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Использованная литература.

  1. Яковлев А.И. Информационно-коммуникационные технологии в образовании. http://emag/ils/ru/ infosoc/emag.nsf

  2. Селевко А.Г. Современные информационно-технические средства в школе. – М.: Народное образование, 2002.

  3. Селевко Г.К. Педагогические технологии на основе активизации, интенсификации и эффективного управления УВП. М.: НИИ школьных технологий, 2005.

  4. Интернет-ресурсы. http://videouroki.net


Нурмуханов Тахир Конысбаевич

«Еңбекші ауылындағы орта мектеп» КММ Педагогика ғылымдарының магистрі

Abstract: For L2 learners, listening comprehension is crucial. Students who can exhibit competency in L2 listening also have the ability to show mastery in other language abilities. Due of the undervalued contribution hearing makes to language acquisition, educators and language specialists have been aggressively encouraging pupils to focus on improving their listening abilities. Multimedia gives L2 speakers access to a variety of visual and auditory L2 texts through audio, video, the Internet, podcasts, blogs, and other platforms. The use of multimedia in listening exercises is intended to help L2 learners grasp L2 in natural settings.
Language skill development and improvement for L2 learners have been credited to the usage of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) programs. But the training of listening skills has received little attention. There has long been a presumption that in order to say that L2 learners are proficient in communication in a specific L2, they must be able to speak, read, and write in that L2. Because of this presumption, many L2 educators have downplayed the real significance of listening as a source of oral input for L2 learners of the target language.
Keywords: listening, enhancement, multimedia technology

It is believed that listening comprehension is an active process in which listeners prefer to transform words into ideas in order to infer meaning from the material. The history of listening comprehension is often lengthy, including the analog and phonograph eras, the audio tape period, and the digital age (Wagner, 2007).

Language teaching and learning appear to have moved into a new field with the advent of new technologies, along with its effects on people's lives in general and on their educational experiences. CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) and training in listening comprehension L2 skills are seen as inextricably linked (Vandergrift, 2007).
One important language skill that language learners must master is listening comprehension. Additionally, the development of listening skills gets entwined with those of all other linguistic abilities. This is seen as belonging to language learning in both the first and second cases (Vandergrift, 1999). Listening is frequently used in language learning. Additionally, it frequently plays a crucial part in language learning by enabling spoken contact amongst the students (Smidt & Hegelheimer, 2004). It frequently serves as the starting point for all aspects of language learning and acquisition and contributes significantly to the duration of conversation. Thus, the purpose of this essay is to discuss various effects of multimedia technology on the acquisition of L2 listening abilities (Rubin, 2011).

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