Пайдаланылған әдeбиeт:
1. Әуeзов М. Абай жолы. Бiрiншi кiтап. – Алматы. Жeтi жарғы 1997. -317 б.
2. Auezov M. Abai. Book one. – Moscow. Foreign Languages publishing House – 448 p.
3. Болғанбаeв Ә., Қалиeв Ғ. Қазiргi қазақ тiлi лeкcикологияcы мeн фразeологияcы. – Алматы: Cанат, 1997. – 255 б.
4. Боранбаeва Г.C. ХV-XVIII ғ. Қазақ поэзияcы тiлiндeгi фразeологизмдeр.
5. Кeңecбаeв I. Қазақ тiлiнiң фразeологиялық cөздiгi. – Алматы: Ғылым, 1977. – 712 б.
6. Кунин А.В. Английcкая фразeология. Моcква. 1970.
7. Cатeнова C. Қоc тағанды фразeологиялық тiркecтeрдiң авторлық қолданыcына қарай өзгeруi // Тiл тарихы жәнe cөз табиғаты.
– Алматы: Ғылым, 1997. – 85-89 бб.
8. Виноградов В.В. Оcновныe понятия руccкой фразeологии как лингвиcтичecкой диcциплины. 1946.
1. Затуливетров А. Подводные камни ресторанного бизнеса, 2010, http://www.openbusiness.ru/html/dop5/piter-rest1.htm
2. Feigenbaum E. Problems opening a restaurant, 2012, http://smallbusiness.chron.com/problems-opening-restaurant-4738.
For people who plan to start their own business it is very important to be aware of the problems that a potential
entrepreneurs faces in our country. In Kazakhstan, the government supports the setting of small and medium
businesses, and this is a very good opportunity for entrepreneurs and businessmen but it is not so easy to open a
restaurant. There is a list of problems related to our legislation.
The first problem is connected with the location. In restaurant business the location is the most important
component, for example if you open a high category restaurant in the working-class quarter, your restaurant will
go bankrupt, because you open the restaurant for a certain contingent of people, and an employee of a computer
shop cannot go to a high category restaurant because it is very expensive. We cannot open our restaurants where
we want because cities of our country do not have infrastructure for restaurant business. If you plan to open a
restaurant in a city center, it is difficult to find a free place for your building.
The second problem: For the reason that you had not found the free place in city center you bought an apartment
on the first floor of a house and opened the restaurant, but here you have problems with the house residents.
Because the noise from the restaurant interferes the residents’ life and they complain and can sue the businessman.
Ventilation tubes also go out of the window and the residents have to breathe in unpleasant smells. This is often
the cause of the closure of restaurants.
The third problem is connected with Health Inspection Agency. If a businessman has found solutions to the
first and second problems, it does not mean that everything is all right. The next problem is government health
code, the license to sell alcohol and safety systems. Your restaurant has to meet all these requirements before
you can operate. But it is not easy to be tested by state organizations, you should have perfect cleanliness and all
the equipment for keeping and cooking food, you should also have perfect safety systems. But even if you get
everything perfect, the officials of state agencies can claim money for giving the permission to work. The problem
of corruption is very acute in our country.
Finally we can conclude that there is a large number of fundamental problems in restaurant business in our
country and the government should make the licensing system easier and to support entrepreneurs. The successful
development of small and medium businesses will help to raise the economy of the country as a whole.
Alkozhaev Asset Askatuly
Restaurant and Hotel Business, 2nd year
Nadezhda Bershina, Senior Teacher
In the Message of 2007 «New Kazakhstan in the new world» Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbaev has suggested
beginning stage-by-stage development of the social and cultural plan «Trinity of Languages». As our president
said: «Kazakhstan should be perceived as the highly educated community which population uses three main
languages. There are: Kazakh – a state language, Russian – as language of international communication, and
English – language of prosperous unification into the global economy [1].
The conception of trinity has arisen not just as the ideal concept and a new format of language policy, it has
been developed because of a real need. Nowadays, only those countries are developing successfully , which
are introducing «smart» economy and are open to the world. Achievements in these areas are made through
acquisition of the dominating world languages. In modern Europe multilingualism is a standard norm. People who
know several languages are more competitive both within the country, and abroad. It is one of the reasons why
annually thousands of graduates and students go abroad to get an education in such countries as the USA, England,
Australia, and many others. Some people think - studying language in English-speaking countries much quicker
and more effective. Others believe that studying in another county gives advantage in employment in their home
country. Many people want to be trained abroad because of discontent at the educational quality in their own
country. The modern youth is more striving to live, study and work abroad.
Academic Mobility of students from the different countries has considerably raised in the last decades due to
affiliation of Kazakhstan to Bologna Process, in conformity with which participating countries accept liabilities on
applying its key provisions including - the academic mobility of teachers, students of higher education institutions.
In 2011, 200 million tenge were allocated for training in foreign higher education institutions within one academic
period from government budget, in 2012 this sum has increased up to 500 million tenge.
Today 38 higher education institutions have developed and are realizing joint educational programs [2]. It
allowed to provide growth of the academic mobility among teachers and students.
