part and soft tissues of tibia.
Detailed analysis of clinical cases helped to reveal accurate trend of consolidation terms for
fragments and restoration of function depending on depth and severity of pathologic process.
treatment of patients with closed diaphyseal fractures of tibia using Ilizarov method showed
high efficiency. application of Ilizarov method in practical healthcare will improve anatomical and
functional results.
Key words: fractures, tibia, transosseous osteosynthesis, Ilizarov apparatus, system of
ЖІлІНшІк сҮйектерІНІҢ МоНолокалЬДІ ДиафиЗДІк сЫНуларЫМеН
НауҚастарДЫ еМДеу кеЗІНДе сҮйек арҚЫлЫ тҰраҚтЫ - ДиНаМикалЫҚ
Мақалада жіліншік сүйектерінің диафиздік сынуларымен 3281 науқасты
емдеудің 20 жылдық тәжірибесі негізінде, үлкен жіліншіктің диафиздік бөлігінің сүйек миы
ауырлығынан зақымдалған және жіліншіктің жұмсақ тіндеріне байланысты жіктеу ұсынылды.
Клиникалық материалды егжей - тегжей талдауы патологиялық процестің тереңдігіне және
ауырлығына байланысты сынықтардың бітісуі және қол - аяқтың фукциясын қалпына кел-
тіру мерзімдер заңдылығын нақты анықтауға мүмкіндік берді. Сүйек арқылы остеосинде-
здеу әдісімен жіліншік сүйектерінің диафиздік жабық сынуларымен науқастарды емдеуде-
гі жоғары тиімділігін көрсетіп, практикалық денсаулық сактауға енгізу анатомиялық және
функциялық нәтижелерді жақсартуға мүмкіндік береді.
Негізгі сөздер: сынулар, жіліншік, сүйек арқылы остеосинтездеу, Илизаров аппараты,
емдеу жүйесі.
УДК 616.718.45:616.71-001.5-089.227.84
с.И. ШвеД
Российский научный центр «восстановительная травматология и ортопедия»
им. акад. Г.а. Илизарова, Курган
Закрытые диафизарные переломы бедра
занимают второе место по частоте и состав-
ляют от 10,4 до 23,9 % среди всех переломов
длинных костей. в настоящее время отдает-
ся предпочтение оперативным методам ле-
чения, при которых неудовлетворительные
исходы наблюдаются до 35,7% случаев; это
замедленная консолидация, остеомиелит,
дефекты и ложные суставы. при оскольчатых
переломах бедра эти осложнения встречают-
ся в 9 раз чаще, чем у больных с поперечны-
ми, косыми и винтообразными повреждения-
ми кортикального слоя кости.
На основании разработанных методик
чрескостного остеосинтеза нами применен
экстренный закрытый, стабильно-динамиче-
ский остесинтез при лечении 729 больных с
закрытыми оскольчатыми переломами бедра
в возрасте от 3 до 92 лет. общие принципы
метода Илизарова использовались и при ле-
чении больных с оскольчатыми переломами,
но для репозиции костных отломков использо-
вались дистракционный и нейтральный осте-
осинтез без открытого вмешательства в зоне
повреждения. Для управления осколками
проводились репозиционно-фиксационные
спицы (параоссально, транскортикально), и
консольные спицы с упорными площадками.
выбор, направление и количество спиц зави-
сели от локализации, плоскости смещения и
величины осколков. при неустраненном сме-
щении после закрытой репозиции дополни-
тельно проводились по 2-3 консольные спицы
с последующий репозицией и фиксацией их
на внешних опорах аппарата.
в послеоперационном периоде больных
активизировали с разрешением комфорт-
ной нагрузки и движения в коленном и тазо-
бедренном суставах. Большое значение мы
придаем ранней лечебной гимнастике, актив-
ным упражнениям для суставов конечности и
постепенной дозированной нагрузке, исклю-
чая при этом болевые ощущения. К оконча-
нию сроков фиксации нагрузка на конечность
была в физиологических пределах.
перед снятием аппарата, после 2/3 пред-
полагаемого срока фиксации проводилась
динамизация аппарата с целью увеличения
физиологической нагрузки на формирующий-
ся костный регенерат.
сроки фиксации костных отломков в ап-
парате зависели от многих общеизвестных
факторов и составили от 2 до 4 месяцев. по-
сле снятия аппарата выполнялось комплекс-
ное восстановительное лечение, сроки и ин-
тенсивность которого зависели от тяжести
травмы и пунктуального выполнения обще-
известных требований к чрескостному остео-
синтезу. осложнения, возникшие в процессе
лечения больных, не повлияли на конечный
результат, но сроки лечения при этом увели-
чивались. отдаленные анатомо-функцио-
нальные результаты от 1 до 22 лет изучены
у 357 пациентов. по системе Э.Р. Маттиса
хорошие результаты лечения получены у
82,8%, удовлетворительные у 17,5% пациен-
тов. плохих результатов в отдаленные сроки
мы не наблюдали.
