Мҧхамадиев Д.Б. - к.ф.н., ст. науч. сотрудн,
Бегманова Б.С. - Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет, к.ф.н., и.о. ассоц. проф
Философскии мотив в лирике М.Макатаева
В этой статье анализируется поэзии М.Макатаева в философском направлении. Жизненные явления в поэзиях
поэта рассматривается в связь с человеческим настроением. Поэзия создается чувствами. Оно наслаждает человека
разными чувствами наслаждения и неизвестным загадочным силом касающийся только поэзии. В основном, разные
чувства человека это природный дар и миг наслаждения человека. Потому что, есть свойственные наслаждения
чувств-печали и радости. Поэзия учит чувствовать, воздействует на сердце человека почувствовать влияния, которые
оно не способен сам чувствовать. Поэтому поэзия называется «Зеркалом человеческого чувства».
С любых строк поэзий поэта можно замечать состояние автора. В стихах М.Макатаева можно встретить чувства с
которыми часто сталкивается каждый человек, такие эмоции как –тоска, желание, страсть, облюбование, радость,
обида, грусть, сожаление. Поэзии поэта состоит из тоски ожидания хороших надежд от будущего. Эти качества
поэта являются особенностью его поэзии.
Ключевые слова: образ, поэзия, лирика, жанр, стиль, жанрово-стилевая палитра, анализы, литературоведы,
критики, цикл стихов
Mukhamadiyev D.B. - Cand.Phil.Sci., the Art., Begmanova B.S. - Kazakh state women's pedagogical university,
Philosophical motive in M. Makatayev's lyrics
This article analyzes the M.Makataev poetry in the philosophical direction. Life phenomenon in the poetry of the poet is
considered in connection with the human mood. Poetry creates feelings. It enjoys a person with different feelings of pleasure
and unknown mysterious strength concerning the only poetry. Basically, the different feelings the person is a natural gift, and
a moment of human enjoyment. Because there are inherent sense enjoyment, sadness and joy. Poetry teaches us to feel affects
the human heart to feel the influence of which it is not able to feel himself. Therefore, poetry is called "Mirror of human
With any lines of the poet's poetry can ignore the state of the author. In M.Makataev verses can be found feelings that are
often faced by everyone, such as the-melancholy, desire, passion, take a fancy to, joy, resentment, sadness, regret. Poetry is
the poet of melancholy expectation of good hope from the future. These qualities are a feature of the poet of his poetry.
Keywords: image, poetry, lyrics, genre, style, genre and style palette, analyzes, literary critic, a cycle of poems
УДК 32.019.51
B.B. Isakov – PhD, Department of Sociology, Kyrgyz Turkish Manas University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
This paper focuses on sel-fidentification of the inhabitants of Madaniat village in Chuy region, Kyrgyzstan. Basing mainly
on oral sources, it argues that pre-Soviet tribal confederation of Kyrgyz people totally transformed into the Soviet kolkhozes
and this clanship emerged on the surface after the Soviet collapse. In the selected village, all the inhabitants consider
themselves as the descendants of Zharban hero. But, investigating the geneologic tree of Jarban clan it makes clear the real
picture of Jarban sublines and interrelations among the clan sub groups.
Keywords: Kyrgyz clan system, Kyrgyz tribal confederation, self-identification
After the Soviet collapse, due to the displayed symptoms of stagnation most Kyrgyz people forced to face the
challenge of liberal market economy. In this case clan-based animal husbandry gained again its importance turned
into the most-preferred livelihood strategy for the post-Soviet rural population of Kyrgyzstan. These gave a
chance to rural people to fame their clan identities and create their own clan heroes. Currently almost all the
households in rural Kyrgystan try to exalt their traditional clan heroes and leading personalities in the past. For the
Абай атындағы ҚазҦПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Жас ғалым. Ізденістер. Мәселелер. Зерттеулер» сериясы, №1(7), 2016 ж.
fame of the clan and recognition around, they organize some traditional ceremonies (anniversary celebraitons,
heroic acts, etc.) including building of hero statues. Thus there is a tendency in some rural parts to go ahead
making their clan names as their basic social identity within the villages.
