Полиграфиялық дизайн.Полиграфиялық дизайн немесе полиграфиялық өнімнің дизайны–
ол графикалық дизайнның әр-түрлілігі, оның міндетіне материалдарды баспалық өнім ретінде
өңдеу кіреді. Қағаз жүзіндегі тасымалдаушылар көбінесе дайын өнім ретінде болады.
Ең тиімді, нақты әрі арзан, түрлі – түсті және адамдардың көзін қызықтыратын
жарнамалаудың түрі – полиграфиялық өнім болып табылады, дәлірек айтқанда- барлық мүмкін
болатын жапсырмалар, этикеткалар, стикерлер және басқалар.
Тапсырушының назарын аудару немесе адамдарды жай ғана ақпараттандыру үшін мінсіз
болып келетін үнпарақ мен буклеттерді пайдаланады. Корпоративтік өнімдерді алатын болсақ,
ондай полиграфиялық өнімдердің түрлері сан- алуан. Компанияның символикасын немесе
логотипін блокноттарға, плакаттарға және баннерлерге орналастыруға болады.
Досыңды немесе әріптесіңді құттықтауға, өткізіліп жатқан іс-шараларды хабарлауға
көмектесетін полиграфиялық өнімнің түрі - открыткалар мен шақыру билеттері. Бірақ оның
ішіндегі ең пайдалысы және ұнамдысы күнтізбе болып табылады.
Сонымен қатар, полиграфиялық дизайнда ең маңызды орынды «сурет» алады. Егер
суреттердің сапасы төмен, тартымсыз болса, онда ешқандай дизайн да, типографиялық
көркемдік те жасаған өнімді өткізе алмайды. Керісінше, ал сапалы да әдемі суреттер өзіне
тұтынушының назарын аударып, жарнаманың тиімділігін арттырады.
2 – Сурет. Полиграфиялық өнім – Баннерді Онлайн түрде жасаудың көрінісі.
Деректер базасы. Деректер базасы (фр. Base,гр. basіs – негіз)– ұзақ мерзімге сақтауға
(компьютердің жадында), өңдеуге және күнделікті қолдануға арналған деректердің реттелген
Компьютерлік дерекқордыңнегізінтүрлі кестелер, каталогтар, телефондықкітаптар, күнтізбелер,
әртүрлі картотекалар, анықтамалықбасылымдар, құжаттар,
басқаларқұруымүмкін.Ақпарат қорынбіржергешоғырландыру
ақпараттарды сақтауды әріонытолықтырыпотырудықамтамасызетеді,
менжелілік байланыс арқылыақпараттытұрақтыәріжылдамалуғаболады. Компьютерлік дерекқо
ніңсыртқықұрылғыларынажіберудіқамтамасызететінбелгілібір файлдық жүйегесүйенеді.Пайда
қатынасдерекқордыбасқаружүйесіарқылыжүзегеасырылады.Басқару жүйесі пайдаланушыныңс
ұранысын қабыл аладыдафайлдықжүйегеқажетті бұйрықтар беріп,
ақпараттықхабардыпайдаланушыныңқолдануынаыңғайлытүргекелтіріпбереді.Дерек алмасубірл
ігіретіндеарнаулы жазу өлшеміқабылданған.Әржазудыңқұрамындаөзіндіктақырыпнемесеосыжа
зудыіздейтін кілт («кілттіксөз») болады.
Деректер базасы әр түрлі қолданушылармен жұмыс атқарады.
Администратор ( Әкімші)
3 - Сурет. Қолданушылардың атқаратын жұмыстары
Қорытынды. Осылайша, жаңа технолгияны пайдалана отырып тапсырушы кез-келген
жерде, кез-келген уақытта өнімін өзінің ойындағыдай, өз қалауынша жасайды. Тұтынушының
сондай-ақ Онлайн түрде редакциялаумен қатар дайын шаблондарға да тапсырыс беру мүмкіндігі
бар. Сондай-ақ, бұл жүйемен жұмыс жасаған қолданушы полиграфиялық өнімдегі «дизайн» және
«шығармашылық (ор. креатив)» мағыналарымен тереңірек таныс болады, PhotoShop графикалық
редакторының мүмкіндіктерімен танысып, суреттермен, түрлі иллюстрациялармен жұмыс
жасауды үйренеді, түсті және тондық(тоновый) түзетуді меңгеріп, өткірлікті(резкость)
арттырып, көркемөнер туындаларын жасап шығарады.
