Aims: sociocultural development of a personality on the material of mass media.
Objectives:introduction of the basic concepts and laws of the theory of
communication;development of the audience's perception and comprehension of media
texts; development of the skills of analysis, interpretation, evaluation of media texts of
various types and genres, critical thinking of the audience;development of the media
communicative skills; development of the audience's media communication skills.
Forms of work: media educational (special) and long-term course allowing for the
specifics of the educational institution (for example, in art schools), interrelation of
different levels in the system of continuous education (for example, pre-service education
of students).
Methods: media education may be classified according to: the sources of the
obtained knowledge: aural (lecture, story, talk, explanation, discussion); visual (illustration
and demonstration of media texts); practical (practical tasks connected with mass media).
According to the level of cognitive activity: explanatory and illustrative (the teacher
imparts certain information about mass media, the audience perceives and digests this
information); reproductive (the teacher works out and uses various tasks and assignments
connected with mass for students to obtain the techniques which are necessary for their
solution); problem-solving (problem analysis of certain situations or media texts for critical
thinking development); searching or heuristic, research (research and creative activities).
Theoretical and practical classes involving creative assignments of various types
predominate here.
Main components of the media education program’s contents:(dealing with the
study of the key concepts of media education: media agency, category, technology,
language, representation and audience):
- human communication (notion, functions, model, means, form and content,
communication and information, history of communication development, the system of
mass media, its structure, audiences, interests, motives, etc.);
Zertteušì – Issledovatel’ – The Researcher ISSN 2307-0153
№№5-12(109-116), мамыр-желтоқсан, май-декабрь, May-December,
- sign systems (semiotics as a science; a sign, meaning and implication, a symbol;
concept of basic sign systems, their development, etc.);
- meanings of messages (sense, effect, multiplicity of sign expressions of meaning; a
message, coding and decoding; perception, its basic principles; appreciation and its types,
interpretation of messages, contensive and value judgments, personality attitude towards
messages, etc.);
- types of mass media: print media, the press, photography, radio broadcasting, sound
recording, filmmaking, television, video (history and development, role and place in the
system of media);
- specific character of expressive means; professions connected with mass media,
- mass communication and society (mass media as a political and propagandistic
means, legal basis for media activity; mass media and human rights; mass media and
morality; mass media and culture; mass media and ecology, etc.).
Fields of application: the basic media course may be introduced in educational
institutions of different types, institutions of additional education (optional classes, studios,
Ludmila Zaznobina's Media Education Model [Zaznobina, 1996; 1998]*.
Definition of 'media education'. Media education is defined by L. Zaznobina
(1939-2000) as training of «students for life in the media world by strengthening the media
education aspect integrated into different school subjects»[Zaznobina, 1998].
Conceptual ground: the theory of development of critical thinking and the semiotic
theory of media education.
Aims: preparation of school students for living in new information conditions
(information competence and easy information management).
- teaching the audience to perceive and process information broadcasted by mass
media (to wide extent);
- development of the students' critical thinking, skills to comprehend the implication
of this or that message, resist the mass media manipulation of the audience;
- introduction of out-of-school information into the context of general compulsory
education, into the knowledge system of school subjects;
- development of the students' skills to find, prepare, hand over and accept the
required information including the use of different ICT (computers, modems, faxes,
multimedia, etc.);
- development of the students' skills to construct verbal copies of visual images
[Zaznobina, 1996, p. 73; Zaznobina, 1998].
Forms of work: media education integrated into the school curriculum.
Methods: media education may be classified according to: the sources of the
obtained knowledge: aural (lecture, story, talk, explanation, discussion); visual (illustration
and demonstration of media texts); practical (practical tasks connected with mass media).
According to the level of cognitive activity: explanatory and illustrative (the teacher
imparts certain information about mass media, the audience perceives and digests this
information); reproductive (the teacher works out and uses various tasks and assignments
connected with mass for students to obtain the techniques which are necessary for their
solution); problem-solving (problem analysis of certain situations or media texts for critical
thinking development); searching or heuristic, research (research and creative activities).
Preference is given to the synthesis of theoretical and practical assignments: search,
Zertteušì – Issledovatel’ – The Researcher ISSN 2307-0153
№№5-12(109-116), мамыр-желтоқсан, май-декабрь, May-December,
information systematization, conversion of visual information into verbal one and vice
versa; information transformation, information proofreading, reviewing of media texts,
finding the main idea, ICT training, etc.
Main components of the media education program’s contents: (dealing with the
study of the key concepts of media education: media agency, category, technology,
language, representation and audience):
- media education assignments integrated into basic courses of elementary/primary
- media education assignments integrated into basic courses of general secondary
In total, according to L. Zaznobina's educational standard, the students who finished
the general elementary and secondary education should be able to:
- understand tasks in any formulation and context;
- find the required information in different sources;
- systematize the suggested or their own information according to the given criterion;
- gather and systematize topical information for a long while (a term or any other
period of time);
- convert visual information into the verbal sign system;
- transform information; vary its volume, form, sign system, data medium, etc.,
depending on the aim of the communicative interaction and the target audience's
- comprehend the objectives of communication, direction of the information flow;
- give arguments for their own statements;
- find mistakes in the received information and to contribute suggestions on their
- perceive alternative opinions and give well-reasoned arguments «for» and
«against» each of them;
- make reviews and advertisements of data messages;
- make associative and practically appropriate connections between data messages;
- distinguish the main idea in a message and separate it from the «white noise»;
- make a plan of a message and suggest a form of its narration fitting its content;
- retrieve some data from the suggested information and present them in the tabular
or any other form;
- work (at least on the lowest level) with the ICT of preparing, transmitting and
receiving information [Zaznobina, 1996, p. 75-76].
