People can use vision to identify objects quickly and accurately. With digital image analysis on
Computer Vision(Matlab) people want to simulate human vision. For humans to detect an emotion will
not be a difficult job to perform as humans are linked with emotions themselves but for a computer
detecting an emotion will be difficult job to perform. Recognize the people's feelings for the person is
not a difficult task, but it is difficult for a computer to recognize the feeling. Speech detection emotions,
such as "stress" in a voice detection of can be achieved with a signal tone, tempo, pitch, volume etc.,
but in case of digital images, simply recognize feeling for image analysis is a novel way.
People can experience emotion as associated with disposition, mood, temperament and
personality. Computer Vision digital image analysis that people input, wants to simulate human vision.
One of the main problems of computer vision is a two-dimensional image processing, as we know that
the real world is three-dimensional. That's complicate for Computer Vision. In this project we are
considering five major emotions which are mainly centering toward lips in facial region. These emotions
As we know, all these works are related to Computer Vision, but since Computer Vision works
in several programs like Java, C ++, Python, C and I choose work on Matlab. Because it is easier to
find recognition of face and lips on Matlab. Also in Matlab we can find more examples than other
program. The first aim of this project is to use Matlab(OpenCV) techniques to automatically detect and
analyze the emotions from the digital images
Upload image or with using
WebCam do photo or image
Face Detection
Cropping Facial Region.
Lip Region Detection
Lip Segmentation
Template Database
Comparison with
The subject of our research is the genesis of the ability to recognize emotions by facial
The main objective of the study is to examine the conditions of formation of ability to recognize
emotions and its relationship with the position of the child of preschool age in a team of peers.
In planning hypothesis, we proceeded from the assumption that the ability to recognize emotional
expressions on the face expression is an integrative form that has several components. Their appearance
in the genesis of this ability takes place in a certain sequence. In accordance with this basic hypothesis
was put forward:
- A child's ability to recognize emotional states in its development a number of consecutive
stages: the differentiation of emotional states in adults, the differentiation of their emotional states, the
use of standard emotions in the analysis of the situation in visual-motor and visual-shaped plan, the
categorization of emotional states.
Tutorial: Introduction to Emotion Recognition for Digital Images (authors Vinay Kumar, Arpit Agarwal,
Kanika Mittal)
MATLAB 7.*/R2006/R2007: Самоучитель(Дьяконов В. П.)
УДК 004:62-50
Shayakhmet Оmirzak
Department of computing systems and software
Suleyman Demirel University
GPS or Global Positioning System is a network of orbiting satellites that send precise details of their
position in space back to earth. The signals are obtained by GPS receivers, such as navigation devices
and are used to calculate the exact position, speed and time at the vehicles location.
The GPS has been freely available to anyone with a GPS receiver. Airlines, shipping companies,
trucking firms, and drivers everywhere use the GPS system to track vehicles, follow the best route to
get them from A to B in the shortest possible time.
Anyone who has ever had to deal with emergency medical care understand how important clearly work
of all its elements. Ambulance station provides medical assistance to the people around the clock and
tends to ensure that all stages of its work have been organized more clearly. There are several problems,
during the work at the ambulance station. The main problems are: problem of minimizing the time a
brigade arrives to the place, the problem of optimizing the cost of fuel, the problem of accounting and
analysis work as an emergency medical care as a whole and each of the brigades individually.
Furthermore, there is a need for a large number of reports. The data for these reports are obtained by
analyzing the ambulance calling cards filled during checkout ambulance brigades. It is clear that the
solution of the existing problems we face cannot be without the use of the latest computer technology.So
in this diploma project we tried to analyze the number of existing problems and solve it with help of
system, which includes GPS navigator and application programmed in the latest programming
Global Positioning System is beneficial in finding routes and directions. It is also useful in
knowing the shortest path to reach the desired destination. In earlier times, people used to carry maps to
locate places and get directions. Sometimes these maps were not updated and it becomes difficult for a
person to get the accurate directions. Moreover, it was not easy for everyone to read and understand map
directions. Now, with the introduction of GPS, it becomes easy for everyone to reach the destination
quickly, easily and timely. Irrespective of the weather conditions, GPS woks effectively and provides
accurate information.
A device taking advantage of GPS is equipped with maps and locations from around the world.
Smartphones and tablet PCs are able to pinpoint a location and provide accurate step-by-step directions
from Point A to Point B. If you make a wrong turn, devices like these will provide an updated route
based on your new location. They can save a considerable amount of time navigating foreign areas,
finding a local restaurant or locating the nearest emergency service facility. Devices that use GPS receive
real-time updates, allowing them to monitor traffic and re-direct you to a faster, more efficient route.
