№2(78)/2015 Серия педагогика

Эффективность развития лидерства в преподавании

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Эффективность развития лидерства в преподавании
В статье рассматриваются актуальность и эффективность развития лидерских качеств как один из пу-
тей формирования у преподавателей саморазвития. Показано, что это является эффективным мето-
дом вовлечения студентов в образовательный процесс. Автор анализирует европейские и американ-
ские программы по развитию лидерских качеств у учителей и приходит к выводу, что сегодня быть 
только учителем и воспитателем недостаточно. Доказывается, что учитель должен быть более целе-
устремленным, дальновидным, заинтересованным, иметь стратегическое мышление, смотреть далеко 
в будущее с учетом требований общества, класса, группы или работы. Автор считает, что учителя 
должны самосовершенствоваться, уметь оценивать изменения в обществе, быть конкурентоспособ-
UDC 378.4 
R.K.Dyusembinova, B.K.Maudarbekova
I.Zhansugurov Zhetysu State University, Taldykorgan 
(E-mail: bayan.maudarbekova@gmail.com) 
The processes of internationalization and globalization
in the modern higher education 
The article examines modern processes of globalization which have a significant influence on the develop-
ment of higher education around the world. Distinguished such notions as «globalization» and «international-
ization of education» as the problem of the ratio problem of economic and cultural correlation in the devel-
opment of modern higher education. Analyzed the process of internationalization which in the current socio-
cultural reality becomes more convex and intercultural interaction of education systems in controversial cir-
cumstances increasing diversity and cultural unification. 
Key words: globalization of higher education; internationalization of education; intercultural education; glob-
al educational environment; international education; multiculturalism. 
The historically international nature of universities is playing out in new and dynamic ways, while the 
trend is extending broadly and rapidly across the higher education sector. Pushed and pulled along by the 
forces of globalization, internationalization presents many exciting opportunities to higher education institu-
tions and systems. At the same time, real risks and challenges are inherent in this complex and fluid envi-
ronment. At stake are issues of competitiveness and relevance, requiring new kinds of strategic thinking and 
acting with regard to the international dimension by all types of higher education actors. 
Although closely related and frequently used interchangeably, the terms globalization and international-
ization in higher education refer to two distinct phenomena. Globalization typically makes reference to «the 
broad economic, technological, and scientific trends that directly affect higher education and are largely in-
evitable in the contemporary world». 
Internationalization, on the other hand, has more to do with the «specific policies and programs under-
taken by governments, academic systems and institutions, and even individual departments to deal with 
globalization» [1; 123]. A give and take between globalization and internationalization has been evident to 
many higher education observers, but one of the key distinctions between the two concepts is the notion of 
control. Globalization and its effects are beyond the control of any one actor or set of actors. Internationaliza-
tion, however, can be seen as a strategy for societies and institutions to respond to the many demands placed 
upon them by globalization and as a way for higher education to prepare individuals for engagement in a 
globalized world. Indeed, internationalization has been conceived in many quarters as a necessary «process 
of integrating an international, intercultural, or global dimension in the purpose, functions, or delivery of 

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postsecondary education» [2; 2]. This process consists largely of two main spheres of action, commonly 
characterized as «internationalization at home» and «internationalization abroad» [3]. 
Internationalization at home typically consists of strategies and approaches designed to inject an inter-
national dimension into the home campus experience-for example, by including global and comparative per-
spectives in the curriculum or recruiting international students, scholars, and faculty and leveraging their 
presence on campus. Internationalization abroad, on the other hand, calls for an institution to project itself 
and its stakeholders out in the world. Key examples include sending students to study abroad, setting up a 
branch campus overseas, or engaging in an interinstitutional partnership. Beyond the umbrella concepts of 
internationalization and globalization, a variety of other terms are used-such as, the international dimension, 
international education, international programming, international and/or interinstitutional cooperation, inter-
national partnerships, cross-border education, borderless education, and regionalization. The varied termi-
nology refers to the breadth of experiences in this area and to the distinctive approaches to internationaliza-
tion taken by different higher education systems and institutions around the world. 