Fields of application: institutions of secondary education. The following targets of
media education integrated into humanitarian and scientific school subjects are
- educational information concerning this or that field of knowledge (regardless of
the source of data medium);
- information transmitted through different communication channels available to
school students;
- technical means of creating, transforming, storing, transmitting and handling of
information [Zaznobina, 1996, p. 74-75].
L. Zaznobina's media education model to a considerable degree has something in
common with the media education approaches of V. Polevoy who proved in his research
that students' thinking at the level of audio-visual perception would be «considerably
activated only on condition that they are given an opportunity to independently assess and
Zertteušì – Issledovatel’ – The Researcher ISSN 2307-0153
№№5-12(109-116), мамыр-желтоқсан, май-декабрь, May-December,
distinguish the essential and non-essential, necessary and unnecessary aspects on the
screen, to analyze, synthesize and generalize the seen media text» [Polevoy, 1975, p. 8].
The traditions of the media education model worked out by L. Zaznobina are being kept
and developed in the laboratory of educational technology and media education of Russian
Academy of Education.
Alexander Spitchkin's (Interdisciplinary) Media Education Model[Spitchkin,
1999, pp. 12-30]
Definition of 'media education'.A. Spitchkin's definition of media education almost
coincides with A. Sharikov's definition.
Conceptual ground: the theory of the critical thinking development, semiotic,
cultural studies theories of media education. The media education model was defined by A.
Spitchkin (1948-2002) as interdisciplinary, i.e. implying study of mass communication
within the program of traditional school subjects. It is based on the idea of the subject
analysis of mass media production – mediatexts.
The efficiency of the model is proved by the opportunity to holistically study media
texts by analyzing them from different points of view. This, in A. Spitchkin's opinion,
provides a good opportunity «not only for structuring the material within the course but
also for its distribution between different subjects if the interdisciplinary media education
model is chosen» [Spitchkin, 1999, p. 13].
Aims: development of students' audio-visual literacy and critical thinking.
Objectives: development of the audience's skills to analyze the role of every element
of visual and audio-visual texts; teaching the audience to understand the specific character
of every mass communication medium by the comparative analysis of media text elements;
development of the ability to use the acquired skills for creating one's own audio-visual
Forms of work: media education integrated into school subjects (language,
literature, social studies, etc.), study of some media on the subject basis, optional classes
(on the subject of interdisciplinary basis).
Methods: media education may be classified according to: the sources of obtained
knowledge: aural (lecture, story, talk, explanation, discussion); visual (illustration and
demonstration of media texts); practical (practical tasks connected with mass media).
According to the level of cognitive activity: explanatory and illustrative (the teacher
imparts certain information about mass media, the audience perceives and digests this
information); reproductive (the teacher works out and uses various tasks and assignments
connected with mass for students to obtain the techniques which are necessary for their
solution); problem-solving (problem analysis of certain situations or media texts for critical
thinking development); searching or heuristic, research (research and creative activities).
A special emphasis is put in A. Spitchkin's model on practical and creative assignments,
project methods. In A. Spitchkin's opinion, the most preferable lessons in media education
are practical and gaming classes «based, on the one hand, on the skills developed within
teaching traditional school subjects, and on the direct contact with mass media texts»
[Spitchkin, 1999, p. 12].
Main components of the media education program’s contents: (dealing with the
study of the key concepts of media education: media agency, category, technology,
language, representation and audience):
- the way of media text coding: verbal, non-verbal; purely visual, combined, etc.;
-the type of a media text: narration, description, debate;
Zertteušì – Issledovatel’ – The Researcher ISSN 2307-0153
№№5-12(109-116), мамыр-желтоқсан, май-декабрь, May-December,
-the type of the media audience: age, gender differences, social status, educational
- the type of values presented in media texts: aesthetic, moral, religious, political,
- social functions of a media text: entertainment, information, propaganda, etc.
Fields of application: schools, extra-school institutions, etc.
A. Spitchkin also formulated a subject model of media education where the object of
study is mass media and their properties [Spitchkin, 1999, p. 8]. He defined the principal
areas and stages of teaching the audience the basics of audio-visual perception including
the following parts: television language, television genres, etc. At the same time A.
Spitchkin clearly saw the possible drawbacks of this approach: for instance, perfunctory
study of media education subject matter within the overloaded school curriculum. This
model as well as the previous one can be modified (depending on different educational
systems, traditions, etc.). The last but not the least, in our opinion, is the connection of
media education with a standard curriculum where the basic audiovisual literacy skills are
The comparative analysis has revealed some common aspects of A. Spitchkin's
«interdisciplinary model» and L. Zaznobina's «model of media education integrated in the
curriculum» – both of them deal with the restricted application of media education within
teaching compulsory school subjects.