With GPS, ambulances and law enforcement officers track and locate victims of natural disasters quickly
and efficiently. GPS-receiver finds you on the map and program offers a suitable route for a few seconds.
So there is GPS receiver which is set in ambulance and an application for administrator, which uses web
Dynamic web service is a kind of web service when web site uses methods which are
dynamically invoked on the server side and results returned by some other web service that functions as
a point of access to information on the World Wide Web. Web service can be written for any purpose
to perform server-side tasks and to make the code lighter and shorter.
Large population of the Earth causes problems with crowding and long traffic jam up for some
services, especially in large cities. This problem also refers to Kazakhstan. Nowadays we everyday face
the problem of traffic jam. So, the implemented web application’s main goal is to provide web service
using GPS for ambulance station to find the shortest path to patient’s home avoiding traffic jam.
The project is developed using the best suitable technologies ASP.NET. HereASP.NET provides a large
variety of services and functions to make up to time and consistent web applications. It supports different
types of web services and suitable to create them by your own. It has integrated database creation and
administration tools which can handle big amount of data.
ABSTRACT: The first part is devoted to the analysis of the use of information systems in the
ambulance stations as well as identifying the main tasks and functions to be solved by the system.
The second part describes the used techniques such as C #, JavaScript, .NET Visual Studio
development environment.
Economic part of the project describes the financial analysis, income statement and business
strategy for the project.
In the Labor protection and industrial ecology all the necessary data on occupational, fire safety
and health of workers is written.
Conclusion contains the main findings and proposals aimed to improve the efficiency of the
implementation and ambulance station automation systems.
Analyzing existing problems:
There are several problems, during the work at the ambulance station. The main problems are:
problem of minimizing the time a brigade arrives to the place
the problem of optimizing the cost of fuel
there is a need for a large number of reports (Stimul soft)
The data for these reports are obtained by analyzing the ambulance calling cards filled during
checkout ambulance brigades. It is clear that the solution of the existing problems we face
cannot be without the use of the latest computer technology.
Class diagram
Using web service
The research and development work performed around the GPS was extremely interesting and
sometimes unexpectedly astounding. We were pleased to discover that Web services is a very elegant
solution, probably the most elegant today, for designing, building and deploying distributed systems.
This project gave us the opportunity to design, develop and deploy Web services by using two leading
technologies, AJAX and .NET. The project provided us the possibility to put theory into practice and to
experiment ourselves that Web services are independent of any programming language, platform or
operating system. The satisfaction to deploy and integrate the web site developed using web services
made us think of many applications embedding this technology.
In the graduation paper the work was carried out which is aimed for developing the web service
for GPS navigation system. The results of the graduation work showed the possibility of that process.
Project is ready for introducing to the ambulance stationsand also far developments can and should be
The business strategy for this was prepared. Of course financial calculations were done,
according to them we see that the project will give valuable income after 1 year. That is a good result,
because every project has its outcomes at the beginning. Some important moments for labor and health
safety were taken into account.
The advantage of this project is making the process of finding the shortest path easier and making
interaction between system of the administrator and ambulance. This project is necessary, because we
don’t have any analogues in Kazakhstan.
All these services can be integrated in a general system. It considers a large integrated view of
environment and is not just able to react to single events. So, this system (in the future) will help to
globalize the localized ambulance services by taking them into one system. As the result we can see the
technologies and services of the Kazakhstan as a system, which is integrated into big parts and
developing in close interaction.
Programming Web Services With SOAP, James Snell, Doug Tidwell, Pavel Kulchenko, O'Reilly
Media, Inc. - 2001.
Web Services Essentials, Ethan Cerami, O'Reilly Media, Inc. - 2002
Perspectives on Web Services: Applying SOAP, WSDL and UDDI to Real-World Projects, Olaf
Zimmermann, Mark Tomlinson, Stefan Peuser, Springer. - 2003.
Mandel T. Development of the user interface. Publisher: DMK Press. ISBN 5-94074-069-3; 2001.
C# for Programmers, Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel
, Prentice Hall Professional. – 2006.
C# 3.0 in a Nutshell, Joseph Albahari, Ben Albahari, O'Reilly Media, Inc. – 2007.
Beginning 4 in C# 2010, Matthew MacDonald, Apress. – 2010.