Разработанный и постоянно совершен-
ствующийся метод Илизарова может успеш-
но применяться в травматологических от-
делениях при наличии соответствующей
материально-технической базы, условий и
специалистов, владеющих методиками по-
слеоперационного ведения больных и реаби-
литацией. Метод позволяет избежать тяжелых
осложнений, приводящих к инвалидизации
больных, как при погружных вариантах осте-
уДК 616.728.3-089.28-002.5+616-089.168
tHe results of total Knee artHroplasty treatment of active
tuberculosis of tHe Knee: a review of 10 cases
Department of orthopedic Surgery, Xinjiang Uyghur autonomous Region Peoples
Hospital, Urumqi, china
to discuss the surgical methods of total knee arthroplasty (tKa) in the
patients with active
tuberculosis of the knee and find out its curative effect after tKa.
We analyzed 10 patients with active tuberculosis of the knee who
received tKa in our
department from March, 2006 to March, 2010, whose ages were from 22 to 64 years old (average
age was 40,6±1years).the following parameters were measured in the pre- and post-operation
periods: HSS score, range of motion (RoM). From x-ray to find out post-operate curative effect
of total knee arthroplasty.
all cases had pain and elevated eSR. Deep vein thrombosis (DVt) and
nerve damage were
not found in these cases. there were 4 cases that had sinuses on the skin: the skin healed before
the operation took place. Pre-operation HSS average scores were 25,0±2,0. all patients received
total knee arthroplasty by the para-patellar medial approach. eight cases were followed-up for
6-28 months; the average follow-up period was 14±0,5 months. Post-operation we took an HSS
score and X-rays to find out its curative effect after the total knee arthroplasty operation. there
were also no patients with dislocation aseptic loosening or fracture of prosthesis, although 1 case
had recurrence. Post-operation’s HSS average scores were 86,75±5,45. the average RoM was
improved to 95±5°.
Recent clinical results indicate that total knee arthroplasty is effective to
treat the patients with
active tuberculosis of the knee joint. total knee arthroplasty can significantly improve the function
of the joint and relieve pain, improving patients’ living conditions.
Key words: total knee arthroplasty, tuberculosis treatment active.
tuberculosis (tB) has been with human kind
for a very long time. It was found that an ancient
egyptian mummy, discovered in an excavated
tomb had spinal tuberculosis lesions (2500
Bc). Hippocrates (460–377 Bc) introduced the
ancient Greek term for tuberculosis phthisis,
which is similar in meaning to the Latin word
“consumere”, better known as consumption
[1,2]. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a non-
motile, nonspore-forming obligate aerobe
responsible for causing the chronic infection
know as tB. tB disease is still a major problem
in the world, even in well-developed countries.
every year, approximately 8 to 9 million infected
people develop active tuberculosis, resulting
in almost 3 million deaths annually (WHo,
2005). tuberculosis remains a major cause of
death and is projected to remain among the 10
leading causes of disease burden even in the
year 2020[3]. china is also among the world’s
22 high tB burden countries. Xinjiang Uyghur
autonomous Region has the highest rate of
tuberculosis incidence in china: 2.8 million new
cases of tuberculosis are found each year, and
people who die each year from tuberculosis
number over 7500 [4,5]. our hospital has
extensive experience in treating tuberculosis
cases. From previous reports we knew that tKa
can relieve the pain of tB of the knee, and that
after operation patients can have good knee
function. From previous reports we also learned
that total hip arthroplasty treatment of active
tuberculosis of the hip can have good results
[6]. as is arthroplasty widely used, more and
more papers are reporting on arthoplasty used
in tuberculosis joints. Based on these results we
carried out tKa operation on active tuberculosis
of knee. the aim of this paper is to discuss the
our treatment of patients with active tuberculosis
of the knee and the results.
our hospital has 3200 beds for patients, in-
cluding150 beds for the orthopedics department.
We have 57 departments in hospital, so we have
the capacity for comprehensive treatment. Be-
cause tuberculosis is an infectious disease, we
separated six rooms for these patients only,
three of them for pre-operation, and three for
post-operation. From this we prevent the spread
of tuberculosis to other patients. In our study, all
of the cases were unilateral knee tuberculosis, 7
cases were right side tB and 3 were left side tB;
six cases were male, and four cases were fe-
male. Patients’ age range was from 22 to 64 and
the average age was 40,6±1 years old. During
the pre-operation examinations we found: 4
cases had sinus around the knee joint, which
had received debridement and synovectomy in
other hospitals before coming to our hospital.
