Aim:locate and select relevant information.
Efficiency: improve reading skills and spelling of the words.
-read the text
-match the words correctly
1 point.
Feedback with the method: “The Praise”.
“You are right”
Excel 6. Student’s book.
Page 75, Ex. 2
Middle of the lesson
Individual work.
10 min.
What is each paragraph about?
*greeting and where people are/stay
*fixed arrangements for today
*plans for tomorrow
*closing remarks
Ss discuss the meaning of the email.
Aim: develop orally speaking skills and critical thinking skills.
Efficiency: select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral presentation.
-choose one park
-collect information
-present to the class. 1 point.
“The Praise”.
“You are right”
Excel 6.
Student’s book.
Page 75, Ex. 3
Individual work.
6 min.
Put the adjectives in the correct order.
1.a bug/shiny/new hotel
2.a blue/small/steel boat
3.a(n) tall/amazing/white monument
4.a(n) red/large/old bus
Less able Ss work with the help of more able Ss. Teacher explains the correct structure of sentence. And write the formulation on board.
Ss reorder the sentences.
After constructing the sentence check with teacher.