Higher education institutions of Kazakhstan energetically realize joint educational programs with foreign
universities. For example:
• international grant of «Bolashak»
• two-degree High school programs
• semestrial programs
• summer schools
Involvement in these programs gives students a lot of perspective opportunities and advantages:
• to gain invaluable international experience in the scientific and educational sphere;
• to expand practical ability and professional knowledge;;
• to receive useful language practice;
• to gain experience of connection and training in the international cross-cultural group.
Entering a university in Europe, America requires existence of IELTS or TOEFL certificates, a passing of the
test revealing your level of knowledge of English. Howerever, good level of knowledge of the language is not
enough for studying abroad. A lot of the students who participated in programs of the academic mobility face many
difficulties, not only in the academic activity, but in a everyday life.
Moving to another country demands acclimatization. It is necessary to get used to specific features and situation
of the country. This process can last from several weeks to several months. Living in another state is an unexpected
adventure, however you shouldn’t forget about process of adaptation to the new location and new educational
system. Firstly ,it should be noted that almost every student who has gone abroad experiences a certain level of
nostalgia. About 5% of students come back home earlier, than it was expected only because their expectations of
living in another country differed from reality. Every student have a some kind of cultural shock. They need
some time to realize and to adapt to a new way of life.
We have conducted survey among 30 students from our university who studied in Turkey, China, the USA,
Japan and many other countries. Results of the survey have shown that students who studied in these countries
have encountered family, financial, psychological and social difficulties. Psychological barriers and difficulties
are connected with such aspects of student’s life as longing for their homes or fear of a new surrounding and the
social environment as every country has its own traditions, culture, and mentality. Social difficulties usually refer
to communication with a family and friends.
There is one more significant problem: some students participating in programs of the academic mobility
don’t know educational systems of other countries, a difference in structure of curriculum, time of passing exams.
Studying at foreign university significantly differs from the Kazakhstan’s reality: a minimum of lectures and
seminars, independent writing of the essay, rigid terms of delivery of intermediate and final control, and also
limited communication with the tutor, mostly by e-mail. Very severe punishments for plagiarism are applied, up
to sending down.
Bekbulatova Zhanel’ Serikovna
Dureyeva Mariya Andreyevna
“MT”, 2 course
Glushenko M.E., senior teacher
It is clear, that without special preparation, it is very difficult to fit into this system. Probably, the monthly
program of preparation for studying in other country could be very useful. As we mentioned above, there are a lot
of the language courses preparing students for passing an international language examination, writing essays. But,
we suggest to open, organize special free courses at «Almaty Management University» where students will be
able to study cultural peculiarities of the country, get acquainted with the policy of university where the student
is going to study.
University is responsible for supporting students going to study abroad. There are some methods how AlmaU
can help these students be prepared:
1. To prompt how to choose the most optimal country for a long stay, offer several educational institutions
corresponding to you and request information about applied teaching techniques.
2. Based on the knowledge of your inborn features and abilities, help to make final decision of choosing
educational institution, the most suitable for receiving high-quality education and preserving your mental health.
3. To employ several highly skilled psychologists, who will prepare students for life in other country, testing
and talking with them, and involve some teachers, who will be able to tell about the history of various countries.
As we think, it is not hard for our university to realize this project. It is not very expensive, but it will be very
useful for our students. The language center and the center of the academic mobility can be engaged in this process.
If it is effective and useful for students, it is possible to begin to introduce a number of special programs and
trainings on preparation for studying abroad at other universities. Thus, the number of the students wishing to
study abroad will increase, it is rather profitable for the university.
1. Цитата из послания Президента - http://articlekz.com/article/5831
2. http://world-science.ru/euro/504-33292
At the present stage the world around us is developing more and more actively and rapidly than before. And
this world will not wait and adjust to us. Humans must understand that they will have to adapt to this eternal multi-
faceted progress. Therefore, people should improve personal development and not stay still. We need to improve
our communication skills. After all, even the development of technological progress will not be enough in this
quickly changing world. We need to know at least two languages to be informed of the world news, be aware of
global issues, seek for and obtain important information.
Now knowing only one language can impose some restrictions on your personal and professional life. If you
buy furniture for your kitchen you will have to install it. However, pay for an assembly is too expensive. In case to
assemble yourself you won’t be confused by instruction in Italian because thanks to such applications as Google
translator facilitate our lives. Like other online translators it translates single words and without knowing the
language we will not comprehend the general meaning. Another option is to use dictionary and translate word by
word but it is too time-consuming. In the end you assemble kitchen. Also you can call the assemblers, or spend a
few days on assembling, but there is no guarantee that you have done everything correctly. As far as second factor
is concerned knowing foreign languages impact your professional life. In modern competitive world employers
prefer workers who know several foreign languages.
What is the meaning of word “multilingualism”? Multilingualism is the use of several languages within a
particular social community. Another name for this phenomenon is polylingualism [2].
