-дон қосымшасы өзбек тілінің тарапынан
берік меңгерілгені сонша, оның көмегімен тіпті
өзге тілдерден енген кірме сөздердің негізінде де
сөздер жасалады. Мәселен: жирдон «майға
арналған ыдыс» орыстың жир сөзінен жасалған.
-хона қосымшасы. Парсы тіліндегі ﻪﻨﺎﺨ [ханэ]
біріншіден - 1) «үй, тұрғын үй»; 2) «ғимарат,
бөлме, орынжай»; 3) «тор, квадрат, ұяшық»; 4)
сөйл. «бөлім, жәшік (үстелдің, шкафтың)»; 5)
(сирек) «ұпай (ойындағы)»; екіншіден – «ғимарат,
сөздердің екінші компоненті [5, І, 535]. Тәжік
тілінде семантикалардың жиынтығы едәуір: 1)
«бөлме, тұрғын үй, үй, орынжай»; 2) «бөлім, тор,
графа» [6, 426]. Өзбек тіліне хона мына келесі
мағыналармен енген: 1) «бөлме, орынжай»; 2)
«сызық жол, баған, тор»; 3) «бөлім, ұяшық»; 4) мат.
«разряд, белгі». Бұдан өзге, өзбек тілінде –хона
«үй, бөлме» мағынасы бар, бөлмелердің атаулары
қалыптасатын қосымша ретінде қызмет етеді.
Хона қазіргі иран тілдері мен қазіргі өзбек
тілінде қосымшалар болып табылады, алайда ол
сөзжасаммен қалыптасқан сөздерден келіп шыққан
(дәлірегі бөлініп шыққан).
Иран тілдерінде сөздің қалыптасу тәсілдерінің
бірі сөзжасам болып табылады, ол екі түрде –
Детерминативті түр өз кезегінде бірнеше әралуан
түрлерге бөлінеді. Олардың ішінде екі есімнің
үйлесуі (зат есімнің зат есіммен немесе сын есімнің
зат есіммен үйлесуі, бірі мағынасы бойынша
екіншісінің анықтаушысы болып келеді) жаңа
мағынасы бар зат есім мен сын есімді түзейді.
кітап+хона «орынжай»).
Детерминативті типтің өзге бір түрі – есімнің
түбір етістікпен үйлесіп жатуы, мұнда есім немесе
сын есім осы шақтың түбір етістігімен үйлесіп
жатады. Мысалы, боғдор «бағбан» (боғ «бақ» + дор
– доштан «ие болу, иелену» етістігінің осы
шағының негізі); дегпўшак «қазанды жауып қоятын
қақпақ» (дег «қазан» + пуш - пушидан «киіндіру,
жабу», сөзбе-сөз, қазанды жауып қоятын етістігінің
осы шағының негізі); дастпўшак «қолғап, биялай»
(даст «қол» + пушидан «киіндіру, жабу», сөзбе-сөз,
қолды жауып тұратын етістігінің осы шағының
Түркілік негіздегі детерминативті типті
бірқатар сөздердің екінші компоненті қосымша
рөлін атқара бастады. Мысалы, фуруш - фуриштан
«сату, саудаласу» етістігінің осы шағының негізі;
каш – кашидан «тарту, тасымалдау; көтеріп,
арқалап жүру» етістігінің осы шағының негізі.
-печ және -пўш қосымшалары тұрмыстық
бірліктерді қалыптастыруда өнімді болады. Печ —
ирандық печидан «айналу, бұралу, оралу»
етістігінің осы шағының негізі. Өзбек тілінде бұл
элемент қосымша рөлін атқарады. Мысалы: дорпеч
«көлденең ағашқа ілінген көйлектерді жауып
қоятын сюзаненің бір түрі»; кирпеч «арнайы
текшеде дестеленіп жиналған киім-кешектерді,
көрпе-төсек қабыларын шаңнан қорғап жауып
қоятын, матадан жасалған жабын».