ӘОЖ 34 – 343.346.2
Әмір Әділет Алтынбекұлы
Сулейман Демирел Университеті, Инженер және жаратылыстану факултеті
Мен ұсынып отқан ғылыми жоба Unity 3d бағдарламасы арқылы жұмыс істейтін “Жолда
Жүру Қауіпсіздігін” үйрететін симулятор. Бұл жобамен құқық және ақпараттық жүйе
ғылымдарының басын біріктіріп отырмыз. Unity 3d бағдарламасының таңдалу себебі – қолдануға
ыңғайлылығы, үйренудегі оңайлылығы және өте қызықтылығы. Windows және Mac OS сияқты,
дәлірек айтқанда Windows операциондық жүйесі негізінде қаланған дербес компьютерлерге
арналған ойын. Бұл ғылыми жобаның таңдалу себебі – бұл тақырыпта, қазақша кітаптар
болғанымен, қазақша симуляторлар жоқ. Сондықтан, бұл жобам қолданушыларды қызықтыра
алатындай болады. Жоба жетекшісі PhD, аға оқытушы Алиманова Мадина.
Научный проект который я представляю – симулятор работающий через программу Unity 3d ,
который обучает «Правилам Дорожного Движения». С помощью этого проекта объединяем
начала наук права и информационные системы. Причины выбора программы Unity 3d - это
удобность в использовании, легкость обучения и занимательность. Как Windows и Mac OS,
точнее игра для персональных компьютеров на основе операционной системы Windows.
Причина выбора этого научного проекта - несмотря на наличие книг на казахском языке, нет
симуляторов. Поэтому, мой проект будет интересен для пользователей. Руководитель проекта
PhD, старший преподователь Алиманова Мадина.
The scientific project which I submit – the simulator working through the Unity 3D program which
trains in "Traffic regulations". By means of this project we unite the beginnings of sciences of the law
and information systems. The reasons of a choice of the Unity 3D program is an usability, ease of
training and entertaining. As Windows and Mac OS, is more exact game for personal computers on the
basis of the Windows operating system. The reason of a choice of this scientific project - despite
existence of books in the Kazakh language, isn't present simulators. Therefore, my project will be
interesting to users. Project manager of PhD, senior teacher Alimanova Madina.
Ғылыми жұмыстың мазмұны
Бейне-ойын әзірлеу дегеніміз, бейне-ойынды құру процессі. Әзірлеу – әзірлеуші арқылы,
яғни программист арқылы жүзеге асады. Осылайша, бұл дипломдық жобаны Unity 3d ойын
ортасы арқылы ойын құру болып табылады.
Unity 3d қазіргі уақытта кеңінен қолданылатын ойын ортасы болып табылады. Ол, қазіргі
кезде бейне-ойын ойналатын барлық платформаларда жұмыс істейді. Дәлірек айтқанда:
компьютер, ноутбук, ойын консолі (Xbox, Play Station), веб-браузер және смартфондар. Бұл жоба,
“Жолда Жүру Қауіпсіздігі” Unity 3d 4.34 Pro ойын ортасында қалай жасалғанын көрсетеді.
мультиплиқaциялapды) кoмпьютepдің көмeгімeн aлуды қapaстыpaтын инфopмaтикaның
мaңызды сaлaсы.
Дepбeс кoмпьютepді пaйдaлaнушылapдың қaтapындa кoмпьютepлік гpaфикaмeн
aйнaлысaтындapдың сaны күн сaнaп apтып кeлeді.
Қaзіpгі кoмпьютepлік гpaфикa тeк көpкeмдeу мeн бeзeндіpумeн үшін ғaнa eмeс, ғылым мeн
мeдицинaның бapлық сaлaсындa, кoммepциялық жәнe әкімшілік қызмeт opындapындa aлуaн
түpлі aқпapaтты көpнeкі түpдe көpсeту үшін сызбaлap, гpaфиктep, диaгpaммaлap жaсaу үшін
Кoнстpуктopлap aвтoмoбильдің нeмeсe ұшaқтың жaңa үлгілepін құpaстыpғaн кeздe oлapдың
сoңғы көpінісін aлу үшін үшөлшeмді гpaфикaлық oбъeктілepді қoлдaнaды. Apхитeктopлap
мoнитop экpaнындa бoлaшaқ ғимapaттың кeң көлeмді кeскінін жaсaп, oның жep бeдepімeн қaлaй
жaнaсaтынын aлдын-aлa бoлжaй aлaды.
