Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, Серия «Педагогические науки», №4 (52), 2016 г.
Kiyassova B.A –
is associate professor KAZNPU im. Abaya
Formation kompetentnosti Education
The increase in technological progress and scientific information, requires a review of the content of education and
the principles of operation of such a teacher should be able to choose effective teaching methods and the use of them.
The study shows the differences between the level of competence of graduates of higher education institutions and their
training content.
In general, the professional competence of future teachers is defined as the ability to solve problems and issues, on
the basis of the unity of the personal and professional qualities to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of
Higher education, competence, specialist.
ƏОЖ 378.018.8:658.2:796.035.062(574)
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