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №3 (30). 2015
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Өзбек тілін де, тәжік тілін де білетін қос тілді
өзбектерден басқа қазіргі өзбектер осындай
сөздердің ішкі формасы мен қосымшалардың түпкі
мағынасын түсіне бермейді.
IIуш - пушидан «жауып қою, көмкеріп қою,
жасырып қою, киіндіру, кигізу» етістігінің осы
қосымшасынан мәселен мыналар қалыптасқан:
ёстикпуш «кестеленіп тігілген жастық қабы» түрк.
ёстик (сөзбе-сөз «жастыққап») [4, 100-102].
Кейбір зерттеушілер, мәселен М. Адилов, Б.
Бафаев. Н. Маматов, А. Халмуратов, М. Мадалиев
мұндай түзілістерді күрделі сөздер деп есептесе;
өзгелері, мәселен, А. Қожиев, Р. Кунгуров. Н.
қосымшаланудың көмегімен түзілген жай сөздер
деп есептейді.
1. Меметов А. Персидские заимствования в
современном крымско-татарском языке. Автореф. дис. ...
канд. филол. наук. Ташкент, 1974. 220 с.
2. Якубовский А. Ю. К вопросу об этногенезе
узбекского народа. Ташкент, 1941. 19 с.
3. История Узбекского ССР / Отв. Ред. Гулямов Я.
Г. Ташкент: Фан, 1967. Т. 1, 764 с. (ИУ).
4. Гафурова Л.Х. Бытовая лексика современного
узбекского языка. – Т.: Издательство «Фан» Узбекской
ССР, 1991. 134 с.
5. Персидско-русский словарь В 2 т./Под ред.
Рубинчика Ю. А. М., 1983. Сабзазор – Сборник.
Ташкент, 1914.
6. Таджикско-русский словарь /Под ред. Рахими М.
В., Успенского Л. В. М., 1954. 789 с.
7. Рустемов Л. З. Арабско-иранские заимствования
в казахском языке. Автореф. дисс. ... канд. филол. наук.
Алма-Ата, 1963. 12 с.
8. Ефремов Л. П. Сущность лексического
заимствованных слов. Автореф. дис. ... канд. филол.
наук. Алма-Ата, 1958. 28 с.
UDK 81’243
Ignatova E.R., associate professor, Tolmacheva S., associate professor,
Suleymenova S.S., senior teacher
al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Summary. The problems of formation of intercultural competence of foreign students studying Russian and Kazakh languages
in Kazakhstan are discussed in the article. The characteristics of mastering this competence by foreign students from different
countries have been analyzed.
Резюме. В статье рассматриваются проблемы формирования межкультурной компетенции иностранных студентов,
изучающих русский и казахский языки в Казахстане. Анализируются особенности овладения данной компетенцией
студентами иностранцами из разных стран.
Түйін. Бұл мақалада Қазақстандағы орыс және қазақ тілдерін оқитын шетел студенттердің мәдени құзіреттілік
мәселелерін қалыптастыру туралы баяндалады. Әр түрлі елдерден келген шетелдік студенттердің құзіреттілігін
меңгеру ерекшелігін сараптайды.
In today's world, teaching Russian and Kazakh
for foreign students is stipulated by several factors:
economic, socio-political and cultural.
There are four main aspects in the methods of
teaching Russian and Kazakh languages for foreign
students : phonetic, grammatical, lexical and stylistic.
Based on the requirements of modern methods of
teaching in recent years, the idea of integration of cul-
ture in the theory and practice of teaching the subject
has been developed the, the concepts of "intercultural
competence" and "intercultural learning" are used.
This approach to language learning in the process
of training involves close interaction of language and
culture of its speakers. The result of this training is to
develop both a communicative and social competence,
ensuring the use of language in a specific cultural con-
through dialogue of cultures.
