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Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение глагола

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Задание 1

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение глагола shall.
1. No member shall use force against the territory and political independence of any country, or threaten to use force. The United Nations shall not intervene in the domestic affairs of any country, except when it is acting to enforce international peace. 2. All legislative power herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second year by the Peoples of every State. No
Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty-five years, and been seven years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. 3. Each State Party shall take effective legislative, administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent acts of torture in any territory under its jurisdiction. 4. Such State shall immediately make a preliminary inquiry into the facts. 5. The Committee shall elect its officers for a term of two
years. 6. The Secretary-General of the UN shall transmit the reports to all State Parties. 7. Mr. В shall promote the product both by direct mail and by personal representation, creating local editions of
the annual catalogue and special leaflets from time to time. 8. The stock shall be consigned by Mr. A to Mr. В and shall remain Mr. As property until sold. Mr. В shall hold the stock insured to the extent of its replacement cost. Mr. В shall bear the shipping cost. 9. Mr. A shall provide artwork or film of promotional material for the agent's.
Переведите предложения с учетом особенностей употребления местоимений в английском и русском языках.
А. 1. The Orient Express started on its three days' journey across Europe. 2. He slipped his hands into his pocket and produced a matchbox. 3. Then he rose himself and pushed back his chair. 4. He blinked and his hands went to his face. 5. He waved his hand to her. 6. There was perfume around her, and a hint of makeup on her eyes. 7. He found his coat in one of the bedrooms, along with his gloves. 8. He left his car and went to the front door. 9. The watch was expensive: it had no numbers on its face. 10. It was Michael's turn to shrug his shoulders. 11. He picked a grape from the bunch and popped it into his mouth. 12. He finished his coffee and rose to go. 13. He made no attempt to hide his anger. He puffed out his checks, shook his hand and grimaced theatrically. 14. Tim wanted to play first, since he was already in his track suit. 15. Gary jumped to his feet and demanded that he be given the opportunity of a rematch. 16. At seven-thirty he looked at his watch, then at his wife, and having received a nod, rose to his feet. "I think we must begin,"
he said, turning his gentle smile upon us.
Б. 1. Did she appear excited? — She was just as she always is. 2. He was only a policeman and he didn't have a university degree. 3. He said he was glad to hear it. 4. After the weekend she said she wouldn't disturb us any longer, and anyway she'd got to get back to her job. 5. She said she was going to buy a horse, perhaps more than one. 6. He said he couldn't speak then because he had a visitor with him. 7. My wife said so once. She said she thought she had some special grudge against her. 8. Frances realized that she had been
talking too loudly. 9. He felt tired, and recalled that he had not slept, that he had been involved in strenuous labour throughout the short night. 10. Andrew is nice, but he's a bit weird. 11. I'll be back as soon as I can. 12. Michael said he preferred to sit on the balcony. 13. He had moved into the house seven years ago, at the time when he had started work as a librarian. 14. The wall was magnificent. Straight and solid it looked as if it had been there for centuries. 15. I didn't know what I had expected, but Nazareth was something of
a disappointment. 16. He's a big football fan. He says he knows all the players.
B. 1. "It shows that one should be careful what one says," she said lightly. 2. After so many days of hard work one wants a few hours of rest. 3. He was the sort of guy you wouldn't mind hanging round for. 4. Do you really believe one could do that? 5. One couldn't deny the resemblance. 6. One has to think of the practical side of the things. 7. One never knows what to say in such situations. 8. One always thinks other people's lives are more interesting. 9. You can not learn a language in six months. 10. One/You should never
give people advice. 11. If one wishes to make oneself thoroughly un popular, one has merely to tell people the truth. 12. There are three principles routes by which one drives to North Wales. 13. She's one of those people who bore you to death with account of their important acquaintances. 14. It was always the same at these interviews. One had to be as honest as possible, but in a dishonest kind of way. 15. You can't force people to love you ... you can't force them to be loyal. All you can do is keep affection alive and hope for the best.
Г. ... Once I went for a walk with him along Town Street on a Saturday afternoon. It was a warm day, and after a while I said I wanted a soda. Well, he said, he didn't care if he took something himself. We went into a drugstore, and I ordered a chocolate soda and he had a lemon phosphate. When we had finished, he said,
"Jimmy, my son, I'll watch you to see who pays for the drinks." He handed me a quarter and he told me to toss the quarter and he would call the turn. He called heads and won. I paid for the drinks. It left me with a dime. The last time I saw Doc Marlowe was just a few days before he died. I didn't know anything about death, but I knew that he was dying when I saw him. His voice was very faint and his face was drawn; they told me he had a lot of pain. When I got ready to leave room, he asked me to bring him a tin box that was on his bureau. I got it and handed it to him. He poked around in it for a while with unsteady fingers and finally found what he wanted. He handed it to me. It was a quarter, or rather it looked like a quarter, but it had
heads on both sides. "Never let the other fellow call the turn, Jimmy, my hoy," said Doc, with a shadow of his old twinkle and the echo of his old chuckle.
Перевод притяжательных местоимений 1. Проанализируйте предложения, содержащие притяжательные местоимения. В каких из них местоимение следует переводить соответствующим местоимением русского языка, в каких нужно использовать местоимение «свой», а когда применить нулевой перевод? 2. Какие еще способы перевода притяжательных местоимений можно использовать? 3. Переведите предложения устно.
1. Our environment is constantly changing. 2. With a massive influx of natural disasters, warming and cooling periods, different types of weather patterns and much more, people need to be aware of what types of environmental problems our planet is facing. 3. Do your job, just don’t ever forget what he is. 4. Thank you for your time. 5. I want to ask you for your help. 6. And I’ll hold your mail for a week. 7. A puff from your bag when you got out your card. Your bag is lovely. It’s much better than your shoes. 8. “Did you do the drawings on your walls, Doctor?” — “Do you think I called in a decorator?” 9. Do you know what you look like to me, with your good bag and your cheap shoes? 10. He’s already spoken to your supervisor and he has nothing to say to you. 11. The indignities the victim suffers, the exposure to the elements and to casual eyes, anger you if your job permits you anger. 12. I can’t put groceries in the trunk of my car for it melting the ice cream. 13. “I’m speaking now to the person who is holding my daughter,” she said. 14. “What you’re doing is coming into my hospital to conduct an interview and refusing to share information with me.” “I’m acting on my instructions, Dr.Chilton. I have the U. S.Attorney’s night number here. Now please, either discuss it with him or let me do my job.” 15. This is my last word under the current terms. 16. The mayor in his leisure suit and Navy surplus shoes. 17. I had my own room with an Indian rug on the floor.

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