Ключевые слова: исследовательская, исследовательских умений, начальных классов, учащихся.
Summary Amirova А. S. – д.п.н.,professor, Abai KazNPU
Stamgalieva B. – master Atirau of university D. Dosmuhamedov
Ways of development of the research capacity of primary school pupils on the basis of information technologies The article discusses the development of research abilities of primary school pupils with the help of information
technology.Development of intellectual abilities of the individual pupil primary school we considered as part of the
learning process.The basis of the research students' thinking are natural inclinations. Psychological content of the
concept of "research" widespread and still not precisely defined, it can be true intelligence, mental ability, mental
development, thinking, etc.
As a result of the analysis of research abilities of the person are formed and developed in a specific socio-cultural
environment. The analysis of current approaches to research and development, has revealed that an important skill for a
person - is a study aimed at solving a particular problem.Getting the new knowledge, forecast possible outcomes of
cognitive activity are the result of the research activity of the subject.
For primary school pupils characterized the known forms of study, such as "co-competitor", active research
activities directed to the "opening".They not only operates on objects, but by researchcopying the properties of familiar
objects to the new situation, produce action with the object.Practical actions performed by students, create a situation of
disclosure of the contents of the object carries informative and indicative function.
One of the main tasks of primary school - the formation of research skills of each student.
Keywords: skills research of work, skills research of workability, subject, class, student.
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, Серия «Педагогические науки», №4 (52), 2016 г. 256