Teaching a foreign language for foreign students
in Kazakhstan has its own characteristics. In Kazakh-
stan, the official language is Kazakh. The Russian
language has a place, as a language of interethnic
communication. Proclaimed by President Nazarbayev
N.A. trilingual course (Kazakh, Russian, English) ex-
pands horizons for students.
Students from different countries study a the
Faculty of pre-university education at Al-Farabi Ka-
zakh National University.
Teaching Russian for foreign students involves
the development of the individual student based on
their knowledge of a foreign reality for them and up-
bringing of another culture.
Intercultural teaching is caused by life-saving rea-
sons. For the teacher, who works with foreigners, it is
important to use the diversity of languages and cultures
as a factor of mutual understanding and enrichment,
helping the creative development of socially active and
independent person.[ 5,p.121]
The difference of languages and cultures hinders
dialogue between representatives of different nations.
The principle of multilingualism and multiculturalism
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №3 (30). 2015
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allows to conduct this dialogue, to realize that every-
one is not only representative of his country, but also
the subject of a multicultural world civilization.
Intercultural communication is currently the sub-
ject of study of linguists and methodologists, philoso-
phers and psychologists. Education in the modern
world is understood as a self-civilization, studying
different areas of science, philosophy problems. For-
mation and personal development does not take place
by means of fact accumulation, but by learning and
understanding of a certain content. An educated person
is a representative of their culture and at the same time
tolerant member of society to recognize each world as
an equal.
In connection with cultural concept in teaching
Russian for foreign students communicative orientation
of the educational process is used. The purpose of
training is not only a knowledge of conversational
Russian language, but also to develop cross-cultural
(social) competence in students. Intercultural learning
is aimed at the formation of tolerance towards other
cultures. The same problems faced by the teachers of
the Kazakh language as a foreign language.
Intercultural teaching - is the educational and
developmental process where both cultures (native and
foreign language) play a significant role.
Currently, computer technology, the Internet al-
lows students to master more deeply Russian and Ka-
zakh languages by themselves, learn the culture and
world view of other people.
The process of language learning is an education-
al process, the contents of which is the culture of the
target language country. Thus, foreign language culture
- is what is the source of a foreign language and cultur-
al education in 4 aspects: cognitive, developing, educa-
tional and training.[4,p.137].
1. In terms of the cognitive basis of teaching in
the framework of this approach is the dialogue of cul-
tures as a comparison of the facts in the field of peo-
ples artistic creativity (ideas, themes, issues, moral and
aesthetic values) and the way of life of native speakers.
2. In the educational plan with the socio-cultural
approach, the focus is on the identification of common
moral guidelines of peoples life and the differences
between them.
3. One of the goals of education is the formation
of persistent motivation to learn a language and foreign
language culture.
4. Academic objective of training is reduced to
the formation of communicative and social compe-
At the initial stage skills of social behavior in
everyday communication of the students are devel-
Regional geography helps to build students' un-
derstanding of the spiritual values of the people of the
target language.
"Intercultural learning" and "intercultural compe-
tence" allow to move into a new phase, involving the
updating of individual students based on their
knowledge of a foreign reality for them and upbringing
of another culture.
Students of the faculty of pre-university education
at al-Farabi Kazakh National University at the same
time get information about Russia, its history and cul-
ture with information about the history, culture and
achievements of Kazakhstan.It is interesting to com-
pare the formation of intercultural competence in Chi-
nese and Afghan students who are currently studying at
the faculty. Chinese students, most do not speak for-
eign languages, when starting to learn Russian and
Kazakh languages. They are in the majority, atheists,
not very sociable, have poor knowledge of world cul-
ture, but have an idea of Russian literature (know the
names of Pushkin, Tolstoy), completely unaware of
Afghan students in the majority, speak conversa-
tional English, they are atheists, muslims who regularly
attend mosque, do namaz (type of praying). Afghan
students know little about world culture and history,
have poor knowledge of Russia and Kazakhstan, but
are well aware of the history of the Middle East.
