№2(78)/2015 Серия педагогика

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Creative Environment. Modern electronic textbooks should provide the student's creative work with the 
objects of study and models of systems of interacting objects. It is a creative work that contributes to the 
formation and consolidation of complex skills and abilities of the student. From a programmer's perspective, 
creative environment is one of the most challenging components of the electronic textbook.
Authoring environment. Electronic textbook should be adaptable to the learning process, that is able to 
accommodate the specific features of the school, a particular class, a particular student. Authoring environ-
ment provides the inclusion of additional materials in the electronic encyclopedia, to replenish task-book, 
prepare handouts and manuals on the subject. In fact, it is the similarity of the tool which creates an elec-
tronic textbook itself.
Nonverbal environment. Traditionally, electronic textbooks are verbal by nature. They set out the theo-
ry in text or graphical form. However, nowadays electronic textbooks have the opportunity to realize a me-
thodical method of «do as I do». In this long-winded instructions are replaced by concrete actions on the ob-
ject of study [3].
Having studied research works of scholars in this field , we think S.V. Volkov’s [4] identification of the 
didactic function of the electronic textbook is more suitable:
Information; the presence of concepts and definitions, providing information about the disciplines using 
text, graphics, charts, tables, audio and video clips, lighting features studied objects and phenomena, the pa-
rameters of objects exemplification, rules, and so on.
Regulating; availability list of prior knowledge and skills necessary to work with an electronic text-
book, questions and problems for self-preparedness in work with the textbook, questions and problems for 
self-learning material, visual representation of the structure of the material being studied, control tasks.
Reference: providing guidance for students in the primary sources on the subject through the preface, 
table of contents, index, glossary, tables, and so on. 
The implementation of these functions in an electronic textbook contributes to the improvement the 
quality and effectiveness of training.
Electronic textbook as any learning tool, has its advantages and disadvantages. There are 2 significant 
deficiencies in the electronic textbook:
1. The need of additional special equipment to work with electronic textbooks, first of all the computer 
with appropriate software and monitor, and sometimes additionally also the CD-ROM drive and / or network 
card or a modem to work in a LAN or WAN.
2. Unusual, unconventional electronic forms of information and fatigue of working in front of the monitor.

Вестник Карагандинского университета 
There are advantages of electronic books are as well:
1. Ability of adapting and optimizing the user interface according to the individual needs of the student.
In particular, it refers to the ability of usage either text or hypertext, and frame the structure of the textbook.
2. The ability of using additional means to influence on the student that makes it easier to learn and re-
member training material better. It is very important to include animated aids to the text. The positive effect 
can also be achieved with the help of sound, relevant training text.
3. The possibility of building a simple and convenient mechanism for navigating an electronic textbook.
The electronic manual uses hyperlinks and frame structure or card-image, which allows without flipping 
through pages quickly jump to a specific section or fragment thereof and, quickly go back, if it is necessary.
Students do not need to memorize pages on which the appropriate sections were placed.
4. Optional automated control of the level of a student's knowledge, and on this basis, ther is an auto-
matic selection of the appropriate level of knowledge of textbook layers .
5. Ability of adapting to the level of the material being studied students' knowledge, resulting in an im-
provement in the perception and memory information. The adaptation is based on the use of a layered struc-
ture of publication, and, in accordance with the test results given layer pupil corresponding to the level of his 
6. The main advantage of the electronic textbook — it is the possibility of interactive communication 
between the student and the elements of the textbook [5].
Analyzing above discussed points, we consider some of the principles of the electronic textbook and its 
1. Electronic textbook must contain at least textual information in connection with the fact that a long 
text from the screen reading leads to considerable fatigue and consequently to reduce the level of perception;
2. Electronic textbooks should contain a large number of illustrative materials. It is advisable to use 
compressed graphics file formats (GIF, JPEG) and a limited palette of colors or vector graphic files in order 
to limit the scope of the textbook; 
3. Using video clips allows students to pass in the dynamics of processes and phenomena. Despite the 
large size of the files, it is advisable to use them, because it increases the interest of students and improve 
the quality of knowledge;
4. In traditional teaching, verbal means dominates in presentation of new material. In this regard, the 
use of audio fragments in an electronic textbook allows not only bring closer to usual methods of submission 
information, but also improve perception of new material, and activates not only visual, but also hearing cen-
ters of head brain at the same time;
5. Electronic textbooks should contain hyperlinks on the elements of the textbook, and may have links 
to other online tutorials and guides. It is preferabe to have content with a quick transition to the necessary 
chapter or page;
6. It is possible, for example, with the help of technologies OLE (Object Linking and Embedding), start 
other computer programs to show examples, testing and other purposes;
7. The exclusive arrangement has a didactic value of text, graphics and other material. Quality percep-
tion of new information is the ability to synthesize and analyze, speed memorization. Learning information is 
largely dependent on the location of the information on the computer screen. There are three main modes of 
operation of the electronic textbook:
1. Education without checking;
2. Education with checking, in which at the end of each chapter (section) the student is invited to an-
swer a few questions to determine the degree of material acquisition; 
3. Test control, which designed for total control of knowledge with setting evaluation.
Hence, the main problem is the complexity of a large building quality electronic textbooks and the ma-
jority of teachers who teach subjects of not informative cycle, the absence of sufficient qualifications for in-
dependent creation of electronic textbooks. The main task of evaluating electronic textbooks in universities is 
to identify educational and didactic advantages of their use in the educational process in comparison with the 
classical textbooks.
Undoubtedly, the biggest plus of the transition to using multimedia e-books is that the electronic text-
book replaces heavy paper books, which greatly reduces the physical strain on the spine of students.

Features of E-learning in language… 
Серия «Педагогика». № 2(78)/2015 
1 Lewis C. Driving factors for e-learning: An organisational perspective. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education, 
2002. — 6 (2). — P. 50–54. 
2 Тыщенко О.Б. Новое средство компьютерного обучения — электронный учебник / Компьютеры в учебном процессе. 
— 1999. — № 10. — С. 89–92.
3 Алешкина О.В. Применение электронных учебников в образовательном процессе / Молодой ученый. — 2012. — 
№ 11. — С. 389–391.
4 Волков С.В. Педагогические условия использования электронного учебника в образовательном процессе техническо-
го вуза: Дис. … канд. пед. наук: 13.00.08. — Ставрополь, 2003. — 150 с.
5 Вуль В.А. Электронные издания [ЭР] / В. А. Вуль // Центр дистанционного образования МГУП / Учебник. — Режим 
доступа: http://www.hi-edu.ru/e-books/xbook119/01/part-010.htm

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