Barnes J.A. Class and Committees in a Norvegian Island Parish/Human Relations. - 1954. -
№ 7. - С. 43-44.
Данилина В. К народу через Facebook // Советник. - 2010. - № 7. - С. 22-23.
Самойленко С. Интернет, дружба, жвачка // Советник. - 2010. - № 9. - С. 16-18.
Булавкина Л. Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке в социальных сетях // Маркетинговые
коммуникации. - 2010. - №1. - С. 5-8.
Пурим М. Заработать на ностальгии: вы еще не нашли своих одноклассников в
интернете? // Журналист. - 2008. - № 10. - С. 76-78.
«Подарите «кусок мыла» коллеге через соцсеть...»/сост. Е. Колтунова // Секретарское
дело. - 2012. - № 11. - С. 45-49.
Крибель С. С. Использование социальных сетей в образовании = Using social networks
in educaion // Информатика и образование. - 2012. - № 4. - С. 66-68.
Фещенко А. В., Можаева Г.В. Использование виртуальных учебных сетей в учебном
Скрипников С. Связанные Сетью 2. 0 // Эксперт. - 2006. - № 39. - С. 42-48.
Макалада интернеттің әлеуметтік желілерінде оқу іс-әрекетін ұйымдастырудың теориялық
аспектілері қарастырылады. Авторлар әлеуметтік желілері де коммуникацияның негізгі жұмыс
істеу принципіне және кілттік сипаттамаларына, әлеуметтік желілерінің білім алу мүмкіндіктеріне,
қашықтық және интерактивтік оқыту моделіне назар аударады.
This paper presents the theoretical aspects of the organization of educational activity in the social
networks of the Internet. The article highlights the basic principles and key characteristics of
communication in social networks, educational opportunities of social networks, a model of distance and
interactive learning on the basis of the use of social networks as a pedagogical tool.
UDC 159.9/316.47
M.A. Kussaуinova
JV «NCIQ «ORLEU» of the IIQ of
PE round Manghistausky oblast,
Candidate of Pedagogical Science,
of teacher training
methods for
teaching expansion
The paper presents characteristics of teacher
training methods for personality-oriented teaching
expansion. The work of the teacher in the
requires special and responsible training to the
ability of designing a new type of teaching where
program contents is different from the traditional
one. Forms and ways of learner’s work should be
singled out and made a special objective of
development. Finally, the teacher himself should
acquire ways and techniques of such process
diagnostics that he is going to design. At the same
time it is necessary to understand that if there is a
low level of children’s acquisition of the new
material, how the correction should be done and
assistance provided to those who need it. Thus, the
practice of designing not only primary but also
higher education contains acute psychological
pedagogical problems, one of the possible
approaches to solve it was offered in this paper.
Keywords: teacher training, teacher training
methods, personality-oriented teaching
The work of the teacher in the conditions of
personality-oriented education requires special and
responsible training to the ability to design a new
type of teaching where program contents is
different from the traditional one. Forms and ways
of learner’s work should be singled out and made a
special objective of the development. Finally, the
teacher himself should acquire ways and techniques
of such process diagnostics that he is going to
design. At the same time it is necessary to
understand that if there is a low level of children’s
acquisition of the new material, how the correction
should be done and assistance provided to those
who need it.
psychology, psychology of learning (psychological
laws according to which material acquisition is
based on), a clear-cut idea about different types of
education, including innovative ones, etc. The
teacher training program should include all this to
help them design teaching as personality-oriented.
Giving lectures to the course attendants on “Theory
and practice of personality-oriented teaching” we
became convinced that it is not enough to only
inform the teachers about history and searches by
teaching is like.
The following issues are evidently important but not enough for the teachers’ general
orientation: the issues about how the problem of a human personality was stated in the
philosophy of different times, how it was considered by local and foreign psychology, what are
the advantages of different educational systems and what they lack when we speak about the
ways of designing personality-oriented education.
As it was stated above, personality-oriented teaching supposes not the transmission of
ready knowledge and definitions. Organization of research and creative work of the
schoolchildren is the main objective of the teacher in designing that type of education that
corresponds to the requirements of personality-oriented one. Absence of experience in such work
of the teacher is sure to provoke numerous difficulties that will not allow him to realize the
objectives that can be set forward in the situation of a new type of education.
In this connection reference to the program “Ways of personality-oriented education
design” by L.I. Aidarova was made. This program supplements those who lack behind education
and which has mostly information character whatever complete and various it seemed to be.
During the research it was necessary to be aware of the fact that teaching should be
designed according to the principles of the 3
(higher) type of learning, initially supposing
creative development of all the participants of the pedagogical process (P.Y. Galperin, D.
At present this program is used in the work with attendance of advanced teacher training
courses at the Caspian state university of technologies and engineering named after S. Yesenov.
620 participants of this program have been trained since 2001 to 2008.