Nowadays multilingualism has very strong effect on international relations. These connections can be political,
cultural, commercial, economic or production. There are a lot of factors of multilingualism. For example, migration,
media, scientific-technical revolution, the increasing role of language policy in the modern world. According to the
latest data, about 70% of the population of the Earth speaks two or more languages[3]. Consequently multilingualism
is getting support at all levels of the government. Unique experience was accumulated by individual countries, in
which the principle of multilingualism was already consolidated by the legal body. That is until our days valuable
experience was accumulated of intercultural relations.
Switzerland is an example of a steady multilingualism. It is proved in special article of the Federal Constitution.
There are three official languages: French, Italian and German. The majority of the population is fluent in several
languages. Educational system plays a key role of multilingualism [4].
Kazakhstan is a multi-ethnic, multilingual and multicultural country. Language contacts will inevitably happen
in such a multi-ethnic society. Currently language policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan is being realized in
accordance with the Law on languages and the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to this law
the Kazakh language is the State language.
Because of the worldwide development the Government has decided to introduce multilingualism in education
system. Now decrees on the mandatory study of the three languages from kindergarten are adopted, namely English,
Kazakh and Russian. It helps to show some basics about languages and the importance of their study in younger
generation of our society. Russian and Kazakh are obligatory languages of studying in all schools of Almaty. The
choice of language depends on the school. For example, a gymnasium № 25 learn French language from the first
grade. Also there are quite few schools who are studying specialize German, Turkish and other languages.
Gymnasium 105 is an evident example of a multilingual. Graduates of this school can speak five languages,
that increases their chances to enter and study in any place that they want in the world. The study in the first grade
begins with intensive study of three languages: English, Kazakh and Russian. Students of the third grade begin to
learn French. And from the seventh grade students study the bases of Chinese language. Teaching such subjects as
chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics in English starts from the fifth class. Every year students have chance to
go and study abroad in order to improve their language, study culture and more. China, the United Kingdom and
France are the most popular destinations for educational purpose during vacations. The school was awarded an
official status of English Cambridge School.
There are more opportunities in higher education. Almost any University practices exchange programs for
students in different countries, if they have the required level of language. It’s a really good motivation for students
to improve their level of foreign language. There are also universities in which faculties are divided by language:
Russian, English and Kazakh. Like AlmaU or KIMEP. However, there is a University in Kazakhstan, where
everything is based only on the language of international communication, English. This is Nazarbaev University.
People set different goals for language learning. Someone learns it to start traveling, understand foreign
information, without waiting for the translation. Other people learn it to climb the career ladder. Now the learning
is becoming obligatory because the communication in this multi-ethnic society, like ours, is very important in any
aspect, but especially in the political and economic fields.
Many educators, linguists argue that learning a few languages, not so much leads to inhibition of mental development, how much
contributes it, and that the difference of the two languages contributes to a better understanding of the native language.
Lev Vygotsky [1]
Birmagambetova Julia,
Zhumakhanov Samuil
Finance, 1st year
Marina Glushenko
senior teacher
Like any innovation, multilingual education system has its pros and its cons.
First of all we have considered the advantages. The first advantage that it provides for children is free
communication in three or more languages. In the future graduates will be able to find a good job with high
salaries. The second advantage is the new acquaintances, new places and people. If a person decides to become a
political figure, his knowledge of languages can help in the international or career. Also knowing foreign languages
allow to get access to different information from different sources around the world.
However we have found some drawbacks. Disadvantages of a multilingual education system may be that
educational institution focus on the study of foreign languages, paying little attention to native language.
Another minus is that the teaching subjects in different languages may be too difficult for students. After all, the
understanding of new material is always difficult for children, especially in foreign language. Also, the system is
not done the full amount of work, if it is not perfect you can introduce something you should create the necessary
conditions for this, find all the discrepancies and check all the data. Otherwise useful and necessary innovation can
be a wrenching case that children will avoid.
We need to consider the opinions of people about this issue. So we have conducted a survey among 136 people
of 16-30 age category. According to the survey 73% believe that the introduction of multilingualism is the good
idea for our education.
According to the data, these people 77% speak English, 24% - French, 15% -in the other languages.
The results show us that 47%want to learn subjects or disciplines on foreign language, 6% don’t want it and
other 47% answered “may be”.
Picture 1
Picture 2
In conclusion we want to quote the famous German poet, Wolfgang Goethe: “He, who knows no foreign
language, doesn’t know his own one”. Mastering of a foreign language raises the child’s native language to the
highest level, as mastering algebra elevates the highest level of the arithmetic thinking, allowing you to understand
any arithmetic operation as a special case algebraic look at operations with specific quantities [5].
Also we would like to say that the “multilingualism” is the requirement to be an equal member of modern
society and keep up with globalization process. They cannot simply be ignored or «rejected», procrastination in
this case is not relevant. In our opinion the integration of multilingualism should be raised on a new, higher level.
Perhaps a good solution is to make IELTS exam obligatory after graduation and to establish its importance on a
par with the UNT. We also think that higher education should be made compulsory to have at least 6 credits in
English language for the academic year. Nowadays there less and less space for monolingual people, and not to be
one of them, not only education system must change, but also our attitude. We must be aware of the importance
and value of multilingualism.