Based on the clinical examination we found pain,
swelling, deformity, joint dysfunction and clinical
weight loss, but no night sweats and fever. on X-
ray examination, we found narrowing of the knee
joint (figure 1).
Figure 1 - Patient’s preoperative imaging (32 years old, female)
computed tomography (ct) scans showed
joint destruction, purulent tissue formation
around the joints, a low density area, and sy-
novial hyperplasia. Blood tests showed eryth-
rocyte- sedimentation rate (eSR) 32~85 mm/H
(normal 0-20 mm/H). as tB is consumptive
and catabolic disease [6,7,8], we gave all pa-
tients nutrition consultation from the nutrition
department to adjust their hypo-albumin pre-
and post-operation, as well as infusion erythro-
cyte suspension for patients with low hemoglo-
bin. all these we call pre-operation nutritional
support therapy considering it as an important
part of treatment. When we completed the
physical examination of patients, then saw the
imaging (x-ray ct MRI), if we considered a pa-
tient to have tuberculosis of the knee joint, for-
mal anti-tB drug therapy [9,10] (preoperative
general quadruple anti-tB) treatment would
begin. Patients received 2 to 4 weeks of anti-
tuberculosis drugs, and to make the eSR be-
low 40mm/H pre-operation. Preoperative knee
HSS scores were 20 to 38 points (average
25,0±2 points). eight cases were followed up
for 6-28 months; the average follow-up period
was 14±0,5 months. In our study we used a t-
test to find significant differences of knee func-
tion (SPSS12,0).
all patients had general anesthesia or
continuous epidural anesthesia. When the an-
esthesia was ready, we prepared patients in
the dorsal decubitus position sterilized of the
operation area prepared the drapes. all sur-
gical procedures were performed by a single
surgeon (one of the authors) using a standard
medial patellar arthrotomy technique with a
tourniquet [11,12]. In the joints we could see
purulent or necrotic tissue.
the liquor puris was a turbid, pale yellow
color with caseous necrosis (cheesy necrosis),
and synovial hyperplasia edema, synovial hy-
peremia or synovial partial necrosis. We did
the debridement first, making sure purulence
and necrosis synovial tissue were cleaned out
(figure 2, 3).
Figure 2 - During the operation
we found tB purulent and necrotic
Figure 3 - tibia osteotomy articular
surface damage
after performing tibial and femoral osteotomy,
but before installing the prosthesis, we cleaned
the tuberculin bacillus from bone. If there was
damage in the bone, pulse pressure washing
could help to clean out the tuberculin bacillus.
We carefully looked for potential sinuses and
cleaned them. after cleaning and then installing
the prosthesis, we used liquor natrii chloridi
isotonicus for pulse pressure washing after bone
cement was dry, and used streptomycin powder
directly around the prosthesis. there was no
special requirement in prosthesis placed and
soft tissue balance. We made sure there were
no knee joint instabilities (figure 4).
Figure 4 - Patient’s post-operation imaging
We choose a standard medial patellar ar-
throtomy technique with a tourniquet for all
[11,12], 8 cases were followed-up for 6-28
months, average follow-up period was 14±0,5
months. DVt and injury of nerve and blood ves-
sels were not found in all patients. there were
also no occurrences of dislocation
aseptic loos-
ening or fracture of the prosthesis. Post-opera-
tion HSS [13] average scores were 86,75±5,45
the average RoM was improved to 95±5°. We
used a t-test and found a significant difference
between pre- and post-operation HSS scores
and RoM (P<0,05). We did the pathological
examination of synovial and necrosis tissue of
every patient; only two cases tested positive for
acid-fast staining, and we found eosinophilic
granuloma (we could see Langerhans cells) in 8
cases. one case was recurrent.
tuberculosis has been plaguing us from the
ancient to the modern times. For knee tubercu-
losis we choose debridement and joint fusion as
the best treatment before, but we found post-
operation joint function became poor, and had
a serious impact on patients’ normal work and
life [14]. and from the previous reports we also
found there was a 1%-9% recurrence rate [18].
With arthroplasty technology widely used, we
found more and more reports about arthroplasty
for patients with stationary tuberculosis of the
knee joint. But for the active tuberculosis of the
knee joint, it is still in the dispute phase in china.