The literature exploring the ways people have reoriented their social life on to clan system displays as a result
of the economic changes following market reforms in post-socialist countries and the implications of changes for
rural political organization, administrative arrangements, and power relations. Here, power relations directly relate
to the clan-based power in many post-Soviet republics since in all five Central Asian countries power was affected
deeply by clanship system almost all the spheres of the social and economic lives. Oliver Roy who has done
research on those all five Central Asian countries says that clan system played significant role on the formation of
Soviet kolkhozes as well since the pre-Soviet clan-based social structure preserved its shape and transformed into
the Soviet local entities so-called kolkhoz. Consequently there formed bulk of ‗one clan- one village‘ system in
entire Central Asia.
Some domestic and international literatures also deal occasionally with the clan system of Kyrgyz people
within the post-Soviet studies category. But, I would say that the domestic literature approaches to the subject
mainly essentialist while the non-Kyrgyz scholars who deal with present-day condition of the subject evaluated
the clan tradition on surface.
Bulk of Soviet scholars like S.Il‘yasov, (1955), M.Aitbaev (1957), G.Antipina (1958) and S. Abramzon (1971)
dealt with clan system as well though their studies have been done being under the significant influence of Soviet
This article focuses on contemporary clanship practice of post-Soviet Kyrgyz people in the case of lineage
groupings in Madaniyat village and argues that for the every village inhabitant being a member of the leading
lineage grouping gives access to whole social and economic resources within the village. In other words, every
village family try to show themselve as a descendant of leading lineage so-called Zharban in order to be in good
relation with others and benefit from social and economic network of the village.
Fieldwork materials collected in 2006-2007 in Madaniyat village consist the main data of this paper. The
Madaniyat village is in Chuy Province, northern part of Kyrgyzstan and in about 80 km away from capital city
Bishkek. (See the map 1).
map 1: Madaniyat village. The map of Kyrgyzstan
Building on my previous research, a total of 42 families interviewed from the sampled village. The inhabitants
of the village are ethnic Kyrgyzes so I had no difficulty in establishment of relation with locals. As for the clan
system in the subject village, the village inhabitants call themselves as the descendants of Zharban. During the
numerous field visits, I realized that the village inhabitants collected money and built monument of Zharban hero
at the main entrance of the village. Even some villagers published a small brochure on the genealogy of Zharban
hero and his heroic acts.
Early Settlements
As it was in other regions in Kyrgyzstan, with the increased Russian transmigration into the Chuy region,
locals learnt how to build immoveable houses from their new neighbors. Initially lots of locals could not be
addicted to the house type living that was immoveable and irrelevant to their lifestyle. But in the course of time,
they gradually got accustomed and started to use houses in their winter camps. To some extent, though house
started to build, the settlement itself was scattered as it was in the figure below: (figure1).
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия «Молодой ученый. Поиски. Проблемы. Исследования», №1(7), 2016 г.
As it is shown from the figure, settlement shape of locals in one place or in their winter camp was like this,
from the end of 19th to the first quarter of 20
century. Blue lines on both sides are small streams. The mid of the
two streams were winter quarters of Zharban descendants.
After 1920, the newly established Soviet regime started forcible settlement process of nomadic groups and as
some informants from the Madaniyat village informed, there came some Russians and chose the place for village
formation. Later locals were asked to move into the village and thus started settling into the kolkhoz in 1926-27
years. Again as the locals explained, this settlement process lasted for many years and the formation of village
which currently called Madaniat completed in 1940 years (Figure 2).
