Абай Құнанбаев. Өлеңдер. - Алматы: Мектеп, 1987. - 157 б.
Шәкәрім. Өлеңдер мен поэмалар.- Алматы. 1988. – 253 б.
Шәкәрім Құдайбердиев шығармалары. Өлеңдер, дастандар, қара сөздер. - Алматы: 1988. - 559 б.
А.Байтұрсынов. Қазақтың бас ақыны. – Қазақ газеті 1913.-6 б.
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Филология», №1(47), 2014 г.
Dalabayeva A.S.
, KagazbayevZh.A.
KazakhAblai khan University of International Relations and World Languages
E.A.Buketov Karaganda State University
Abstract:Presented article describes linguo-cultural aspect of the words of clothes in English and Kazakh languages. And
how words, which have got national color, can show the history, life of the people, some aspects of traditions. Words were
and are the conductor in history and culture of the people, they open up a broad picture to the researcher, defines the aesthetic
tastes and attitudes of the people.In this paper the words presented clothes of two cultures completely show mentality and
traditional peculiarities of two nations. Also gives the information about worldview of exact nation. The article discusses
lexicon of national dress of the two nation and national features described in this lexicon by linguistic cultural aspect.
Key words:linguoculture, national meaning, lexis of national clothes, jewelleries, linguistic worldview.
Аңдатпа: Берілген мақалада қазақ және ағылшын халықтарының ұлттық киім-кешектің бірнеше лексикасының
лингвомәдени аспектісі қаралады. Сонымен қатар, ұлттық колориті бар сөздердің халықтардың тарихын, өмір
тіршілігін, дәстүрлердің кейбір жақтарын көрсете алатындығы және бұл ақпарат сол халықтың әлем бейнесі туралы
білім алуға болатындығы туралы қаралған. Зерттеушінің алдында үлкен мүмкіндік беретін сөздерді зерттеу
халықтың тарихына және мәдениетіне жолсілтеуші болды да, әрқашан болады. Берілген сөздер екі халықтың
менталитетін және ғұрыптық ерекшеліктерді көрсетеді. Мақалада екі халықтың ұлттық киімдері қарастырылып,
аталмыш лексиканың лингво-мәдени аспектіде ұлттық маңыздылығы сипатталады.
Тірек сөздер: лингвомәдениеттану, ұлттық ұғым, ұлттық киім лексикасы.
Аннотация: Представленная статья описывает лингво-культурный аспект слов одежды и в английском и
казахском языках. И как слова, которые получили национальный колорит, может показать историю, жизнь народа,
некоторые аспекты традиции. Слова были и остаются проводником в историю и культуру народа, они открывают
широкую картину для исследователя, определяет эстетические вкусы людей. В данной работе представлены слова
одежды двух культур которые полностью показывают менталитет и традиционные особенности двух народов.
Также рассматривается о мировоззрении нации. В статье рассматривается лексика нациоальной одежды двух
народов и описывается национальная особенность этой лексики в лингво-культурном аспекте.
Ключевые слова: лингвокульторология, национальное значение, лексика национальной одежды.
According to G. Paul, all phenomena, and everything that affect the human soul: the structure of the body, the
surrounding nature, the culture, the experience and feelings of people impact on language [1]. Features of
cognitive experience specific ethnic group, the features of the material and spiritual culture of the nation embodied
in the units at the lexical level of language.
The process of understanding the world a person can be represented as the modeling process of reality. In this
case, the world is not simply duplicated by symbolic means, and is included in the personal sphere of the person:
the phenomena and objects are evaluated, accepted or rejected by man, it means, people not only explores the
world, but also evaluates from their relevance to meet their needs. But to appreciate the world, "a person must
pass it through himself" [2].
As "the perception and understanding of a world is derived from the historical and cultural life of the person,"
the analysis of the language model, representing the perception of it, makes it possible to "dive" into the world of
values of the two nations. This paper focuses on lexicon which is closely related to the material culture of the
people, their traditions and customs. The material for the study is based on the names of clothes of two nations.
The aim of this article was to understand the role of linguaculture in identifying of two cultures through the
words of clothes. That means we can imagine and know the mentality and culture of the people with the help of
words. Not all the words can describe the culture. All the above make the national clothes as the most important
historical source for the study of the origin of the people, its ethnic and social development of its historical
destiny, its cultural ties, and contacts. A comparison of the various peoples’ clothes gives much opportunity to
study the historical process on a larger scale.