1. Lev Vygotsky’s article about multilingualism http://smartkids.ru/metodika-obucheniya-inostrannyim-yazyikam/lev-vyigotskiy-o-
2. http://sociolinguistics.academic.ru/380/Многоязычие
3. Article “Bilingual Child”
4. V.M.Smokotin “Multilingualism and society”
5. Lev Vygotsky’s article about multilingualism http://smartkids.ru/metodika-obucheniya-inostrannyim-yazyikam/lev-vyigotskiy-o-
Colloquial words and fixed expressions have become an integral part of modern business terminology. To
be exact, great deals of idioms have crept into the business vernacular over the last twenty decades. We believe
that the roles of these idioms are so important because much of what happens in the various sectors of business
is based, to some extent, on the informal language. Idioms are widely used in the following business sectors:
corporate finance, commercial banking, investment banking, insurance, risk management, trading, and credit and
equity analysis. While reading various business newspaper articles, we usually come across dozens of idioms.
Idioms, such as ‘in the red’, ‘in the black’, ‘red ink’, ‘green light’, ‘dog-and-pony show’, ‘white knight’, ‘black
knight’, ‘blacklist’, ‘pink slip’, ‘dog-eat-dog’, ‘maverick’, ‘rob Peter to pay Paul’ are a few illustrative examples
of colorful and expressive language of the business terminology. Business newspapers, business textbooks and
Internet resources are abundant in such idioms:
“Our earnings in 2002 were higher than in 2001. We’re in the black.
The company seems in the red at the moment.
He looked again at the pink slip Pat had given him when he arrived that morning.
Leading water economists say the state risks financing a white elephant at enormous cost.
Once entered, it took me to the main page, where Google’s dog and pony show begins.
PREDICTION: Johnny’s anti-American attitude puts him on Hollywood’s blacklist (unofficially, of
It’s a dog-eat-dog world for the vendors outside Safeco Field.
At the same time it began to look for another “white knight” who would take it over.
As these illustrative examples suggest, these idioms sound so amusing and catch the eye of readers. However, the
meanings of most of these idioms will remain unclear and obscure unless they start digging into their background:
source and origin. For example, paired colour idioms ‘in the black’ and ‘in the red’ have quite opposite meanings.
The idiom ‘in the black’ in the business context means ‘not owing any money; solvent’ whereas the other idiom
‘in the red’ means ‘in debit; owing money’. Surprisingly, these two idioms have a common history. Initially,
accountants used to record profitable financial transactions in black ink and financial deficit in red ink. As for the
idiom ‘blacklist’, it implies ‘a list of people or products viewed with suspicion or disapproval’. In the English
language the black colour has a negative connotation whereas the white colour is related to something pure or
somebody noble. For instance, the business idioms ‘black knight’ and ‘white knight’ are terms used in takeovers.
The terrifying idiom ‘black knight’, which is taken from the fairy-tale source, is used to indicate ‘a company making
an unwelcome takeover bid for another company’. The other term ‘white knight’ is viewed as ‘a company that
rescues a target company from difficulties such as hostile takeover bid’. These stapled terms somehow resemble a
battlefield with two players (knights) having different strategic intentions and tactics.
And the last colour idiom ‘pink slip’ means ‘a notice of dismissal from employment’. Employees usually get
shocked when they are handed pink colour slips of paper. It literally means their contract is terminated.
Idioms denoting animals also bring about an increasing interest with readers and language learners. To be
honest, there are a number of animal idioms frequently used in business arena.
One of the animal idioms widely used in the business discourse is ‘white elephant’.
The idiom comes from
Thailand. According to a legend, a king used to give his unfavoured vassals a white elephant. As albino elephants
were sacred, they were not allowed to work. These elephants became a burden to the owner until the owner went
bankrupt. In the business sense, the idiom ‘white elephant’ is used to indicate ‘a possession that is troublesome and
useless, especially one that is expensive to provide and maintain’.
Another multi-part
idiom ‘dog-and-pony show’, which is literally taken from amusement parks where kids are
entertained riding on a pony and playing with a dog, in the business sector means ‘an elaborate presentation of a
promotional campaign of a new product or a service’.
Another dog-related idiom ‘dog-eat-dog’ is usually used to refer to a situation in which people compete very
hard and will do anything to be successful.
Another group of idioms to be considered within the framework of this article is the idioms related to people’s
The famous idiom widely used in mass media is a ‘maverick’. The idiom is directly connected to the last
name of Texas rancher, Samuel Maverick. At that time it was standard practice for ranchers to brand their cattle
for identification purposes. Samuel Maverick rejected this inhuman method, and his cattle remained unbranded
as they roamed the prairies of North America. Thus, originally, the idiom ‘maverick’ was used with reference to
an animal which different from the rest of the herd. Its meaning has now passed from cattle to people and is used
to describe somebody who is different from other people for some reason, particularly in the sense of a rebel.
For example, if you describe someone in a company as a ‘maverick’, you mean that they are unconventional and
independent, and do not think or behave in the same way as other employees.