Now we need to come back to social structure, because actually we need to analyze social development and
tribal establishment of the village. Currently there live over 140-150 housholds of Jarban clan in the village and
they are devides into differents lineages like: Aksakal, Chetki, Kenjeke, Kubat, Manap, Monoldor, Jumash,
Jакshılyk, Jetigen, Saruu and others. The smallest of them has at least 4-5 families and the largest of them has
over 20-25 families. Today walking in the streets of village, if you ask a question to any of villagers wishing to
learn to which clan does he/she belongs, they answer that ―I am from Jarban clan‖ or ―All the villagers are from
Jarban, why are you asking?‖. Jarban or Jarban Baatyr was a Kyrgyz hero who fought against to Kalmuk invaders
in 17
century. Everybody in the village knows about his acts of heroism and all of them believe that they are the
descendants of this hero. After 1991, his heroism acts started to take part in textbooks and elderly ones in village
made his heroism legendary. In 2003, in one corner of the village was built a monument in the name of Jarban
Baatyr. Such kinds of pioneering activities of Jarban members carried out in Soviet period as well.
Figure 1: Scattered settlement of households before the formation of Madaniyat village
Once investigating the geneologic tree of Jarban clan I noticed some mixed parts, exactly I could not find
Saruu lineage among the Jarban sublines. But there was a group called Saruu in the village which belongs to that
clan. I carried out investigation but I could not find any information on Saruu and Jarban relation. I searched
thoroughly all the Sanjyra (geneologic tree) works and the results of scientific research expedition which was
organized by S.M. Abramzon in 1950-55 years. But any written materials confirmed legality of Saruu among
Jarban lines.
Абай атындағы ҚазҦПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Жас ғалым. Ізденістер. Мәселелер. Зерттеулер» сериясы, №1(7), 2016 ж.
Figure 2: Settling of households in the kolkhoz
Later, I talked with some Saruu members in village, but they told me that Saruu belongs to the clan. Their
words mixed the condition further and then I contunued investigating among elderly villagers. Actually lots of
them did not know whether the Saruu group really a line of clan or not and just replied me ‗they are inside of clan‘
instead of saying ‗They are a line of clan‘. Later one of informants said that he didn‘t know whether Saruu
belongs to Jarban or not, but mostly the Saruu members did not say openly their line name‘. This made me think
and ask a question ‗do they avoid saying their line name frankly?‘. Later I told a Saruu member about the
nonexistence of Saruu among the clan sublines, he replied that Saruu was forgotten when the clan geneology
writing taken up. This was quit strange answer, because it was incredible to forget line name not in one but in
other written materials.
The same situation appeared with another lineage Chetki. There are over 4-5 families of it in village. In the
same way, according to the written materials and results of scientific research expedition, Chetki group does not
belongs to Jarban. Some of informants in village also confirmed that this group is out of the clan. But when I
talked with some members of the group, they did not accepted their illegality in the clan. Then I requested from
one, to count his ‗seven ancestors‘, in order to find out their real tie to the clan but he could not count it.
The other group members of Manap line are also showed themselves under Jarban clan identity. According to
the written materials, Manap is not a line of Jarban, on the contrary Jarban is a line of Manap clan (fig:). But in
one way or another, instead of Manap, Jarban has pioneered in the village. Lots of Manap members know that
their line is bigger than Jarban, but in spite of that they say that they are from Manap and it belongs to Jarban
clan‖. These situatiation made me think differently on it, because it could be quite possible that for the formation
of the last circumstance arised from Soviet policy which destructing former traditional heritages. Because among
the traditional administrative positions like ‗biy‘, ‗bek‘ and ‗han‘, there was another position called ‗Manap‘
before the Soviet time. By the arriving of Russians, almost all kinds of cultural heritages started to change or put
away and those administrative positions also removed. Because of being contrary of former titles expression to the
regime, the clan Manap could lost their equality in social and political scene and could be fall into pieces and
move in different clans.
In the end, I fixed lots of conditions on changing of clan identity in the village or in other words, as part of the
above-mentioned groups, some other lineages like Monoldor, Jetigen, Ayuke and Jakshylyk in the village changed
their identities as well. Even there was a man who were ethnically Kazakh and interestingly call himself that he is
from Jarban clan. In his explanations, his father moved from Sailyk place to the village in 1932, with his
neighbors who were from in the same clan. He made his family genealogy which leads him to Aksakal group
which is inside of Jarban clan though some villagers secretly said that he was ethnically Kazakh whose parents
came into Jarban clan during the ‗Kazakhs came‘ or Kazakh famine in early 1930s.
