1. Translate from English into Russian landscape пейзаж

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1. Translate from English into Russian.
1. landscape - пейзаж
2. helpful - услужливый
3. traffic jam - дорожная пробка
4. honest - честный
5. polite - вежливый
6. reserved - сдержанный
7. county - округ
8. variety - разнообразие
9. proud - гордый
10. sociable - общительный

2. Fill in the necessary words from the box.
humour, fish, chips, emblem, foreigner, character, tea drinkers, language, country

1.The Englishmen are known to be friendly to foreigners 2. They are also great tea drinkers and home sitters. 3. “My home is my castle” is the typical English proverb which says about the British character more than just words. 4. It’s also known that every Englishman is a country man at heart. 5. Some people say that the English have no sense of humour.  6. The typical English food is fish and chips  7. The emblem of England is the Red Rose. 8. English is the official language  of the UK.

3. Open the brackets.
1. The English ( to know ) to be great tea drinkers.
The English are known to be great tea drinkers.
2. They ( to suppose ) to be great animal lovers.
They are supposed to be great animal lovers.
3. They ( to believe ) to be sociable.
They are believed to be sociable. 

4. Read the text and say if the sentences are True, False or Not Stated.
1. The foreigner explained his problem. (True)
2. He was from Madrid. (Not Stated)
3. He was on holiday in Seville, in the south of Spain. (True)
4. Jon received his 60 euros in a couple of weeks. (False)
5. Jon won’t lend money to strangers again because he was fooled on his holiday. (True)

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