Әдебиеттер тізімі
ГИЛСТЕР П.Навигатор INTERNET: Путеводитель для человека с
компьютером и модемом.- М.: Джон Уайли энд Санз, 1995.- 735 б.
УДК 21474
Urakov A.
Suleyman Demirel University
In our university we have many events, announcements, meetings, ads. Some of them on boards
and in different places, so that not everyone can know or find it. For that purpose we can create an
application that allows to place your event in unified board and everyone or selected one can see your
events on his or her mobile phone. All university events will be placed there, no need to go somewhere,
call someone or search them in some specific groups in internet.
Problem Solution
My solution is to provide application where students can view all events that has been placed in
this application, which means all events that will happen in our university, no need to search from
somewhere, go somewhere, hear from someone by accident, also you can create yourself an event and
let to know all or specific ones. This application will save your time, money and nerves.
Project description
Our university needs the application, which helps to easy and simple searching all info about SDU.
Students must know the time of meetings, announcements. This application will be available for most
of the students. Campus Info lets students explore what is happening on campus – in real time.
Students have been using cell phones for years, but with the emergence of slick smartphones like
iPhones and Androids, young people are spending even more time staring at their mobile devices
According to the latest College Explorer study from re:fuel, on average, college students spend 3.6 hours
a day with their cell phones and smartphones, while spending less time with computers, TVs, handheld
gaming devices, and e-readers. That is a startling statistic. Why the addiction? Smartphones are
convenient alternatives to using computers and give students the power of a computer in the palm of
their hand and on the go, which they always are. In fact, a joint study by Campus2Careers and Study
Breaks on the use of mobile devices among college students, found that of the 700 college students
surveyed, 87 percent said they never left home without a cell phone.
As students use their phones more, they are also shifting in their use of social media. The trend,
surprising as it might be, is a move away from Facebook and to other services. The Global Social Media
Impact Study observed people aged 16 to 18 in eight countries for 15 months and found Facebook use
was in sharp declineThe study found young people were turning to simpler services such as Twitter,
Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsAppYoung people now see the site as “uncool” and keep their profiles
live purely to stay in touch with older relations, for whom it remains popularDuring Facebook’s 2013
fourth quarter earnings call, even Facebook’s Chief Financial Officer David Ebersman said teen usage
of the social network decreased in the last quarter. Most relevant for college admins, the 2013 E-
Expectations Report, conducted by Noel-Levitz, OmniUpdate, CollegeWeekLive, and NRCCUA,
examined how social media and mobile devices are affecting students’ search for the right college.
About 2,000 students participated in the survey and the results were enlightening:67 percent of the
respondents said they still use Facebook, but that’s a drop of 12 percentage points from last year The
survey also found that while virtually all of the students said they think information on a university’s
website is reliable, only about half of them said they trust information delivered through a university’s
social mediaSo students are moving to quick services that are visually appealing and easy to use.
Services like Snapchat were designed for mobile use and have grown at an impressive rate. According
to CNET, in November 2013, the site was processing 400 million snaps per day while Facebook users
were uploading approximately 350 million photos per day.
Beyond social media, there is also a clear disconnect between how college admins reach out to
their students and what students actually pay attention to. While the average college admin, like most
adults, is used to reading and sending emails, students are quickly moving away from using email in
their daily lives and getting them to check it regularly is painful. A fantastic New York Times article in
the fall examined college student use of technology and the results were fascinating. One of the most
telling quotes: “Just how little are students using e-mail these days? Six minutes a day, according to an
experiment done earlier this year by Reynol Junco, an associate professor of library science at Purdue.
With the promise of a $10 Amazon gift card, Dr. Junco persuaded students to download a program
letting him track their computer habits. During the semester, they spent an average of 123 minutes a day
on a computer, by far the biggest portion of it, 31 minutes, on social networking. The only thing they
spent less time on than e-mail: hunting for content via search engines (four minutes).” So all of those
listservs college admins spent years setting up are becoming less effective as students stop checking
their email regularly. Very frustrating!
According to the 2013 E-Expectations Report, in addition to email usage, the modern college
admin might make a move to student communication via social media, but, as I said above, the level of
trust for university information coming through social media is low. Consequently, even if a college can
get students to follow its social media page, they may not believe what is posted. Even more frustrating!
