Test 4 


1. D  

6. С  


2. С  

7. D  

12. D  


3. D  

8. D  

13. D  


4. A  

9. A  

14. С  


5. В  

10. A  

15. A  



Test 5 

1. A 

7. С 

13.А/С, В 

2. В  

8. В  

14. А, В  

3. B 

9 В  

15. В 

4. А, В  

10. А 

16. С  

5. А 6. В  

11. С 12. В  

17. В,А 18. В  

Test 6 

1. A (won't rain)  

2. A (Will you come)  

3. В (am going to visit)  

4. В (is going to rain)  

5. A (will bring)  

6. В (am going to walk), A (will come)  

7. A (will never learn)  

8. A (will stop);  

9. В (am going to buy)  

10. В (am going to be)  

11. A (will make)  

12. A, A, A, A (will give)  

13. A (will be), A (won't wear), A (will be)  

14. A (will begin)  

15. A (will take)  

16. A (will do)  

17. В (is going to fall)  

Test 7 


1. В, A (am free, will go)  

3. А, В (will stay, feels)  

5. B, A (finishes, will go)  

7. A (will be back)  

9. B, A (don't know, will take)  

11. A, B (will give, bring)  

13. В (stops);  

15. A, B (will give, work)  

17. B, A (arrives, will have to go)  


2. A, B (will look in, leaves)  

4. A (will you visit)  

6. A, B (will tell, know)  

8. В (see)  

10. A, B (will finish, help)  

12. A, B (will have, unpacks)  

14. В (don't keep)  

16. B, A (don't do, will win)  

18. B, A (wonder, will follow)  


 Test 8 


1. A  

7. A 

2. В  

8. A 

3. A  

9. A  


4. В  

10. В  


5. A  

11. A  


6. A  

12. В  



Test 9 


1. D  

7. D 

2. В  

8. В  

3. С  

9. С 

4. A  

10. A 

5. D  

11. С  

6. D  



Test 10 



1. С  

6. A  

11. С  


2. G  

7. A  

12. D  


3. С 

8. E 

13. A  





14. В  



5. С  

10. A,F 






Test 11 


1. R (tried)  

3. I (felt)  

5. I (drank)  

7. R (decided)  

9. I (had)  

11. R (started)  

13.1 (was)  

15. R (laughed)  

17. I (took)  

19. R (realized)  

21. I (was)  

23. I (went)  

25. I (was)  

27. R (believed)  

29. I (dug)  

31. I (didn't sleep)  

33. I (came)  

35. I (got)  















I (made)  

I (was)  

R (discussed)  

I (was)  

I (got)  

I (was)  

R (reached)  

R (shouted)  

R (disappeared)  

I (were)  

I (was)  

I (was)  

I (had)  

I (was)  

R (buried)  

I (was)  

I (began)  

I (was)  

Test 12 

1. В  

2. В  

7. В  

8. В  

13. А  

14. В  


3. А  

4. В  

9. В  

10. А  

15. А  

16. В 


5. В  

6. В  

11. В  

12. В  

17. А  



Тест № 3 (Perfect Forms, Unit 5, 6) 




(British English)  Present Perfect.  

Fill in the blanks.   

A) already B) yet C) still  

1. Have you made your bed ?  

2. He's come back from jogging, and he's a bit tired.  

3. - Have they woken up ? - No, they are asleep.  

