Учебное пособие по деловому английскому языку Самара Издательство

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түріУчебное пособие
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Asking for 
• Could you give me a few details? 
• What about …? 
Making proposals 
• I have an idea. 
• What do you think? 
• How does that sound? 
• Yes, but can I just say something? 
• Well yes, that might be true, but …. 
• Can I just come in here? 
Reacting to proposals  • That sounds very reasonable. 
• We could probably work with that. 
• That depends. 
• I don't think that would be possible. 
Ending the call 
• Thank you very much for your help. 
• Thanks for calling. 
• Thank you for your time. 
Telephone Summary 
•  plan the call thoroughly. Have clear objectives. 
•  send an e-mail before you call when necessary. 
•  anticipate what the other person will say. Prepare your responses. 
•  have all necessary information at hand. 
•  refer to this book for essential phrases. 
•  e-mail ahead to allow the person time to prepare. 
•  smile when you phone. Be polite and agreeable. 
•  check that your respondent is free to talk. 
•  be efficient. You are representing your company. 
•  use questions to identify key issues. 
•  be concise. Time is money. 
•  listen actively. Confirm regularly that you understand. 
•  stand up. It gives you more authority. 
•  speak clearly and slowly. 
•  allow people to finish what they are saying. 
•  handle complaints politely. 
•  avoid complex language. 
•  check that the other person understands. 
•  take notes during a call. Write them up afterwards. 
•  send a follow-up e-mail to confirm. 
•  finish with a positive phrase. 
•  call if you are unprepared. 

•  assume your respondent is available to talk when you call. 
•  lose control if someone becomes aggressive. 
•  forget that you represent the company on the phone. 
•  waste time. 
•  pretend to understand. 
•  assume the person has understood everything. 
•  interrupt. 
•  rely on your memory for important details. 
•  forget to write down important details. 
•  put the receiver down too quickly. It can seem rude. 

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