Having arrived in Kazakhstan to study, Chinese
and Afghans get into an unfamiliar environment, face
many cultural shocks. Teachers working in these
groups should teach patiently not only phonetics and
grammar, but also from the early days, try to immerse
students in the reality of Kazakhstan, to help sort out
and understand the cultural and spiritual values of the
people of Kazakhstan, to draw the attention of foreign
students on respect, tolerance and tolerance of peoples
living in Kazakhstan, try to exclude students unam-
biguous assessment from atheism to radical Islam, to
teach the culture of behavior, enrich students with
knowledge about Kazakhstan and Russia as the two
friendly countries, to encourage students' interest in the
study of Kazakh and Russian languages.
Language education, based on intercultural para-
digm allows to use not only the experience of the na-
tive language and culture, but also realize the value of
work, the value of personal development in the rapidly
changing world. It's about intercultural communication
(with all its bugs, crashes) can only go in if the stu-
dents in the process of dialogue not only belong to
different linguistic ethnic cultures but also realize that
they are different from each other.
Intercultural communication should be formed
specifically at students. The teacher should teach stu-
dents skillfully to understand partners in dialogue that
is no less important than the exception in speech lan-
guage errors.
Students, based on their linguistic cultural
knowledge, gradually, step by step, begin to master the
system of non-native language and a foreign culture.
Experience in a foreign audience shows that eve-
ry student can not fully master the language and cul-
ture. This often depends on the total education of the
student, his character, health and desire to succeed.
The development of foreign students skills of in-
tercultural communication occurs during acquaintance
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №3 (30). 2015
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with Russian traditions and customs, with the Kazakh
traditions and customs, with cultural events that have
affected the mentality of the Russian and Kazakh peo-
ple. Students should be taught to compare native and
non-native everyday culture, the culture of holding
Linguistic regional geography and cultural com-
mentary presented in textbooks prepared for special
groups should help students to master intercultural
knowledge. Audiovisual tools allow much to see, to
broaden their horizons, the main task of the teacher is
to pick up a variety of materials that represent the
overall picture of the world.
One of the areas of intercultural communication
is functional and behavioral expression of the national
culture, the ability of speech behavioral skills in vari-
ous areas of communication.
Verbal ways are treatment, acquaintance, greet-
ing, farewell, compliment, telephone conversa-tions,
the expression of requests, apologies, wishes, congratu-
lations, sympathy, etc. Then, in the process of teaching
the teacher should pay attention to students that some-
times verbal constructions, being right are wrong from
the point of view of linguistic behavior, socially ac-
cepted in Russian or Kazakh culture.
Students should realize that the more they have
knowledge of a foreign culture the fewer communica-
tion problems with native speakers in the future.
The problems of intercultural and cross language
communication are realized by students in comparison
with Russian and Kazakh languages, with native and
foreign culture, with its familiar, native.
Man is formed by the culture in which it grows.
Engaging in communication with other cultures, stu-
dents expand their vision of the world, change the way
of life, mentality, keeping cultural-specific, native to
them features, develop tolerance, respect, desire a posi-
tive attitude to everything new.
Intercultural Communication in the practice of
teaching Kazakh and Russian languages is produced
for oral and written communication between speakers
of different languages and cultures.
Analysis of oral and written responses of students
studying Russian and Kazakh languages, leads to the
following conclusions: Intercultural communication is
formed not only in the teaching process, but in the
living environment. Students with a good general edu-
cation perceive other cultures faster and communicate
easily. Afghan students often use a "tracing" in speech,
but their writing is bad. Chinese students write better
and freer, but hardly emancipate in oral communica-
tion. The teacher should form students studying Ka-
zakh and Russian languages, understanding that
knowledge of the language means, to be able to use it
as a means of social communication.
1. Galskova N.N, Gez N.I. The theory of teaching for-
eign languages. - M .: The Academy, 2008. - p. 336.
2. Kryuchkova L.S., Moshinskaya N.V. Russian as a
foreign language. - M .: Flinta, Science, 2012.-p.480.