As a conclusion, there could be stated followings points: first, the practice of being within the network of
Zharban is the main reason why all the village inhabitants both Zharban and non-Zharban families. People prefer
unity and harmony first than the clan belonging since this network bases on social and economic solidarity.
Everybody in the village needs to be sociallly inside of the Zharban clanship and benefit from the network. If one
say that his lineage does not belong to Zharban, he and his family should be treated as ‗other‘ within the Zharban
based social and economic life.
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия «Молодой ученый. Поиски. Проблемы. Исследования», №1(7), 2016 г.
Figure 3: List of non-Zharban lineages
Secondly, the status of superiority, or the world practice clearly displayed that the right of minorties is usually
neglected in front of majority. During the Soviet time, management and ownership of speech were in Jarban‘s
power who constituted 80% of village population. The first chieves and influantial peoples of the village were
from this clan. According to the Soviet system everybody was equal and everybody was able to use all the
opportunuties which was provided by the system, but in spite of that majority groups in the villages were morally
superior than others. Monoldor, Chetki, Jetigen and Saruu groups were pleased of the general system of Soviet
regime, so they should not try to defend their rights and break the unity in the village not to suffer from it later.
This circumstances made the minor groups to be in one leading roof and they made the Jarban idenity their own.
Otherwise the attitude that means ―If your are not a memeber of our group, so you are other one‖ could be appear
anytime and this should limit their main necessities like membership to network, access to good things and of
course authority.
1 Olivier Roy. The new Central Asia. The Creation of Nations. New York: New York University Press, 2005, p.18.
2 Beksultanova, Ch. & Bolponova, A. 2011. “O Progressivnosti Nomadizma”, Voprosy Istorii Kyrgyzstana 2011/1: 1-7;
Bolponova, A. & Beksultanova, Ch., 2010. “Elementy Kochevoi Identifikatsii Kyrgyzov”, Voprosy Istorii Kyrgyzstana 2010/4:
3 Farrington. J., 2005. De-Development in Eastern Kyrgyzstan and Persistence of Seminomadic Livestock Herding,
Nomadic Peoples, vol. 9, no. 1: 171-197; Jacquesson, S., 2007. “Whom They are a Part of? Do they Split?: On Kinship and
Descent among the Kyrgyz”. Anthropological Workshop of the MPI for Social Anthropology. Halle:
http://academia.edu/1709577/On_Kinship_and_Descent_among_the_Kyrgyz (25.05.2011); Yoshida, S., 2005. “Ethnographic
Study of Privatization in a Kyrgyz Village: Patrilineal Kin and Independent Farmers”. Inner Asia, 7/2: 215-247.
4 Abramzon, S.M., Antipina, K.I., Vasileva, G.P., Makhova E.I., & Sulaimanov D. 1958. Byt Kolkhoznikov Kirgizskikh
Selenii Darkhan i Chichkan: Kolkhoz Imeni K.E. Voroshilova (“Ala-too”) Pokrovskogo Raiona Issyk-Kul'skoi Oblasti i
Chichkan. Moscow: Akademia Nauk SSSR; Aitbaev, M., 1957. Istoriko - Kulturnyye Svyazi Kirgizskogo i Russkogo Narodov
(po Materialam Issyk-Kulskoy Oblasti Kirgizskoi SSR). Frunze: Izdatelstvo AN Kirgizskoi SSR. Iliyasov, S. 1955. “O
Sushnosti Patriarhalno-Feodalnyh Otnoshenii u Kochevyh Narodov Kirgizii (sodoklad)”. Materialy Obyedinennoi Nauchnoi
Sessii, Posviashennoi Istorii, Srednei Azii i Kazahstana v Dooktiabrskii Period. Tashkent: Izdatelstvo AN Uzbekskoi SSR: 43-
5 The place of village was in their winter camp or lots of villages in Kyrgyzstan formed in the places where local people
had their winter camps before.
