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Сборник материалов конференции (продолжение)

pro of distance learning 
Online courses are very flexible
Since distance learning programs don't require you to be physically present in a classroom or 
follow a predefined timetable, you are free to set your own schedule.
It provides learning and earning
Many students who take online classes are full-time professionals looking to get ahead in 
their careers.
It provides no bounding by geography
c) Get educated even with a tight budget 
Online education helps you to save on costs like fuel, parking, books, child care, and more.
Online courses help to become tech-savvy 
Distance-learning programs make use of sophisticated technology to provide education. [4] 
In the course of our study we, contrary, faced some disadvantages resulting in being cons of 
distance learning. We considered 
the con
to present them as follows: 
No Physical Interaction

Educators are both role models and knowledge givers for students in the conservative way 
of education. When the physical interaction between teachers and students is missing, then 
students tend to lose personal interaction with their educators and thereby the mental buildup of 
students may get hampered.
Less Motivational
In distance learning, students are not required to attain classroom in person. 
c) Distance learning don’t help in developing oral skills and social interactions 
d) Difficult to choose a quality educational program 
e) Employer’s reluctance to accept distance mode of training 
f) Important to have good time management skills 
g) Technical difficulties 
Thus, it will not be exaggerated to say that along with several benefits and flexibility, 
distance learning also has several disadvantages and cons associated. Most of the distance 
learning courses are either program-dependent or person-dependent. So, in the course of our 
study we came into conclusion that to make future distance learning more efficient and 
widespread, it is important to minimize and avoid all these aforementioned factors. [5] 
Fig 1 Study results on pro and con of Distance learning education (4 year students) 
To make a thoroughly analysisondistance learning education, we compiled a short 
questionnaire for the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University students which covers questions on 
whether they agree or disagree with this type of learning.
The results of our surveying were as follows (Fig 1): 
48 students of the 4year students attended the questionnaire format. The monitoring showed 
that 38.4% of students expressed their cons and 61.6% of learners gave a positive answer. 
Students unsupported this type of trainingexpressed their views on the problems that they 
encountered in the process of online learning. “The pandemic has just made my studies difficult” 
showed a student and his problem was a low speed of connection. Another one said that in her 
family 4 students and a lack of techniques made harder her attendance in online learning. 
Students who haven’t got technical and internet connection problems were grateful to study in 
online way. In otherwise, online learning could convenient for practical, laboratory works as the 
universities have provided with many necessaryresources and materials.
To sum up our research, according Farabi, the perfect human being is he who has theoretical 
virtue, intellectual knowledge and practical moral values, becoming perfect in his moral 
behavior. [6]
In the course of the study, we researched the pro and con of this type of learning and their 
reasons expressed by learners, demonstrating that learning in distance conditions needs many 
conditions and readiness. Undoubtedly, to prevent harm of the situations happened in present 
time, there shouldn’t be any obstacles to study and develop, then to solve the problems of the 
whole government and of the whole planet. In our point of view, distance learning in quarantine 
period is the one of the crucial ways of decision. 
Thus, to sum up, we studied the distance learning education in our country, both 
comparative characteristics of online education in the world and in our country and the facts and 

arguments of the online education system by overviews of politics have done, it means the pros 
and cons of this type learning and their availability to students demonstrating that learning in 
distance conditions requires many arrangements and readiness including technical aspect such as 
the network access or distance location of students. On a whole, we concluded that distance 
learning education created in terms of emergency situation is quite available for students of the 
Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University and is under successful implementation presently. 

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