3. Zemskaya A.E. Russian as a foreign language. - M .:
Flinat, Science, 2006. – p.240.
4. Tolmacheva D.S., Ignatova E.R. Lingvostran-
ovedenie in teaching Russian as a foreign language. Peda-
gogical innovation digest . Almaty., - 2014. № 2 - P.135-
5. Ignatova E.R., Tolmacheva D.S. Intercultural com-
petence in the modern system of teaching Russian as a for-
eign language. Collection. "The functioning of the Russian
language in the context of cooperation with the Kyrgyz lan-
guage and culture" .- Bishkek. 2013. - P. 121 - 123.
6. Suleimeinova G.S. Teaching speaking skills at the
English language lessons. Innovations in educational activi-
ties and the problems to improve the quality of education. -
Almaty. 2012. – P. 152 - 154.
Aitbayeva N.
a candidate of Philology sciences, assistant professor,
Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Turkestan, Kazakhstan
Резюме. В этой статье рассматриваeтся традиционные особенности английских идиом.
Түйіндеме. Бұл мақалада ағылшын тіліндегі идиомалардың ұлттық-мәдени ерекшеліктері қарастырылады.
When studying a nation’s language, we wish to
apprehend it thoroughly and master it well. To reach
these aims, people are not allowed to ignore their
learning language’s idioms that are defined by many
scholars expressions whose meanings cannot be in-
ferred from the meaning of its parts. In terms of lan-
guage, an idiom is a combination of words. These
words are taken from the general vocabulary of each
language. Idioms are considered an interesting and
popular phenomenon of every language. Idioms play
an important role in all languages in general,
A nation’s cultural features and its national psy-
chology, aesthetic perspectives and values are certainly
reflected in its language. The national cultural features
of a language refer to not only the connotations of
‘culture’ but also the extension of the concept of ‘cul-
ture’-the nation’s history, geographical conditions,
economy, social system, religion and customs reflected
and recorded in its language” .Therefore, a nation’s
cultural elements can be definitely found in idioms
since idioms are of great importance in a language. The
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №3 (30). 2015
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following aspects are some of the cultural pecularities
of English idioms:
Geographical environment, geographical condi-
tions plays an important role in shaping one nation’s
culture and human beings have no choices to change
the geographical conditions. Geographic characteristics
not only influence the material life of a nation but also
the culture and language.Britain is an island country
located in west Europe, which does not share land
border with any other countries except the Republic of
Ireland, with Atlantic Ocean to the west and north, the
English Channel to the south and the North Sea to the
east. The special location of Britain poses a great im-
pact on the formation of idioms, which the ones relat-
ing to navigation and fishing account for a large pro-
e.g. (1) tower one’s sail:be willing to be inferior to
(2) plain sailing:a course of action that is free
from difficulties
(3)a big fish:an important and influential person
(4)a fresh fish:a new prisoner
English people often say “spring up like mush-
rooms” to express the meaning (spring up like mush-
rooms shoot after a spring rain). The reason is British
people are much familiar with mushroom. And that is
because it often rains in England and the wet condition
is suitable for the growth of mushrooms.
It is easy to find the influence of geographic con-
ditions in language, which reflects on the pronuncia-
tion, vocabulary, grammar and so on. It has all im-
portant function on playing up the nation’s language
and culture when we want to translate the sense of
reality in those geographic characteristics.
One nation’s custom is formed through a long his-
tory and firmly rooted in people’s mind. In different
countries and nations customs drastically differ in vari-
ous aspects. Due to that, a lot of idioms turn out with
varied dresses. Certain general knowledge of the cus-
toms of the original culture will be good for our trans-
lation undertaking.
Take food habit for example, cake has been a
common food in English for a long history, so it is
understandable that they use “a piece of cake” denot-
ing an easy-done task. Another example is related to
the habitual way of working in the field. English peo-
ple were habituated to use a horse to plough the field
before modernized agriculture was developed. Conse-
quently, English say to describe someone with great
strength “as strong as a horse”[1, p.94].