Moldir Erkimbekova
Region Study, 2nd year
Talgat Myrzakhanov, senior teacher
The last idiom ‘rob Peter to pay Paul’, unlike previous idioms, is not a noun, it is a verb. This idiom means ‘to
take something away from one person to pay another; discharge one debt only to incur another’. Unfortunately, it
is a malpractice used in the modern business. Probably this idiom is used with reference to the apostles Peter and
Paul and the phrase has a variation such as ‘unclothe Peter and clothe Paul’.
As illustrated by examples given above, the research on business idioms offers our readers and language
learners a vast lexical and cultural material for study. In order to be knowledgeable in idioms, the role of background
knowledge will be primarily essential.
1. Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners. Macmllan Publishers Limited, 2002.
2. John Allison, Paul Emmerson. The Business – Intermediate Student’s Book, 2007, Масmillan Publishers Limited
3. www.collinsdictionary.com
4. www.dictionary.cambridge.org
5. www.merriam-webster.com
6. www.oftwominds.com
7. www.telegraph.co.uk
8. www.thefreedictionary.com
9. www.yourdictionary.com
10. www.wisegeek.com
How often have you thought about the effectiveness of education in our country? According to statistics, every
third student is faced with problems and misunderstanding in their higher education process. Entering a university
the student expects education of high quality from the institution. They also hope to gain experience and skills that
will help them in the further career. There are acute problems with the availability of highly qualified specialists in
many branches of Kazakhstan economy today.
A higher education institution is an educational institution of professional education, which carries out research
activities. However, does the learning process correspond to this terminology? Although in the Republic of
Kazakhstan socio-economic and politico-legal reforms have been carried out to a considerable extent, there are
still some problems in education, in our opinion, therefore there was a need for additional reforms in this vital area.
We try to reveal this issue in tour article.
After a year of studies at one of the higher education institutions of Kazakhstan Almaty Management University,
we had the opportunity to study for one semester at one of the leading universities of Istanbul Kadir Has University.
Prior to our departure education in Kazakhstan seemed quite effective and correct. However, after a semester
abroad we realized that education of Kazakhstan is far behind in many aspects. Turning to the deficiencies of
domestic education, I would like to compare two leading universities of Kazakhstan and Turkey.
Let us start with the fact that the teaching forms at AlmaU include lectures, practice, IWST (independent
work of student with teacher) and IWS (independent work of student). The students are given a huge amount
of homework in the form of presentations, stories, essays, etc., which, in our opinion, is not so effective. If we
compare these forms with ones of Kadir Has University, it is evident that homework is given in smaller amounts.
In the education system of Turkish universities, a student learns the material himself. The best conditions for this
process are provided: the University has a library, including three departments with learning and training material.
Each student has a personal MacBook for all the period of study. In the library, you can find any literature,
both scientific and artistic. During the final exams, students are given the opportunity to be at the University site
throughout 24 hours a day.
Another feature of foreign education is the freedom of choosing of subjects, teacher and time, as well as
opportunity of a trial week, which allows you to confirm the selected items. Further, if a student is experiencing
difficulty in learning or misunderstanding of a professor, he has the right to reject the discipline or to re-elect it.
We would also like to raise the issue of being late for classes. In the foreign university if a student is late for a
lecture, regardless of the time, he has the full right to attend the lecture. We would like to emphasize that a student
in any situation receives the necessary knowledge even if he comes at the end of the lecture. At our university we
have examples when students were three minutes late and they were not allowed to attend the classes. Therefore,
the time is spent not effectively.
During the Midterm control at Kadir Has University, the students take a standard form of tests or write an
essay. The main difference from our system is the fact that depending on a professor, the Midterm control can be
conducted one or two times a semester. Then the students take the final examinations. During a session, professors
give students a certain topic and complete freedom to express their knowledge and they evaluate the students’
analytical thinking together with the acquired knowledge. The grading takes into account that the student who
gets the highest score will be estimated on the scale of А level even in cases that his point does not comply to this
scale. For example, if a student got 75 points and this score is the highest, then this score is equivalent to А level.
In case when a student fails the exam, he may retake it after a week after all basic examinations and this is
totally free without spending their summer time. It is all done for the benefit of a student and is another shining
example of spending student’s time effectively.
Speaking about the effectiveness of the education system, it is necessary to look at the beginning of studies.
After graduating from the Kazakh-Turkish lyceum (KTL) we can see the similarity in the teaching system of the
KTL and Turkish universities. The similarity lies in their traditional ways of delivering the course materials and
the corresponding requirements to the students.
Заирова Хуршида,
Абылкасимова Айжан
РДГБ 1401 2 курс
Научный руководитель:
Бершина Н.В., старший
Kadir Has University
IWST (independent work of students
under the guidance of a teacher)
Mini-quiz (verification of learned information,
for a certain number of lectures)
IWS (independent work of student)
Table 1.
The problems in higher education and are not limited to only educational institutions; they involve the broader
issue. Nowadays employers need the graduates with real practical knowledge. First of all the labor market requires
an employee to be a link between the interests of all participants of the economy; and foremost to represent
the interests of their employers. Employers begin to adopt the practice of conducting examinations for potential
applicants in order to hire more skilled and socially adapted candidates.