In this study, we selected 10 patients for whom
anti-tuberculosis treatment was previously effec-
We relied be on the performance of X-ray,
ct or MRI imaging as the conventional meth-
od of active tuberculosis determination. Bone
destruction, knee effusion, soft tissue swelling
around the joint capsule, and eSR level are also
important. In this study eSR was 32-85 mm/H
pre-operation and, imaging confirmed tubercu-
losis of the knee joint. It was very important to
know whether anti-tuberculosis treatment was
effective or not for anti-tuberculosis treatment.
If 2 to 4 weeks of anti-tuberculosis drugs were
used, but eSR and cRP did not show a down-
ward trend, but had increased, it means there
was a mycobacterium tuberculosis drug resis-
tance or the patient was not sensitive to anti-
tB treatment. If we performed the operation at
this time, risk of recurrence was being too high.
From the recurrent case we found that after 2
weeks of using anti-tuberculosis drugs, eSR and
cRP were increased. We carried out the opera-
tion, but the tuberculosis was recurrent. So our
suggestion is continuation of anti-tuberculosis
treatment until there is a downward trend in eSR
levels, then we can carry out the operation. In
our study, operations were carrying out while
the eSR levels were below 40mm/H, and nutri-
tional status had improved. there was one case
of recurrence 3 months post-operation in which,
we performed the two stage revision operation,
and after operation the patient was cured. In our
study, we could see purulent or necrotic tissue in
knee joint consistent with the imaging. If tuber-
culosis is recurrent it means a failure of the op-
eration. So we should make sure purulence and
necrosis synovial tissue was cleaned out clearly
that the surgeon have more experiences and in
highly technical surgery, in order to clean out the
articular capsule, labrum articular and necrosis
synovial tissue, as well as check for sinuses. the
surgeon also needed to be able to perform oste-
otomy of the tibia and femur and install the pros-
thesis, then use streptomycin powder directly
around the prosthesis.
Several studies on the adhesion and the for-
mation of small membrane-like material, includ-
ing mycobacterium tuberculosis, on the fixture
or artificial prosthesis provide a reliable theoreti-
cal basis for prosthesis implantation [15,16,17].
Prosthesis selection is also important. Some
scholars believe that total knee arthroplasty used
in active tuberculosis of the knee joint should use
a cemented prosthesis, as production of bone ce-
ment polymerization heat can kill mycobacterium
tuberculosis and lower the rate of recurrence. For
patients with bone defects, cemented prosthesis
is the best choice. In this study, a compressive
dressing was applied with an immobilizer during
the first 24 hours after surgery. Patients were en-
couraged to perform quadriceps strengthening
exercise after they had returned to the ward. all
patients were allowed to walk as tolerated using
a walker on the 3rd or 4th day post-operation.
In our study we found significant difference
between pre- and post-operation of HSS scores
and RoM (P<0,05). this means the tKa opera-
tion can help patient receive relief from pains
and have good function of the knee, which is our
aim (figure 5). there were also reports said: they
have good results in using tHa in treating active
hip tuberculosis [14,18].
Figure 5 - Patient’s general imaging after 2 years of followed-up
In our study, pathology findings show that
only two cases tested positive for acid-fast
staining, and we found eosinophilic granuloma
(we could see Langerhans cells) in 8 cases.
From performing an endoscopy, we could see
inflammatory cells, fibroblasts, epithelioid cells
and Langerhans cells all of these constitute
typical tuberculosis nodules. In two cases we
found inflammatory cells, epithelioid cells, mixed
bone erosion, damage to the subperiosteal bone
layer and small beams in the medullary cavity, a
small number of lymphocytes , a large amount
of necrotic tissue around the joint, and synovial
hyperplasia. Irregular use of tB drugs, drug
resistance and longer course of patient history
can explain why not every patient showed
typical tuberculosis nodules when examined
endoscopically. We can found granulation
hyperplasia, synovial tissue congestion and
scarring in most patients. the rate of positive
results from acid-fast staining was not so
high. our patients with active tuberculosis of
the knee joint were from suburban’s areas,
did not have high education, and lived in poor
economic conditions. thus, educating them with
knowledge of tuberculosis and, the importance
of anti-tuberculosis treatment, have dragged on
for 1-1,5years.
total knee replacement for the treatment of
active knee tuberculosis is controversial in china
and abroad, and there is a need for further in-
depth research and long-term follow-up reports.
Rresearch in this group of patients still needs
to be followed-up with further observation. But
we found that treatment of patients with active
tuberculosis should be separated into two kinds
(patients for whom anti-tuberculosis treatment
was effective and patients for whom there was
no effect), and that all the patients should use
anti-tuberculosis drugs for 1-1,5years.
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