World globalization progressively penetrates into all spheres of social life and, in particular, into the 
sphere of education. Western governments, leaders of the world's leading economic organizations at interna-
tional forums recently provide a model of education emanating from the rules of free trade which is based on 
the principles and strategies of transnational corporations. At the same time they claim that their analytic and 
comparative conclusions insufficiently influence on the development of norms and standards in education, 
and their actions are directed primarily to the full respect of democracy. As for today a lot is made in many 
directions of separation tendencies that lead educational systems of many countries on the path of the global-
ized world. This equally applies to the goals, contents, methods and forms of education, different types and 
kinds of educational institutions. But much of these changes is still in the research phase [4; 57]. 
The internationalization of education is the process of including various international aspects in the re-
search, teaching and administrative activities of educational institutions of different levels. 
The internationalization process involves: 
 students: recruitment of foreign students, the organization of exchange programs, as well as individual 
student mobility; 
 faculty: faculty exchange, joint research programs, training in foreign universities, joint training pro-
grams, the organization of intensive courses and summer schools; 
 certification issues, the recognition and measurement: issue of «double» diplomas, credit system, and 
the international recognition of education, assessment of the quality of education; 
 international cooperation: exchange programs for the administration and management of human and 
material resources, consulting and information services, and the evaluation procedure and infrastruc-
The successful resolution of the internationalization of the educational institution depends on the mutual 
efforts and close cooperation of the participants — managers and teaching staff of educational institutions, 
departments, and faculties. At the same time, the process of internationalization of each educational institu-
tion depends on its features and should be related and consistent with the educational mission of the institu-
tion, its personnel and financial resources, physical facilities, scientific potential, the number of students, and 
other key components of a strategic plan for the development of the educational institution. 
«Modern cross-border synergism — is a constructive action together which is aimed at improving rela-
tions between the territorial-administrative units and authorities within the jurisdiction of two or more states, 
implying a resolution of agreements between them» [5; 10]. 
Recent changes in the cultural, social, political and economic spheres of society and information tech-
nologies pose higher education to the central stage, at once creating new problems throughout the tertiary 
education sector and especially in classical universities. Adaptation of institutions of higher education to a 
new cultural situation concentrates on two poles: the global and regional, which is not a feature of the devel-
opment of higher education in the global world. Mutually complementary processes of integration and disu-
nity, globalization and territorialization in the modern world are two sides of the same process: the redistri-
bution of sovereignty, authority and freedom of action on a global scale which was the catalyst for a radical 
change in the development of technologies related to the velocity. Globalization is the cause of reviving the 
local cultural identity in many regions of the world. Regarding higher education, polarization of global-local 
is manifested in the creation of the single world educational space where there is an increase in cultural di-
versity of the offered programs. 

R.K.Dyusembinova, B.K.Maudarbekova 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
Changes in higher education not only provide responses to the challenges of global competition, but al-
so suggest important instruments of international cooperation. There are common strategic issues for most 
countries raised up by the process of internationalization of higher education [5; 68, 69]: 
 Competition between the regions of the world as well as from newly emerging training providers to 
attract students, researchers and professionals; 
 Achievement and maintainance of such level of competitiveness that would ensure the involvement of 
students and researchers from other world regions to overcome the shortage of scientists in the region 
or country, and to address the aging of the teaching staff of universities; 
 Strengthening of the process of internationalization in the preservation of cultural diversity as attrac-
tive regional characteristics; 
 Strengthening the overall attractiveness of a region or country to increase students’ and teachers’ mo-
tivation mobility from other parts of the world. 
Chinese researcher Lee Vengan suggests that the internationalization of higher education means: firstly, 
the internationalization of scientific disciplines as each of them consist of knowledge about the achievements 
of world culture, and secondly, the development of new interdisciplinary courses of various levels of diffi-
culty designed to familiarize students with the basic content of the social sciences and humanities, and third-
ly, pedagogical rationale interdisciplinary approach to education and the development of technologies for its 
implementation in educational practice [6; 190]. 