And also jewelry as an art holds a special place in the history of Kazakh and English national culture. It clearly
and incisively reflects the people’s ideals, tastes and the level of their artistic and material values. Jewelleries and
accessories of two nations also determine the level of material culture in the whole of applied arts in particular, at
a certain historical period. Jewellery were not only a luxury of noble estates, they were an expression of the
traditional spiritual sphere, superstitious ideas, opinions related to customs and traditions. And they are tightly
associated with a history and reflect the development of a national culture, which origins go to the depth of
We offer here the definition: “Culture” is a cognitive system, that is a number of statements “descriptive and
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Филология» сериясы, №1(47), 2014 ж.
normative, about nature, man and society, which are more or less included in the interlinked network of
configuration. It is the most important, but not the only source of cognition and schema that has a social worker”
Culture is reflected in language. It is found in the facts, such as the appearance and disappearance of words
marked with their realities, an abundance of special names that reflect the interests of social groups and climatic
Language use through speech events in their ethnographic-communicative settings might seem to put more
emphasis on the study of “language in culture” than of “culture in language”, its main interest is in the link
between language and culture – “how the culture in language puts language into culture”. It is impossible to form
a concept without language, and the emergence of the concept goes through the perception of objects, then this
subjective perception of an object transfer to the formation and using of language as a “word occurs because of
this perception which imprints of the object itself, but it gave rise to the image of the soul” [4].
Language as component of spiritual culture holds a special place, as a necessary means and conditions for the
development and operation of the other components of culture. Language is one of the specific components of any
ethnic culture, it is most clearly manifested "otherness", the difference of different cultures: “Language performs
the function of ethnic characteristic only on the properties of this particular nation”[5]. Language through the
words can show the culture of nation. It means words, household words, especially, clothes words can also
describe the life people and introduce with mentality.
Based on what has been said we want to look at the vocabulary of the two nations. We would like to note that
the vocabulary of traditional clothes and jewelry, not all survived at least in the Kazakh language. But we are
those which are known to this day and have not lost their significance, history, and who can provide information
about the culture of the people.
But can these words give full information to those who are not a member of this nation? What can be found in
the linguistic and cultural aspects of language? In fact, if you do not know the history of traditional clothes, then it
is impossible to know the culture of the people.
In some parts, words contain most valuable information about the features of the material culture of the
Kazakhs in the recent past, the original of the devices of their social life, one way or another connected with the
spiritual values of the people.
In the study and appreciation of costume, it is a general impression of fashion, which reveals the true sense of
the period. Each country adopted the technical ‘know how’ of others to express an improvement of their own
costume. During the eleventh century, clothes did not vary to any great extent in shape or style, merely being
worn in various ways. Tunics were common and were worn by most people, but the fabric and length depended
on the social standing of the wearer – from long, silken tunics from the East for the wealthy to short, homespun
coarse-cloth tunics for the poor.
The fashions of the Anglo-Saxons followed a similar pattern to those of the earlier Roman civilization in
Britain. The upper class Anglo-Saxon ‘thegn’ wore linen shirts and loose, long, leather-belted trousers, eighter
cross-gartered or stuffed into soft leather high boots. Over these was a tunic, generally knee-length and long-
sleeved with a round neck. A super-tunic on top reached just above the knees; this was encircled with a stout
leather belt. The rectangular or semicircular cloak was fastened on the right shoulder by a brooch. The tallish hat
known as a phrygian cap was made from wool or leather, and in wartime was reinforced with iron. Anglo-Saxons
and Normans, close neighbours, adopted many elements of each other’s dress.
Throughout the Middle Ages costume for the ladies of the court became more ornate, due to the influences of
the Eastern materials brought back by the Crusaders. Male costume changed radically at this period, the result of
Italian influences whose styles gained great popularity. But as with all fashion, this was short-lived. In due course
a fashion for women emerged that aimed to cover the body completely. In the sixteenth century, the influence of
the Spanish court fashion was more than merely that of fashionable trends, it also had great political basis[6].
From above we can analyze that English people do not have their own national clothes or costume but Scottish
who are famous for their culture especially for the national clothes, kilts. There is no clearer symbol of Scottish
identity than tartan, particularly when worn in the form of a kilt. Tartan's popularity guarantees its use in a variety
of situations but, attractive as it is, it is its underlying significance as a means of clan or family allegiance that
gives tartan and the Highland garb its real appeal. While perhaps not unique, this identification is given by few
other forms of dress, and certainly not in such a versatile form - the Highland dress can be used for every occasion
from the most formal appearance in front of the monarch to attendance at an international football match, and
from the smartest of ballrooms to walking the hill. Its symbolism is powerful and Neil Armstrong, the first man to
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Филология», №1(47), 2014 г.
walk on the moon, took a piece of his clan tartan with him on his historic journey.