4. I haven't had a bath .  

5. My brother hasn't left university . He's studying there.  

6. He's set the table.  

7. We haven't seen your best friend .  

8. Will you love me when I'm old and grey?  

9. I've combed my hair. I'm dressing now.  


10. He's setting the table.  

11. They are here. They haven't gone .  

12. She's looking for her notebook.  

13. They are waiting for a bus. The bus hasn't arrived .  

14. I've started learning French, but I haven't got very far  

15. Don't eat the pears they aren't ripe.  


2. Fill in the blanks with time words where necessary-   

A) since B) for C) —  

1. My parents have worked for this company 1993.  

2. My elder brother left school three years ago.  

3. We have known the Smiths they moved to Bridge Street.  

4. John has played in the school team two years.  

5. Mr. Dave was Jane's teacher last year.  

6. The team hasn't lost matches several years.  

7. Tom has been ill a week.  

8. They have had a new car January.  

9. I slept well last night.  

10. We've known each other a long time.  

11. They lived in Australia one year.  

12. I haven't seen him last night.  

13. Once I studied the guitar three years.  

14. It's ages my last meal, and I'm very hungry.  

15. That theatre was closed many years ago.  


3. Choose the correct word suitable for each sentence.  


1. I have been late for school.  


B) never  



2. Have you forgotten a friend's 







3. Have they watered the plants lay?  

A) ever  

B) never 

C) yet  

D) already  


4. I've peeled the potatoes.  

A) ever  



D) already  


5. Have you finished your lunch?  - No, 

7. I haven't had bad dreams _  

A) already  

B) several times  

C) always  

D) so far. 


8. Have you had a holiday ...?  


B)this year  

C) ever  

D)for a long time  


9. Has he driven a car ?  

A) just now  


C) still  

D) for ages  


10. I haven't eaten any fruit.  

A) just now  

B) today  

C) never  

D) yesterday  



I'm eating it.  

A) always  

B) still 


D) already  


6. He's been to Paris .  


B) never  






4.Present Perfect / Past Simple.  

Use either the Present Perfect or Past Simple in the following sentences.  


A) Past Simple B) Present Perfect  

1. George went to the cinema, but he (not to enjoy) the film much.  

2. you ever (to have) any serious illness?  

3. I (to come) to school without glasses. I can't read the text.  

4. Who (to eat) all the apples?  

5. So far we (to have) no troubles.  

6. Jane (to move) to a new flat a month ago.  

7. We (to wonder, often) where he gets his money.  

8. Do you know that they (to be born) on the same day?  

9. How often you (to fall) in love?  

10. I'm delighted to tell you that you (to pass) your exam.  

11. I (to use) to swim every day when I was young.  

12. Some people think that "The twelfth night" (not to be written) by Shakespeare.  

13. I (to break, already ) two plates. Shall I go on washing up?  

14. I'm not sure we , (to meet) before.  

15. You (to be, always) my closest friend.  

16. When you (to go) to Brazil?  

17. It's two months since I (to start) driving my car.  

18. This is the first time I (to eat) so many hamburgers.  

19. My father (to work) for that company for 5 years. Than he gave it up.  

20. I (to use) to be afraid of dogs.  

21. Susan (to use) to sit in her room and play the piano for hours.  



5. Past Perfect / Past Simple.  

Put the verbs into the correct form, the Past Perfect or Past Simple.  




Past Perfect B) Past Simple  


1. Jane (to wash) all the test-tubes after she (to complete) the experiment.  

2. She (to do) the cleaning by 6 o'clock yesterday.  

3. After the stewardesses (to serve) lunch to the passengers, they (to calm) down.  

4. I (not to have) my watch, so I (not to know) the exact time.  

5. He (to feel) sick because he (to eat) too much.  

6. She (to finish) her report, and was feeling rather tired, so she (to go) to bed.  


7. By two o'clock he (to answer) all the letters he (to receive).  

8. The bus (to leave) before I (to reach) the bus station.  

9. As soon as they (to finish) breakfast, they (to run) out to play.  

10. When we (to meet) our friends they (already to know) the news.  

11. When you (to call) me, I (not yet to do) the sum.  

12. She (to intend) to make a cake for you, but she (to run) out of time.  

13. Hardly we (to go) to bed when somebody (to knock) at the door.  

14. No sooner she (to come) than she (to fall) ill.  



Test 1 

1. В 2. А  

6. А 7. В  

11. С,В  

12. С  


3. В, С  

8. С  

13. С, В  


4. В  

5. В,С  

9. А  

10. С  

14. В  

15. В 


Test 2 

1. А  

2. С  

6. В  

7. В  

11. В  

12. А  

3. А  

4. C 

8. А 9.  

13. В 14.  