Елімізде бағдарламалау саласы дамымаған, соның ішінде 3d саласы елімізде нашар деп
айтуғада болады. Сондықтан бұл саланы дамытуға өз үлесімді қосып, дамуына себепкер болуды
жөн көрдім.
Жолда жүру қауіпсіздігі – eрeжeлeр жиынтығы, жoлды пaйдaлaнушылaрдың нoрмaтивтiк
мiндeттeрi (көлiк құрaлдaрын жүргiзушiлeрдiң, жoлaушылaр, жaяу жүргiншiлeр, жәнe тaғы
бacқaлaр), coндaй-aқ тeхникaлық тaлaптaр, көлiк құрaлдaрынa жoл қoзғaлыc қaуiпciздiгiн
қaмтaмacыз eту үшiн.
Барлық жерді бір-бірімен байланыстырып тұрған жол және сол жолдың өзіндік бір тілі бар.
Олар: бағдаршам, ескерту белгілері, басымдылық белгілері, тыйым салу белгілері, міндеттеу
белгілері, қызмет көрсету белгілері. Бұл ғылыми жұмысымда көлікпен жолда жүру қауіпсіздігін
сақтауды үйрету.Осыларды көбісі біле бермейді, сол үшін осы бағдарламаны тандап,
білмейтіндерге үйренетіндей, білетіндерге оданда артық білуіне көмектесетіндей бір жағынан
ойын, екінші жағынан өз-өзіне көлікпен жолда қалай жүру керек екендігіне сенімді болады. Осы
жоғарыдағы айтылған тілдің барлығы жобада қолданылады және бұл жобада негізінен Қаскелең
қаласы көрінісінде болады. Бұл жобаға Қаскелең қаласының орталық көшелері түседі, ал
көшедегі элементтер (аялдама, қоқыс тастайтын орындар, көше шамдары, үйлер, дүкендер)
толығымен 100% ұқсамайды. Себебі олар орналасу және салыну жағдайына байланысты
орналастырылады, ал мемлекеттік мекеме орындары мен жол белгілері өз орнында тұрады.
УДК 004
Mukhanov D.U.
Suleyman Demirel University
The goal of thesis is constructing application called “Aqparat” for mobile platform (android) that
allows reading all Kazakhstani news and resources. Centralized interface avoids for user visiting these
sites. User can view news and articles by channels, topics and interests. Application shows only body
of article without comments, ads, and other annoying things. Scientific part of thesis is universal
algorithm for retrieving relevant data from raw html. Structure of web site will be unimportant. Universal
parsing algorithm is made by computer vision technology. Thesis shows how application works, which
technologies are used, and what kind of opportunities are available for future work. In addition, research
includes information about rising tendency of mobile media.
People love reading news and useful articles while they are in the bus or waiting in queues.
Unfortunately, you cannot carry laptop with you wherever you go, and even so, it is inconvenient to use
it most cases. There are some brilliant applications for smartphones designed for reading most
interesting and actual articles from all over the world. However, none of them supports Kazakhstan’s
sites. Local articles spread fast by social networks, but pressing link and enter distractive sites with ads
is not good experience for users. Therefore, I decided to build application that mostly copies user
interface from well-known applications, but supports Kazakh sites. Users will be able to read articles
and news without switching to browser.
Since applications like Google Play Newsstand [1] and Pocket [2] are widely used, I tried to
integrate main features of applications into single application. Pocket can retrieve articles from almost
all webpages without clutters, and converts it to readable beautiful text. Play newsstand app provides
variety of famous magazines and newspapers in organized and structured manner. Therefore, “Aqparat”
provides famous Kazakhstan’s online papers in regulated and clear way.
My application is designed to Kazakhstan, and to people who interested in internet media of
Kazakhstan. It can be used as a review of all news and articles in my country. Application provides
articles from popular sites in one application, so that users do not have to switch between websites or
other applications. Reading news should be pleasant activity.
By the information provided by KazNet Magazine [9] there are only 7-10 extremely popular sites
among users. They determine it by number of shares in social networks. They are,,,,,,,, etc. In addition, there are
plenty of sites that will be added to my application and analysis of them is topic for diploma thesis of
journalism student Gulbahyt Assylbekova. She will provide me information about situation in current
internet media.
This application is designed for everyone who wants to be in touch with news and has device on
android platform. However, smartphone and tablet users among all people are 15-45 years old in
I did online survey and asked users how they read news, only 3% of them use RSS feeds. RSS is
inconvenient because they provide only link and header of article, for further information user should
follow link. Most people use mobile devices to read articles, and each of them confirmed that reading
some sites in small screen is extremely difficult.
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