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Пайдаланылған әдебиеттер

  1. Қазақстан Республикасының Президенті Н.Ә. Назарбаевтың «Жаңа онжылдық – жаңа экономикалық өрлеу – Қазақстаннның жаңа мүмкіндіктері» Қазақстан халқына Жолдауы. – Астана. 2010.

  2. Тұрғынбаева Б.А. Дамыта оқыту технологиялары. – Алматы, 2016.

  3. Қабдықайырұлы Қ. Оқытудың педагогикалық жаңа технологиясы: Оқу құралы. – Алматы: РБК, 2015.

  4. Мұқанов М.М. Бақылау және ойлау. Алматы.

  5. Аханова Б. Шығармашылық тұлға қалыптастыру // Сыныптағы тәрбие. – №1.

  6. Жеке тұлғаға бағытталған сабаққа қойылатын талаптар // Қазақстан тарихы әдістемелік журнал. – 2008. 18-24 б.

  7. Қабдешова Ә. Сын тұрғысынан ойлау // Қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті. – №10.

  8. Ешанова Г., Сұлтанбек Қожахметовтің жеке тұлғаның дамуына бағытталған ой-пікірлер // Қазақстан жоғары мектебі. – 2016. – №1.


Zh. Bimagambetova

PhD, the chair for pre-university training, PUF, Al Farabi Каzakh National university

A. Murtaza

MA, the chair for pre-university training, PUF, Al Farabi Каzakh National University

Z.A. Urazbayeva

English language teacher, secondary school

Annotation: This article discusses the communicative method in learning foreign languages. It allows you to improve communication skills with following methods: presentations in Power Point, using Skype directly with native speakers, watching movies and video tutorials.
Keywords: foreign language, communicative method, language, methodology, communication At present time, the modernization of Kazakhstani education dictates the need for knowledge of a foreign language not only as a means of communication, but also the formation of students of elements of a "new image of the world", i.e., introducing them to the spiritual heritage of the studied culture. According to modern methodological science, the purpose of teaching a foreign language is the ability to use it in communication with other peoples.
The changed requirements for the level of language proficiency have determined new approaches to the selection of content and organization of material. The usual method of teaching by reading and translating texts, studying grammar and performing "the same type" exercises has lost all meaning, while it has been replaced by a more effective method of learning a foreign language – communi- cative.
The communicative method is based on knowledge of traditions and customs, as well as on the study of vocabulary and the ability to communicate and understand a native speaker.
When learning a foreign language, it is very important to have a lexical base. After all, the more lexical units are studied, the easier it becomes to communicate in the language being studied. Some students have great difficulties in enriching their vocabulary. Some just memorize, the second build associations, the third paste over the whole house with stickers with household words.
When teaching, the teacher's task is to check how well the student has memorized new words and expressions, idioms and phrasal combinations. As part of the traditional (grammatical- translation) approach, the control takes place in the form of a translation of a word from Kazakh into English and from English into Kazakh.
While there is a more effective method that promotes both the memorization of words and the development of communication skills in a foreign language [2, 3-4]. So, the teacher prepares the cards and divides the group into two teams. The student pulls out a card and explains the meaning of this word in a foreign language, at this time the student from the second team must guess and guess what this word is. Thus, there is both memorization of a new word and communication in the language being studied.
Another way to check the level of training of students is the use of computer technology, or rather the Microsoft Power Point program.
The teacher shows pictures of objects on slides. The student who calls this word, in English, gets one point. Or, the teacher demonstrates an explanation of new words in a foreign language on slides, and assigns one point for each guessed word. Whoever scores more points (points) wins (you can put an estimate for it). Thanks to the competitive spirit, students will learn words better at home and prepare for classes .[2. 3-4]
Assignments prepared by the teacher in the form of a presentation allow you to deepen and consolidate the knowledge gained earlier during a regular lesson. To improve students' perception of foreign speech by ear, it is possible to organize viewing of various video materials (films, TV series, talk shows, interviews) – both adapted and original (based on the level of training of students). Working with video includes three stages: pre-demonstration, demonstration and post- demonstration [1, 86]..
Pre-demonstration stage.
This stage includes preparation for the screening, namely, language difficulties are removed, new words are introduced and fixed, conversational formulas unusual for students, linguistic and cultural realities are analyzed.
Demonstration stage.
The demonstration of the film should be accompanied by an active educational activity of the audience-trainees. Students can be offered a program to control the perception of the film in the form of an annotation, a plan, reference words, tasks.
The post-demonstration stage.
At this stage, the effectiveness of using the guidelines for the perception of the film by the trainees proposed at the pre-demonstration stage in the process of watching the film is checked. Many critics of the communicative methodology claim that when using this method of teaching, no time is given to studying grammar and reading texts. In fact, it is not. Grammar is studied intensively, but in a slightly different form, namely, the teacher gives each group a task on the topic covered. Students do it on their own and then within the group discuss the topic of the completed task and argue their choice.
Within the group, students should tell a summary of the text and then discuss the differences in the architectural features of the countries in the 18th century.
And finally, you can organize conversations with a native speaker via Skype.- this is one of the most effective ways to learn a foreign language.
Therefore, it can be noted that the communicative method is the most successful for mastering the speech of a foreigner and the ability to communicate in a foreign language.

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