Учебное пособие по деловому английскому языку Самара Издательство

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Asking for more     
•  Excuse me, who is calling? 
•  I am sorry, who is speaking? 
•  Where are you calling from? 
•  Are you sure you have the right number? 
Ask the speaker to 
•  Just a moment, please. 
•  Could you wait for a moment, please? 
•  Could hold on a second, please? 
•  Can you hold the line, please? 
•  The line is busy. 
Transferring a call 
•  Thank you for holding. 
•  I’ll put you through.   
•  I’ll connect you now/I’m connecting you now 
Connection problems 
•  Could you repeat that, please? 
•  I’m afraid I can’t hear you.   
•  Can you speak up a bit, please? 
•  Could you speak a little bit more slowly? 
•  I am sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you repeat that again
How to reply when 
someone is not 
•  I’m afraid (name) is not available at the moment.   
•  I’m afraid the line is engaged. Could you call back later? 
•  I’m afraid he/she is in a meeting at the moment. 
•    Mrs (name) is out at the moment. 
Take a message 
•  Would you like to leave a message? 
•  Could I take a message? 
•  Would like him/her to call you back? 

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