In connection with the development of world education scientists often talk about international educa-
tion, internationalization of education, transnational education, globalization of education. Any of these 
terms emphasizes the different trends in the development of modern higher education, combines them striv-
ing to demonstrate the integrity of higher education on a global level, the intensification of the international 
dimension in the contemporary cultural conditions. 
Due to the development of world education we often speak on international education, internationaliza-
tion of education, transnational education, globalization of education. Each of these terms emphasizes the 
different trends in the development of modern higher education unifying their desire to show the unity of 
higher education at the global level strengthening the international dimension in contemporary cultural con-
All this variety of terms, in our view, can be divided into two large groups, one of which suggests the 
existence of national frontiers in education and development of cultural interaction in multicultural-
dimensional space of modern higher education, the other, believes modern education and unified whole, 
which thanks to the information and communication revolution disappear all the borders and national culture 
features of higher education rises above the existing diversity of cultures and turns into a cosmopolitan phe-
nomenon. The first sub-course involves the internationalization of higher education, the second highlights to 
the forefront of a global dimension. 
Ratio trends of internationalization and globalization in today's higher education has been widely dis-
cussed. A large group of investigators believe that globalization in education in a certain sense is the devel-
opment of ideas of internationalization but this makes fundamental changes in the understanding of the es-
sence of modern processes. The internationalization process is an active response to a number of institutions 
of higher education in the globalization trend. Internationalization involves the functioning of higher educa-
tion institutions in the framework of public education systems that seek to expand international cooperation 
and overcome internal insulation. 
Representatives of the opposite approach which is most often referred to the works of the Vice-
Chancellor of Kingston University Peter Scott believe that there is no continuity between internationalization 
and globalization, they are two different process. The term «internationalization» reveals the growth of rela-
tions between nations and national cultures (in this sense internationalization has a long history). «Globaliza-
tion» is most often understood as the process of increasing role of global systems located outside the state 
and national culture. Internationalization since the emergence of the first universities has become an integral 
feature of higher education and can be seen already as tradition. Globalization is a new phenomenon, distinct 
from internationalization inseparable from the new forms of social life and new paradigms knowledge pro-
At the beginning of XXI century international cooperation between universities is a higher priority for a 
number of factors, which include [7; 36]: 

The processes of internationalization and globalization… 
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 Strengthening the role of universities in building a knowledge-based economy; 
 Increased competition between universities because of aspiration to take a position in the education 
 Strengthening of international cooperation in research and development; 
 Benchmarking (the process of identifying, understanding and adaptation of existing examples of the 
effective functioning of the organization in order to improve their own work) of universities with in-
ternational standards and rating lists; 
 Changes in the labor market which require employees’ greater mobility and the ability to work in a 
multinational environment. 
However, today the recognition of the decisive role of the creative person by the world's scientific 
community is accompanied by dissatisfaction with the modern education system, which is characterized by 
gap increasing between culture and education because the mere knowledge does not substitute for spirituality 
and is not able to provide a holistic process of reproduction as society so the personality. 
The internationalization of higher education begins to engage in intercultural interaction long before the 
global economic trends, as it is less defined historical framework than globalization. Actually the process of 
globalization has been made possible, and to some extent caused by modern technological developments of 
the late twentieth century. If internationalization is understood primarily as an exchange of people and ideas, 
globalization refers to the structure of production and distribution services. The success of the industrialized 
countries in the spheres of economy of the future knowledge-based and services, requires not just improved 
higher education but higher education integrated with the international activities of governments and the pri-
vate sector. The problem is to achieve such integration while maintaining the traditional values of universal 
higher education. Economic globalization and advances in technology create a global knowledge economy 
which involves the internationalization of producers and products, and especially universities and other insti-
tutions of higher education and training programs that they offer [8; 41]. Thus, the globalization of higher 
education is seen as development of the global education market, where education is bought and sold in a 
competitive environment. Internationalization of education is a cultural aspect of interaction between differ-
ent systems of education, universities in different socio-cultural conditions. At the turn of the 20 and 21 cen-
turies internationalization takes place in the harsh conditions of globalization of world education. Therefore, 
considering the globalization and internationalization of higher education variable phenomena (phenomenon 
of the global economy and global cultural phenomenon), in modern conditions should be considered intercul-
tural interaction of modern systems of education, internationalization of higher education one of the manifes-
tations of globalization.