That is why there is an urgent need to improve the education system in Kazakhstan. It is necessary to adopt
radical reforms and to adopt teaching methods that are used in foreign universities that will help to lead our country
to economic prosperity. Our future is in the hands of our youth.
1. http://gonzo.kz/blog/2805-problemyi_obrazovaniya_v_kazahstane
2. http://www.aspandau.kz/ttc/problemy-i-perspektivy-vysshego-obrazovaniya-v-kazahstane
This article demonstrates the effects of brands on people’s purchasing behavior and explains the reasons why people seek
for branded goods. Also, the article defines the main group categories that are mostly influenced by brands and the solutions
that help solve this current issue in marketing.
Keywords: brand, psychological special feature, gender factor, territorial brand, regional differences, traditions, life-style
needs, the level of psychological effect.
Based on studies of people’s reaction and behaviors in everyday life and using some elements from psychology,
brand makers try to draw customers attention to their products and offer more benefits, but at much higher price.
Consciously or unconsciously, in most cases people act in a certain way, “on a pattern” in response to specific
situations. Such behaviors can be explained due to psyche and marketers used this phenomenon in the past to make
people buy products. Nowadays people want to realize their demand for self-actualization through owning of branded
goods and this customers’ need is widely used in sales. One of the most popular psychological effects is ‘effect of
infection’. According to this effect, the mood of a person is easily transferred to other people and it becomes obvious
that happy and cheerful people smiling from TV screens and billboards are able to endear more quickly and arouse only
positive emotions.
Smiling faces on the packaging of products, such as a smiling boy on a package of Kinder Chocolate will deliver
desired emotional benefits and our psychological needs will be satisfied.
How do brands influence women and men? The question is very complex because even simplifying differences to
a minimum, it becomes clear that the representatives of different genders communicate differently and have different
emotional and psychological needs. Women are more enthusiastic about the process of shopping than the final goods, the
process of interaction is of great importance here. On the contrary, men are end result-oriented. Therefore, advertising
companies, spend a lot of money on studying the target audience who they created their products or services for.
Depending on the gender of target customers, the advertisement is created taking into account all peculiarities of
male and female customers. Judging the way of perception of advertising, man-oriented advertisement is much shorter
and lasts for a few seconds, while woman-oriented takes considerably more time. This can be easily explained by
their different abilities to concentrate on one thing for a long time. While advertising brands for male audience, the
marketers include more numbers, facts or use images of authoritative figures to endorse their products. Focusing on
female audience your advertisement should include more details, descriptions and deliver real emotions. Products have
personalities. Companies should use aligned images to promote their products help create product’s brand personalities
and emotional benefits.
Currently, the science of branding is coming to “a standstill”. However, the main question: “What do you really need
to do in order to sell this product right now?” still remains urgent. In order to make your brand successful you need to
know not only how to sell the goods today, but also how to sell them tomorrow. After all, a well-designed brand is, in a
certain sense, an investment into the future.
Literature review
Brands play an important part in our lives looking at to the territorial division around the world, as a rule, some brands
dominate in one part of the world while being unpopular in another with the exception of the brands that are the kings
of the market, such as Apple, McDonalds, Starbucks etc. According to Simon Anholt, who was a founder of territorial
branding, brand popularity based on territorial division is initially a good idea, which will be based on the expectations
of the target audience, their traditional feelings, experiences, and needs. Logos, advertising slogans, symbols are only the
elements of the brand, a set of reception of imagination. The main functions of a brand are to make a good impression, to
generate a number of positive associations with it, and to convey these impressions through the experience of interacting
of target audience with the brand.Thus, the key factors of the brand are:
1) the uniqueness of your brand, how it differs from others
2) ideology; what this brand idealizes
3) the validity of factors; forming expectations and their justification
4) the optimal culture; definition about brand that aligns with regional products, companies in this area and so on.
Brand of region covers all its key features, and the aspects of life: economy, culture, tourism, population and
psychology. Question of brand-areas still remains open. Many famous foreign experts in the field of marketing and
branding such as F.Kotler; G. Armstrong; Dzh. Sonders; V. Vong, are still investigating this issue. General director of
the National University competitiveness in Russia, A. Shestopalov, said that in other words brand is an ability to give
an identity to products or services. Obviously, based on this definition it becomes evident that while inventing branded
product or service, producers should take into account not only target audience and their needs, but also the area where
they want to sell their brands. Economic situation in this area will also influence the success of their brand as it impacts
purchasing power of customers in the region. Particular attention should be paid to McDonald’s’ brand promotion as here
Kozlova Dar’ya,
Balanov Anatoliy
Marketing/Management, 2-nd course
Scientific adviser:
Glushenko M.E.,
Senior Lecturer; M.A.
this company thoroughly studied the territorial interests and needs of potential customers before entering new market.
For instance, promoting its brand in India, they took into account the fact that the traditional hamburgers with
beef would not be meaningful to target customers, and furthermore, could potentially destroy powerful brand, as it is
inacceptable to eat veal in India. Consequently, all menu offer chicken or veggie burgers. When McDonalds launched
its brand in East Asian countries, the taste preferences of target customers in this region were take into consideration.