5. C 

10. C 


Test 3 


1. В  

6. А 

2. А  

7. D  


3. С / D  

8. В  


4. D 


5. В 




Test 4 


1 В 

7. А 

13. В 

19. В 

2. В 

8 А 

14. В 

20. А  

3. В 

9. В 

15. А  

21. В 

4. В 

10. В 

16. А  


5. В 

11. А 

17. А  



12. А 

18. В 



Test 5 

1 B,A  

2. A  

9. А, В  

10. В, А  


3. А, В  


12. A, В  

13. А,В  


4. В, В  

5. В, А  

14. А, В  


6. A.B  

7. A.A  

8. A.B  




Тест № 4 (Continuous Forms Unit 7, 8) 





Present Continuous.  

Choose the correct variant.  


1. A) What is the girl doing now?  

B) What the girl is doing now?  

C) What doing the girl now?  

D) What does the girl doing now?  


2. A) What those people are looking for?  

B) What are those people looking for?  

C) What is those people looking for?  

D) What do those people looking for?  


3. A) When you are going to have a meal?  

B) When do you going to have a meal?  

C) When are you going to have a meal?  

D) When going you to have a meal?  


4. A) Who're shouting at the dog?  

B) Who's shouting at the dog?  

C) Who shouting at the dog?  

D) Who does at the dog shouting?  


5. A) Do the children are listening to the 


B) Are listening the children to the teacher?  

C) Is the children listening to the teacher?  

D) Are the children listening to the teacher?  


6. A) How do many students sitting on the 


B) How many students are sitting on the 


C) How many are sitting on the stairs 


D) How many is sitting students on the 



7. A) Why do they looking at me like that?  

B) Why is they looking at me like that?  

C) Why are they looking at me like that?  

D) Why they are looking at me like that?  


8. A) The cat isn't hiding from the dog, isn't 


B) The cat hiding from the dog, isn't it?  

C) The cat is hiding from the dog, doesn't it?  

D) The cat is hiding from the dog, isn't it?  


9. A) Is the girl speaking rudely or politely?  

B) Are the girl speaking rudely or politely?  

C) Does the girl speaking rudely or politely?  

D) The girl is speaking rudely or politely, isn't 



10. A) The policemen is pointing at the dog.  

B) The policemen isn't pointing at the dog.  

C) The policemen are pointing at the dog.  

D) The policemen doesn't pointing at the dog.  


11. A) It doesn't not raining now.  

B) It isn't rain now.  

C) It's not raining now.  

D) It doesn't raining now.  


12. A) Mrs. Bell is no buying for her children 


B) Mrs. Bell is buy ice-cream for her children.  

C) Mrs. Bell buying ice-cream for her children.  

D) Mrs. Bell is buying ice-cream for her 



13. A) The students aren't drawing nothing.  

B) The students are drawing nothing.  

C) The students drawing nothing.  

D)The students don't drawing nothing.  


14. A) John's having a ride.  

B) John has having a ride.  

C) John having no ride.  

D) John is have a ride.  


15. A) Why they not cleaning the window?  

B) Why they aren't cleaning the window?  

C) Why aren't they cleaning the window?  

D) Why don't they cleaning the window?  




Simple / Continuous.  

Choose either the Present Simple or Present Continuous in the following sentences.  


A) Present Simple B) Present Continuous  


1. What are you doing, Nick?  

2. I'm cutting the grass.  

3. I always cut the grass on Saturdays.  

4. It's 1 o'clock. Nick's having lunch.  

5. He always has lunch at 1 o'clock.  

6. Mrs. Lee is putting hot water in the tea-pot.  

7. She wants to make some tea.  

8. The workman is bringing a ladder.  

9. He wants to climb up to the roof.  

10. My bag is cheaper than yours.  


11. We are taking photographs.  

12. The parents are in the room next to ours.  

13. This book is worth reading.  

14. Tom is visiting a friend in Liverpool this weekend.  

15. How do you feel when you're in an airport?  

16. What do you do while you're waiting for your flight?  

17. This novel isn't boring at all.  

18. Are you surprised at the news?  

19. It's growing cold. I don't want to stay here any longer.  

20. I'm tired of doing the same things every day.  




Choose the option to put in each sentence.  