In scientific literature there is no clear definition of the changes occurring in higher education under the 
influence of globalization. The authors characterize these processes as a «global education» or as «interna-
tionalization» and often these concepts are equal admitting that globalization is just a new term for the phe-
nomenon existed before. 
Some researchers believe that globalization in all spheres of activity leads to internationalization in 
higher education [9; 83], in other words the internationalization of higher school is a consequence of globali-
zation while university education the beginning of which was laid in 1158, the year of founding the Universi-
ty of Bologna, initially seen as an international phenomenon. 
Others, on the contrary, see globalization as the higher phase of internationalization of various spheres 
of activity including the economy, politics, culture, in other words, globalization is a higher phase of interna-
tionalization which moreover do not give a correct understanding of the changes occurring in the field of 
higher education under the influence large-scale processes. 
In modern conditions higher education has an important mission settlement of the dispute between «lo-
cal» and «global» and as a result the relationship between global and local culture factors should be found 
[9]. In a globalized economy system of higher education is able to unite the nations through intercultural 
interaction as between themselves and within individual states, to resist a certain extent, centrifugal effect, 
develop skills, personality, liability citizens themselves. 
Modern processes of globalization have made the internationalization of education more prominent and 
explicit, determined the dependence of the internationalization higher education from the global economic 
processes. One of the leading trends of internationalization is to strengthen the international dimension of 
higher education. American researcher R. Lambert notes that the international education is relatively inde-
pendent from each other fields of study. It includes: training abroad, profound study of foreign countries, 
their social development and culture, the study of foreign languages, training in international relationships to 

R.K.Dyusembinova, B.K.Maudarbekova 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
fulfill international social functions, foreign students. In recent decades training programs activate compara-
tive research programs, learning a foreign language, international law, national cultures. The international 
flow of students is enhanced which have become more flexible and mass recently due to the fact that they no 
longer need exist physically, and acquire information and digital content. Increasing flows of foreign stu-
dents entails not only economic but cultural benefits. 
Today the classic definition of internationalization of traditional and industrial civilization completes 
the definition of internationalization with the development of a global culture. Kelvermark and van der 
Wende consider internationalization of higher education as «any systematic supported efforts to create higher 
education which is more responsive to the demands and challenges of society globalization, the economy and 
the labor market» [10; 141].
Mestenheiser believes that today there is an urgent need in profound study of the internationalization of 
education as an interdisciplinary, intercultural, complex, multiple, spatial phenomenon, which is controlled 
global trends. Empirically confirming this definition Ellingbow understands internationalization as a process 
of integration of international prospects in college or university. Internationalization is ongoing and future-
oriented process that allows higher education institution to achieve spatial and interdisciplinary leadership to 
change the internal dynamics, get in touch and fully adapt to a variety of global, constantly changing external 
cultural environment [11; 45]. 
Knight understands internationalization as «the integration of international, intercultural or global di-
mension to the objectives, functions, or post secondary education supply».