To satisfy customer needs, burgers with a very pungent taste, and with special spices that people adore in this country
are available on the menu. This case only confirms that brands have a strong influence on us, because companies while
creating new brands consider a lot of factors of our life: customers’ lifestyle; food preferences in the region; religion;
average income in the country. Besides, affordability of brand is also important. For instance, to bring brand as «Rolex»
in a country where the average annual income does not exceed $ 5,000 , when the cheapest model of Rolex cost $
5400,will be simply unreasonable and absurdly. Due to the fact that branding for the target customers was not performed,
Rolex Company will fail in this country.
The article has shown that brands have a great influence on customers, even though its influence can be invisible.
Before promoting a certain brand, branding team should conduct deep market research: carefully study demographic
forces, lifestyle forces and usage behaviors in order to identify what customer need, can afford and buy in a particular
First of all, survey was conducted among men and women to define factors that stimulate their buying patterns.
According to the information that was mentioned above, men are more focused on end-results in buying process than
women. Diagram 1 shows that only 30% of women are impressed by end-results of purchase, remaining 70% - men. This
survey confirms that selection of the target audience differentiating gender of customers is very important point when
creating advertisements or promoting brands.
Secondly, survey embraces three age categories, group 1: up to 21 years, group 2: 22-40 years old, and group
3:41 - 60 years.
Respondents answered the same questions but answers were absolutely different.
According to Diagram 2 Diagram 3, the representatives of the age category of 21 years are mostly influenced
by power of brands that can be explained by such psychological causes as “the effect of the crowd,” the desire to
be popular, be in center of attention. For such customers brand is a form of self-expression that expresses their
identity to their peers. Another global problem of the 21st century - the power of money has a strong impact on
the young generation, and fosters the idea that possessing expensive brands creates cool image Branded products
communicate to their peers how they define themselves. However, representatives of II and III groups, brands are
losing their power in making purchases because being popular has lost its attractiveness, and people shift their
preference to high-quality goods and look for reasonable price that will lead to changed needs product preferences.
Diagram 1
Diagram 2
To reduce dependence on brand is very difficult, because the brands have become an integral part of our lives.
Survey has proved that customers dependence on a particular brand is very individual. Some customers are not
loyalty to certain brands, and they just buy durable goods of high quality that will be in use for a long time. While
another part of consumers want to be in fashion, and blindly follow popular brands and have only one primary goal
-to be popular, to be trendy. This question is more psychological than practical. Actually, it is impossible to impose
brand loyalty just because it will provide customers with emotional satisfaction, or recognition among other people,
identify their status in society. Nowadays, the market is developing and globalization is spreading incredibly fast,
and no one can predict which brand will be popular in 5 years, and whether brands will be popular in general.
Clear solution to this problem requires more detailed and global survey conducted, involving more participants
of various social status, demographic regions. All fundamental forces that shape differences in consumer needs
should be studied in details because our research was limited due to lack of opportunities, time and resources for
global research.
Diagram 3
1. http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-business
2. blog.twitter.com/en-gb/2014/10-reasons-why-people-follow-brands
3. http://www.millwardbrown.com/global-navigation/blog
4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Anholt
5. Anholt, Simon (2003). Brand New Justice: the upside of global branding.
6. Anholt, Simon; Hildreth, Jeremy (2005-04-01). Brand America: The Mother of All Brands.
7. http://www.marketing.spb.ru/lib-special/regions/nation_branding.htm
8. Harvard Business Review: “Branding in the Digital Age: You’re Spending Your Money in All the Wrong Places” by David C.
9. Harvard Article: “Luxury Branding Below the Radar” by Jonathan A.J.Wilson, Giana M. Eckhardt, and Russell W. Belk.
10. The power of a brand (Keller, 2003).
11. About brand (Kapferer, 1986).
Currently, we are faced with an active process of interaction of professional discourse formats due to the
increasing complexity of the professional knowledge and continuous integration of various areas of activity.
Professional discourse is the controlled interaction of the subjects of professional activity, characterized by a
certain set of rules, stereotypes of thinking and behavior. Within the professional activity, scientists distinguish two
basic discursive formats such as theoretical and practical, and one additional, so-called naïve [1]. Naive format
is characterized by the interaction of professional and everyday representations (ideas). Therefore, we can refer
national stereotypes to everyday representations.
The urgency of this paper is defined by the fact that since the life of the individual in a society is a set of
communicative practices, the knowledge of stereotypes of different nations allows a person adequately interpret
the information and thus promote effective professional discourse. The relevance of our topic of study is also
confirmed by the results of Sociological Survey among the students of Almaty Management University, carried
out to determine the level of knowledge about national stereotypes and its need in professional communication.
The aim of our research is to identify the basic features of the American national character and on the basis of
lexical and semantic analysis of idioms to illustrate stereotyped associative images of the Great American Dream
that has a major impact on the formation of the American nation.
National stereotype is a schematized image about a representative of any ethnic group. It is usually simplified
or distorted knowledge of the psychological characteristics and behavior of people of other nationalities [2; 3]. The
stereotypical Great American Dream is the idea that all people can rich success by working hard and thus have the
potential to live happily [4].
