Тонкий лист, тонкий ум, тонкий слух, тонкий вкус, тонкая фигура, тонкие пальцы

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Задание 1

Задание 1:
1. to deliver
to deliver a speech, to deliver a verdict, to deliver a blow, to deliver a parcel
2. to draw
to draw the curtains, to draw breath, to draw a conclusion, to draw inspiration, to draw a line
3. to make
to make sense, to make a film, to make an impression, to make notes, to make a list, to make a scene, to make one's living
4. to keep
to keep promise, to keep an appointment, to keep rules, to keep a family, to keep a diary, to keep one's distance
5. to launch
to launch a rocket/missile, to launch a ship, to launch an offensive, to launch a new company, to launch a new book, to launch a spear
1. тонкий
тонкий лист, тонкий ум, тонкий слух, тонкий вкус, тонкая фигура, тонкие пальцы
2. легкий
легкая простуда, легкий вопрос, легкая музыка, легкая атлетика, легкая промышленность
3. тихий
тихая погода, тихая ночь, тихий прав, тихий голос, тихий ход, тихий смех
4. простой
простой человек, простая работа, простые манеры, простое любопытство, простая пища
5. проводить
проводить время, проводить кого-либо на станцию, проводить собрание, проводить реформы, проводить границу
6. делать
делать выводы, делать предложение, делать комплименты, делать усилия, делать честь, делать вид
7. вести
вести автомобиль, вести переговоры, вести дневник, вести переписку, вести хозяйство, вести правильный образ жизни
8. кусок
кусок веревки, кусок сахара, кусок хлеба, кусок мыла
9. место
слабое место, место происшествия, место в первом ряду, достаточно места для всех, рабочее место
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A new excitement has been added to the queer race that man has run against himself through the ages, testing whether he can produce food fast enough to feed his fastgrowing family. In the past the race has never been a contest. Never, in all the yesterdays since he clambered out of the primeval ooze, has Man the Provider caught up with Man the Procreator: there has been famine somewhere in the world in nearly every year of recorded history. Nevertheless, the race has suddenly grown close enough to be charged with suspense. For the Provider has latterly been getting expert coaching from the sidelines and, despite the fact that the Procreator is adding to his family at the unprecedented rate of nearly fifty million a year, the gap is steadily closing. The coach responsible for this remarkable turn of events is the Food and Agricultural Organization, more familiarly known as FAO, a specialized Agency of the United Nations.

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