As it seems to us, both the suggested models can be further developed in modern
media pedagogics as their variability enables to use them in different educational systems
in accordance with national traditions, possibilities of this or that region, etc.
Elena Vartanova and Jassen Zassursky's Media Education Model[Vartanova,
Zassursky, 2003]
Definition of 'media education'.«Media education = protection from mass media +
preparation for mass media analysis + understanding of mass media functions + conscious
involvement in media culture» [Vartanova, Zassursky, 2003, p. 6].
Conceptual ground: some elements of the theory of the critical thinking
development, socio-cultural, semiotic, social studies, practical and protectionist media
education theories.
Aims: students' development of creative and critical attitude to mass media, their
transformation into creative mass media users in further life after school/university
graduation [Vartanova, Zassursky, 2003, p. 5].
Objectives: the audience's familiarization with basic concepts and laws of the
communicationtheory,development of primary user skills; development of the audience's
comprehension of mass media and media texts, of their conscious contact with mass
media; development of the audience's media creativity.
Forms of work: media education courses which take into account the specific
character of the educational institution (school, university), interconnection of different
stages/modules in the education system.
Methods: media education may be classified according to: the sources of the
obtained knowledge: aural (lecture, story, talk, explanation, discussion); visual (illustration
and demonstration of media texts); practical (practical tasks connected with mass media).
According to the level of cognitive activity: explanatory and illustrative (the teacher
imparts certain information about mass media, the audience perceives and digests this
information); reproductive (the teacher works out and uses various tasks and assignments
connected with mass for students to obtain the techniques which are necessary for their
Zertteušì – Issledovatel’ – The Researcher ISSN 2307-0153
№№5-12(109-116), мамыр-желтоқсан, май-декабрь, May-December,
solution); problem-solving (problem analysis of certain situations or media texts for critical
thinking development); searching or heuristic, research (research and creative activities).
The theoretical and practical classes including creative assignments, role play of different
types, dominate here.
Main components of the media education program’s contents: (dealing with the
study of the key concepts of media education: media agency, category, technology,
language, representation and audience): media categories; mass communication (concept
of mass communication, media language, etc.); media technologies; mass media
representation of reality; Internet as a means of mass information [Vartanova, Zassursky,
2003, p. 9-10].
They also suggested the following outlines of media education programs: 1)
familiarization with mass media and development of primary user skills; 2) development of
the audience's comprehension of mass media and training of permanent user skills; 3)
conscious involvement in mass media industry; 4) media creativity development (including
to independently create mass media production) [Vartanova, Zassursky, 2003, p. 7-8]. In
the authors' opinion, these programs can be grouped and take different configurations
depending on the target audience.
Fields of application: media education courses may be used in educational
institutions of different types for 1) continuous/lifelong education; 2) school education; 3)
higher education; 4) education of problem social groups; 5) education of
teachers/instructors [Vartanova, Zassursky, 2003, p. 7].
Natalia Legotina's Media Education Model [Legotina, 2004]
Definition of 'media education' coincides with A. Spitchkin's and A. Sharikov's
Conceptual ground: some elements of the theory of the critical thinking
development, socio-cultural, semiotic, social studies, practical media education theories.
Aims: preparing university students for realizing media education in institutions of
general education [Legotina, 2004, p. 12].
Objectives: development of a personality capable of selecting, critical evaluating of
information and independent creating of messages in the system of contemporary mass
communication media;media education methods and forms training of the audience.
Forms of work: a media education course consisting of the motivational, theoretical
and practical units.
Methods: media education may be classified according to: the sources of the
obtained knowledge: aural (lecture, story, talk, explanation, discussion); visual (illustration
and demonstration of media texts); practical (practical tasks connected with mass media).
According to the level of cognitive activity: explanatory and illustrative (the teacher
imparts certain information about mass media, the audience perceives and digests this
information); reproductive (the teacher works out and uses various tasks and assignments
connected with mass for students to obtain the techniques which are necessary for their
solution); problem-solving (problem analysis of certain situations or media texts for critical
thinking development); searching or heuristic, research (research and creative activities).
The theoretical and practical classes including creative assignments, role play of different
types, dominate.
Main components of the media education program’s contents: (dealing with the
study of the key concepts of media education: media agency, category, technology,
language, representation and audience):
Zertteušì – Issledovatel’ – The Researcher ISSN 2307-0153
№№5-12(109-116), мамыр-желтоқсан, май-декабрь, May-December,
- accentuation of the mass media role in the contemporary society, treating media
education as a new branch of the theory of education, its role in the development of the
information and communication culture of a personality;
- students' study of basic media terms and concepts (such as mass communication,
media language, etc.), reading literature about the history and theory of media education
written by Russian and foreign authors;
- media text analysis and particularization of their functioning, development of
creative self-expression skills in the process of creating own original samples of media
texts, teaching the audience to practically use the acquired media education knowledge in
media educational institutions [Legotina, 2004, p. 15-16].
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