The latest crop of college students isn’t using more “traditional” communication technologies such as
email or Facebook as often as they once did. Instead, they are glued constantly to their smartphones.
Not even the most creative of email subject lines matters if the recipients barely check their inboxes
because they are too busy pouring over their latest text messages. Although it seems intimidating,
reaching students is completely manageable with the right mobile strategy. College admins can and
should capitalize on the changing student technology landscape and ensure their communication strategy
includes a mobile element. Campus Info is a unified dashboard that displays valuable data about all your
programs with key information about mobile followers, student leaders, and trending topics. University
administrators can use the data to get a general overview of activity or dive in to understand how well a
flyer “performs” as a communication vehicle.
My first aim of this thesis is to help students, teachers and staff be in more deep relationship with
each other. We know that email is not the most effective way to reach students. Paper flyers are both
annoying and wasteful. Social media is fragmented and university services and organizations hardly
participate, if at all. That’s why we need Campus Info. Campus Info is a closed mobile platform
university community to share content and promote events;
- Get the word out about your events, programs, deadlines, or announcements by creating and
sharing photo-centric right from your phone!
- Follow university services, organizations, student clubs and friends to get the latest information.
- Browse the campus map to see what is events are happening around you.
- Users must have a university-domain email address to join their campus’ community.
How it Works
Give your students a 24/7 visual info stream for campus events, programs, services, feedback,
announcements, deadlines and more.
Save Time and Money
Create, Post & Manage info across multiple channels - email, listservs, Twitter, Facebook,
university website - from a single easy-to-use interface. Seamless integration with university enterprise
infrastructures and external communication networks. Complements sustainability by replacing paper
flyers with visual mobile flyers. Explore what's happening on campus from events to club activities to
food vendors and student services. Follow interests, organizations, friends, sports, campus news and
more. Create promotional flyers, photo posts, microblogs, event invites, announcements and reminders.
Track events, club messages, news, campus services, and deadlines. Navigate the campus with
integrated map data and geo-tagged posts.
Similar idea is already being used in universities of different countries. For example, application
CampusQuad in USA. Campus Quad was founded in 2012 with the vision to leverage mobile technology
to improve college retention, graduation rates and student success. The company's platform fosters
student success through the creation of mobile campus communities that are student-powered and
facilitate connections to people, information, and choices. Campus Quad is a mobile community that
enables students to share photos, create events, discover deals, and find campus-based classifieds.
Campus Quad is an exciting mobile community start-up powered by student expression of campus life
experiences. Replacing the old-style campus bulletin board with a geo, green, real-time, mobile app, we
make it simple to share photos, create events, discover deals, and find campus-based classifieds. Every
student has a story. Campus Quad makes it easy to share it.
Big data for frontline services and staff.
Big data should not just be for people at the top who manage schools and colleges across our
country. Yes, they’re hungry to get data that is meaningful and contextual but to date, our efforts to
parse big data into reasonable data widgets that any teacher, faculty or student services practitioner can
use on a daily basis has been null and void (excuse the pun). The big data discussions were devoid of
detail, validity and practical application of data sets. Privacy “concerns” surround all these big data
discussions and frankly, I think it is mental handcuffs that keep us from thinking about how to help
students with data we cull vs. protect their greater digital identity.
Every school and campus has some degree of in loco parentis. We regulate their day, their learning,
their food choices … data is just a new environmental factor that comes into play. Let’s use it to benefit
students and help them navigate the complexity of their learning experience. Mobile as a primary
experience vs. a responsive website. In ed tech, mobile is often described as just another delivery screen
— a web experience made responsive to any device. This can be effective if you want the same
experience on your phone as you do on your computer. The generations of students we serve today,
however, are used to a “mobile first” experience that nails the mobile use case of utility, navigation and
communication. Moving courseware to the phone as a responsive website is like saying … I want a
French meal to go. It is just not something you can consume in an on-the-go moment, but is more akin
to the many apps they spend 85% of their time on.The innovative enterprise ecosystem vs. niche
products. There are a dizzying array of innovative niche products and start-ups that if I were a CIO,
faculty, teacher or administrator, I would just wait and see what technology truly persists in the
enterprise. Enterprises are complex systems, people and technology and there was little discussion about
how to innovative in the enterprise space with SaaS,
APIs and middleware for learning, services, courseware and more as a gestalt. We need more
systemic thinking about how these cool niche players align with baseline technology that a CIO can
sync his/her staff into and know that it will be around in the next several years.