The kilt is now worn by all Scots, Lowlanders and Highlanders alike, although not very long ago the former
recoiled in disgust from what they regarded as a primitive form of dress worn only by those dismissed as
'redshanks' whose naked nether limbs were pinched and red from exposure to the cold weather.
The use of a simple length of material as a garment is, of course, one of the earliest forms of attire; perhaps one
of the earliest instances of it on record in northern Europe is in its adoption at the end of the 11th century by the
Norse King Magnus Barefoot, who is said to have been given his nickname as a result.
It was around this date that it appears the belted plaid, forerunnerof today's kilt, became common wear. It has
been suggested that this I form of dress in fact was that of the Picts (the tribes who inhabited Scotland north of the
borderlands) which was later adopted by the incoming Scots (who came from Ireland). Known as the
'feileadhbreacan' or 'feileadhmor' - the big kilt - it consisted of a width of tartan several yards in length. To dress,
the wearer first set his belt on the ground and laid the plaid lengthwise over it with material below the belt
approximating to the distance from his waist to the upper part of his knee. He would then kneel down and gather
the cloth in pleats until only enough remained unpleated at either end to cover the front of his body.
Certainly the feileadhmor did restrict movement somewhat as evidenced during the clan conflict of Blar-na-
Leine, 'The Field of Shirts', in 1544 between the Clan Donald and the Frasers, so called because both sides threw
off their outer covering and fought to the death in their shirts. At some stage around the middle of the 18th
century, the small kilt emerged and became increasingly popular; sewing in the pleats could save time and a
neater appearance resulted. Intense indignation is caused by the claim that the inventor of what is the kilt of today
was in fact an Englishman named Rawlinson, who was in charge of a Lochaber iron-smelting works. The truth of
the matter, however, will never be known [7].
A major subject of dispute is the antiquity of the practice of using tartan as a means of clan or family
identification. Examples of ancient usage are very few in number but they do exist in two or three known
instances. Apologists for the theory claim that the various thread-counts were recorded in the form of sticks
around which were bound the correct number and sequence of colouredthreads. However, no example of these
pattern sticks has survived. But from another sources although the story by which the tartan kilt has become the
national dress of Scotland is tortuous and myth-laden, and the way in which it is worn can vary from the sublime
to the ridiculous, Highland dress is a powerful symbol of the wearer's pride in a Scottish ancestry and in Scotland
itself. There are few, if any, other forms of national dress, which can claim to make such a clear and unequivocal
statement, and to be so instantly and widely recognizable.
The tradition of wearing jewellery has been around for thousands of years. Archaeologists have been
collecting jewellery found in ancient tombs, and historical sites for hundreds of years.
In Europe, during Medieval Times, the less well-off used copper and pewter to make rings and brooches whilst
the rich had jewellery made from gold and silver.
During the 15th century and into the 16th century pendants became fashionable and enamel was used to depict
biblical scenes. Dragons, mermaids and nymphs also became popular. Woman wore jewellery in their hair and
often strings of pearls were used to wrap around their chignons and braids. Earrings also became popular as hair
was worn up and off the face.
During the Tudor period it became fashionable for ladies to have jewellery which matched their clothes. High
necklines were once again worn by women and so necklaces became larger and longer, to drop over the neckline
and down towards the waist. Bracelets were also popular, and women would wear more than one on their wrists.
Tudor and Jacobean men wore as much jewellery as women, it was said to show off their power and status.
Hats and shoes were adorned with silver and gold and they wore heavy necklaces and thick gold rings.
In the Georgian period mourning jewellery was popular and people would have jewellery pieces made out of
strands of the deceased's hair. Brooches and lockets with pearls representing tears were made and skulls and
skeletons were depicted.
By the time Queen Victoria came to the throne in 1837 jewellery had become more delicate and romantic.
Flowers and hearts were made from gems such as garnets, turquoise and pearls. After the romantic period heavier
jewellery was again popular made from gold and enamel.
Queen Victoria loved jewellery and her choices influenced the popularity of certain pieces. When King Albert
died she started to wear dark jewellery, mostly made out of Jet and many British women followed suit.
During the 19th century Flowers, fruit and birds were popular and the wealthy wore diamond bracelets and
matching diamond earrings. Gemstones were used for colour and jewellery was worn less and less by men.