Due to different living customs, different nations
have distinctive cultural differences in the concept of
value and aesthetic criteria. For instance, in English
culture the word “old” means the end of youth, the
decline of vigor. Therefore, most of them mentally
resist the idea of becoming old and try to remain
young. And the idiomatic expression such as “you
don’t look your age” is welcomed in western society.
In some eastern countries dragon (imagined ani-
mal) is admired and worshipped very much, and it is
even the symbol of the nation. While in English,
though it can bring the association of “strength” and
“power”, dragon gives such derogatory associations as
evil, Satan, devil and disgusting woman. Obviously,
we come to the conclusion that different cultures ex-
press differently their likings and dislikings.
Another example is the lion. To most westerners,
lion is “the king of the beats”. Collins COBUILD Eng-
lish Language Dictionary defines “lion” as “a person or
a country that is considered to be strong and peaceful,
and which other people respect or fear”. The lion en-
joys high prestige, as can be seen from such expres-
sions as “regal as a lion, majestic as a lion;King
Richard, king of England in the late 12m century, was
known as lion-hearted for his courage and chivalry
That’s why English have chosen the lion as their sym-
bol, “The living custom is the way of life for people
living in a special region, including a variety of things
that related to all aspects of social life. It is restricted to
the nation’s politics, economy, religion, literature and
arts and which in rum affect it. Language, as a special
part of the nation’s culture, definitely reflects the living
customs of the nation, and idioms are even greatly
related to the living customs ”[2, p.18].
Religions. “Religion is all important part of cul-
ture and has greatly influenced all the human lan-
guages and imposed great impact on all aspect of our
society.”Numerous idioms were generated from the
fountain of religion. Religion has greatly influenced
idioms and become a rich source for the generation of
idioms. Some differences of idioms can be traced back
to the origin of religion. They are represented by their
different scriptures, and follow a certain kind of doc-
trine and thinking pattern. The following part is to
explain the influence of religions on idioms.The origin
of religion can be traced to primitive society. It was a
kind of super-nature power that people believed in. As
time flied, religions such as Christianity, Buddhism,
Taoism and Islam came into being. A religion together
with its own doctrine stands for a culture. Different
people have different religious beliefs. Most western
people believe in God. The main cultural factors in the
English belong to the Christian culture. The Bible has
greatly influenced the establishment and development
of western civilization. Religion has played an im-
portant role in western society especially before capi-
talization[3]. The majority of the western people be-
lieve in Christianity and regard the Bible as one of the
most important classical works in their life. Countless
idioms are originated from the Bible, for example, “to
put new wine in old bottles” referring to the unwise act
of forcing the extremely conservative person to accept
new conceptions; “to make one’s hair stand on end”
describing thrilling horror caused by something, etc.
History. History is the intellectual form in which
a civilization renders account of itself about its past. It
is the continuum of events occurring in succession
leading from the past to the present and even into the
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №3 (30). 2015
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future. History of a country may last for thousands of
years. Even a native do not know all the past events of
their nation, not to mention the foreigners. History
plays an indispensable role in the development of a
country. It also promotes the evolution of a language
and affects its idioms. Idioms from history culture are
the gems of human cultural heritage Translators should
have extensive knowledge of history to fulfill the obli-
gation of translation as a cross-cultural communication.
History culture mainly include allusion, poems, myths,
ancient books and records, etc.
There is an English idiom: “Greek gift”is related
to the ancient myth of Roman “Annelid”. People are
the host and creator of human history. Events about
heroes in history are often orally passed down from
generation to generation. In the following idioms, it is
evident that historical figures contribute much to their
distinctive national features [4, p.81].
Idioms make our speech more expressive, vivid,
and imaginative. Having a rich vocabulary of idioms,
you can not only understand shades of meaning, stylis-
tics, emotion, but you also will enrich your speech,
made it more natural, that, of course, will make your
intercourse easier with foreign colleagues and friends.
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