1. It's 5 o'clock. She _ tea.  

A) has B) have  

C) is having D) having  


2. My friend never _ basketball.  

A) playing B) plays  

C) play D) am playing  


3. Sorry, I can't. I _ lunch.  

A) have B) am having  

C) has D) having  


4. They _ hamburgers and chips.  

A) are liking B) likes  

C) like D) doesn't like  


5. When your homework?  

A) is you doing B) you do  

C) you doing D) do you do  


6. I cook meal and my sister dishes.  

A) is wash B) is washing  

C) washes D) wash  


7. What to do at the end of the lesson?  

A) do you go B) are you go  

C) are you going D) have you go  


8. The boys a game of football at the moment.  

A)have B)having  

C) don't have D) are having  


9. Where usually in the evening?  

A) do ... go B) are ... go  

C) are ... going D) do ... going  


10. He it now.  

A) understand B) understands  

C) is understand D) is understanding  




Present Continuous.  

Choose the correct variant.  


1. A) What is the girl doing now?  

B) What the girl is doing now?  

C) What doing the girl now?  

D) What does the girl doing now?  


2. A) What those people are looking for?  

B) What are those people looking for?  

C) What is those people looking for?  

D) What do those people looking for?  


3. A) When you are going to have a meal?  

B) When do you going to have a meal?  

C) When are you going to have a meal?  

D) When going you to have a meal?  

9. A) Is the girl speaking rudely or politely?  

B) Are the girl speaking rudely or politely?  

C) Does the girl speaking rudely or politely?  

D) The girl is speaking rudely or politely, isn't 



10. A) The policemen is pointing at the dog.  

B) The policemen isn't pointing at the dog.  

C) The policemen are pointing at the dog.  

D) The policemen doesn't pointing at the dog.  


11. A) It doesn't not raining now.  

B) It isn't rain now.  

C) It's not raining now.  



4. A) Who're shouting at the dog?  

B) Who's shouting at the dog?  

C) Who shouting at the dog?  

D) Who does at the dog shouting?  


5. A) Do the children are listening to the 


B) Are listening the children to the teacher?  

C) Is the children listening to the teacher?  

D) Are the children listening to the teacher?  


6. A) How do many students sitting on the 


B) How many students are sitting on the 


C) How many are sitting on the stairs 


D) How many is sitting students on the 



7. A) Why do they looking at me like that?  

B) Why is they looking at me like that?  

C) Why are they looking at me like that?  

D) Why they are looking at me like that?  


8. A) The cat isn't hiding from the dog, isn't 


B) The cat hiding from the dog, isn't it?  

C) The cat is hiding from the dog, doesn't it?  

D) The cat is hiding from the dog, isn't it?  


D) It doesn't raining now.  


12. A) Mrs. Bell is no buying for her children 


B) Mrs. Bell is buy ice-cream for her children.  

C) Mrs. Bell buying ice-cream for her children.  

D) Mrs. Bell is buying ice-cream for her 



13. A) The students aren't drawing nothing.  

B) The students are drawing nothing.  

C) The students drawing nothing.  

D)The students don't drawing nothing.  


14. A) John's having a ride.  

B) John has having a ride.  

C) John having no ride.  

D) John is have a ride.  


15. A) Why they not cleaning the window?  

B) Why they aren't cleaning the window?  

C) Why aren't they cleaning the window?  

D) Why don't they cleaning the window?  




Simple / Continuous.  

Choose either the Present Simple or Present Continuous in the following sentences.  

A) Present Simple B) Present Continuous  


1. What are you doing, Nick?  

2. I'm cutting the grass.  

3. I always cut the grass on Saturdays.  

4. It's 1 o'clock. Nick's having lunch.  

5. He always has lunch at 1 o'clock.  

6. Mrs. Lee is putting hot water in the tea-pot.  

7. She wants to make some tea.  

8. The workman is bringing a ladder.  

9. He wants to climb up to the roof.  

10. My bag is cheaper than yours.  


11. We are taking photographs.  

12. The parents are in the room next to ours.  

13. This book is worth reading.  

14. Tom is visiting a friend in Liverpool this weekend.  

15. How do you feel when you're in an airport?  

16. What do you do while you're waiting for your flight?  

17. This novel isn't boring at all.  

18. Are you surprised at the news?  

19. It's growing cold. I don't want to stay here any longer.  

20. I'm tired of doing the same things every day.  


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