Thus the program has been approved and teachers having received such training were
capable of working in the key of personality-oriented education.
The objective of the research was to work at not only the ways of designing new programs
and technologies but also provides acquisition of the author’s position. Besides, the issue of
working with children in the polycultural environment of modern Kazakhstan was included in
the program.
The latter objective is the problem of real future, as the process of future teachers’ training
should include not only course teachers but also psychologists, methodologists, specialists of
didactics, ethnographers and teachers of different languages. Cooperation of such various
specialists is necessary to provide both children and teachers with the ability to think tolerantly.
As it is known nowadays it is greatly demanded by the society and should become one of the
main characteristics of a modern personality.
Working on the course “Ways of personality-oriented education design” that is designed
on the same psychological fundamentals as programs for children can be organized in two forms:
in the form of usual lecture-seminar classes and in the form of the work of the attendants at the
During the classes at the Workshop besides theoretically significant topics it is supposed to
study the material that will become the contents of work of the teachers with children. Class
contents in the Workshop includes the following themes:
Time requirements - the change of education paradigm: from information for a
conceptual one. The main aim of new education is personality development of the student and
teacher’s creative abilities development.
Primary education is basement of education and also the time of optimal development
with children abilities to education and special abilities: language, artistic, design,
mathematical, etc.
Schoolchildren activity character. Introduction with possible types of learning
(according to P.Y. Galperin, D. Bruner). Types of education and abilities problem.
Personality-oriented programs design principles and modern psychology as theoretic
basis to design such programs. The concretization of psychological principles of personality-
oriented education design on the example of some programs of the system “World discovery”.
Ways of designing a new type of the textbook on conceptual basis. Developing the
structure of education-methodical complex in the form of a “model” to expand the education as
a growing cooperate creative activity both of the teacher and the student.
Designing the lesson as a “unit” of activity on the statement and solution of different
kinds of objectives: lesson-dialogue, lesson-dispute, lesson-conference, lesson-game. Special
direction of organization by the teacher of different types of lessons. Conversion to dramaturgy
and the basis of theatre art while designing personality-oriented education.
Possible correlation of education and development. The problem of the “zone” of the
development. Provision of the perspectives of development of the contents and ways of education
Diagnostics of acquisition and diagnostics development. Training teachers in ways of
assessment of the quality of program material acquisition, and if it is necessary correction work
with the students.
Possible ways of evaluating students’ development in intellectual, language and other
areas during the process of teaching.
The problem of children’s individual development in the conditions of front education.
The beginning of creating psychological portrait of a student (on the example of opening
personality valuable values for the child of primary school age).
UNESCO Basic provisions related to education in the world in the XXI
The work in the workshop in comparison with traditional forms – lectures and seminars
allows to create conditions for deeper both in theoretical and practical aspects, introduction of
the attendants with psychology and its constructive possibilities in the area of a new type of
education design.
Work with the attendants at Master class had an aim not only to introduce them to the ways
of designing a new education system, built on psychological basis. Revealing by the teachers
their personal abilities and opportunities to creative activity is also very important. A teacher not
having his own experience of creative work is not able to provide the design of such education as
cooperation of the teacher with the students.
The following necessary practices were outlined for the Workshop. They are:
work on personality-oriented programs at different educational institutions;
with schoolchildren of a secondary school;
at a kindergarten;
in the classes with gifted children;
in correction groups;
with children and their parents (practical work can be done not only in classroom
condition, but mostly in the work with textbooks at an art studio, photo and cinema studio,
theatre and also while organizing journalist and excursion activities of the children);
work of the attendants is also planned as their practical work with their group mates at
the Institute of Advanced training for teachers who are not the participants of a Master class.
Acquisition by the participants directing, scenery and acting techniques connected with
the necessity to design different types of learning.
Theatre creation in different languages and participation in the work of the theatre in
the role of actors, artists, script writers. Practical acquisition of different languages on the
material of a number of children plays, first of all. Revealing mental peculiarities and language
consciousness that are characteristic of different cultures.
Work at the museums, connected with revealing peculiarities of vision and world
perception on art material (painting, sculpture, folklore, etc.).
Practical classes on psychotherapy and psycho correction “East-West”.
In the conditions of the Workshop listeners were involved into two types of work.
First – they were changed into little schoolchildren, like primary schoolchildren were
transformed during the lessons into young “teachers”. However, Workshop participants, taking
the role of “little schoolchildren” should not only practically acquire the material that they will
have to work with their students during the lessons. As it will be shown below, conditional “little
children” will have to work with the help of a corresponding specialist at complicated issues
about the following: how to lead the students from the Russian language to Kazakh, how to
move on from Russian culture realies to the revealing of the specificity of an other national
culture. In the same part of the Workshop participants it was supposed to work out with teachers
the way they can move on from designing the Russian language textbooks (which is stipulated
by the program as one of the main conditions of acquiring by the schoolchildren (the author’s
position) to the work on the establishment of another textbook – the Kazakh language textbook.
