ISSN 2520-2634 Journal of Educational Sciences. №2 (55). 2018
Паридинова Б.
a philosophical, pedagogical and socio-psychological concept.The aim is to research the evolution of
personality theory in identifying its fundamental principles. Considered the views and their most interest-
ing ideas basic representatives
of philosophy, pedagogy, psychology.The results obtained will be used in
the activity of the higher school to form a culture of teachers and students in personal-oriented learning.
Methodological basis of the research
was a system of principles, methods for studying the general pat-
terns of personality as a philosophical, pedagogical and social-psychological concept. In particular, dia-
lectical method of cognition allowed us to consider the problemtheory of personality in different levels.
In the paper the concepts of the theory of the personality of authors of
foreign countries were ana-
lyzed, problems of spirituality, morality, and socialization of the individual were examined. Particular at-
tention was paid to the problem of the teacher’s personality in the context of personal-oriented learning.
Results can be useful in designing and understanding educational work of universities.
Key words:
personality, concept, teacher,
personality-oriented learning, humanistic psychology.
Паридинова Б.
магистр философии, PhD докторант
Кызылординского государственного
университета имени Коркыт Ата,
Казахстан, г. Кызылорда, e-mail:
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