Collaboration and learning experiences vs. courseware. Can you believe we are still burdening
students with schlepping around backpacks full of textbooks? Worse yet are the 20+ logins they need in
order to access “courseware” or “homework” online. I recently asked a student to walk me through the
five courses he was taking and associated technology. I can only say that any student who goes to college
today ought to have a manual on old web 2.0 technologies. It is painful, slow and uninspiring. The
power of technology should be its ability to amplify what is good in life, connect people in real-time,
provide navigation, multiple learning paths and, when done in a thoughtful way, inspire people to
achieve and learn.We have failed here in our efforts to create courseware that takes into consideration
how people truly learn — by many modes of input and via experience. As we seek to transform the
classroom, there must be a discussion on how to incorporate the entire learning experience, including
digital content, communication, and engagement — in and outside the classroom. As innovators and
stewards of change, we would do students, teachers and faculty a big favor if we truly inspired them to
learn their customer requirements instead of selling a current business model of textbooks and
courseware.As students continue to seek a personalized mobile-first college experience that connects
them to the people, groups and programs that map to their interests, the need to rise above the noise with
a unified communication channel has never been greater.
Used technologies
An android is a robot designed to look or behave like a human being. The resemblance to humans
may be relatively mild or scrupulously life-like in appearance. Although androids have long been the
province of science fiction, modern technology has allowed the development of some android robots for
a variety of functions.In terms of definition, an android differs from robots and cyborgs in both form
and function. A cyborg is a human being with robotic body parts or mental
components, typically found in science-fiction literature and film. Conversely, a robot is any
guided machine that can perform tasks. Androids are not actually human, but are physically designed to
resemble humans to some degree while having the controllable functions of a robot.
SDK (Software Development Kit)
Android™ offers a Software Development Kit (SDK) to help developers create functional
applications. While some parts of the Android™ operating system are protected under the Apache™
License to guard against applications that could compromise the phones' basic functionality, much of it
is released under the General Public License, which invites developers to freely make modifications.
The SDK includes extensive resources and tools to facilitate this sort of development. It is updated
regularly, together with the operating system itself, and a priority is placed upon supporting work on
both newer and older versions of Android™.
Advantages of android
–Android phones can run many applications, it means you can browse, Facebook
while listened to the song.
– Any SMS, Email, or even the latest articles from an RSS Reader, there
will always be a notification on the Home Screen Android phone, do not miss the LED indicator is
blinking, so you will not miss a single SMS, Email or even Miss call .
– When
you love to install applications or games, through Google’s Android App Market, Again can download
applications for free. There are many 14 thousands of applications and games that are ready for
download on Android phones you.
– Talk Android phone, it will feel ‘different’ than the IOS, if the IOS
is limited to the iPhone from Apple, then Android is available on mobile phones from various
manufacturers, from Sony Ericsson, Motorola, HTC to Samsung. And each handset manufacturer also
presents an Android phone in the style of each, such as Motorola with its Motoblur, Sony Ericsson with
its Time scope. So you can freely choose the Android phone in accordance with the ‘brand’ favorite.
– not satisfied with the standard view of Android, do not worry
there are many custom ROM that can be used in your mobile phones Android.
– absolutely right, with the widgets on the home screen, You can easily access a variety
of settings quickly and easily.
– If you are a loyal user of Google services ranging from Gmail to Google
Reader Android phone has integrated with Google services, so you can quickly check e-mail from
«The Evolution of Social Media Use Among College Students»
"Android Code Analysis"
. Retrieved June 6, 2012.
"Android's Google Play beats App Store with over 1 billion apps, now officially largest"
Phonearena.com. Retrieved August 28, 2013.
. Android Open Source Project. Open Handset Alliance. RetrievedSeptember
9, 2012. The preferred license for the Android Open Source Project is the Apache Software License,
2.0. ... Why Apache Software License? ... For userspace (that is, non-kernel) software, we do in fact
prefer ASL2.0 (and similar licenses like BSD, MIT, etc.) over other licenses such as LGPL. Android is
about freedom and choice. The purpose of Android is promote openness in the mobile world, but we
don't believe it's possible to predict or dictate all the uses to which people will want to put our software.
So, while we encourage everyone to make devices that are open and modifiable, we don't believe it is
our place to force them to do so. Using LGPL libraries would often force them to do so.
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