Тонкий лист, тонкий ум, тонкий слух, тонкий вкус, тонкая фигура, тонкие пальцы

Проанализируйте способы образования и значения следующих неологизмов, представленных в словаре новых слов и переведите их на русский язык

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Задание 1

Проанализируйте способы образования и значения следующих неологизмов, представленных в словаре новых слов и переведите их на русский язык.
bicoastal living on, taking place in, or involving both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the US;
bioclimatology — the study of climate in relation to living organisms and especially to human health;
broast (from broil and roast) — cook (food) by a combination of broiling and roasting;
buildout — the growth, development, or expansion of something;
cybrarian (from cyber- and librarian) a librarian or researcher who uses the Internet as an information resource;
ecolodge — a type of tourist accommodation designed to have the minimum possible impact on the natural environment in which it is situated;
express lane (in a grocery store) — a checkout aisle for shoppers buying only a few items;
flexecutive (from flexible and executive) — an executive or highlevel employee who has flexible hours and can choose to work in any location;
gap year — a period, typically an academic year, taken by a student as a break between secondary school and higher education;
hoteling — the short-term provision of office space to a tempo rary worker;
kleptocrat (from Greek kleptes 'thief' + -crat) a ruler who uses political power to steal their country's resources;
life coach — a person who counsels and advises clients on matters having to do with careers or personal challenges; permalancer (from permanent and freelancer) — a long-term freelance, part-time, or temporary worker who does not have employee benefits;
second-hand speech — conversation on a cell phone that is overheard by people nearby;
sympathetic smoker — a person who smokes only in the company of another smoker.

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