There are two components of higher education internationalization in modern literature. Most often in-
ternationalization refers to the process that requires movement of students, teachers, scientists, educational 
programs and courses across national borders. But today even in highly modernized society globalization 
does not affect all social layers. Bauman has called such a variety of beautiful difference «tourists and va-
grants». At the time when «tourists» romp through the world, the others watch as the world passes by. For 
the cosmopolitan, extraterritorial world of global business, cultural managers, scientists national borders are 
open, just as there is no border for goods, capital and finance. For the inhabitants of the second world, the 
world of vagrants, private environment turns into a heavy, viscous space that connects the time and does not 
allow people to control them. Despite the many existing student exchange programs the possibility of obtain-
ing higher education in a more developed system of education often depends on the social and cultural situa-
tion in society. 
In recent years, there are theories in higher education that do not bind the introduction of international 
and global dimension in the curriculum, the educational process and research without having to travel 
abroad, that in Anglo-American literature has been called «internationalization at home». The complex term 
«internationalization at home» generates a lot of discussion. The reason for its emergence in modern science 
is globally-local trends in culture development. Multiculturalism of modern western societies (American, 
Canadian, Western European, Australian) leads to the fact that foreign students come to the university not 
only outside the borders but also from the surrounding social and cultural environment. Due to the interac-
tion in learning representatives of different cultures, both at the level of students, and at the level of teachers, 
have many problems that are associated with the possible impact of modern trends of multiculturalism on the 
development of intercultural learning. Can a student of a different culture living in campus make a big con-
tribution to the international development of the host university? Answering this question many scientists 
believe that multiculturalism does not lead to the internationalization in the true sense of this word. By itself 
internationalization does not automatically lead to a cross-cultural contacts and international experience of 
learning. Thus, according to research carried out among German students more than 60% of them have never 
had contact with foreign students [12; 20]. 
Contemporary disputes about the internationalization of higher education are related to its cultural as-
pect. Despite the fact that under the conditions of globalization national borders become less marked and cul-
tural features — more increased. So the issue of internationalization is the matter of interculturalism of high-
er education. 
International educational programs should enable students without compromising their own cultural 
identity acquainted with other cultures. It should not be just a cultural clash when people superficially meet 
with other cultures and see it in terms of ethnocentrism. Any cultural dialogue in education must be per-
ceived on the cognitive, emotional and behavioral levels so that the social experience of another became a 
personal experience (teacher or student-classmate). During interculturalism of higher education it is neces-
sary to form intercultural competence, cosmopolitan values perception of other cultures as equal to his own. 

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There must be a long process of changing the student’s knowledge, his emotional and behavioral skills that 
in future he could start a positive and effective relationships with other cultures both in his home country and 
Undoubtedly, globalization and internationalization are processes related in a certain way, though, most 
likely, they may be considered dialectically opposed despite the fact that both of them, in fact, can be consid-
ered as a form of action which is called international integration. 
Today, many scientists agree that the leading country of the XXI century will be the country that will 
create the most efficient system of higher education. The economic success of states are determined by their 
education systems which in turn has led to a reassessment of the role and place of higher education in socie-
ty, the mission of education. This awareness is due to the fact that the most effective factor of production in 
the twenty-first century is the human factor. 
Therefore, the internationalization of education in increasing number of countries becomes the object 
and the subject of a deliberate policy on the part of the state focused on the specific in-country cultural, polit-
ical and social problems. 
1 Altbach, P.G. Globalization and the university: Realities in an unequal world. J.J.F. Forest and P.G. Altbach (eds.), Interna-
tional Handbook of Higher Education,Vol. 1. Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Springer. — Р. 121–140. 
2 Орлова Э.А. Культурное многообразие в современном мире: проблемы упорядочения / Э.А. Орлова // Культурное 
разнообразие, развитие и глобализация. — М., 2003.
3 Knight J. Quality assurance and recognition of qualifications in postsecondary education in Canada. Centre for Educational 
Research and Innovation and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. (eds.), Quality and Recognition in Higher 
Education: The Cross-Border Challenge, Paris, OECD. — Р. 43–62. 
4 Бауман З. Глобализация. Последствия для человека и общества / З. Бауман. — М., 2004.
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Р.К.Дүйсембинова, Б.К.Маударбекова

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