To highlight the sought features of the character of the American nation we carried out desk review of literature
[5; 6; 7]. Having analyzed the results of students’ questionnaires of 5,000 college students from eleven countries
and students of the University political science department from North Dakota, USA [8], we identified the basic
traits of the American nation. At the same time, we are inclined to think that the stereotypes of other people about
American people may have kernels of truth to them, but they are not wholly correct, and may be misleading.
After we have revealed the features we tried to find the reflection of an American dream in American idiomatic
expressions and language units as the meaning of them is directly linked to the worldview of native speakers.
Lexicographic analysis of English-English dictionaries, in particular, Barron’s Dictionary of American Idioms
[9; 10], enabled us to create a glossary, reflecting the above-mentioned traits of the American nation. We have
compiled a glossary, which includes more than 100 idiomatic expressions and language units.
Here are represented certain idioms, which, in our opinion, can be on probation classified in accordance with
such categories as:
Commitment to the values of American civilization:
Individualism: If you want something done right, do it yourself
2. Absolute practical dominant of American national character is the focus on any success, and primarily in
terms of money.
Make one’s pile – tо make one’s fortune. The rich man made his pile in the stock market.
Upper crust – the richest people; the people of the highest class. It is a school that only children of the upper
crust can afford.
Top banana – the head of any business; the most important person in an estab lishment
Big wheel – a person of high rank. Bill had been a big shot in high school.
Nothing succeeds like success –success in one thing makes success in other things easier. The girls all like
Bob because he is a football captain. Nothing succeeds like success.
3. Quality of a character, serving the main goal of success:
3.1 Optimism and reactiveness
Activist approach to life of Americans is in harmony with their incredible optimism, which is incorporated in
the American national character at the genetic level.
Keep your chin up – to be joyful in a difficult case. I know you have difficulty in finding a job but try to keep
your chin up.
There are plenty of fish in the sea - there are other choices. For fishing there are plenty of fish in the sea like
When one door closes, another one opens - when you lost one opportunity, you find another one. When I was
fired from job, I was frustrated but when one door closes, another one opens. The new job I applied for is more
3.2 Competitive spirit
Cream of the crop – the best of a group. May Queen candidates were lovely, but Betsy and Nancy were the
cream of the crop.
Olga Negay
Finance, 2nd year
Tsay E.N., PhD
3.3 Work-orientation (workaholism)
Sweat blood – to work very hard. Jim sweated blood to finish his composition on time.
Burn the candle at both ends – to work too hard without enough rest. Не worked a lot every day as a doctor
and went to parties every night; he was burning the candle at both ends.
Hit the books – to study your tasks; get ready for classes. Lisa left the party early, saying, “I’ve got to hit the
Pull up one’s socks – to strive to do better. I to finish the article in time, so I have to pull up my socks.
3.4 Appetite for risk
Batten down the hatches - to be ready in advanced for danger or a future difficult period. Here comes that
trouble-making guy. Batten down the hatches!
Throw caution to the wind - to start taking risks and stop worrying about the danger involved. I need to throw
caution to the wind and to get acquainted with my boyfriend’s parents.
Fraught with danger - an activity or situation that is full of risks or danger situations. His journey across the
mountains was fraught with danger.
3.5 Need for independence
Have a mind of one’s own - to be an independent thinker. You have to learn to have a mind of your own.
Stand on one’s two feet - to depend on oneself. Dan has learnt to stand on his own two feet.
3.6 Law abidance.
In the black and white - To say that something is in black and white means that there is written proof of it. My
answer was right. It’s in black and white in the book.
Brush with the law - when you have a brush with something, such as the law, you come across it promptly.
Had a brush with the law for speeding a few years ago, but he has had a clean record ever since.
4. Off-duty quality:
- Adherence to the rule: ‘use their rights and respect the rights of others’,
- Mobility, to move from place to place.
Among the studied stereotypical American representations we came across the stereotypes that seem
negative, for instance addiction to risk food (fast food and junk food) and American exceptionalism ( the best
nation, America is the center of earth, the great society).
Therefore, these idioms reflect the characteristic features of an American character, which has been formed as a
result of impact of stereotypical Great American Dream. They can be used as a good source for improving cultural
and professional competence of students.
Being the characteristic of national consciousness stereotypes are the kind “the greatest universal
denominator” (R. Binkley). They prepare us for a clash with a foreign culture and reduce “culture shock”. The
knowledge of stereotypes predicts response and behavior of business partners and needs to be studied by future
specialists in order to promote effective professional discourse.
1. Karasik, V. I. Yazikovoi krug: lichnost, koncepti, diskurs. – Volgograd, 2002. – 477 s.
2. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, Oxford University Press, 2000.
3. Psihologicheskii jurnal. – №4. –1989. – S. 41.
4. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki//
5. Binkley, Robert C. The Common Concept of Public Opinion in the Social Sciences // Social Forces.1928.Vol.6. 393 p.
6. Warshauer, Mark. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire: Changing Conceptions of the American Dream. American Studies Resources
Centre LJMU. February 13, 2003. 21 November 2011. Достарыңызбен бөлісу: |