Another subject of teaching at the Workshop is an acquisition of necessary psychological
data. The most important that should be created here by the listeners themselves is a special
notebook “We open psychology and we open ourselves”.
First and second types of work suppose organization and conducting “Conferences” as
intermediate results of the teachers’ work at the Workshop. It is necessary to point out that
programs for such “Conferences” should be regularly produced by the children themselves.
These conferences are a kind of control and check up works. These tests have the function of the
final part of a definite part of the work not only for the children as it was shown before but are
also a diagnostic material for the teachers according to which they can judge the level of
perception of the studied material.
Every attendant in the conditions of work at the Workshop begins to develop his own
research Project, the work at which is regularly discussed during the work of a Master class.
First of all, these are issues connected with the specificity of the nature of the Kazakh
culture and the Kazakh language.
Undoubtedly to work with these themes at a Master-class to help the teachers there should
be invited specialists of ethnography, world culture, philology, who will also participate in the
work of the workshop.
It is necessary to point out that 90-93 % of the attendants as a rule participated in all kinds
of the mentioned activities. The teachers were involved in the following activities that helped
them to acquire the author’s position. This is both important for children and teaching them
adults personal development.
These types of activities contain such characteristics as general ideas about the material
together with the possession of its specifics, ability to reflection as recognition of that “can or
cannot accept this objective”, orientation for another one as one of the most important
personality characteristics, directly connected with the problem of freedom development, that
determines the level of responsibility for what you do.
Thus, Workshop participants were involved in the following types of activities:
research project;
designing a model with own illustrations of the author “books for kids” for children
according to the chosen topics of the program;
designing own author’s games to acquire separate topics of the programs;
participation as co-authors in writing books according to basic topics of the programs
“World discovery” for adult readers: teachers, parents, etc.;
participation in designing bilingual Russian-Kazakh programs and transition to develop
programs to design education-methodical complexes for Russian and Kazakh programs;
participation in preparation and conducting conferences on the topics and programs that
were designed and offered by the attendants themselves;
preparation and issuing a newspaper on the one hand as the total of the work completed
and discovering perspectives;
composing questions to the test or exam on the course “Ways of designing personality-
orientated education”;
conducting such test with the attendants;
individual development of the last part in the notebook “Discover psychology and
discover ourselves;
participation in the work of usual and experimental classes on the lesson plans, games
and disputes, the authors of which they were themselves;
special information work with parents of the children of experimental classes with the
aim to include the volunteers adults in lessons and conferences participation;
work with those attendants of the Institute of advanced teacher training who do not
participate in the work of the Workshop with the aim of approbation of designed games and
scenarios to work with teachers and children of experimental classes.
It is necessary to underline again that education designed according to the principles of the
third higher type for both children and adults is equally real on condition that others are
presented with active position in learning which does not consist of only acquisition of ready
knowledge but directed to the creation of something new produced by themselves.
As for the professional growth of the course attendants it is necessary to point out that the
ability to accept the responsibility for their own activity and its result was developed with them.
Also it is important to point out the growth of positive relationship to himself/herself and people
surrounding them. Attendants were also taught to develop the skill to evaluate the facts critically
and also reveal in them constructive positive moments. Also the growth of professionalism was
proved by the fact that a man always has a wish to improve his activity and widen the borders of
his activities. Determining the area of his own professional interests, building up professional
plans, inner acceptance of objective sense of his own profession and discovering for himself the
sense to work in this area – all this can be observed when an adult is involved in such education
who is initially oriented for the search of the conditions of personality development.
Thus, the practice of designing not only primary but also higher education contains acute
psychological pedagogical problems, one of the possible approaches to solve it was offered in
this paper.
1. Aidarova L.I. Psychological problems of training primary school children the Russian
language. – M.: Pedagogics, 1978. – 144 p.
2. Zimnyaya I.A. Pedagogic psychology: educational aid. – Rostov n/D: Publishing house
“Fenix”, 1997. – 480 p.
3. Klimov Y.A. The basics of psychology: Textbook for universities. – M.: Culture and sport,
UNITY, 1997. – 295 p.
4. Kussainova M.A. Personality- oriented education: history, theory, technology. Educational
aid. Ust-Kamenogorsk: Publishing house of the East-Kazakhstan state university, 2000. –
205 p.
Мақалада болашақ ұстаздардың тұлғаға бағытталған оқытудың психологиялық тәсілдерін
меңгеру жолдары қарастырылған. Сонымен қатар тұлғаға бағытталған оқытудың қысқаша
бағдарламасы берілген.
Статья посвящена работе по личностно-ориентированным программам в различных
образовательных учреждениях, рассматривается психологическая характеристика способов
подготовки педагогов к развертыванию обучения как личностно-ориентированного.
ӘОЖ 37.035
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