6 Today this village is in Chuy raion, Chuy region, Kyrgyzstan
7 Kenenbaev Kubat (birth:1924-); Arzymatov Kemelbek (birth:1931-); Abykeev Coldoshbek (birth:1947-); Chıngyshbaev
Talabidin (birth:1953- ); Beysheev Ajyke (birth:1941-); Jamangulov Sabyrkul (birth: 1947-); Isagulov Kanybek (birth:1941-
)) residents of Madaniat village, Chuy raion, Chuy region.
8 The names of other lineages in the village are: Ayuке, Eshmanbet, Kenjeke,Nurmanbet, Tultemir and Uku.
9 S. A. Alymkulov, “Madaniat Ailynin Taryhynan”, Baardygy Ozubuzgo Baylanyshtuu, Bishkek 2005, p. 4.
10 Jamangulov Sabyrkul, (birth: 1947-), resident of Madaniat village, Chuy raion, Chuy region.
11 S. M. Abramzon, “Tunduk Kyrgyzstandyn Kyrgyz Kalkynyn Etnikalyk Kuramy”, Kyrgyz jana Kyrgyzstan Taryhy
Boyuncha Tandalma Emgekter, Bishkek 1999, p. 668.
12 Mukashev Salamat, resident of Madaniat village, Chuy raion, Chuy region; Sultan Eshbaev, resident of Madaniat
village, Chuy raion.
13 S. M. Abramzon, “Tunduk Kyrgyzstandyn”, p. 668.
14 Kerimov Suyorkul (birth:1936-), resident of Madaniat village, Chuy raion, Chuy region
Абай атындағы ҚазҦПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Жас ғалым. Ізденістер. Мәселелер. Зерттеулер» сериясы, №1(7), 2016 ж.
15 “Counting of Seven ancestors” is a traditional comprehension of people and the same time it is the moral
confirmation of clan member legitimacy of male ones.
16 Esenkul Torokan Uulu, Kyrgyzdyn Kyskacha Taryhy, I, Bishkek 1995, p. 197.
17 Jamangulov Sabyrkul, (birth: 1947-), resident of Madaniat village, Chuy raion, Chuy region.
18 This place is over 25-30 km far from Madaniat village.
Исаков В.Б. - PhD. отделение социологии, Кыргызско-Турецкий Университет Манас, Бишкек, Кыргызстан
Оозеки маалыматтар боюнча азыркы Кыргыз кландык системасы
(Кыргызстандагы Маданият айылы мисалында)
Бул макалада, Кыргызстандын Чҥй облусундагы Маданият айылынын тургундары арасында байкалган
идентификация маселесиндеги адаатан тыш кӛрҥнҥшкӛ кӛнҥл бурулат. Ӛздӛрҥн Жарбан легендарлуу баатырдын
урпактарыбыз деп эсептешкен айыл турнудары, ӛздӛрҥнҥн чыныгы тааандык болгон уругун жашырып келишкен.
Аталган макалада, оозеки сурамжылоого таянып, жана жазма маалыматтарга негизделип, аталган маселенин
себептери мисалдар менен талкууга алынат.
Ӛзӛктҥҥ сӛздӛр: кыргыз клан системасы, уруу конфедерациясы, идентификация
Исаков В.Б. - PhD. отделение социологии, Кыргызско-Турецкий Университет Манас, Бишкек, Кыргызстан
Кыргызская клановоя система в современной устной историии
(на примере поселка маданият в Кыргызстане)
Данная статья посвящена необычному явлению в самоидентификации кыргызских жителей поселка Маданият в
Чуйской области, Кыргызстан. Жители данной местности, считающие себя потомками легендарного героя кыргызов
Жарбан баатыра, представляют собой отдельный клан, члены которого скрывают свое настоящее происхождение. В
данной работе рассматриваются причины и предпосылки появления этого явления на основе результатов устной
Ключевые слова: Кыргызская, клановая система, клановая конфедерация, самоидентификация
ӘОЖ 821.512.122.09
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