Well, about Kazakh people, it is also rich in history and vocabulary under each garment is huge information
about the culture and life of the people of the past. Why is the past? Because today traditional clothes worn only
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Филология» сериясы, №1(47), 2014 ж.
on holidays, on special occasions. For example at the Kazakh people is also a traditional clothes have a history.
The Kazakh ethnic clothes had imbibed the best of Kazakh craftsmen’s art and talent during the centuries.
Obviously, that was a nomadic life style of the Kazakhs that had a great influence on their ethnic clothes. Ethnic
clothes created to be comfortable for riding a horse, warm in winter, cool and light in summer.
The Kazakh curried the ancient traditional materials for making the clothes such as hide, leather, and wool of
domestic animals, thin felt, and woolen cloth. Poor people wore clothes made from the hide of saiga antelope, and
headwear made from the fur of fox, otter, and other fur-bearing animals. Wealthy people wore clothes made from
imported silk, brocade, and velvet. Cotton was used extensively as well.
Men wore the light gaping open clothes, the middle length camisoles, over the shirt. The camisoles were made
from the sole-color and dark-color cloths; striped and many-colored cloths were used rarely. There was a textile
backing heated with a thin layer of wool [8].
One of the main pieces of clothing of the Kazakh was Shapan. It is a wide long dressing gown. Shapan was
made from the various cloths – light, thick, color, but mostly sole-color and dark-color. The backing was heated
with a layer of wool or cotton. A ceremony shapan was made from velvet and decorated with cut outs, tassels, and
golden embroidery. This kind of dressing gown was a part of the very wealthy Kazakhs’ wardrobe. It is of interest
that formerly Kazakh men shaved their heads and wore headwear regularly.
Takiya was a circle-shaped textile headwear and essential for wearing. It was wide spread among Kazakhs
and was sewed from two main parts, which are a cylindrical short cap-band and a top. Usually Takiya was made
from satin, while festive one was made from velvet and decorated with color stitching, embroidery, gold and
Borik was a regular headwear worn in any seasons. It was made on a felt base covered with cloth. Its lap was
bordered with fur.
Tymak was a creatively different headwear worn in winter. Tymak was essential for those people, who were
to stay at the open air under the conditions of a rough weather for a long time. It protects a head and a neck
reliably regarding its form. Tymak consists of a crown and four big strips, made from a felted fabric and covered
with cloth. The headwear strips were bordered with fur [8].
We presented only some lexis of clothes and these words can help to look back and understand the culture,
thinking of people. So words which are given above introduced to protect man from unwanted exposure to
environmental heat or cold, snow, rain, wind, and it provides a great extent its existence. And we should
remember that Kazakh people were nomads. In the earliest times, everyone in a particular tribe would wear
clothes that defined his social status. Clothes and even hairstyles reflected this same conception. Traditional
clothes provide considerable information about the work of a society and no matter they were wealthy or poor
Today people wear traditional clothes only on ethnic holidays. And someone wear clothes that are designed
with some elements of Kazakh traditional clothes. To wear real headwear from the same exactly cloths are not
cheap. With the passing time, a wide variety in forms of clothes emerged. These differences were the result of
social and economic structure, the materials available, and climate.
We presented only some lexis of clothes and these words can help to look back and understand the culture,
thinking of people. So words which are given above introduced to protect man from unwanted exposure to
environmental heat or cold, snow, rain, wind, and it provides a great extent its existence. And we should
remember that Kazakh people were nomads. In the earliest times, everyone in a particular tribe would wear
clothes that defined his social status. Clothes and even hairstyles reflected this same conception. Traditional
clothes provide considerable information about the work of a society and no matter they were wealthy or poor
Today people wear traditional clothes only on ethnic holidays. And someone wear clothes that are designed
with some elements of Kazakh traditional clothes. To wear real headwear from the same exactly cloths are not
cheap. With the passing time, a wide variety in forms of clothes emerged. These differences were the result of
social and economic structure, the materials available, and climate.
Clothes especially traditional are not something static, frozen. They formed historically for centuries and
evolved continuously in all the way of the existence of the people. In the development of folk clothes affected as
changes in living way of people, their social structure, and the conditions of existence of each ethno-social groups.
In the words the nominative units stored some knowledge of human reality, sufficient to identify the words
referred to the real and ideal self. Traditional clothes and jewellery synthesize material and the spiritual, reflecting
elements of the history of the people, the major ethnic and cultural stereotypes, ethnic contacts, and religious
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Филология», №1(47), 2014 г.
affiliation. “Clothes are very important to evolution and perhaps the most important sign by which we can judge
the habits, customs and way of life of every person,”- said the great Oscar Wilde [10].
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